I have this script that uses the blogger feed to pull the content.
It pulls text and image from the article.
It would be perfect if the Alt and Title tags were added to the images, does anyone have any idea how to do this?
<div id="feed-list-container">
<div style="clear:both;">
div[data-tag=''] {float: left;
positon: relative;
width: 26%;
background-color: #9cb5c2;
<script type='text/javascript'>
var multiFeed = {
feedsUri: [
name: "Terror",
url: "https://elfenliedbrazil.blogspot.com/",
tag: "Terror"
numPost: 18,
showThumbnail: true,
showSummary: true,
summaryLength: 200,
thumbSize: 200,
containerId: "feed-list-container",
readMore: {
text: "",
endParam: "?max-results=20"
This is my code so far:
var mf_defaults = {
feedsUri: [{
name: "Posting JQuery",
url: " ",
tag: "JQuery"
}, {
name: "Posting CSS",
url: "",
tag: "CSS"
}, {
name: "Widget-Widget Blogger",
url: " ",
tag: "Widget"
numPost: 4,
showThumbnail: true,
showSummary: true,
summaryLength: 80,
titleLength: "auto",
thumbSize: 200,
thumbWidth: 200, // new setting
thumbHeight: 90, // new setting
newTabLink: false,
containerId: "feed-list-container",
listClass: "list-entries",
readMore: {
text: "More",
endParam: "?max-results=20"
autoHeight: false,
current: 0,
onLoadFeed: function(a) {},
onLoadComplete: function() {},
loadFeed: function(c) {
var d = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],
a = document.getElementById(this.containerId),
b = document.createElement("script");
b.type = "text/javascript";
b.src = this.feedsUri[c].url + "/feeds/posts/summary" + (this.feedsUri[c].tag ? "/-/" + this.feedsUri[c].tag : "") + "?alt=json-in-script&max-results=" + this.numPost + "&callback=listEntries";
for(var i in mf_defaults) {
mf_defaults[i] = (typeof(multiFeed[i]) !== undefined && typeof(multiFeed[i]) !== "undefined") ? multiFeed[i] : mf_defaults[i]
function listEntries(q) {
var p = q.feed.entry,
c = mf_defaults,
h = document.getElementById(c.containerId),
a = document.createElement("div"),
d = "",
l = c.feedsUri.length,
n, k, m, g;
for(var f = 0; f < c.numPost; f++) {
if(f == p.length) {
n = (c.titleLength !== "auto") ? p[f].title.$t.substring(0, c.titleLength) + (c.titleLength < p[f].title.$t.length ? "…" : "") : p[f].title.$t;
m = ("summary" in p[f]) ? p[f].summary.$t.replace(/<br ?\/?>/g, " ").replace(/<.*?>/g, "").replace(/[<>]/g, "") : "";
m = (c.summaryLength < m.length) ? m.substring(0, c.summaryLength) + "…" : m;
g = ("media$thumbnail" in p[f]) ? '<img src="' + p[f].media$thumbnail.url.replace(/\/s72(\-c)?\//, "/w" + c.thumbWidth + "-h" + c.thumbHeight + "-c/") + '" style="width:' + c.thumbWidth + "px;height:" + c.thumbHeight + 'px;">' : '';
for(var e = 0, b = p[f].link.length; e < b; e++) {
k = (p[f].link[e].rel == "alternate") ? p[f].link[e].href : "#"
d += '<div data-tag="'+c.feedsUri[c.current].tag+'" class="post hentry"' + (!c.autoHeight ? ' style="height' + c.thumbHeight + 'px;overflow:hidden; border-width:1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000000; height: 200px"' : "") + ">";
d += '<div class="post-title-2" style=" height: 38px;"><h2 style=" font-size: 13px; ">" + n + "</h2></div>";
d += (c.showThumbnail) ? g : "";
d += '<div class="summary">';
d += "<span" + (!c.showSummary ? ' style="display:none;"' : "") + ">";
d += (c.showSummary) ? m : "";
d += "</span></div>";
d += '<span style="display:block;clear:both;"></span></div>'
d += "";
d += '<div class="more-link">" + c.readMore.text + "</div>";
a.className = c.listClass;
a.innerHTML = '<div data-tag=" margin-top: -33px;'+c.feedsUri[c.current].tag+'" +class="main-title"><h2>' + c.feedsUri[c.current].name + "</h2></div>" + d;
if((c.current + 1) < l) {
c.loadFeed(c.current + 1)
if((c.current + 1) == l) {
I believe that the party that is responsible for pulling the image is img
This may be a stupid answer... but from what I understand of your question, have you tried this?
g = ("media$thumbnail" in p[f]) ? '<img src="' + p[f].media$thumbnail.url.replace(/\/s72(\-c)?\//, "/w" + c.thumbWidth + "-h" + c.thumbHeight + "-c/") + '" style="width:' + c.thumbWidth + "px;height:" + c.thumbHeight + 'px;" title="' + n + '" alt="' + n + '">' : '';
I'm using jQuery plugin from these websites web , github.
