I have the next function using firebase in an JavaScript app. The query works fine the first time because lastDoc isn't defined so it gets the first 7 documents in the database, but the next time when there's a lastDoc, the query keeps returning the same first 7 docs. The lastDoc variable is updated and indeed gets the value of the next doc.
const getPosts = async ({loadMore=false, lastDoc}: { loadMore: boolean, lastDoc?: any}) => {
let col = collection(db, "posts");
let q = query(col,
orderBy("updateDate", "desc"),
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(q);
let newLastDoc = querySnapshot.docs[querySnapshot.size-1];
let posts = querySnapshot.docs.map(doc => {
if(doc.data().inactive == false || !doc.data().inactive) return {...doc.data(), id: doc.id}
else return null
}).filter((post: any) => post !== null);
return {posts, lastDoc: newLastDoc};
The first time the lastDoc is undefined, and returns docs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
The second time the lastDoc is:
_firestore: {...},
_userDataWriter: {...},
_key: {...},
_document: {..., data: {DATA_FROM_THE_7th_DOC}},
_converter: null
, and keeps returning docs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
Why isn't it working?
In the legacy version of the JavaScript SDK, startAfter was defined as:
Query<T>#startAfter(...fieldValues: any[]): Query<T>;
Query<T>#startAfter(snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<any>): Query<T>;
In the modern JavaScript SDK, startAfter is defined as:
function startAfter(...fieldValues: unknown[]): QueryStartAtConstraint;
function startAfter(snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<any>): QueryStartAtConstraint;
This means that your code should be functioning as expected. HOWEVER, based on the provided project code from the comments, this is for an Express API, not client-side JavaScript.
Your query isn't working as expected because lastDoc is not a true DocumentSnapshot object at all and is instead a JavaScript version of it churned out by res.json(). Instead of returning a mangled DocumentSnapshot object to the client, we should instead just send back the data we need to pass as the startAfter arguments. In our case, we'll send back just the updateDate parameter inside of lastDocData:
return {
lastDocData: {
updateDate: newLastDoc.get("updateDate")
Then when the data comes back to the API, we'll pass it to startAfter:
startAfter(lastDocData.updateDate)) // Assumes lastDocData is { updateDate: number }
While reviewing methods/getPosts.ts, I noticed lines similar to the following:
let q = !loadMore
? category && category !== "TODOS"
? query(
where("school", "==", school?.code),
where("category", "==", category),
where("inactive", "==", false),
orderBy("updateDate", "desc"),
: query(
where("school", "==", school.code),
where("inactive", "==", false),
orderBy("updateDate", "desc"),
: category && category === "TODOS" // note: condition does not match above
? query(
where("school", "==", school?.code),
where("inactive", "==", false),
orderBy("updateDate", "desc"),
: query(
where("school", "==", school.code),
where("category", "==", category),
where("inactive", "==", false),
orderBy("updateDate", "desc"),
Because query takes a variable number of arguments, you can use the spread operator (...) to optionally include some arguments. As a simplified example:
let includeC = false,
result = [];
...(includeC ? ['c'] : []),
console.log(result); // => ['a', 'b', 'd']
includeC = true;
result = [];
...(includeC ? ['c'] : []),
console.log(result); // => ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
This allows you to use the following query builder instead:
const q = query(
...(school?.code ? [where("school", "==", school.code)] : []), // include school code filter, only if provided
...(category && category !== "TODOS" ? [where("category", "==", category)] : []), // include category filter, only if provided and not "TODOS"
where("inactive", "==", false),
orderBy("updateDate", "desc"),
...(lastDocData?.updateDate ? [startAfter(lastDocData.updateDate)] : []) // Assumes lastDocData is a { updateDate: number }
