I have the following function fn(n).
function fn(n) {
if (n < 0) return 0;
if (n < 2) return n;
return fn(n - 1) + fn(n - 2);
I understand how this code works, but don't how to calculate time complexity for it.
Let’s do some examples:
For n = 3, you have 5 function calls. First fn(3), which in turn calls fn(2) and fn(1) and so on.
For n = 4, you have 9 function calls. First fn(4), which in turn calls fn(3) and fn(2) and so on.
Graphical representation of the 2 examples:
The leftmost nodes go down in descending order: fn(4), fn(3), fn(2), fn(1), which means that the height of the tree (or the number of levels) on the tree will be n.
The time complexity of this code is 2^n - 1. Although, if we count all calls will be just 9 calls for n = 4.
And the question is how we get 2^n - 1? I don't understand
One of the ways of calculating recursive algorithm's time complexity is using the Recursion Tree Method. For this particular case, we can write T(n)=T(n-1)+T(n-2)+2*O(1), where O(1) means constant time, since we have two comparison checks of n values using if. The recursion tree would look something like this:
1 n
2 (n-1) (n-2)
4 (n-2) (n-3) (n-3) (n-4)
8 (n-3)(n-4) (n-4)(n-5) (n-4)(n-5) (n-5)(n-6)
2^i for i-th level
Total work done will be the sum of all of the work done in each level, so we can write T(n)=1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + ... = 2^0 + 2^1 + 2^2 + 2^3 + 2^4 + ... + 2^i. This is a geometric series which means that the T(n) is equal to (1-2^n)/(1-2) = (1-2^n)/(-1) = 2^n - 1. Because of that the time complexity of the function fn(n) is O(2^n).
You could also approach this using Back Substitution method. We know the following:
Substituting T(n-2) with T(n-1) is allowed. In doing so you will get a higher bound which is still true for T(n-1)+T(n-2).
After the substitution you can also write T(n-1)=2*T(n-2), T(n-2)=2*T(n-3), ...
Using these values and substituting them recursively in to the T(n) you will get:
=2^i * T(n-i)
From there you can write n-i=1 => i=n-1 and substitute the i value in T(n). You can do this because T(1)=1 is one of the base conditions.
=> T(i)=2^(n-1) * T(n-(n-1))=2^(n-1) * T(n-n+1)=2^(n-1) * T(1)=2^(n-1)
This means that the time complexity is O(2^n).
const fibonacci = function (n) {
n = parseInt(n)
if (n < 0) return 'OOPS'
if (n < 2) return n
else {
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
this is a recursive function for solving the problem but I am finding it difficult to understand why the base case must evaluate to 1. I get the syntax but I don't get the logic behind the solution.
The base case must evaluate to 1 because the first two terms of the Fibonacci sequence are 1, 1 (or in some cases 0, 1, which gives the same sequence starting with a zero).
Unrelated to your question, but the way you wrote that will be very slow because it will recalculate Fibonacci numbers lower than the target many, many times. If this must be recursive, then use memoization so each value is only calculated once.
function f(num) {
if (num<1) {
return 1;
return f(num-1) + f(num-2);
f(5); // 13
I investigated this code in the debugger but it's still unclear to me how it works. I see it as some kind of recursion, but don't get it at all.
Any kind of help will be appreciated.
There are essentially two forms of recursion direct and indirect. However, in either case any proper form of recursion must abide by three rules which makes it recursive.
1.) A recursive algorithm must have a base case.
2.) A recursive algorithm must change its state and move toward the base case.
3.) A recursive algorithm must call itself, recursively.
The intention for using a recursion algorithms focuses on taking a relatively mid to large problems and breaking them into smaller problems which can be solved iteratively or until the "base case" condition has been proven true.
function f(num) {
if (num<=1) { // (1) Base case condition
return 1; // (2.b) moving forward once the base case is true
// (3) the function calling itself
// also (2.a) changed state - (i.e., the param value is being decremented or "unwound" with each pass of recursion (i.e., method call)
return f(num-1) + f(num-2);
f(5); // Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2 (Fibonacci Number Series)
It is a simple recursion implementation of calculating the num-th Fibonacci number(1 1 2 3 5 8....). And it has a small bug. It should be:
function f(num) {
if (num<=1) { // should be <= 1 instead of <, to handle when num = 1, otherwise it'll end up with f(0)+f(-1)
return 1;
return f(num-1) + f(num-2);
You can try to write down by hand and simulate some simple cases, which I think is really helpful when you study algorithms.