This is screenshot whith my problem:
For some reason some months are not full ie. last day in month transfer in next month. Why?
This is JavaScript:
(function($) {
$.fn.jCal = function(opt) {
$.jCal(this, opt);
$.jCal = function(target, opt) {
opt = $.extend({
day : new Date(),
days : 1,
showMonths : 1,
monthSelect : false,
dCheck : function(day) {
return true;
callback : function(day, days) {
return true;
selectedBG : 'rgb(0, 143, 214)',
defaultBG : 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
dayOffset : 0,
forceWeek : false,
dow : [ 'S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S' ],
ml : [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ],
ms : [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ],
_target : target
}, opt);
opt.day = new Date(opt.day.getFullYear(), opt.day.getMonth(), 1);
if (!$(opt._target).data('days')) $(opt._target).data('days', opt.days);
for (var sm = 0; sm < opt.showMonths; sm++) $(target).append('<div class="jCalMo"></div>');
opt.cID = 'c' + $('.jCalMo').length;$('.jCalMo', target).each(function(ind) {
drawCalControl($(this), $.extend({}, opt, {
'ind' : ind,
'day' : new Date(new Date(opt.day.getTime()).setMonth(new Date(opt.day.getTime()).getMonth() + ind))
}));drawCal($(this), $.extend({}, opt, {
'ind' : ind,
'day' : new Date(new Date(opt.day.getTime()).setMonth(new Date(opt.day.getTime()).getMonth() + ind))
if ($(opt._target).data('day') && $(opt._target).data('days')) reSelectDates(target, $(opt._target).data('day'), $(opt._target).data('days'), opt);
function drawCalControl(target, opt) {
$(target).append('<div class="jCal">' + ((opt.ind == 0) ? '<div class="left" />' : '') + '<div class="month">' + '<span class="monthYear">' + opt.day.getFullYear() + '</span>' + '<span class="monthName">' + opt.ml[opt.day.getMonth()] + '</span>' + '</div>' + ((opt.ind == (opt.showMonths - 1)) ? '<div class="right" />' : '') + '</div>');
if (opt.monthSelect) $(target).find('.jCal .monthName, .jCal .monthYear').bind('mouseover', $.extend({}, opt), function(e) {
if ($('.jCalMask', e.data._target).length == 0) $(this).addClass($(this).attr('class') + 'Hover');
}).bind('mouseout', function() {
}).bind('click', $.extend({}, opt), function(e) {
$('.jCalMo .monthSelector, .jCalMo .monthSelectorShadow').remove();
var monthName = $(this).hasClass('monthName'),
pad = Math.max(parseInt($(this).css('padding-left')), parseInt($(this).css('padding-left'))) || 2,
calcTop = (($(this).offset()).top - ((monthName ? e.data.day.getMonth() : 2) * ($(this).height() + 0)));
calcTop = calcTop > 0 ? calcTop : 0;
var topDiff = ($(this).offset()).top - calcTop;
$('<div class="monthSelectorShadow" style="' + 'top:' + $(e.data._target).offset().top + 'px; ' + 'left:' + $(e.data._target).offset().left + 'px; ' + 'width:' + ($(e.data._target).width() + (parseInt($(e.data._target).css('paddingLeft')) || 0) + (parseInt($(e.data._target).css('paddingRight')) || 0)) + 'px; ' + 'height:' + ($(e.data._target).height() + (parseInt($(e.data._target).css('paddingTop')) || 0) + (parseInt($(e.data._target).css('paddingBottom')) || 0)) + 'px;">' + '</div>').css('opacity', 0.01).appendTo($(this).parent());$('<div class="monthSelector" style="' + 'top:' + calcTop + 'px; ' + 'left:' + (($(this).offset()).left) + 'px; ' + 'width:' + ($(this).width() + (pad * 2)) + 'px;">' + '</div>').css('opacity', 0).appendTo($(this).parent());
for (var di = (monthName ? 0 : -2), dd = (monthName ? 12 : 3); di < dd; di++) $(this).clone().removeClass('monthYearHover').removeClass('monthNameHover').addClass('monthSelect').attr('id', monthName ? (di + 1) + '_1_' + e.data.day.getFullYear() : (e.data.day.getMonth() + 1) + '_1_' + (e.data.day.getFullYear() + di)).html(monthName ? e.data.ml[di] : (e.data.day.getFullYear() + di)).css('top', ($(this).height() * di)).appendTo($(this).parent().find('.monthSelector'));
var moSel = $(this).parent().find('.monthSelector').get(0),
diffOff = $(moSel).height() - ($(moSel).height() - topDiff);
$(moSel).css('clip', 'rect(' + diffOff + 'px ' + ($(this).width() + (pad * 2)) + 'px ' + diffOff + 'px 0px)').animate({
'opacity' : .92,
'clip' : 'rect(0px ' + ($(this).width() + (pad * 2)) + 'px ' + $(moSel).height() + 'px 0px)'
}, 'fast', function() {
$(this).parent().find('.monthSelectorShadow').bind('mouseover click', function() {
'opacity' : .1