Bringing this all together gives:
// methods/getPosts.ts
import { School } from '../../types';
import app from '../../firebaseconfig';
import { getFirestore, collection, query, where, getDocs, limit, orderBy, startAfter } from 'firebase/firestore/lite';
const db = getFirestore(app);
const getPosts = ({category, school, dataSavingMode=false, lastDocData}: {category: string, school: School, dataSavingMode: boolean, lastDocData?: { updateDate: number }}) => {
const colRef = collection(db, dataSavingMode ? "dataSavingPosts" "posts");
const q = query(
...(school?.code ? [where("school", "==", school.code)] : []),
...(category && category !== "TODOS" ? [where("category", "==", category)] : []),
where("inactive", "==", false),
orderBy("updateDate", "desc"),
...(lastDocData?.updateDate ? [startAfter(lastDocData.updateDate)] : []),
const querySnap = await getDocs(q),
postDocsArr = querySnap.docs,
lastDoc = postDocsArr[postDocsArr.length - 1],
noMorePosts = postDocsArr.length < 7;
const postDataArr = postDocsArr
.filter(docSnap => !docSnap.get("inactive")) // shouldn't be needed with above filter
.map(docSnap => ({ ...docSnap.data(), id: docSnap.id }));
return {
posts: postDataArr,
lastDocData: { updateDate: lastDoc.get("updateDate") }
export default getPosts;
// routes/getPosts.ts
import express from 'express';
import { School } from '../../types';
const router = express.Router();
// Methods
import getPosts from '../methods/getPosts';
router.post('/', async (req, res) => {
const reqBody: {
school: School,
category: string,
lastDocData?: any,
dataSavingMode?: boolean
} = req.body;
const {posts, lastDocData, noMorePosts} = await getPosts({
category: reqBody.category,
school: reqBody.school,
dataSavingMode: reqBody.dataSavingMode,
lastDocData: reqBody.lastDocData
res.json({posts, lastDocData, noMorePosts});
export default router;
I am trying to implement the nested query with Firestore in Cloud Functions but stumbled upon issues with reading values in a for loop. Are there ways to adjust the following code so I could do some operations after reading all records from a collection?
const firestore = admin.firestore();
const today = new Date();
const snap = await firestore
.where('endDate', '<', today)
const userIds = [...new Set(snap.docs.map((doc: any) => doc.data().owner))];
const updatePromises = snap.docs.map((d: any) => {
return d.ref.update({
isPaid: false,
isActive: false
await Promise.all(updatePromises);
const userCol = firestore.collection('users');
const userDocs = await Promise.all(userIds.map(uid => userCol.doc(uid).get()));
const userData = userDocs.reduce((acc, doc) => ({
[doc.id]: doc.data()
}), {})
snap.docs.forEach((l: any) => {
const ownerData = userData[l.owner];
const { email, displayName } = ownerData;
console.log(email, displayName);
const message = {
// Some values
return sendGrid.send(message);
return null;
{ owner: '<firebaseUid'>, address: 'Royal Cr. Road 234' }
{ email: 'asdfa#afsdf.com' }
<firebase_uid>: {
displayName: '',
email: '',
phoneNumber: ''
The userIds.push(owner); will keep adding duplicate values in that array and if a single user is owner of multiple locations, you'll end up querying same data multiple times. If you are trying to read owner's data along with a location, then try refactoring the code as shown below:
const firestore = admin.firestore();
const today = new Date();
const snap = await firestore
.where('isActive', '==', true)
const userIds = [...new Set(snap.docs.map(doc => doc.data().owner))];
const updatePromises = snap.docs.map((d) => {
return d.ref.update({
isPaid: false,
isActive: false
// update documents
await Promise.all(updatePromises);
const userCol = firestore.collection("users")
const userDocs = await Promise.all(userIds.map(uid => userCol.doc(uid).get()))
const userData = userDocs.reduce((acc, doc) => ({
[doc.id]: doc.data()
}), {})
// To get data of a location's owner
// console.log(userData[ownerId])
snap.docs.forEach((l) => {
const ownerData = userData[l.owner]
// run more logic for each user
return null;
For example I have dynamic filter for my list of books where I can set specific color, authors and categories.