For example:
f(0) -> 0 is less than 1, return 1, thus f(0) = 1
f(1) -> 1 is less than or equal to 1, return 1, thus f(1) = 1
f(2) -> 2 is greater than 1, return f(1) + f(0), which we know from above, is 1 + 1, thus f(2) = 2
f(3) -> 3 is greater than 1, return f(2) + f(1), 2 + 1, thus f(3) = 3
f(4) -> 4 is greater than 1, return f(3) + f(2), 3 + 2, thus f(4) = 5
I bet you see the patterns now. Hope it helps.
It is recursion. It's a fibonacci series. Step through it slowly.
Start with a simple example:
f(0) = 1 (as num <1)
Increase to 1
f(1) = f(0) + f(-1) = 2
(as num = 1, but f(num-1) and f(num-2) are both less than 1 (and so each return 1)
increase to 2:
f(2) = f(2-1) + f(0) = f(1) + f(-1) = 3
we've solved f(1) and f(-1) already so we know the total returned is 2
increase to 3:
f(3) = f(3-1) + f(3-2) = f(2) + f(1) = 3 + 2 = 5
Remembering that the algorithm is expanding out each step fully (not relying on previous solutions so to speak). so this last example would look more like:
f(3) = f(2) + f(1) = (f(1) +f(0)) + (f(0)+f(-1)) = (f(0) + f(-1)) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5
Ultimately I want to take this:
2x + 3 = 5
and solve for x, by first subtract 3 from both sides so 2x = 2, then divide both sides by 2 so x = 1. I was thinking a lot how one should go about making a function like this in JavaScript that can return an array of the steps done in order, including the result. Obviously "eval" wouldn't do anything for this, so seemingly one has to re-create equations.
I initially thought to first of all, ignore X, and just try to make a function that can solve simple equations, without eval or any built-in function.
I figured that the first step is to break up the terms using .split, but I was having some trouble with this, as I need to split for multiple symbols. For example, say I have the simple expression to evaluate: 3 - 6 * 3 / 9 + 5. So before we even get into order of operations, just splitting up each term (and categorizing them) is the hard part, which is the main concrete-question I have at this point.
I started simply splitting one after the other, but I was having some problems, and especially considering the order.
function solve(eq) {
var minuses = eq.split("-"),
pluses = minuses.map(x=> x.split("+")),
timeses = pluses.map(x=>x.map(y=>y.split("*"))),
dividers = timeses.map(x=>x.map(y=>y.map(z=>z.split("/"))));
console.log(minuses, pluses, timeses, dividers);
solve("3 - 6 * 3 / 9 + 5");
As you can see, for each successive operator I need to map through each of he elements of the previous one to split it, and then I am left with an array of arrays etc...
So 1) how can I split up these terms more efficiently, without making a new variable for each one, and manually recursively mapping through each one? Seemingly I should just have some kind of dictionary of array keeping track of orders of operations (not considering parenthesis or exponents now): ["*","/","+","-"] -- and given that array, generate something similar to the last array in the above example ("dividers") which contains only constants, and somehow keep track of the which elements each of the stored arrays follows...
and 2) How can I solve the expression given the arrays of values?
I was just a little confused with the logic, I guess I need to work up from the last array and solve the constants one at a time, keeping track of which operator is the current one, but I'm not sure how exactly.
While your problem doesn't require to construct, binary expression tree is a good way to brainstorm the logic to solve a math query.
So for the query 3 - 6 * 3 / 9 + 5, the representative binary expression tree is:
| |_3
| |_divide
| |_times
| | |_3
| | |_6
| |_9
to solve above tree, you recursively solve from the leaf level up to the root.
Again, you don't need to construct a tree. It just helps us to see the logic of parsing here:
Get the last minus or plus expression in query and solve left and right child of that expression.
If no plus/minus, get the last times/division expression and solve left and right child
If meet a number, return that number value.