}, 'fast');$('.jCalMo .monthSelect', e.data._target).bind('mouseover mouseout click', $.extend({}, e.data), function(e) {
if (e.type == 'click') $(e.data._target).jCal($.extend(e.data, {
day : new Date($(this).attr('id').replace(/_/g, '/'))
$(target).find('.jCal .left').bind('click', $.extend({}, opt), function(e) {
if ($('.jCalMask', e.data._target).length > 0) return false;
var mD = {
w : 0,
h : 0
$('.jCalMo', e.data._target).each(function() {
mD.w += $(this).width() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-left')) + parseInt($(this).css('padding-right'));
var cH = $(this).height() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-top')) + parseInt($(this).css('padding-bottom'));
mD.h = ((cH > mD.h) ? cH : mD.h);
});$(e.data._target).prepend('<div class="jCalMo"></div>');
e.data.day = new Date($('div[id*=' + e.data.cID + 'd_]:first', e.data._target).attr('id').replace(e.data.cID + 'd_', '').replace(/_/g, '/'));e.data.day.setDate(1);e.data.day.setMonth(e.data.day.getMonth() - 1);drawCalControl($('.jCalMo:first', e.data._target), e.data);drawCal($('.jCalMo:first', e.data._target), e.data);
if (e.data.showMonths > 1) {
$('.right', e.data._target).clone(true).appendTo($('.jCalMo:eq(' + (e.data.showMonths - 1) + ') .jCal', e.data._target));$('.left:last, .right:last', e.data._target).remove();
$(e.data._target).append('<div class="jCalSpace" style="width:' + mD.w + 'px; height:' + mD.h + 'px;"></div>');$('.jCalMo', e.data._target).wrapAll('<div class="jCalMask" style="clip:rect(0px ' + mD.w + 'px ' + mD.h + 'px 0px); width:' + (mD.w + (mD.w / e.data.showMonths)) + 'px; height:' + mD.h + 'px;">' + '<div class="jCalMove"></div>' + '</div>');$('.jCalMove', e.data._target).css('margin-left', ((mD.w / e.data.showMonths) * -1) + 'px').css('opacity', 0.5).animate({
marginLeft : '0px'
}, 'fast', function() {
$(this).children('.jCalMo:not(:last)').appendTo($(e.data._target));$('.jCalSpace, .jCalMask', e.data._target).empty().remove();
if ($(e.data._target).data('day')) reSelectDates(e.data._target, $(e.data._target).data('day'), $(e.data._target).data('days'), e.data);
});$(target).find('.jCal .right').bind('click', $.extend({}, opt), function(e) {
if ($('.jCalMask', e.data._target).length > 0) return false;
var mD = {
w : 0,
h : 0
$('.jCalMo', e.data._target).each(function() {
mD.w += $(this).width() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-left')) + parseInt($(this).css('padding-right'));
var cH = $(this).height() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-top')) + parseInt($(this).css('padding-bottom'));
mD.h = ((cH > mD.h) ? cH : mD.h);
});$(e.data._target).append('<div class="jCalMo"></div>');
e.data.day = new Date($('div[id^=' + e.data.cID + 'd_]:last', e.data._target).attr('id').replace(e.data.cID + 'd_', '').replace(/_/g, '/'));e.data.day.setDate(1);e.data.day.setMonth(e.data.day.getMonth() + 1);drawCalControl($('.jCalMo:last', e.data._target), e.data);drawCal($('.jCalMo:last', e.data._target), e.data);
if (e.data.showMonths > 1) {
$('.left', e.data._target).clone(true).prependTo($('.jCalMo:eq(1) .jCal', e.data._target));$('.left:first, .right:first', e.data._target).remove();
$(e.data._target).append('<div class="jCalSpace" style="width:' + mD.w + 'px; height:' + mD.h + 'px;"></div>');$('.jCalMo', e.data._target).wrapAll('<div class="jCalMask" style="clip:rect(0px ' + mD.w + 'px ' + mD.h + 'px 0px); width:' + (mD.w + (mD.w / e.data.showMonths)) + 'px; height:' + mD.h + 'px;">' + '<div class="jCalMove"></div>' + '</div>');$('.jCalMove', e.data._target).css('opacity', 0.5).animate({
marginLeft : ((mD.w / e.data.showMonths) * -1) + 'px'
}, 'fast', function() {
$(this).children('.jCalMo:not(:first)').appendTo($(e.data._target));$('.jCalSpace, .jCalMask', e.data._target).empty().remove();
if ($(e.data._target).data('day')) reSelectDates(e.data._target, $(e.data._target).data('day'), $(e.data._target).data('days'), e.data);
});$('.jCal', target).each(function() {
var width = $(this).parent().width() - ($('.left', this).width() || 0) - ($('.right', this).width() || 0);
$('.month', this).css('width', width).find('.monthName, .monthYear').css('width', ((width / 2) - 4));
});$(window).load(function() {
$('.jCal', target).each(function() {
var width = $(this).parent().width() - ($('.left', this).width() || 0) - ($('.right', this).width() || 0);
