Semantic-release not creating new version for package - javascript

I have an NPM package I am trying to set up semantic release for so it will automatically deploy with a version bump.
I recently migrated from an old repo / npm package to a new one and since doing so semantic version wont create a new release for me and just says:
The local branch main is behind the remote one, therefore a new version won't be published.
I have created the v1.0.0 tag in the new repo and that matches the only published version of the package so far.
I have removed the so it should start fresh.
My release config is like so:
"branches": ["main"],
"plugins": [
"preset": "conventionalcommits"
"npmPublish": false
"assets": [
"message": "chore(release): ${nextRelease.version} [skip ci]\n\n${nextRelease.notes}"
It's a public package so you can see the CI for yourself:
Repo is here if you'd like to see the rest of the code:

You can check the tags on the remote:
git ls-remote --tags origin
Then on your local repo:
git tag
1- To fetch all tags from the remote:
git fetch --tags
2- To push tags to the remote
git push --follow-tags
Step 1 should be enough. If it's not, step 2 may help. If it's not, run these 2 steps from your runner directory against the generated repository (i.e. actions-runner/_work/{reponame}/).


How can i see all my deprecated methods functions in react native?

How can i see all my deprecated methods functions in react native? i have a old react native project and its not working fine errors are coming one by one so i updated all of my packages which were outdated but after that many errors are coming too while running the project
i tired to fix some but now i get to know that my projects and many deprecated functions and it become very hard to solve one by one i do have many files in one project, So is their any easy way so see all deprecated functions methods variables etc. i do run npm outdated to see deprecated npm packages but it was not a solution..
i dont want my code updated i just want to search or see that what functions and methods are deprecated
eslint-plugin-deprecation lets deprecated functions and more be shown.
Install it with npm i -D eslint-plugin-deprecation. If not already installed, install just enough Typescript to run make this ESLint plugin work but not so much to force the whole project to use it: npm i -D typescript#4.0 #types/jest #types/react #types/react-native #types/react-test-renderer #tsconfig/react-native. This is a subset of the official guide.
Create tsconfig.json if it doesn't exist:
"extends": "#tsconfig/react-native/tsconfig.json"
Replace or add to .eslintrc.js:
module.exports = {
root: true,
extends: '#react-native-community',
"parser": "#typescript-eslint/parser",
"parserOptions": {
"ecmaVersion": 2020,
"sourceType": "module",
"project": "./tsconfig.json"
"plugins": ["deprecation"],
"rules": {
"deprecation/deprecation": "warn",
Create .eslintignore:
As an example, add and use a deprecated function in a newly created project's App.js:
// ...
import {
} from 'react-native/Libraries/NewAppScreen';
* #deprecated
function dontUseThis() {}
/* $FlowFixMe[missing-local-annot] The type annotation(s) required by Flow's
* LTI update could not be added via codemod */
const Section = ({children, title}): Node => {
dontUseThis(); // Newly added line 37 as an example of a deprecated function
const isDarkMode = useColorScheme() === 'dark';
return (
// ...
Then deprecated functions will be shown when npm run lint is used:
$ npm run lint
> AwesomeProject#0.0.1 lint
> eslint .
10:14 warning 'Node' is defined but never used no-unused-vars
37:3 warning 'dontUseThis' is deprecated. deprecation/deprecation
✖ 2 problems (0 errors, 2 warnings)