Given above logic, here is an implementation:
function solve(str) {
var expressionIndex = Math.max(str.lastIndexOf("-"), str.lastIndexOf("+"));
if (expressionIndex === -1) {
expressionIndex = Math.max(str.lastIndexOf("*"), str.lastIndexOf("/"));
if (expressionIndex === -1) {
var num = Number.parseInt(str.trim());
if (isNaN(num)) {
throw Exception("not a valid number");
} else {
return num;
} else {
var leftVal = solve(str.substring(0, expressionIndex).trim());
var rightVal = solve(str.substring(expressionIndex + 1).trim());
switch (str[expressionIndex]) {
case "+":
return leftVal + rightVal;
case "-":
return leftVal - rightVal;
case "*":
return leftVal * rightVal;
case "/":
return leftVal / rightVal;
function parse(str) {
var expressionIndex = Math.max(str.lastIndexOf("-"), str.lastIndexOf("+"));
if (expressionIndex === -1) {
expressionIndex = Math.max(str.lastIndexOf("*"), str.lastIndexOf("/"));
if (expressionIndex === -1) {
var num = Number.parseInt(str.trim());
if (isNaN(num)) {
throw Exception("not a valid number");
} else {
return { type: "number", value: num };
} else {
var leftNode = parse(str.substring(0, expressionIndex).trim());
var rightNode = parse(str.substring(expressionIndex + 1).trim());
return {
type: "expression",
value: str[expressionIndex],
left: leftNode,
right: rightNode
console.log(solve("3 - 6 * 3 / 9 + 5"));
console.log(parse("3 - 6 * 3 / 9 + 5"));
Above is a solution for very simple query with only +, -, *, / (no parenthesis, e.g.). For solving a equation like your first example requires a lot more of work.
EDIT: add a parse function to return the tree.
You can do that in following steps:
First of all use split() and split by the + and - which will occur after multiplication and division.
Then use map() on array and split() it again by * and /.
Now we have a function which will which will evaluate an array of numbers with operators to single number.
Pass the nested array to complete multiplication and division.
Then pass that result again to sovleSingle and perform addition and subtraction.
The function works same as eval as long as there are no brackets ().
Note: This doesnot matters the which occurs first among + and - or which occurs first among * and /. But *,/ should occur before +,-
function solveSingle(arr){
arr = arr.slice();
if(arr[1] === '*') arr[0] = arr[0] * arr[2]
if(arr[1] === '-') arr[0] = arr[0] - arr[2]
if(arr[1] === '+') arr[0] = +arr[0] + (+arr[2])
if(arr[1] === '/') arr[0] = arr[0] / arr[2]
return arr[0];
function solve(eq) {
let res = eq.split(/(\+|-)/g).map(x => x.trim().split(/(\*|\/)/g).map(a => a.trim()));
res = res.map(x => solveSingle(x)); //evaluating nested * and / operations.
return solveSingle(res) //at last evaluating + and -
console.log(solve("3 - 6 * 3 / 9 + 5")); //6
console.log(eval("3 - 6 * 3 / 9 + 5")) //6
I have a array/dict(HashMap) of positive integers.
I need to find the number of pairs that have a absolute difference greater or equal to a given number, K.
import random
import time
#given number
k = 4
# List of 2,00,000 random numbers in range 0-1000
strength = [random.randrange(0,1000) for x in range(200000)]
# start clock
start1 = time.clock()
n = len(strength)
# count keeps track of number of pairs found
count = 0
for x in range(n):
for y in range(x,n):
if abs(strength[x] - strength[y]) >= k:
# if found, all number from this point to the end will satisfy
count += n-y
# So no need to go to the end
end1 = time.clock()
All the answers I find are for pairs less than or equal to a given number.
I need to find the number of pairs that have a absolute difference greater or equal to a given number, K.
Note that the total number of pairs is n * (n - 1) / 2, so if you can find the number of pairs with difference less than K, the number of pairs with difference greater than K is just n * (n - 1) / 2 - num_pairs_with_diff_less_than_K
The solution you provide is also correct (and well documented). If your question is how to adapt it to your case, then all you need to do is to use values of your HashMap (sorted) instead of the strength array.
You can get the 2 item combinations of the array and then filter / reduce them according to the difference.
