How to remove extra characters from the end of email addresses - javascript

I'd like to remove extra characters from the end of email addresses, for example the "www" from xy#gmail.comwww
I created a function which gets the value from an input field and then I tried to use regular expression to check the email pattern, but it won't remove the additional characters from the end of the email address.
const txtContent = document.getElementById("txtContent");
function checkEmails() {
const temp = txtContent.value;
// Match email pattern
const regexp = /([A-Za-z0-9._-]+#[A-Za-z0-9._-]+\.[A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/gi;
// Get the email by matching against the regexp
const emailsRaw = temp.match(regexp);
// Remove duplicate emails
const emails = [];
if (emailsRaw != null) {
emailsRaw.forEach(email => {
// Check if the email address is already included in the emails array
if (!emails.includes(email)) {
return emails;
<textarea id="txtContent">aa#aaa.comwww</textarea>

// tlds from
function cleanTld(s) {
let i = s.lastIndexOf('.');
if(!i) return s; // no tld found
let tld = s.substring(i+1).toUpperCase();
if(tlds.includes(tld)) return s; // tld is OK
let longestTldMatch = tlds.filter(t=>tld.startsWith(t)).sort((a,b)=>a.length-b.length).pop();
if(!longestTldMatch) return s; // no matching tld found
return s.substring(0, i+1) + longestTldMatch.toLowerCase();


How to display selected country using select2?

I'm using select2 but not able to display selected country how can i do that?
My Code:-
(function($) {
$(function() {
var isoCountries = [
{ id: '', text: 'Select Country'},
{ id: 'AF', text: 'Afghanistan'},
{ id: 'AL', text: 'Albania'},
{ id: 'DZ', text: 'Algeria'},
{ id: 'AS', text: 'American Samoa'},
{ id: 'AD', text: 'Andorra'},
{ id: 'AO', text: 'Angola'},
{ id: 'AI', text: 'Anguilla'},
{ id: 'AQ', text: 'Antarctica'},
{ id: 'AG', text: 'Antigua And Barbuda'},
{ id: 'AR', text: 'Argentina'},
{ id: 'AM', text: 'Armenia'},
{ id: 'AW', text: 'Aruba'},
{ id: 'AU', text: 'Australia'},
{ id: 'AT', text: 'Austria'},
{ id: 'AZ', text: 'Azerbaijan'},
{ id: 'BS', text: 'Bahamas'},
{ id: 'BH', text: 'Bahrain'},
{ id: 'BD', text: 'Bangladesh'},
{ id: 'BB', text: 'Barbados'},
{ id: 'BY', text: 'Belarus'},
{ id: 'BE', text: 'Belgium'},
{ id: 'BZ', text: 'Belize'},
{ id: 'BJ', text: 'Benin'},
{ id: 'BM', text: 'Bermuda'},
{ id: 'BT', text: 'Bhutan'},
{ id: 'BO', text: 'Bolivia'},
{ id: 'BA', text: 'Bosnia And Herzegovina'},
{ id: 'BW', text: 'Botswana'},
{ id: 'BV', text: 'Bouvet Island'},
{ id: 'BR', text: 'Brazil'},
{ id: 'IO', text: 'British Indian Ocean Territory'},
{ id: 'BN', text: 'Brunei Darussalam'},
{ id: 'BG', text: 'Bulgaria'},
{ id: 'BF', text: 'Burkina Faso'},
{ id: 'BI', text: 'Burundi'},
{ id: 'KH', text: 'Cambodia'},
{ id: 'CM', text: 'Cameroon'},
{ id: 'CA', text: 'Canada'},
{ id: 'CV', text: 'Cape Verde'},
{ id: 'KY', text: 'Cayman Islands'},
{ id: 'CF', text: 'Central African Republic'},
{ id: 'TD', text: 'Chad'},
{ id: 'CL', text: 'Chile'},
{ id: 'CN', text: 'China'},
{ id: 'CX', text: 'Christmas Island'},
{ id: 'CC', text: 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands'},
{ id: 'CO', text: 'Colombia'},
{ id: 'KM', text: 'Comoros'},
{ id: 'CG', text: 'Congo'},
{ id: 'CD', text: 'Congo}, Democratic Republic'},