$('.month', this).css('width', width).find('.monthName, .monthYear').css('width', ((width / 2) - 4));
function reSelectDates(target, day, days, opt) {
var fDay = new Date(day.getTime());
var sDay = new Date(day.getTime());
for (var fC = false, di = 0, dC = days; di < dC; di++) {
var dF = $(target).find('div[id*=d_' + (sDay.getMonth() + 1) + '_' + sDay.getDate() + '_' + sDay.getFullYear() + ']');
if (dF.length > 0) {
fC = true;
sDay.setDate(sDay.getDate() + 1);
if (fC && typeof opt.callback == 'function') opt.callback(day, days);
function drawCal(target, opt) {
for (var ds = 0, length = opt.dow.length; ds < length; ds++) {
$(target).append('<div class="dow">' + opt.dow[ds] + '</div>');
var fd = new Date(new Date(opt.day.getTime()).setDate(1));
var ldlm = new Date(new Date(fd.getTime()).setDate(0));
var ld = new Date(new Date(new Date(fd.getTime()).setMonth(fd.getMonth() + 1)).setDate(0));
var copt = {
fd : fd.getDay(),
lld : ldlm.getDate(),
ld : ld.getDate()
var offsetDayStart = ((copt.fd < opt.dayOffset) ? (opt.dayOffset - 7) : 1);
var offsetDayEnd = ((ld.getDay() < opt.dayOffset) ? (7 - ld.getDay()) : ld.getDay());
for (var d = offsetDayStart, dE = (copt.fd + copt.ld + (7 - offsetDayEnd)); d < dE; d++) $(target).append(((d <= (copt.fd - opt.dayOffset)) ? '<div id="' + opt.cID + 'd' + d + '" class="pday">' + (copt.lld - ((copt.fd - opt.dayOffset) - d)) + '</div>' : ((d > ((copt.fd - opt.dayOffset) + copt.ld)) ? '<div id="' + opt.cID + 'd' + d + '" class="aday">' + (d - ((copt.fd - opt.dayOffset) + copt.ld)) + '</div>' : '<div id="' + opt.cID + 'd_' + (fd.getMonth() + 1) + '_' + (d - (copt.fd - opt.dayOffset)) + '_' + fd.getFullYear() + '" class="' + ((opt.dCheck(new Date((new Date(fd.getTime())).setDate(d - (copt.fd - opt.dayOffset))))) ? 'day' : 'invday') + '">' + (d - (copt.fd - opt.dayOffset)) + '</div>')));
$(target).find('div[id^=' + opt.cID + 'd]:first, div[id^=' + opt.cID + 'd]:nth-child(7n+2)').before('<br style="clear:both; font-size:0.1em;" />');$(target).find('div[id^=' + opt.cID + 'd_]:not(.invday)').bind("mouseover mouseout click", $.extend({}, opt), function(e) {
if ($('.jCalMask', e.data._target).length > 0) return false;
var osDate = new Date($(this).attr('id').replace(/c[0-9]{1,}d_([0-9]{1,2})_([0-9]{1,2})_([0-9]{4})/, '$1/$2/$3'));
if (e.data.forceWeek) osDate.setDate(osDate.getDate() + (e.data.dayOffset - osDate.getDay()));
var sDate = new Date(osDate.getTime());
if (e.type == 'click') $('div[id*=d_]', e.data._target).stop().removeClass('selectedDay').removeClass('overDay').css('backgroundColor', '');
for (var di = 0, ds = $(e.data._target).data('days'); di < ds; di++) {
var currDay = $(e.data._target).find('#' + e.data.cID + 'd_' + (sDate.getMonth() + 1) + '_' + sDate.getDate() + '_' + sDate.getFullYear());
if (currDay.length == 0 || $(currDay).hasClass('invday')) break;
if (e.type == 'mouseover') $(currDay).addClass('overDay');
else if (e.type == 'mouseout') $(currDay).stop().removeClass('overDay').css('backgroundColor', '');
else if (e.type == 'click') $(currDay).stop().addClass('selectedDay');
sDate.setDate(sDate.getDate() + 1);
if (e.type == 'click') {
e.data.day = osDate;e.data.callback(osDate, di);
di = ds;$(e.data._target).data('day', e.data.day).data('days', di);
And code in html:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="${contextPath}include/js/jCal.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
var calSettings = {
1:{calDay: 0, names: ['S','M','T','W','T','F','S']}, //sunday
2:{calDay: 1, names: ['M','T','W','T','F','S','S']}, //monday
3:{calDay: -5, names: ['T','W','T','F','S','S','M']}, //tuesday
4:{calDay: -4, names: ['W','T','F','S','S','M','T']}, //wednesday
5:{calDay: -3, names: ['T','F','S','S','M','T','W']}, //thursday
6:{calDay: -2, names: ['F','S','S','M','T','W','T']}, //friday
7:{calDay: -1, names: ['S','S','M','T','W','T','F']}}; //saturday
busyDays= new Array($busyDays);
calendarMaxDateTime = $calendarMaxDate.getTime();
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
day: new Date($calendarSetDate.getTime()),
days: 7,
showMonths: 5,
monthSelect: true,
forceWeek: true, // force full week selection
dow: calSettings[${defaultCheckinDay}].names,
callback: function (day, days) {
if(days==7){//disabling selection of periods shorter than 7 days
return true;
I dont know where is problem, i looking in this script few hours i cant detect bug. Plz help.
