Split 3D Carousel Image Rotation Issue - javascript

I found a carousel (https://codepen.io/paulnoble/pen/yVyQxv) that has some awesome transitions and thought it'd be nice to integrate into a project I'm working on: https://joshrodg.com/halloffame/
My code is here: https://codepen.io/joshrodgers/pen/MWBPXBx
The responsiveness of the design needed to be adjusted slightly because to me having the content split (left, right) doesn't quite work that well on smaller screens (like phones) - it'd make it almost impossible to read. So, my idea was just to remove the right-side content all together.
I have that working and it looks exactly as I expect, except one thing...
Basically, there is vertical paging on the right-side of the slideshow. When you click on the next circle it rotates forward to the next slide, when you click on the previous circle, it rotates backwards to the previous slide. On a desktop screen (larger than 900px) the paging area stays on top of the rotating images, which makes the slideshow rotation look really nice. On my iPhone, and I'm guessing on other small screens, the rotating images appear to rotate on top of the paging area and then it re-appears.
I'm sure this is a simple tweak, but is there a way to keep the paging area on top while rotating through the images on a desktop and smaller screen like an iPhone?
This is also an issue on the original carousel, so I'm not sure how to fix it.
The paging area does have a z-index: 1 but for some reason the images still rotate on top of the paging area. I even tried setting it higher: z-index: 1000, but that didn't seem to do anything.
Anyone have any ideas?

After looking into this a little more, I was able to find a solution!
My carousel__control div is what was controlling the vertical pagination, this was in carousel container and rightfully so, as it was controlling the position of everything inside. However, this also caused the issues I described, not really sure why.
All I did to fix this was move carousel__control out of the carousel container - basically right above it in the document. Then had to set my margins to match and adjust it's position. I couldn't keep the margin: auto and top: 0. Once I adjusted those two properties, everything started working as expected.
I have updated the pen here: https://codepen.io/joshrodgers/pen/MWBPXBx


Scrollable subcontent that doesn't change the height of the entire site

So I've been lately working on a project of mine that I'd really like to finish, not only Photoshop wise but also HTML/CSS wise and I've encountered a problem.
This is the website & some help graphics - I would like to make the content inside the white rectangle scrollable, but everything outside the rectangle should stay exactly as it is. I'm going to either use Skrollr or Parallax Scrolling, but I first need to figure out how to make it so the entire website has a fixed height and never stretches, while the subcontent div can be scrolled down and up.
Overflow: auto; does this for you, in a heartbeat.

Slide effect flickers with SlidesJS

I have a simple layout in which I have integrated a SlidesJS slider example. Now, the thing is, whenever it slides to an image, the animation flickers and it is buggy. It would translate the position perfectly, but right after being done, it goes back a little bit and comes back again, like trying to run but being pulled back at the right position.
I've uploaded a test case for you: http://test-ground.besaba.com/silmond/index.html
The inital examples, however, work perfectly. The only changed thing in my layout are the slider's sizes. I set the container's width to 56% and its height to 400px.
Do you have any idea why this happens?
Ah, nevermind. What caused the flickering was the intercalation of both css and javascript animations/transitions.
I had the terrible idea to set something like * { #include transition(all, 0.2s) } in my code. I was thinking that this would be simpler as I wouldn't have had to add this line everytime I wanted a smooth transition. But it turns out not to be.

