OpenAPI generated code by openapi-generator-cli - javascript

So I've generated some code with the petstore.yaml from the official OpenAPI website using openapi-generator-cli. But when I test it with postman it show error code 400 and the error message body as below:
"message": "request should have required property 'headers'",
"errors": [
"path": ".headers",
"message": "should have required property 'headers'",
"errorCode": "required.openapi.validation"
Please, help me! I'm stuck!
I have tried writing my .yaml file, but it's still the same. But one thing to remember is I haven't tried to change any code in the generated files. I'm still new to this so any help is appreciated.


How to turn a json string into a properly beautified string to be used in email using a Logic App

Logic App
"Send_an_email_(V2)": {
"inputs": {
"body": {
"Body": "<p><br></p>\n<pre><code>Message 1<br>\n<br>\n#{variables('Message1')}<br>\n<br>\nMessage 2<br>\n<br>\n#{variables('Message2')}</code></pre>\n<pre><code><br>\n<br>\n<br>\n<br>\n</code></pre>",
"Importance": "Normal",
"Subject": "Test",
"To": ""
This is how it looks like in the email. I know the Message 2 has it already nicely formatted but I would want both to look the same.
Any ideas are appreciated.
After reproducing issue from my side, I got the expected results by taking Parse Json Action after initialize variable action.
As shown in below images i have taken initialize variable actions and send email.
With out parse Json action I got below output in email.
As shown in below image in Parse Json action take Content as Message 1 from dynamic content .
Schema :
"Request_Date": "2023-07-18",
"Number_of_Adults": "5",
"Number_of_Children": "1",
"Total_Cost": "690"
Then in Send Email action in body take your required data from dynamic content of parse Json 1 as shown in below image.
Then the logic App ran successfully and email got received with expected output format.
Reference MS document for parse Json.
replace(replace(replace(variables('Message1'),',',',<br> '),'{','{<br> '),'}','<br>}')

How to fetch Github folders outside of Github to display the files inside of a specific folder

I am trying to fetch a Github repository and display the files inside of a specific folder, "hacks" (the repository in question is How would I do this in Javascript, without having to make a copy of the files and constantly have to update them?
Thanks in advance!
GitHub API REST Client (known as v3) it's very simple to use
will give you everything you can query in that repo, and you will see that's a contents path, so trying that with the path:
and you can then loop through the return array and get each file, but if you really need to get the raw content of a specific file, then, let's assume, for this example we want /hacks/Character/customName.js
"name": "customName.js",
"path": "hacks/Character/customName.js",
"sha": "77b86151fbc3930d5f11e785333f82adbcc33ebf",
"size": 118,
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"git_url": "",
"download_url": "",
"type": "file",
"content": "Ly8gQ3VzdG9tIG5hbWUgKENsaWVudCBzaWRlIG9ubHkpLiAoUHV0IHRleHQg\naW4gdGV4dCBoZXJlLikKaGFjay5pbnN0YW5jZS5wcm9kaWd5LnBsYXllci5n\nZXROYW1lID0gKCkgPT4gIlRFWFQgSEVSRSI7Cg==\n",
"encoding": "base64",
"_links": {
"self": "",
"git": "",
"html": ""
hitting that download_url will give you
// Custom name (Client side only). (Put text in text here.)
hack.instance.prodigy.player.getName = () => "TEXT HERE";
it is well explained in GitHub Documentation
you can now, easily loop through the data at your own like ... remember that you should authenticate your calls, or you will hit the GitHub limit.

How to fix "XML parsing error: incomprehensible data after the document element"?

I work locally on WAMP and the JS doesn't work. When I click on a button, I get this error in the console.
I've searched the Internet a lot without finding an answer.
Here is the console error :
XML parsing error: incomprehensible data after the document element
Location : http://.../index.php
Line number 2, column
Here is the code index.php:2:1
if ($_POST){
$sql=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE password='$password'");
I'd like the JS to work.
Do you have a solution?
Thank you in advance :)

Winston logging bad json syntax

I'm new to Winston and I've poorly coded a log system that uses json.
When I tried to open that output file as a json, Js gave me an error, then I went to the file and I saw that it isn't well formed, is there something I'm missing here?
This is my json log generated from Winston:
"message":"log 1"
"message":"log 2"
I understant it has to be comma-separated and with brackets, so what's wrong here? Why is Winston throwing multiple separated entries instead of a single json file?

Accessing information from an HTTPS JSON file

I want to use information from what I believe is a JSON file, using JavaScript or some derivation of it. This is the file:
The file looks (snippet) like this:
"3 Day Shipping - ANY": {
"model": "3 Day Shipping - ANY",
"quantities": {
"": {
"count": "52710",
I want to read the file and make an alert pop up with the count (in this case, 52710).
I think I'm to use JQuery, by adding:
<script src=""></script>
to the header.
By my investigation, I should be able to use JSON.parse(data) if I could access the string, but I can't seem to get that going.
I'm working with an HTML file on my local computer, but I don't believe that is relevant.
I will update the question with more information as required. Thank you for your help. I've used Stack Overflow a million times and this is my first attempt at asking a question.