Vetur can't find package.json

I was writing code for my app with Vue and everything worked perfectly. Then I started to create child components and I could not refresh the localhost anymore.
Now it says:
"Vetur can't find 'package.json"
"Vetur can't find 'tsconfig.json' or 'jsconfig.json"
and when I try to "npm run serve" in the cmd - then i get this:
C:\Users\cmana\Desktop\WebDeveloper\Vue app\vuetify-todo>npm run serve
npm ERR! code ENOENT
npm ERR! syscall open
npm ERR! path C:\Users\cmana\Desktop\WebDeveloper\Vue app\vuetify-todo\package.json
npm ERR! errno -4058
npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\cmana\Desktop\WebDeveloper\Vue app\vuetify-todo\package.json'
npm ERR! enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file.
npm ERR! enoent
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\cmana\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2021-04-07T12_03_13_953Z-debug.log
Acording to this - I tried to add the jsconfig.json file with this content. (I deleted all the child components so I only have these vue files (About, Todo, App) left.)
"include": [
Still nothing. Anybody any ideas? Thank you <3
First of all, in Visual Studio code, type:
Ctrl + Shift + p
This command, will open this window
Type: settings json in search bar, like this:
Open the first option: "Open Settings (JSON)".
Now, on JSON file, add this: "vetur.ignoreProjectWarning": true, in the end of file, like this:
Restart Visual Studio Code and you're done!
Installing the EsLint extension should solve your problem
if you are on VS Code, search for the EsLint extension by publisher:"Dirk Baeumer", install it and approve the installation to start the EsLint server
Alternatively run this in the terminal
npm install eslint in your workspace
The package.json file gets modified and your server will be up again
for further information on the EsLint extension you can check
Good luck!
Add "vetur.config.js" outside your project.
In this example below, "vetur.config.js" is added outside the project "vueProject":
Shrinking "vueProject" looks clearer:
Then, paste this code below to "vetur.config.js":
// vetur.config.js
/** #type {import('vls').VeturConfig} */
module.exports = {
// **optional** default: `{}`
// override vscode settings
// Notice: It only affects the settings used by Vetur.
settings: {
"vetur.useWorkspaceDependencies": true,
"vetur.experimental.templateInterpolationService": true
// **optional** default: `[{ root: './' }]`
// support monorepos
projects: [
'./packages/repo2', // shorthand for only root.
// **required**
// Where is your project?
// It is relative to `vetur.config.js`.
root: './packages/repo1',
// **optional** default: `'package.json'`
// Where is `package.json` in the project?
// We use it to determine the version of vue.
// It is relative to root property.
package: './package.json',
// **optional**
// Where is TypeScript config file in the project?
// It is relative to root property.
tsconfig: './tsconfig.json',
// **optional** default: `'./.vscode/vetur/snippets'`
// Where is vetur custom snippets folders?
snippetFolder: './.vscode/vetur/snippets',
// **optional** default: `[]`
// Register globally Vue component glob.
// If you set it, you can get completion by that components.
// It is relative to root property.
// Notice: It won't actually do it. You need to use `require.context` or `Vue.component`
globalComponents: [
in VSCode
ctrl + p
open setting.json
add this line:
"vetur.ignoreProjectWarning": true,
this will ignore the error.
In VS Code, if the actual code is in a subfolder (e.g you have a monorepo), you can add a vetur.config.js in the root directory as per below.
module.exports = {
projects: [
root: './frontend', // root of your vue project (should contain package.json)
package: './package.json', // Relative to root property, don't change this.
tsconfig: './tsconfig.json', // Relative to root property, don't change this.
Please refer to Vetur Reference for more details.

How to create multiple pages with different languages from one template?