{ id: 'CK', text: 'Cook Islands'},
{ id: 'CR', text: 'Costa Rica'},
{ id: 'CI', text: 'Cote D\'Ivoire'},
{ id: 'HR', text: 'Croatia'},
{ id: 'CU', text: 'Cuba'},
{ id: 'CY', text: 'Cyprus'},
{ id: 'CZ', text: 'Czech Republic'},
{ id: 'DK', text: 'Denmark'},
{ id: 'DJ', text: 'Djibouti'},
{ id: 'DM', text: 'Dominica'},
{ id: 'DO', text: 'Dominican Republic'},
{ id: 'EC', text: 'Ecuador'},
{ id: 'SV', text: 'El Salvador'},
{ id: 'GQ', text: 'Equatorial Guinea'},
{ id: 'ER', text: 'Eritrea'},
{ id: 'EE', text: 'Estonia'},
{ id: 'ET', text: 'Ethiopia'},
{ id: 'FK', text: 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)'},
{ id: 'FO', text: 'Faroe Islands'},
{ id: 'FJ', text: 'Fiji'},
{ id: 'FI', text: 'Finland'},
{ id: 'FR', text: 'France'},
{ id: 'GF', text: 'French Guiana'},
{ id: 'PF', text: 'French Polynesia'},
{ id: 'TF', text: 'French Southern Territories'},
{ id: 'GA', text: 'Gabon'},
{ id: 'GM', text: 'Gambia'},
{ id: 'GE', text: 'Georgia'},
{ id: 'DE', text: 'Germany'},
{ id: 'GH', text: 'Ghana'},
{ id: 'GI', text: 'Gibraltar'},
{ id: 'GR', text: 'Greece'},
{ id: 'GL', text: 'Greenland'},
{ id: 'GD', text: 'Grenada'},
{ id: 'GP', text: 'Guadeloupe'},
{ id: 'GU', text: 'Guam'},
{ id: 'GT', text: 'Guatemala'},
{ id: 'GN', text: 'Guinea'},
{ id: 'GW', text: 'Guinea-Bissau'},
{ id: 'GY', text: 'Guyana'},
{ id: 'HT', text: 'Haiti'},
{ id: 'HM', text: 'Heard Island & Mcdonald Islands'},
{ id: 'VA', text: 'Holy See (Vatican City State)'},
{ id: 'HN', text: 'Honduras'},
{ id: 'HK', text: 'Hong Kong'},
{ id: 'HU', text: 'Hungary'},
{ id: 'IS', text: 'Iceland'},
{ id: 'IN', text: 'India'},
{ id: 'ID', text: 'Indonesia'},
{ id: 'IR', text: 'Iran}, Islamic Republic Of'},
{ id: 'IQ', text: 'Iraq'},
{ id: 'IE', text: 'Ireland'},
{ id: 'IL', text: 'Israel'},
{ id: 'IT', text: 'Italy'},
{ id: 'JM', text: 'Jamaica'},
{ id: 'JP', text: 'Japan'},
{ id: 'JO', text: 'Jordan'},
{ id: 'KZ', text: 'Kazakhstan'},
{ id: 'KI', text: 'Kiribati'},
{ id: 'KR', text: 'Korea'},
{ id: 'KW', text: 'Kuwait'},
{ id: 'LA', text: 'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic'},
{ id: 'LV', text: 'Latvia'},
{ id: 'LB', text: 'Lebanon'},
{ id: 'LS', text: 'Lesotho'},
{ id: 'LR', text: 'Liberia'},
{ id: 'LY', text: 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya'},
{ id: 'LI', text: 'Liechtenstein'},
{ id: 'LT', text: 'Lithuania'},
{ id: 'LU', text: 'Luxembourg'},
{ id: 'MO', text: 'Macao'},
{ id: 'MK', text: 'Macedonia'},
{ id: 'MG', text: 'Madagascar'},
{ id: 'MW', text: 'Malawi'},
{ id: 'MY', text: 'Malaysia'},
{ id: 'MV', text: 'Maldives'},
{ id: 'ML', text: 'Mali'},
{ id: 'MT', text: 'Malta'},
{ id: 'MH', text: 'Marshall Islands'},
{ id: 'MQ', text: 'Martinique'},
{ id: 'MR', text: 'Mauritania'},
{ id: 'MU', text: 'Mauritius'},
{ id: 'MX', text: 'Mexico'},
{ id: 'FM', text: 'Micronesia}, Federated States Of'},
{ id: 'MD', text: 'Moldova'},
{ id: 'MC', text: 'Monaco'},
{ id: 'MN', text: 'Mongolia'},
{ id: 'ME', text: 'Montenegro'},
{ id: 'MS', text: 'Montserrat'},
{ id: 'MA', text: 'Morocco'},
{ id: 'MZ', text: 'Mozambique'},
{ id: 'MM', text: 'Myanmar'},
{ id: 'NA', text: 'Namibia'},
{ id: 'NR', text: 'Nauru'},
{ id: 'NP', text: 'Nepal'},
{ id: 'NL', text: 'Netherlands'},
{ id: 'AN', text: 'Netherlands Antilles'},