This filter can set multiple colors at once and multiple categories.
Book > Red, Blue > Adventure, Detective.
How can I add "where" conditionally?
.where("category", "==", )
.where("color", "==", )
.where("author", "==", )
.then(querySnapshot => {...
As you can see in the API docs, the collection() method returns a CollectionReference. CollectionReference extends Query, and Query objects are immutable. Query.where() and Query.orderBy() return new Query objects that add operations on top of the original Query (which remains unmodified). You will have to write code to remember these new Query objects so you can continue to chain calls with them. So, you can rewrite your code like this:
var query = firebase.firestore().collection("book")
query = query.where(...)
query = query.where(...)
query = query.where(...)
query = query.orderBy(...)
Now you can put in conditionals to figure out which filters you want to apply at each stage. Just reassign query with each newly added filter.
if (some_condition) {
query = query.where(...)
Firebase Version 9
The docs do not cover this but here is how to add conditional where clauses to a query
import { collection, query, where } from 'firebase/firestore'
const queryConstraints = []
if (group != null) queryConstraints.push(where('group', '==', group))
if (pro != null) queryConstraints.push(where('pro', '==', pro))
const q = query(collection(db, 'videos'), ...queryConstraints)
The source of this answer is a bit of intuitive guesswork and help from my best friend J-E^S^-U-S
With Firebase Version 9 (Jan, 2022 Update):
You can filter data with multiple where clauses:
import { query, collection, where, getDocs } from "firebase/firestore";
const q = query(
collection(db, "products"),
where("category", "==", "Computer"),
where("types", "array-contains", ['Laptop', 'Lenovo', 'Intel']),
where("price", "<=", 1000),
const docsSnap = await getDocs(q);
docsSnap.forEach((doc) => {
In addition to #Doug Stevenson answer. When you have more than one where it is necessary to make it more dynamic as in my case.
function readDocuments(collection, options = {}) {
let {where, orderBy, limit} = options;
let query = firebase.firestore().collection(collection);
if (where) {
if (where[0] instanceof Array) {
// It's an array of array
for (let w of where) {
query = query.where(...w);
} else {
query = query.where(...where);
if (orderBy) {
query = query.orderBy(...orderBy);
if (limit) {
query = query.limit(limit);
return query
// Usage
// Multiple where
let options = {where: [["category", "==", "someCategory"], ["color", "==", "red"], ["author", "==", "Sam"]], orderBy: ["date", "desc"]};
// A single where
let options = {where: ["category", "==", "someCategory"]};
let documents = readDocuments("books", options);
Note that a multiple WHERE clause is inherently an AND operation.
If you're using angular fire, you can just use reduce like so:
const students = [studentID, studentID2,...];
(ref: any) => students.reduce(
(r: any, student: any) => r.where(`students.${student}`, '==', true)
, ref)
).valueChanges({ idField: 'id' });
This is an example of multiple tags...
You could easily change this for any non-angular framework.
For OR queries (which can't be done with multiple where clauses), see here.
For example, there's an array look like this
const conditionList = [
key: 'anyField',
operator: '==',
value: 'any value',
key: 'anyField',
operator: '>',
value: 'any value',
key: 'anyField',
operator: '<',
value: 'any value',
key: 'anyField',
operator: '==',
value: 'any value',
key: 'anyField',
operator: '==',
value: 'any value',
Then you can just put the collection which one you want to set query's conditions into this funcion.
function* multipleWhere(
conditions = [{ field: '[doc].[field name]', operator: '==', value: '[any value]' }],
) {
const pop = conditions.pop()
if (pop) {
yield* multipleWhere(
collection.where(pop.key, pop.operator, pop.value),
yield collection
You will get the collection set query's conditions.