Appending a Vertical Scroll to a Horizontal Scroll Bar

I've been trying to do something like this for quite a bit, and have tried a variety of methods from fake scroll bars and DOM-tricking code. Nothing seems to quite be as clean / functioning as I need it to be.
What I'm trying to do is have a horizontally scrolling div (with scrollbar), with a vertically scrolling div nested within it. Ideally the single horizontal scrollbar would scroll, and after a certain point--vertically scroll the "go-up" div next to it.
Here's an example diagram for those who need to visualize:
I think I have a solution that could work:
Basically I'm thinking that the horizontal "scene" could have overflow that equals the height of the "go-up" div. And after the horizontal width of the "scene" passes...you can, onScroll, shift the "go-up" container right using (ScrollLeft) and up using (ScrollTop).
Basically giving you the illusion of controlling it's vertical scroll with a horizontal scrollbar.
Check out the code here: http://jsfiddle.net/jPzqj/1/
I know how to pass a function at the end of the "scene"...currently I'm using:
My only issue is I'm not quite sure how to approach the math that would allow me to shift the go-up container. How do I pass in the "scene" divs scroll value into the ScrollLeft and ScrollTop values of "go-up"...
Could anyone give me any advice on this at all?
You are totally off the right path, no vertical scrollbars are involved.
That is a good site (not the one that you make in 30 minute obviously), and the javascript is obfuscated, but if you are interested, you could watch the source with Firebug to understand what's going on.
It works by mixing a javascript library, some cool CSS3 Transform3D effects, and a nicely studied HTML to give you the effect of the screen scrolling up (actually, only the images are moving - and not scrolling - while the screen is always in the same Y position).
The same effect is used to create the percetion of depth, by moving the houses in background slower than the ones in front.
This effect is called PARALLAX SCROLLING .
A good javascript library you could start looking at for Parallax effects is Stellar.js
You can take a look at some great sites made with Stellar.js, especially Nike and Saucony.
Hope this answer saved you some time,
good luck on your studies ;)
this is what you want: Jquery Parallax Scrolling effect - Multi directional
open the fiddle from the bounty-awarded answer and keep the right arrow key down.

Sliding a background image on scroll

The latest vogue seems to be things that move when you scroll.
Now, I have a bunch of square divs containing a background image scattered around a long page of content. My idea is to ever so slightly make these background images slide upwards when you scroll downwards. The background image is as wide as the square, but 1.5 times as tall.
The easy solution is to set the backgroundPosition to a fraction of the current scrollTop, but when I thought about it more, it's not altogether that simple.
Essentially, the background image of a div should be at background-position: 0 0; when the div is just obscured beyond the fold. Once it appears, the top position would decrease relative to scrolling, until reaching the end of the background image's bottom edge once the div has disappeared over the top edge of the window.
The divs are floated within text content, so there's no way to hardcode any position values for them.
Maybe I could manage to do this on my own, but there are several considerations;
Scrolling back and forth at any speed, and never moving the background image to a location where any part of the square div wasn't covered.
Divs which appear in the middle of the page on load. It doesn't matter if the background-position isn't 0 0 for them initially, the important thing is that the background image moves at the same speed as all the others.
Adjusting when the user changes the window size.
Now since this is just an extra little flair, I'm not expecting amazing browser compatibility or that this would work on mobile (although if it does, cool).
But I can't even begin to think how all of this would work out. What would be the best way to achieve this? Since the scrolling sliding thing is so popular, are there any (jQuery) plug-ins that I could utilize to build this?

Jquery menu acting erratically, bad positioning and general bugs

I've made a horizontal menu.
What it should be doing is having the elements under it line up along the right side in an orderly fashion. Instead, it jumps throughout page seemingly randomly, and has other issues such as flickering. I've been stuck on making it for awhile and would love some tips to resolve these issues. Here is a JS FIDDLE showing the issue, all stripped down.
Here are current issues:
The submenu does not align perfectly with the right side of main nav even though its offset is calculated by main navs offset + width.
Flickering(Moderately solved using large borders)
Elements sometimes doesn't catch mouseover, to reproduce I am moving my mouse all the way down and off and up it and off
The menu slide out part goes to the bottom right of the page, in a somewhat random order, and continues to move further away (yikes)
The solution to the flickering issue is to make the submenu items overlap or touch. This can be done by adding a one-pixel white border to the menu item.
When it comes to the alignment issue (which could have been intended), you need to add (twice) the element's padding and border as the width is inside the padding.