{ id: 'NC', text: 'New Caledonia'},
{ id: 'NZ', text: 'New Zealand'},
{ id: 'NI', text: 'Nicaragua'},
{ id: 'NE', text: 'Niger'},
{ id: 'NG', text: 'Nigeria'},
{ id: 'NU', text: 'Niue'},
{ id: 'NF', text: 'Norfolk Island'},
{ id: 'MP', text: 'Northern Mariana Islands'},
{ id: 'NO', text: 'Norway'},
{ id: 'OM', text: 'Oman'},
{ id: 'PK', text: 'Pakistan'},
{ id: 'PW', text: 'Palau'},
{ id: 'PA', text: 'Panama'},
{ id: 'PG', text: 'Papua New Guinea'},
{ id: 'PY', text: 'Paraguay'},
{ id: 'PE', text: 'Peru'},
{ id: 'PH', text: 'Philippines'},
{ id: 'PN', text: 'Pitcairn'},
{ id: 'PL', text: 'Poland'},
{ id: 'PT', text: 'Portugal'},
{ id: 'PR', text: 'Puerto Rico'},
{ id: 'QA', text: 'Qatar'},
{ id: 'RE', text: 'Reunion'},
{ id: 'RO', text: 'Romania'},
{ id: 'RU', text: 'Russian Federation'},
{ id: 'RW', text: 'Rwanda'},
{ id: 'SH', text: 'Saint Helena'},
{ id: 'KN', text: 'Saint Kitts And Nevis'},
{ id: 'LC', text: 'Saint Lucia'},
{ id: 'PM', text: 'Saint Pierre And Miquelon'},
{ id: 'VC', text: 'Saint Vincent And Grenadines'},
{ id: 'WS', text: 'Samoa'},
{ id: 'SM', text: 'San Marino'},
{ id: 'ST', text: 'Sao Tome And Principe'},
{ id: 'SA', text: 'Saudi Arabia'},
{ id: 'SN', text: 'Senegal'},
{ id: 'RS', text: 'Serbia'},
{ id: 'SC', text: 'Seychelles'},
{ id: 'SL', text: 'Sierra Leone'},
{ id: 'SG', text: 'Singapore'},
{ id: 'SK', text: 'Slovakia'},
{ id: 'SI', text: 'Slovenia'},
{ id: 'SB', text: 'Solomon Islands'},
{ id: 'SO', text: 'Somalia'},
{ id: 'ZA', text: 'South Africa'},
{ id: 'GS', text: 'South Georgia And Sandwich Isl.'},
{ id: 'ES', text: 'Spain'},
{ id: 'LK', text: 'Sri Lanka'},
{ id: 'SD', text: 'Sudan'},
{ id: 'SR', text: 'Suriname'},
{ id: 'SJ', text: 'Svalbard And Jan Mayen'},
{ id: 'SZ', text: 'Swaziland'},
{ id: 'SE', text: 'Sweden'},
{ id: 'CH', text: 'Switzerland'},
{ id: 'SY', text: 'Syrian Arab Republic'},
{ id: 'TW', text: 'Taiwan'},
{ id: 'TJ', text: 'Tajikistan'},
{ id: 'TZ', text: 'Tanzania'},
{ id: 'TH', text: 'Thailand'},
{ id: 'TL', text: 'Timor-Leste'},
{ id: 'TG', text: 'Togo'},
{ id: 'TK', text: 'Tokelau'},
{ id: 'TO', text: 'Tonga'},
{ id: 'TT', text: 'Trinidad And Tobago'},
{ id: 'TN', text: 'Tunisia'},
{ id: 'TR', text: 'Turkey'},
{ id: 'TM', text: 'Turkmenistan'},
{ id: 'TC', text: 'Turks And Caicos Islands'},
{ id: 'TV', text: 'Tuvalu'},
{ id: 'UG', text: 'Uganda'},
{ id: 'UA', text: 'Ukraine'},
{ id: 'AE', text: 'United Arab Emirates'},
{ id: 'GB', text: 'United Kingdom'},
{ id: 'US', text: 'United States'},
{ id: 'UM', text: 'United States Outlying Islands'},
{ id: 'UY', text: 'Uruguay'},
{ id: 'UZ', text: 'Uzbekistan'},
{ id: 'VU', text: 'Vanuatu'},
{ id: 'VE', text: 'Venezuela'},
{ id: 'VN', text: 'Viet Nam'},
{ id: 'VG', text: 'Virgin Islands}, British'},
{ id: 'VI', text: 'Virgin Islands}, U.S.'},
{ id: 'WF', text: 'Wallis And Futuna'},
{ id: 'EH', text: 'Western Sahara'},
{ id: 'YE', text: 'Yemen'},
{ id: 'ZM', text: 'Zambia'},
{ id: 'ZW', text: 'Zimbabwe'}
function formatCountry (country) {
if (! { return country.text; }
var $country = $(
'<span class="flag flag-'+ +'"></span>' +
'<span class="flag-text">'+ country.text+"</span>"
return $country;
//Assuming you have a select element with name country
// e.g. <select name="name"></select>
// $('body .select2-container .select2-results_options').addClass('.top-flag-list');