I changes two line of code in this function in JavaScript and now works:
function drawCal(target, opt) {
for (var ds = 0, length = opt.dow.length; ds < length; ds++) $(target).append('<div class="dow">' + opt.dow[ds] + '</div>');
var fd = new Date(new Date(opt.day.getTime()).setDate(1));
var ldlm = new Date(new Date(fd.getTime()).setDate(0));
var ld = new Date(new Date(new Date(fd.getTime()).setMonth(fd.getMonth() + 1)).setDate(0));
var copt = {
fd : fd.getDay(),
lld : ldlm.getDate(),
ld : ld.getDate()
var offsetDayStart = ((copt.fd < opt.dayOffset) ? (opt.dayOffset - 7) : 1);
var offsetDayEnd = ((ld.getDay() < opt.dayOffset) ? (7 - ld.getDay()) : ld.getDay());
if(offsetDayEnd == 6) offsetDayEnd = 5;
for (var d = offsetDayStart, dE = (copt.fd + copt.ld + (7 - offsetDayEnd)); d < dE; d++) $(target).append(((d <= (copt.fd - opt.dayOffset)) ? '<div id="' + opt.cID + 'd' + d + '" class="pday">' + (copt.lld - ((copt.fd - opt.dayOffset) - d)) + '</div>' : ((d > ((copt.fd - opt.dayOffset) + copt.ld)) ? '<div id="' + opt.cID + 'd' + d + '" class="aday">' + (d - ((copt.fd - opt.dayOffset) + copt.ld)) + '</div>' : '<div id="' + opt.cID + 'd_' + (fd.getMonth() + 1) + '_' + (d - (copt.fd - opt.dayOffset)) + '_' + fd.getFullYear() + '" class="' + ((opt.dCheck(new Date((new Date(fd.getTime())).setDate(d - (copt.fd - opt.dayOffset))))) ? 'day' : 'invday') + '">' + (d - (copt.fd - opt.dayOffset)) + '</div>')));
$(target).find('div[id^=' + opt.cID + 'd]:first, div[id^=' + opt.cID + 'd]:nth-child(7n+2)').before('<br style="clear:both; font-size:0.1em;" />');$(target).find('div[id^=' + opt.cID + 'd_]:not(.invday)').bind("mouseover mouseout click", $.extend({}, opt), function(e) {
if ($('.jCalMask', e.data._target).length > 0) return false;
var osDate = new Date($(this).attr('id').replace(/c[0-9]{1,}d_([0-9]{1,2})_([0-9]{1,2})_([0-9]{4})/, '$1/$2/$3'));
osDate.setDate(osDate.getDate() + 1);
if (e.data.forceWeek) osDate.setDate(osDate.getDate() + (e.data.dayOffset - osDate.getDay()));
var sDate = new Date(osDate.getTime());
if (e.type == 'click') $('div[id*=d_]', e.data._target).stop().removeClass('selectedDay').removeClass('overDay').css('backgroundColor', '');
for (var di = 0, ds = $(e.data._target).data('days'); di < ds; di++) {
var currDay = $(e.data._target).find('#' + e.data.cID + 'd_' + (sDate.getMonth() + 1) + '_' + sDate.getDate() + '_' + sDate.getFullYear());
if (currDay.length == 0 || $(currDay).hasClass('invday')) break;
if (e.type == 'mouseover') $(currDay).addClass('overDay');
else if (e.type == 'mouseout') $(currDay).stop().removeClass('overDay').css('backgroundColor', '');
else if (e.type == 'click') $(currDay).stop().addClass('selectedDay');
sDate.setDate(sDate.getDate() + 1);
if (e.type == 'click') {
e.data.day = osDate;e.data.callback(osDate, di);
di = ds;$(e.data._target).data('day', e.data.day).data('days', di);
I've created a calculator to show repayments over the term of the loan.
