I use this third party dependency in my javascript project
I can't find a way - how to download version 2.0.943 version from this dependency
How can I do that
To download a specific release from GitHub, you can do the following:
Go to the GitHub repository where the release is located.
Click on the "Releases" tab, which is usually located at the top of the page.
Find the release you want to download and click on it.
Click on the "Assets" tab.
Click on the download button next to the file you want to download.
Alternatively, you can also download the release by its tag name using git command :
git clone https://github.com/OWNER/REPO.git
git checkout tags/TAG_NAME
Replace OWNER,REPO,TAG_NAME with the actual repository information, and that's it! The release should now be downloaded to your computer.
Im new to programming as well as Git.
When opening a Git repository in Visual Studio Code that I created myself I've noticed my source control panel telling me that there is above 10k changes made, its in User/Gitfolder (MAC M1). Im the only one in this repository and haven't made any changes to it. What may be the problem?
When opening VSC I get a small warning window with the text "The git repository at '/Users/username' has too many active changes, only a subset of Git features will be enabled"
By some reasons git is tracking the files in your /user/username folder. In your file explorer enter in to '/Users/username' folder. From the view option in window ribon bar check 'hidden item' option. when all hidden items appears delete the .git folder.
[%WSL UBUNTU] Happened to me. I think when you opened your project in VS Code, you were in the root directory instead of a project folder further down your file system tree, so what you are seeing are the installations from your root folder being included in your VS Code workspace.
[If you need to rearrange your file system folders or create a projects folder, type 'explorer.exe .' in your linux terminal]
I would close VS Code instance, open your Linux Terminal and navigate to your projects folder: cd /home/'user name'/projects. Then type 'code .'
A new VS Code workspace will open in the right directory and the git will not include those root repositories
I ran into this issue just recently. It solved itself once I initialized the project folder as a git repository with the git init.
If it was already initialized make sure you are in the correct project folder and if you are then display the hidden files and delete the .git folder.
I am quite new to developing plugins for Office. I am hitting a brick wall and would really appreciate some help:
When I side-load my plugin, the plugin loads for the first time, but then it is stuck and any changes I make don't register, and Word doesn't load the new updates from the updated functions.js
If I delete (move) the manifest file, the plugin still appears in Word; where is this stored, and how can I get rid of it?
When I put debug flags in my code to do console.log ... where does this actually output to ? My functions are all set to buttons on the toolbar and I don't use the home.html to open a taskpane.
The add-in is cached by Office. To remove the cached data delete the content of the folder %localappdata%\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Wef
If you have npx installed you can remove add-ins via npx office-toolbox remove
install npx using npm install -g npx
I am using bokeh to generate a plot and save to a disk and then show it on the browser. A new page will open in the browser and then nothing is display on the screen except the title of that page.
Here is the code I wrote:
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file
p = figure(title="Basic Title", plot_width=300, plot_height=300)
p.circle([1,2], [3,4])
You are evidently running of Bokeh installed from GitHub source. In this case you must use "inline" resources. CDN resources are only published for full releases, release candidates, and "dev" builds. We do not publish CDN resources for every commit, so there will never be versions like dev13+2.<hash>.min.js available on CDN.
An easy way to use inline resources is to set the BOKEH_RESOURCES environment variable:
BOKEH_RESOURCES=inline python myscript.py
Of course the other alternative is to install a real release instead of installing from source.
As Chrome developer console mentions, your test.html file fails at fetching resources (Bokeh CSS and JS files). The version of Bokeh you use is probably the culprit here.
Try reinstalling Bokeh with pip install bokeh and it should work.
Otherwise, if you don't want or cannot reinstall it, you can manually edit your HTML file so that it points to the correct resources:
https://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-0.12.5.min.css for the CSS
https://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-0.12.5.min.js for the JS
I've been doing some googling but I can't seem to find the code to install a custom extension just like it would on the Chrome store. I have my own link that links to a .crx file on my Dropbox. How would I be able to install that .crx file through html or JavaScript code?
You will need to upload your extension to the Chrome Web Store. This step is not optional; since January 2014, Google Chrome has not supported installs of extensions from any other location. (This means that you cannot use Dropbox to host your extension. No, there is no way around this. Malware authors have abused every other installation method that was made available.)
Once you have done so, you can direct users to your extension's download page on the Chrome Web Store to install your extension, or use inline installation to prompt them to install it directly from your web site.
I need to update cordova.js in order to have issue CB-7868 fixed on a Cordova project of mine.
I ran all commands stated in this post but I can't get cordova.js updated.
My Cordova project is for the Android platform.
You have to manually update NPM package with fix, or wait for next tools release (later then Nov 13)
If you will wait for next release then you should run cordova platform update android
If you want to one-time patch then you have to replace content of platforms/android/assets/www/cordova.js with your patched version, or modify that file according to your needs.
If you want to permanently have manually patch then you have to do following steps.
a) Open cordova NPM package where it is stored by NPM.
On Windows:
On Linux
b) Inside that you will see specific version of Cordova, 3.7.1 for example.
c) Inside that folder package.tgz, unpack it content to another folder, let's use ~/cordova-js-modified for reference.
d) Modify file package/cordova.js according to your needs and save.
e) Repack content of ~/cordova-js-modified to package.tgz and place it again in the 3.7.1 folder.
f) Now you will have modified version which will be applied each time you run cordova commands.
I ended up doing as follows
copy platforms/android/assets/www/cordova.js to www/cordova.patched.js;
edit www/cordova.patched.js to replace clobber function with the updated one from cordova-js#3.7.2;
edit www/index.html to link cordova.patched.js instead of cordova.js;
run cordova prepare android.
I also put a console.warn to remember I'm using a patched version of cordova.js.