async yourFunction(){
const Ref0 = firebase.firestore().collection("your_collection").doc(doc.id)
const Ref1 = appointmentsRef.where('val1', '==',condition1).get();
const Ref2 = appointmentsRef.where("val2", "!=", condition2).get()
const [snapshot_val1, snapshot_val2] = await Promise.all([Ref1, Ref2]);
const val1_Array = snapshot_val1.docs;
const val2_Array = snapshot_val2.docs;
const globale_val_Array = val1_Array .concat(val2_Array );
return globale_val_Array ;
/*Call you function*/
this.checkCurrentAppointment().then(docSnapshot=> {
docSnapshot.forEach(doc=> {
console.log("Your data with multiple code query:", doc.data());
As CollectionRef does not have query method in firebase web version 9,
I modified #abk's answer.
async getQueryResult(path, options = {}) {
/* Example
options = {
where: [
["isPublic", "==", true],
["isDeleted", "==", false]
orderBy: [
["title", "desc"]
limit: 30
try {
let { where, orderBy, limit } = options;
let collectionRef = collection(<firestore>, path);
let queryConstraints = [];
if (where) {
where = where.map((w) => firestore.where(...w));
queryConstraints = [...queryConstraints, ...where];
if (orderBy) {
orderBy = orderBy.map((o) => firestore.orderBy(...o));
queryConstraints = [...queryConstraints, ...orderBy];
if (limit) {
limit = firestore.limit(limit);
queryConstraints = [...queryConstraints, limit];
const query = firestore.query(collectionRef, ...queryConstraints);
const querySnapshot = await firestore.getDocs(query);
const docList = querySnapshot.docs.map((doc) => {
const data = doc.data();
return {
id: doc.id,
return docList;
} catch (error) {
Simple function where you can specify the path and an array of filters that you can pass and get you documents, hope it helps.
async function filterDoc(path, filters) {
if (!path) return [];
//define the collection path
let q = db.collection(path);
//check if there are any filters and add them to the query
if (filters.length > 0) {
filters.forEach((filter) => {
q = q.where(filter.field, filter.operator, filter.value);
//get the documents
const snapshot = await q.get();
//loop through the documents
const data = snapshot.docs.map((doc) => doc.data());
//return the data
return data;
//call the function
const data = await filterDoc(
field: "status",
operator: "==",
value: "active",
field: "parent_id",
operator: "==",
value: "kSKpUc3xnKjtpyx8cMJC",
Hi I'm currently blocked because I can't get all records from a collection with references values.
I would like to get all records from collection events (it works) but when I wanna merge the category information associated with categoryId my code doesn't work anymore.
Events collection
Categories collection
export const getEventsRequest = async () => {
const output = [];
const data = await firebase.firestore().collection('events').get();
data.forEach(async (doc) => {
const {
} = doc.data();
const { name: categoryName, color } = (
await firebase.firestore().collection('categories').doc(categoryId).get()
category: { name: categoryName, color },
return output;
Example testing in a React Native project
const [events, setEvents] = useState([]);
const [isEventsLoading, setIsEventsLoading] = useState(false);
const getEvents = async () => {
try {
const evts = await getEventsRequest();
} catch (e) {
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
console.log('events', events);
events Array []
events Array [
name : "blabla",
address: "blabla",
city: "blabla",
duration: 60,
level: "hard",
startDate: "13/04/2021",
maxPeople: 7,
category: {
name: "Football",
color: "#fff"
// ...
I don't know if there is a simpler method to retrieve this kind of data (for example there is populate method on mongo DB).
Thank you in advance for your answers.
When you use CollectionReference#get, it returns a Promise containing a QuerySnapshot object. The forEach method on this class is not Promise/async-compatible which is why your code stops working as you expect.
What you can do, is use QuerySnapshot#docs to get an array of the documents in the collection, then create a Promise-returning function that processes each document and then use it with Promise.all to return the array of processed documents.