I've managed to calculate each months payment, interest, remaining loan but I'm trying to output this into a table. The columns will be a fixed number (5) but the rows should dynamically update based on the number of months.
I've seen a few similar posts but can't get it to work for my code.
Code below and in jsfiddle
<div class="mortgageInput">
<form method="POST" name="calc" onclick="validateForm();repayment();return false;">
<label>Amount </label>
<input type="textbox" id="loan" value="100000"><br>
<input type="textbox" id="years" value="15"><br>
<label>Rate (%)</label>
<input type="textbox" id="rate" value="6.00" onkeyup="calculate"><br>
<input type="button" value="Calculate" id="btn"><br>
<label>Monthly Repayment</label>
<input type="textbox" id="monthlyRepayment"><br>
<label>Monthly Interest Only</label>
<input type="textbox" id="interest"><br>
<label>Monthly Capital Repayment</label>
<input type="textbox" id="capitalRepayment"><br>
<label>Total Interest</label>
<input type="textbox" id="totalInterest">
Output into table...<p id="demo"></p>
(document).on("keyup", calculate());
function validateForm(){
var validation = true;
validation &= calculate();
validation &= pmt();
return validation;
function calculate() {
var p = document.querySelector("#loan").value;
var y = document.querySelector("#years").value;
var rate = document.querySelector("#rate").value;
var r = rate / 100 / 12;
var n = y * 12;
var I = (p * r);
var monthlyPayment = -pmt(r,n,p);
var mr = (monthlyPayment - I);
var ti = (monthlyPayment) * n - p;
var list = JSON.stringify((computeSchedule(p, rate, 12, y, monthlyPayment)), 0, 4);
document.querySelector("#interest").value = I.toFixed(2);
document.querySelector("#totalInterest").value = ti.toFixed(2);
document.querySelector("#capitalRepayment").value = mr.toFixed(2);
document.querySelector("#monthlyRepayment").value = monthlyPayment.toFixed(2);
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = list;
function pmt(rate,nper,pv) {
var pvif, pmt;
pvif = Math.pow( 1 + rate, nper);
pmt = rate / (pvif - 1) * -(pv * pvif);
return pmt;
function computeSchedule(loan_amount, interest_rate, payments_per_year, years, payment) {
var schedule = [];
var remaining = loan_amount;
var number_of_payments = payments_per_year * years;
for (var i=0; i<=number_of_payments; i++) {
var interest = remaining * (interest_rate/100/payments_per_year);
var principle = (payment-interest);
var row = [i, payment, interest>0?interest:0, principle>0?principle:0, remaining>0?remaining:0];
remaining -= principle
return schedule;
the above answer is right but if concern about performance do insert html outside loop
var list = computeSchedule(p, rate, 12, y, monthlyPayment);
var tables = "";
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
tables += "<tr>" +
"<td>" + list[i][0] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + list[i][1] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + list[i][2] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + list[i][3] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + list[i][4] + "</td>" +
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = '<table>' + tables + '</table>';
I am not sure if I understand you correctly, but this should normally be the solution. You're fiddle printed some js errors, I haven't fixed them in this example.
function validateForm(){
var validation = true;
validation &= calculate();
validation &= pmt();
return validation;
function calculate() {
var p = document.querySelector("#loan").value;
var y = document.querySelector("#years").value;
var rate = document.querySelector("#rate").value;
var r = rate / 100 / 12;
var n = y * 12;
var I = (p * r);
var monthlyPayment = -pmt(r,n,p);
var mr = (monthlyPayment - I);
var ti = (monthlyPayment) * n - p;
var list = JSON.stringify((computeSchedule(p, rate, 12, y, monthlyPayment)), 0, 4);
document.querySelector("#interest").value = I.toFixed(2);
document.querySelector("#totalInterest").value = ti.toFixed(2);
document.querySelector("#capitalRepayment").value = mr.toFixed(2);
document.querySelector("#monthlyRepayment").value = monthlyPayment.toFixed(2);
var list = computeSchedule(p, rate, 12, y, monthlyPayment);
for (var i=0; i < list.length; i++) {
document.getElementById("test").innerHTML += "<tr><td>" + list[i][0] + "</td><td>" + list[i][1] + "</td><td>" + list[i][2] + "</td><td>" + list[i][3] + "</td><td>" + list[i][4] + "</td></tr>";
function pmt(rate,nper,pv) {
var pvif, pmt;
pvif = Math.pow( 1 + rate, nper);
pmt = rate / (pvif - 1) * -(pv * pvif);
return pmt;
function computeSchedule(loan_amount, interest_rate, payments_per_year, years, payment) {
var schedule = [];
var remaining = loan_amount;
var number_of_payments = payments_per_year * years;
for (var i=0; i<=number_of_payments; i++) {
var interest = remaining * (interest_rate/100/payments_per_year);
var principle = (payment-interest);
var row = [i, payment, interest>0?interest:0, principle>0?principle:0, remaining>0?remaining:0];
remaining -= principle
return schedule;
table {
border-spacing: 0;
table td {
border: 1px solid #666;
padding: 0 3px;
<div class="mortgageInput">
<form method="POST" name="calc" onclick="validateForm();repayment();return false;">
<label>Amount </label>
<input type="textbox" id="loan" value="100000"><br>
<input type="textbox" id="years" value="15"><br>
<label>Rate (%)</label>
<input type="textbox" id="rate" value="6.00" onkeyup="calculate"><br>
<input type="button" value="Calculate" id="btn"><br>
<label>Monthly Repayment</label>
<input type="textbox" id="monthlyRepayment"><br>
<label>Monthly Interest Only</label>
<input type="textbox" id="interest"><br>
<label>Monthly Capital Repayment</label>
<input type="textbox" id="capitalRepayment"><br>
<label>Total Interest</label>
<input type="textbox" id="totalInterest">
<table id="test">
The result of computeSchedule contains a two dimensional array. You should be able to loop through it with two nested for loops. Then you can compose your table.
