How to set up a collider in threejs - javascript

Is there any way to set up a collider on a 3D model like this one spit out by glb to use physics in Three.js?
I couldn't find a way to set up a collider in the Threejs documentation, so I tried using Rapier, but it didn't allow me to set up the collider according to the shape of the 3D model I wanted.


Exporting Textures with Offsets to GLTF from Three.js Scene

I had a question about exporting to obj and mtl but discovered that I could export from three.js using GLTFExporter.js and had success getting the geometry and texture out of three.js from that.
The issue I'm having with the GLTF Exporter is that I have textures that have offset and repeat settings that seem to not be exported from three.js when I open the file in Blender. In Blender the whole texture takes up the MeshPlane that used to only have a small part of the texture showing in Three.js scene.
Might anyone know what I could add to the GLTF Exporter to be able to record and keep the repeat and offset texture settings?
Many Thanks :)
I've hit this myself.. and as far as I know, the answer is No.
Offset and Repeat are THREE.js specific features. Some other libraries have equivalents.. some engines use direct texture matrix manipulation to achieve the same effect.
One workaround is to modify your models UV coordinates before exporting to reflect the settings of texture.offset and texture.repeat.
You would basically multiply each vertex UV by the texture.repeat, and then add texture.offset. That would effectively "bake" those parameters into the model UV's, but then would require you to reset .repeat and .offset back to 1,1 and 0,0 respectively, in order to render the model correctly again in THREE.js.
Here's a slightly relevant thread from the GLTF working group:

Three.js How to make Object3D looks at near of view frustum not a point or render like sprite?

I'm a newbie about 3D programming.
I'm trying to use three.js and Spine to render 2D-Characters on 3D-Space.
And I want to render Mesh as Sprite.
It means objects look at near view with parallel always not a camera's point with lookAt() function.
Spine has SkeletonMesh which is inherited by Mesh.
So It shows like 3D Objects even if it has only one face.
Is there any simple way?
or please advice mathematical method.
If you want an object face the camera, but look in a direction that is parallel to the look direction of the camera, you can use this pattern:
object.quaternion.copy( camera.quaternion );
You can't assign the quaternion, you must copy it every frame in the animation loop -- or at least when the camera changes its orientation.
This approach is an alternative to using
object.lookAt( camera.position );
three.js r.84

threejs (r72) point cloud movement

I'm working with the most recent r72 of THREEJS, and am trying to accomplish some effects that I used to do with pointclouds, which has now been replaced with the Points object.
I've set up a codepen - both orbs are made by creating a geometry and pushing Vector3's to them.
I'd like to have individual points in the points object move at different velocities/directions, which was previously accomplished easily by setting something like
particle.velocity.y = 20
Which now seems to have no effect.
The orb on the left uses a BufferGeometry with a ShaderMaterial
The orb on the right uses a Geometry with a PointsMaterial
How can I set velocities on individual points so I can have them orbit around the radius instead of just rotating the parent Points object?
I'd like to accomplish this with a regular Geometry if possible, since I'd like finer control of moving the vertices individually. Provided examples of both just in case it's only feasible with one version.

Changing geometry/material of mesh with distance

I'm making a game with three.js in which an mesh will be rendered in greater detail as the player gets closer (i.e different geometry and material). This seems like it would be a common requirement in open world type games, and I was wondering what standard procedure is in three.js
It looks like changing the geometry of a mesh is quite computationally costly, so should I just store a different mesh for each distance, or is there an existing data structure for this purpose?
You want to use level-of-detail (LOD) modeling.
There is an example of that in the following three.js example:
In the example, press the 'W/S' keys to see the effect.
three.js r.62

Background with three.js

Can anybody help me with three.js?
I need to draw background, something, like a THREE.Sprite, but it neet to be UNDER any 3d object, that will draw later. I have a camera, that can be move only on Z axis.
I tryed to use:
cube mapping shader - PROBLEM: artefacts with shadow planes, it's unstable draw
THREE.Sprite that dublicate camera moving - PROBLEM: artefacts with shadow plane - it have a edge highlighting OR drawing only other spirtes without objects.
HTML DOM Background - PROBLEM: big and ugly aliasing in models.
What can I try more? Thanks!
You could maybe try drawing in several passes, i.e. making a first render of the background scene to a buffer, and then a second one over the first "buffer". Maybe using the buffer as background (painting it in 2D with an orthographic projection, and disabling depth buffer writes in that pass).
I haven't tried it myself with three.js, but that's how I'd do that with "traditional" OpenGL.
If you want a "3d" background i.e. something that will follow the rotation of your camera, but not react to the movement (be infinitely far), then the only way to do it is with a cubemap.
The other solution is a environment dome - a fully 3d object.
If you want a static background, then you should be able todo just a html background, i'm not sure why this would fail and what 'aliasing in models' you are talking about.