I want to generate multiple pages which will have content on different languages from one common template. How can I do it with webpack?
I tried to use different webpack plugins like webpack-static-i18n-html, i18n-webpack-plugin but nothing works for me. The best thing I found is a webpack-static-i18n-html, but it has bad support and this plugin can't watch changes in JSON files with translated text. Below is what I have for now.
This is my code from webpack.common.js.
const Path = require('path');
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const StaticI18nHtmlPlugin = require("webpack-static-i18n-html");
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new StaticI18nHtmlPlugin({
locale: 'en',
locales: ['en', 'ua', 'ru'],
baseDir: Path.posix.join(__dirname, ".."),
outputDir: 'src/localized-pages',
outputDefault: '__lng__/__file__',
localesPath: 'src/locales',
files: 'src/templates/index.html'
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
filename: 'index.html',
template: Path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/templates/index.html')
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
filename: 'ua/index.html',
template: Path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/localized-pages/ua/src/templates/index.html')
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
filename: 'ru/index.html',
template: Path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/localized-pages/ru/src/templates/index.html')
I also have and which I merge with webpack.common.js via webpack-merge plugin. As you can see, after generating pages, I have to use HtmlWebpackPlugin to serve them. It's awkward to use.
locales folder:
en.json file:
"key": {
"innerKey" : "value"
Then plugin generates from:
<p data-t>key.innerKay</p>
But as I said, If I change en.json nothing will regenerate. I will not use this way to generate multiple pages for different languages.
So, I would like to generate several pages from one template. Is there any way to do this with webpack?
I was working on a multi language admin dashboard with Webpack and was wondering how could I tackle this problem until I found a way to make everything automatic with a multiple language web template.
First of all, webpack-static-i18n-html isn't a good solution because most of its packages are deprecated. But actually the mentioned package is based on a good npm package called node-static-i18n. So, the first thing you need to do is installing this npm package using this command
npm install -g static-i18n
Next, you need to make your translation file as *.json files and in json format and put them in a folder which I named "locales" and I put it in my "src" folder of my project. I need two languages for my website. One of them is English and another is Farsi or Persian. Therefore I made two file namely fa.json and en.json. So, I have folder and file structure like the picture below:
My file and folder structure in my Webpack project
This is part of my en.json file as an example:
"menu": {
"items": {
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"posts": "Posts",
"media": "Media"
"sub": {
"items": {
"all-posts": "All Posts",
"add-new-post": "Add New",
"categories": "Categories"
This is part of my fa.json file as an example:
"menu": {
"items": {
"dashboard": "پیشخوان",
"posts": "نوشته ها",
"media": "رسانه"
"sub": {
"items": {
"all-posts": "نوشته ها",
"add-new-post": "افزودن نوشته",
"categories": "دسته ها"
and you can use them in your html tags like this:
<span class="className" data-t>menu.items.dashboard</span>
Please notice that for using translation you should use the attribute data-t in your tags like span then you can use key and values saved in your related json file to use translations between your tags. for more information about data-t and its usage please go to the plugin's Github page that I mentioned it earlier in this text on the plugin name.
Next, you should write needed command in the script section of your package.json file to run node-static-i18n to translate your template based on your html template file and save them in i18n folder in root of your project as below:
"scripts": {
"i18n": "static-i18n -l en -i fa -i en src --localesPath src/locales/",
in the above command:
-l: The default locale.
-i: the list of locales to be generated.
--localesPath: The directory of the translations, where each file should be named LOCALE_NAME.json
Now if you run npm run i18n this command should make a folder in root path of your project called i18n containing html files in two languages in this case. it will be like the picture below:
i18n folder and translated html files in it
Next you should config your Html Webpack Plugin in your Webpack config file to show these pages in your browser like this:
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
//inject: false,
chunks: ['main'],
template: 'i18n/index.html',
filename: 'index.html'
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
//inject: false,
chunks: ['main-rtl'],
template: 'i18n/fa/index.html',
filename: 'fa/index.html'
because you need to see changes on your browser automatically you need another package called npm-watch to install through this command:
npm install -D npm-watch
Then, you should change script section of your package.json like this:
"scripts": {
"i18n-watch": "watch 'npm run i18n' src",
"i18n": "static-i18n -l en -i fa -i en src --localesPath src/locales/",
By using the command npm run i18n-watch whenever you make any changes in your locale files or your original html template in src folder it's gonna re-translate your html file based on new information and if you're running your webpack dev server you can see the result right after you save changes.
After that, to run i18n-watch command and your Webpack dev server at the same time it would be great installing another npm package for this purpose called npm-run-all by using the command below:
npm i -D npm-run-all
Finally, you can change the script section of your package.json like this to run i18n-watch and your Webpack dev server at the same time and after that if you make any changes you can see the result in the browser right after saving changes.
"scripts": {
"i18n-watch": "watch 'npm run i18n' src",
"i18n": "static-i18n -l en -i fa -i en src --localesPath src/locales/",
"webpack-dev": "webpack-dev-server --open --config=config/",
"start": "npm-run-all --parallel webpack-dev i18n-watch"
Now, if you use npm start in your terminal you will see your Webpack dev server and i18n-watch are running at the same time watching for any changes.
Hopefully this makes sense.