Very simple example would look like this:
var demoList = computeSchedule(p, rate, 12, y, monthlyPayment);
var table = "<table>";
for (var rowIndex=0; rowIndex <= n; rowIndex++) {
var row = "<tr><td>#" + rowIndex + "</td>";
for(var colIndex = 0; colIndex < 4; colIndex++) {
row += "<td>" + demoList[rowIndex][colIndex] + "</td>";
table += row + "</tr>";
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = table + "</table>";
You can also try the life version here: https://fiddle.jshell.net/aua4g8e7/
I've been working on my first chess game and I got to a problem I can't solve, how can I detect if there's a piece in front of a moving piece's way?.
For example:
Let's say the player select a black rook on line 3 column 4 and then click on the slot on line 0 column 4
0 1 2 3 4
0|_|_|_|_|__| 0,4
1|_|_|_|_|♙| 1,4
2|_|_|_|_|__| 2,4
3|_|_|_|_|♜| 3,4
The problem is, on the black rook's way to 0,4 there's a white pawn. How can I detect that white pawn?
var piece = [{
"white": [
"♔", //king
"♕", //queen
"♖", //rook
"♗", //bishop
"♘", //knight
"♙" //pawn
}, {
"black": [
"♚", //king
"♛", //queen
"♜", //rook
"♝", //bishop
"♞", //knight
"♟" //pawn
var slot = [];
var board = document.getElementById('main');
var selected = '';
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
slot[6][0] = piece[1].black[5];
slot[6][1] = piece[1].black[5];
slot[6][2] = piece[1].black[5];
slot[6][3] = piece[1].black[5];
slot[6][4] = piece[1].black[5];
slot[6][5] = piece[1].black[5];
slot[6][6] = piece[1].black[5];
slot[6][7] = piece[1].black[5];
slot[7][0] = piece[1].black[2];
slot[7][7] = piece[1].black[2];
slot[7][1] = piece[1].black[4];
slot[7][6] = piece[1].black[4];
slot[7][2] = piece[1].black[3];
slot[7][5] = piece[1].black[3];
slot[7][3] = piece[1].black[1];
slot[7][4] = piece[1].black[0];
slot[1][0] = piece[0].white[5];
slot[1][1] = piece[0].white[5];
slot[1][2] = piece[0].white[5];
slot[1][3] = piece[0].white[5];
slot[1][4] = piece[0].white[5];
slot[1][5] = piece[0].white[5];
slot[1][6] = piece[0].white[5];
slot[1][7] = piece[0].white[5];
slot[0][0] = piece[0].white[2];
slot[0][7] = piece[0].white[2];
slot[0][1] = piece[0].white[4];
slot[0][6] = piece[0].white[4];
slot[0][2] = piece[0].white[3];
slot[0][5] = piece[0].white[3];
slot[0][3] = piece[0].white[1];
slot[0][4] = piece[0].white[0];
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
if (i < 2) {
board.innerHTML += '<div class="slot" id="' + (i + '' + j) + '" style="width:30px;height:30px;top:' + (i * 30) + 'px;left:' + (j * 30) + 'px;"><div class="' + slot[i][j] + ' white" >' + slot[i][j] + '</div></div>';
if (i > 1 && i < 6) {
board.innerHTML += '<div class="slot" id="' + (i + '' + j) + '" style="width:30px;height:30px;top:' + (i * 30) + 'px;left:' + (j * 30) + 'px;"></div>';
if (i > 5 && i < 7) {
board.innerHTML += '<div class="slot" id="' + (i + '' + j) + '" style="width:30px;height:30px;top:' + (i * 30) + 'px;left:' + (j * 30) + 'px;"><div class="' + slot[i][j] + ' piece black pawn" >' + slot[i][j] + '</div></div>';
if ((i === 7 && j === 0) || (i === 7) && j === 7) {
board.innerHTML += '<div class="slot" id="' + (i + '' + j) + '" style="width:30px;height:30px;top:' + (i * 30) + 'px;left:' + (j * 30) + 'px;"><div class="' + slot[i][j] + ' piece black rook" >' + slot[i][j] + '</div></div>';
if ((i === 7 && j === 1) || (i === 7) && j === 6) {
board.innerHTML += '<div class="slot" id="' + (i + '' + j) + '" style="width:30px;height:30px;top:' + (i * 30) + 'px;left:' + (j * 30) + 'px;"><div class="' + slot[i][j] + ' piece black knight" >' + slot[i][j] + '</div></div>';