In it's simplest form, it would look like this:
async function getDocuments() {
const querySnapshot = await firebase.firestore()
const promiseArray = querySnapshot.docs
.map(async (doc) => {
/* do some async work */
return doc.data();
return Promise.all(promiseArray);
Applying it to your code gives:
export const getEventsRequest = async () => {
const querySnapshot = await firebase.firestore()
const dataPromiseArray = querySnapshot.docs
.map(async (doc) => {
const {
} = doc.data();
const { name: categoryName, color } = (
await firebase.firestore().collection('categories').doc(categoryId).get()
return {
category: { name: categoryName, color },
// wait for each promise to complete, returning the output data array
return Promise.all(dataPromiseArray);
I have this code I have implemented, where I am fetching data. The code loops through the current users followers and grabs there information and it is all stored in state for me to use further in to the code.
The code gets messy, and I feel not efficient when I check whether the current user is following his follower. I check this by checking if the follower exists in the current users following directory.
Here is the code below:
// Following counts, displayname, image
const fetchData = useCallback(() => {
const dataRef = firestore().collection('usernames');
.onSnapshot((snapshot) => {
// let items;
let promises = [];
// For each follower :
snapshot.forEach((doc) => {
const data = doc.data();
.then((docSnapshot) => {
// If user is following this follower
return {
profileName: doc.id ? doc.id : null,
displayName: data.displayName ? data.displayName : null,
data.followers !== undefined ? data.followers : 0,
data.following !== undefined ? data.following : 0,
imageUrl: data.imageUrl ? data.imageUrl : null,
isFollowing: docSnapshot.exists ? true : false,
Promise.all(promises).then((res) => setfollowersData(res));
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
const dataRef = firestore().collection('usernames');
const cleanup = dataRef
return cleanup;
}, [username, fetchData]);
For example I have dynamic filter for my list of books where I can set specific color, authors and categories.
This filter can set multiple colors at once and multiple categories.
Book > Red, Blue > Adventure, Detective.
How can I add "where" conditionally?
.where("category", "==", )
.where("color", "==", )
.where("author", "==", )
.then(querySnapshot => {...
As you can see in the API docs, the collection() method returns a CollectionReference. CollectionReference extends Query, and Query objects are immutable. Query.where() and Query.orderBy() return new Query objects that add operations on top of the original Query (which remains unmodified). You will have to write code to remember these new Query objects so you can continue to chain calls with them. So, you can rewrite your code like this:
var query = firebase.firestore().collection("book")
query = query.where(...)
query = query.where(...)
query = query.where(...)
query = query.orderBy(...)
Now you can put in conditionals to figure out which filters you want to apply at each stage. Just reassign query with each newly added filter.
if (some_condition) {
query = query.where(...)
Firebase Version 9
The docs do not cover this but here is how to add conditional where clauses to a query
import { collection, query, where } from 'firebase/firestore'
const queryConstraints = []
if (group != null) queryConstraints.push(where('group', '==', group))
if (pro != null) queryConstraints.push(where('pro', '==', pro))
const q = query(collection(db, 'videos'), ...queryConstraints)
The source of this answer is a bit of intuitive guesswork and help from my best friend J-E^S^-U-S
With Firebase Version 9 (Jan, 2022 Update):
You can filter data with multiple where clauses:
import { query, collection, where, getDocs } from "firebase/firestore";
const q = query(
collection(db, "products"),
where("category", "==", "Computer"),
where("types", "array-contains", ['Laptop', 'Lenovo', 'Intel']),
where("price", "<=", 1000),
const docsSnap = await getDocs(q);
docsSnap.forEach((doc) => {
In addition to #Doug Stevenson answer. When you have more than one where it is necessary to make it more dynamic as in my case.
function readDocuments(collection, options = {}) {
let {where, orderBy, limit} = options;
let query = firebase.firestore().collection(collection);
if (where) {
if (where[0] instanceof Array) {
// It's an array of array
for (let w of where) {
query = query.where(...w);
} else {
query = query.where(...where);
if (orderBy) {
query = query.orderBy(...orderBy);
if (limit) {
query = query.limit(limit);
return query
// Usage
// Multiple where
let options = {where: [["category", "==", "someCategory"], ["color", "==", "red"], ["author", "==", "Sam"]], orderBy: ["date", "desc"]};
// A single where
let options = {where: ["category", "==", "someCategory"]};
let documents = readDocuments("books", options);
Note that a multiple WHERE clause is inherently an AND operation.