Integrating Stylelint with Vue.js

I'm working on trying to integrate stylelint into my freshly created Vue project.
I thought this would be a simple case of using the Stylelint Webpack Plugin but when I run yarn serve, any errors completely freeze it with no output. If I run yarn build, the build will fail as intended but will only print "There was a stylelint error".
My vue.config.js is as follows:
const stylelintPlugin = require('stylelint-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
plugins: [
new stylelintPlugin({ files: ['**/*.(vue|scss)'] }),
Here are my current versions from package.json:
"#vue/cli-service": "^3.9.0",
"stylelint": "^10.1.0",
"stylelint-config-recommended": "^2.2.0",
"stylelint-scss": "^3.9.2",
While this may come too late, here are working configurations by using stylelint-config-recommended-scss.
It is an extension to the 3rd party stylelint-scss plugin which needs to be installed along with stylelint itself. Also stylelint-webpack-plugin needs to be installed, which seems to have been missing from your setup.
Install dev dependencies:
# First remove an unnecessary one you had (with NPM):
npm uninstall stylelint-config-recommended
# Or with Yarn:
yarn remove stylelint-config-recommended
# Install dev deps with NPM:
npm i -D stylelint stylelint-scss stylelint-config-recommended-scss stylelint-webpack-plugin
# Or with Yarn:
yarn add -D stylelint stylelint-scss stylelint-config-recommended-scss stylelint-webpack-plugin
In your vue.config.js configuration file:
const StyleLintPlugin = require('stylelint-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
plugins: [
new StyleLintPlugin({
files: ['src/**/*.{vue,scss}'],
Create a file stylelint.config.js in your project's root folder:
module.exports = {
extends: 'stylelint-config-recommended-scss',
rules: {
'selector-pseudo-element-no-unknown': [
ignorePseudoElements: ['v-deep']
In package.json you can add this lint:scss command (run by npm run lint:scss). It tries to run autofix on all rules, but please note that not all rules can be autofixed.
In that case the script will output a list of error lines and exit on error. You need to go and fix these by hand, and then re-run the script to see that the errors got fixed:
"scripts": {
"lint:scss": "stylelint ./src/**/*.{vue,scss} --fix"
Hope this helps! Please add a comment if I missed something.
my configuration is the same like written
but when i try run scripts npm run lint:scss then I have
for await (const chunk of stdin) {
SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word
it turned out that I had the wrong (old) node version, so pay attention for that

"No ESLint configuration found" error

Recently, we've upgraded to ESLint 3.0.0 and started to receive the following message running the grunt eslint task:
> $ grunt eslint
Running "eslint:files" (eslint) task
Warning: No ESLint configuration found. Use --force to continue.
Here is the grunt-eslint configuration:
var lintTargets = [
"<%= app.src %>/**/*/!(*test|swfobject)+(.js)",
module.exports.tasks = {
eslint: {
files: {
options: {
config: 'eslint.json',
fix: true,
rulesdir: ['eslint_rules']
src: lintTargets
What should we do to fix the error?
The error you are facing is because your configuration is not present.
To configure the eslint type
eslint --init
then configure as your requirement.
then execute the project again.
I've had the same error. It seems to need configuration.
Go to your project root & run in terminal
./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init
Try to swap config with configFile. Then :
Create eslint.json file and
Point the right location of it (relative to Gruntfile.js file)
Place some configuration in that file (eslint.json), i.e.:
"rules": {
"eqeqeq": "off",
"curly": "warn",
"quotes": ["warn", "double"]
for more examples, go here.
I hade the same problem with Gulp and running "gulp-eslint": "^3.0.1" version.
I had to rename config: to configFile in Gulp task
.pipe(lint({configFile: 'eslint.json'}))
For those having the same problem, this is how we've fixed it.
Following the Requiring Configuration to Run migration procedure, we had to rename eslint.json to .eslintrc.json which is one of the default ESLint config file names now.
We've also removed the config grunt-eslint option.
Create a new file on the root directory called .eslintrc.json file:
"parserOptions": {
"ecmaVersion": 6,
"sourceType": "module",
"ecmaFeatures": {
"jsx": true
"rules": {
"semi": "error"
Just follow the steps
1.create eslint config file name eslintrc.json the code as given below
// eslint() attaches the lint output to the "eslint" property
// of the file object so it can be used by other modules.
.pipe(eslint({configFile: 'eslintrc.json'}))
// eslint.format() outputs the lint results to the console.
// Alternatively use eslint.formatEach() (see Docs).
// To have the process exit with an error code (1) on
// lint error, return the stream and pipe to failAfterError last.
I had eslint.rc file in my root project directory but event though
I was getting error.
Solution was to add exclude property to "eslint-loader" rule config:
module.exports = {
// ...
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
loader: "eslint-loader",
options: {
// eslint options (if necessary)
// ...
We faced this problem today and realized, that the issue was not caused inside the project that we were working on, but inside a package that we had a link on using the command:
yarn link
Which is a feature often useful to test out new features or when trying to debug an issue in a package that manifests itself in another project.
We solved it by either removing the link, or in case of ember.js disabling the developer mode of our addon package.
module.exports = {
isDevelopingAddon: function() {
return false;
return gulp.src(['src/*.js'])
`touch .eslintrc` instead of .eslint
these two steps may help you!
Run the command ember init.
When it asks for overwriting the existing file(s). Type n to skipping overwriting the file.
Now it will automatically create required files like .eslintrc, etc.
For me the same issue occurred when i copied my folder except dist, dist_production and node_modules folder to another system and tried running ember build.