One might do the job in JavaScript as follows;
Array.prototype.combinations = function(n){
return this.reduce((p,c,i,a) => p.concat(n > 1 ? a.slice(i+1).combinations(n-1).map(e => (e.push(c),e))
: [[c]]),[]);
function getAcordingToDiff(a,d){
return a.combinations(2)
.reduce((p,c) => Math.abs(c[0]-c[1]) >= d ? (p.push(c),p) : p ,[]);
var arr = Array(30).fill().map((_,i) => i+1); // array from [1,...,30]
console.log(JSON.stringify(getAcordingToDiff(arr,25))); // diff >= 25
So in the heart of the above code obviously lies the Array.prototype.combinations function. For those who are not familiar with JS, this is just an ordinary function that we define under the Array object's prototype (so that now every array has access to this function like arr.combinations(n)) But let's use a more expressive language and refactor the above combinations array method into a generic function.
function combinations(a,n){
var sa;
return a.reduce(function(p,c,i,a){
if (n > 1) sa = combinations(a.slice(i+1), n-1).map(e => (e.push(c),e));
else sa = [[c]];
return p.concat(sa);
So as you will notice combinations(a,n) is a recursive function which takes an array a and items count n. It works on the basis of keeping the first item of the input array and recursively invoking itself with one item shorter array, combinations(a.slice(i+1), n-1), and with one less items count up until n decrements to 1 in which case it starts it's return cycle with whatever remains from the input array and each item is wrapped in an array, sa = [[c]].
So on the return cycle of the recursive calls we take the resulting array and push the kept first element (remember -> It works on the basis of keeping the first item of the input array) into each item of the returned array (remember -> ...and each item is wrapped in an array, sa = [[c]]).
So that's it... You should be able to figure out yourself the details.
However in our application we are given an array of numbers and requested to obtain only the 2 item combinations with a certain difference. In this particular case we don't need to calculate all combinations and then filter them. We can do this on the way constructing our combinations. As the required difference value d gets bigger this will bring in a huge gain over filtering afterwards method, since now as d gets bigger we are eliminating more and more of the two item combinations, even before we generate them. And... let's hard-wire our code to work with 2 items only and merge everything in a single function. The performance results are below;
function getCombosWithDiff(a, d, n = 2){
var sa;
return a.reduce(function(p,c,i,a){
if (n > 1) sa = getCombosWithDiff(a.slice(i+1), d, n-1).reduce((r,e) => Math.abs(e[0]-c) > d ? (e.push(c),r.push(e),r)
: r, []);
else sa = [[c]];
return p.concat(sa);
var arr = Array(100).fill().map((_,i) => i+1);
result = getCombosWithDiff(arr,89);
So that's it. I have tried the above code to list the 2 items combinations each with diff greater than 10 from an array of 1000 items. It takes like 5000 msecs in Chrome and 14000 msecs in FF. However as mentioned above, the more the diff value d gets bigger, the shorter it takes. e.g same array with diff 900 would resolve in just 1100msecs with Chrome and in 4000msecs with FF.
You can test and play here
Create a 1001-element array A of integers initialized to zeroes. Generate your random integers, and increment the appropriate index by 1 for each such integer. With some math, you could do this without generating 2,000,000 random integers, but it's not worth the complexity.
Create a second 1001-element integer B s.t. B[i] = A[0] + ... + A[i]
Answer is sum from i=0 to 1000-k of B[i] * (2,000,000 - B[i+k-1])
I'm looking for a method to do calculations like:
function sumIntegerUpTo(number) {
return 1+2+3+...+number;
If you pass number as 5 function should return the sum of 1+2+3+4+5. I'm wondering if it's possible to do without loops.
Of course it is!
1+2+3+...+n = n * (n+1) / 2
function sumIntegerUpTo(number) {
return (1 + number) * number / 2;
I can think of two easy ways for me to remember this formula:
Think about adding numbers from both ends of the sequence: 1 and n, 2 and n-1, 3 and n-2, etc. Each of these little sums ends up being equal to n+1. Both ends will end at the middle (average) of the sequence, so there should be n/2 of them in total. So sum = (n+1) * (n/2).
There are as many number before the average (which is (1+n)/2) as there are after, and adding a pair of numbers that are equidistant to this average always results in twice the average, and there are n/2 pairs, so sum = (n+1)/2 * 2 * n/2 = (n+1)/2*n.
You can fairly easily extend the above reasoning to a different starting number, giving you: sum(numbers from a to b, inclusive) = (a+b)/2*(b-a+1).
Or you can use a recursive approach - which here is redundant given there is a simple formula! But there is always something cool and magical about recursion!
function addToN(n)
if(n==0) return 0;
else return n + addToN(n-1);
Edited to deal with 0!