If you're using angular fire, you can just use reduce like so:
const students = [studentID, studentID2,...];
(ref: any) => students.reduce(
(r: any, student: any) => r.where(`students.${student}`, '==', true)
, ref)
).valueChanges({ idField: 'id' });
This is an example of multiple tags...
You could easily change this for any non-angular framework.
For OR queries (which can't be done with multiple where clauses), see here.
For example, there's an array look like this
const conditionList = [
key: 'anyField',
operator: '==',
value: 'any value',
key: 'anyField',
operator: '>',
value: 'any value',
key: 'anyField',
operator: '<',
value: 'any value',
key: 'anyField',
operator: '==',
value: 'any value',
key: 'anyField',
operator: '==',
value: 'any value',
Then you can just put the collection which one you want to set query's conditions into this funcion.
function* multipleWhere(
conditions = [{ field: '[doc].[field name]', operator: '==', value: '[any value]' }],
) {
const pop = conditions.pop()
if (pop) {
yield* multipleWhere(
collection.where(pop.key, pop.operator, pop.value),
yield collection
You will get the collection set query's conditions.
async yourFunction(){
const Ref0 = firebase.firestore().collection("your_collection").doc(doc.id)
const Ref1 = appointmentsRef.where('val1', '==',condition1).get();
const Ref2 = appointmentsRef.where("val2", "!=", condition2).get()
const [snapshot_val1, snapshot_val2] = await Promise.all([Ref1, Ref2]);
const val1_Array = snapshot_val1.docs;
const val2_Array = snapshot_val2.docs;
const globale_val_Array = val1_Array .concat(val2_Array );
return globale_val_Array ;
/*Call you function*/
this.checkCurrentAppointment().then(docSnapshot=> {
docSnapshot.forEach(doc=> {
console.log("Your data with multiple code query:", doc.data());
As CollectionRef does not have query method in firebase web version 9,
I modified #abk's answer.
async getQueryResult(path, options = {}) {
/* Example
options = {
where: [
["isPublic", "==", true],
["isDeleted", "==", false]
orderBy: [
["title", "desc"]
limit: 30
try {
let { where, orderBy, limit } = options;
let collectionRef = collection(<firestore>, path);
let queryConstraints = [];
if (where) {
where = where.map((w) => firestore.where(...w));
queryConstraints = [...queryConstraints, ...where];
if (orderBy) {
orderBy = orderBy.map((o) => firestore.orderBy(...o));
queryConstraints = [...queryConstraints, ...orderBy];
if (limit) {
limit = firestore.limit(limit);
queryConstraints = [...queryConstraints, limit];
const query = firestore.query(collectionRef, ...queryConstraints);
const querySnapshot = await firestore.getDocs(query);
const docList = querySnapshot.docs.map((doc) => {
const data = doc.data();
return {
id: doc.id,
return docList;
} catch (error) {
Simple function where you can specify the path and an array of filters that you can pass and get you documents, hope it helps.
async function filterDoc(path, filters) {
if (!path) return [];
//define the collection path
let q = db.collection(path);
//check if there are any filters and add them to the query
if (filters.length > 0) {
filters.forEach((filter) => {
q = q.where(filter.field, filter.operator, filter.value);
//get the documents
const snapshot = await q.get();
//loop through the documents
const data = snapshot.docs.map((doc) => doc.data());
//return the data
return data;
//call the function
const data = await filterDoc(
field: "status",
operator: "==",
value: "active",
field: "parent_id",
operator: "==",
value: "kSKpUc3xnKjtpyx8cMJC",