if ((i === 7 && j === 2) || (i === 7) && j === 5) {
board.innerHTML += '<div class="slot" id="' + (i + '' + j) + '" style="width:30px;height:30px;top:' + (i * 30) + 'px;left:' + (j * 30) + 'px;"><div class="' + slot[i][j] + ' piece black bishop" >' + slot[i][j] + '</div></div>';
if ((i === 7 && j === 3)) {
board.innerHTML += '<div class="slot" id="' + (i + '' + j) + '" style="width:30px;height:30px;top:' + (i * 30) + 'px;left:' + (j * 30) + 'px;"><div class="' + slot[i][j] + ' piece black queen" >' + slot[i][j] + '</div></div>';
if ((i === 7 && j === 4)) {
board.innerHTML += '<div class="slot" id="' + (i + '' + j) + '" style="width:30px;height:30px;top:' + (i * 30) + 'px;left:' + (j * 30) + 'px;"><div class="' + slot[i][j] + ' piece black king" >' + slot[i][j] + '</div></div>';
$(document).mousedown(function(e) {
//Select Piece
$('.slot > .piece').mousedown(function() {
$('.slot > .piece').css({
'background-color': '#fff'
'background-color': '#afa'
selected = this;
//Drop Piece
$('.slot').mousedown(function() {
var id = [];
try {
parseInt($(selected).parent().attr('id').substring(0, 1), 10),
parseInt($(selected).parent().attr('id').substring(1, 2), 10),
parseInt($(this).attr('id').substring(0, 1), 10),
parseInt($(this).attr('id').substring(1, 2), 10)
} catch (e) {
console.info('Select one of your pieces!');
//Pawn Moves
if (selected !== '' && !$(this).children().hasClass('piece') && id[0] == (id[2] + 1) && id[1] == id[3] && $(selected).hasClass('pawn') && !$(this).children().hasClass('white')) {
selected = '';
if (selected !== '' && !$(this).children().hasClass('piece') && id[0] == (id[2] + 1) && id[1] !== id[3] && $(selected).hasClass('pawn') && $(this).children().hasClass('white')) {
selected = '';
if (selected !== '' && !$(this).children().hasClass('piece') && (id[0] == id[2] || id[1] == id[3]) && $(selected).hasClass('rook')) {
selected = '';
if (selected !== '' && !$(this).children().hasClass('piece') && $(selected).hasClass('knight') && ((id[0] == id[2] - 2 && id[1] == id[3] - 1) || (id[0] == id[2] - 1 && id[1] == id[3] - 2) || (id[0] == id[2] - 2 && id[1] == id[3] + 1) || (id[0] == id[2] - 1 && id[1] == id[3] + 2) || (id[0] == id[2] + 1 && id[1] == id[3] - 2) || (id[0] == id[2] + 2 && id[1] == id[3] - 1) || (id[0] == id[2] + 1 && id[1] == id[3] + 2) || (id[0] == id[2] + 2 && id[1] == id[3] + 1))) {
selected = '';
if (selected !== '' && !$(this).children().hasClass('piece') && $(selected).hasClass('bishop') && (Math.abs(id[0] - id[2]) === Math.abs(id[1] - id[3]))) {
selected = '';
if (selected !== '' && !$(this).children().hasClass('piece') && $(selected).hasClass('queen') && (Math.abs(id[0] - id[2]) === Math.abs(id[1] - id[3]) || (id[0] == id[2] || id[1] == id[3]))) {
selected = '';
if (selected !== '' && !$(this).children().hasClass('piece') && $(selected).hasClass('king') && ((Math.abs(id[0] - id[2]) === 1) || (Math.abs(id[1] - id[3]) === 1) || ((id[0] + 1) == id[2] || (id[1] + 1) == id[3]))) {
selected = '';
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
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body {
position: absolute;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
#main {
position: absolute;
width: 240px;
height: 240px;
top: calc(50% - 120px);
left: calc(50% - 120px);
.slot {
z-index: 10;
position: absolute;
outline: 1px solid #000;
text-align: center;
background-color: #fff;
cursor: crosshair;
.white {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
zoom: 1.7;
line-height: 20px;
<div id="main">