var $select2 = $("[name='country']").select2({
templateResult: formatCountry,
data: isoCountries,
placeholder: "Select Country"
// $'select2').$container.addClass("wrap");
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha512-2ImtlRlf2VVmiGZsjm9bEyhjGW4dU7B6TNwh/hx/iSByxNENtj3WVE6o/9Lj4TJeVXPi4bnOIMXFIJJAeufa0A==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha512-nMNlpuaDPrqlEls3IX/Q56H36qvBASwb3ipuo3MxeWbsQB1881ox0cRv7UPTgBlriqoynt35KjEwgGUeUXIPnw==" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<select name="country" class="form-control top-flag-list" data-country-old="<?php echo $country; ?>">
Thank you so much for your efforts!

How to get questions based on category, subcategory, sub subcategory etc from a JSON file for a quiz

I am using js, html, CSS and JSON for making a question bank of different categories and levels of difficulty.
I have made a quiz question Bank in JSON - quizquestion.json - with options, levels of difficulty and different categories, sub categories and sub sub category. I want to select categories, subcategories,.... and level of difficulty for the quiz.
I have included the selection in HTML as follows:
<label for="categories">Choose category</label>
<select name="categories" id="categories">
<option value="GK">General Knowledge</option>
<option value="science">Science</option>
<option value="history">History</option>
<label for="levels">Choose difficulty level</label>
<select name="levels" id="levels">
<option value="easy">Easy</option>
<option value="mod">Moderate</option>
<option value="hard">Hard</option>
I am loading the json file and assigning the questions and answers as follows. But I want to render questions of one category of one difficulty level. How do I do it?
$.getJSON('quizquestion.json', function(data) {
for(i=0;i<data.quizquestions.length;i++) {
qBank[i] =new Array;
qBank[i][0] = data.quizquestions[i].question;
qBank[i][1] = data.quizquestions[i].option1;
qBank[i][2] = data.quizquestions[i].option2;
qBank[i][3] = data.quizquestions[i].option3;
qBank[i][4] = data.quizquestions[i].option4;
Small portion of JSON file is as follows :
{ quizquestions :
[ { category: 'science', 'sub-category0': 'physics', 'sub-category1': 'light', levels: 'easy'
, question: 'Which color is not part of VIBGYOR', answer: 'Brown'
, option1: 'Violet', option2: 'Red', option3: 'Orange', option4: 'Brown'
, { category: 'science', 'sub-category0': 'physics', 'sub-category1': 'energy', levels: 'moderate'
, question: 'Which form of energy is renewable form of energy?', answer: 'solar'
, option1: 'electric', option2: 'solar', option3: 'coal', option4: 'petroleum'
, { category: 'science', 'sub-category0': 'chemistry', 'sub-category1': 'Elements', levels: 'hard'
, question: 'Gold is represented in the periodic table by which Symbol?', answer: 'Au'
, option1: 'Go', option2: 'Au', option3: 'Ye', option4: 'ld'
, { category: 'science', 'sub-category0': 'chemistry', 'sub-category1': 'Elements', levels: 'moderate'
, question: 'Tin is represented in the periodic table by which Symbol?', answer: 'Sb'
, option1: 'Go', option2: 'Au', option3: 'Sb', option4: 'ld'
, { category: 'science', 'sub-category0': 'chemistry', 'sub-category1': 'Elements', levels: 'easy'
, question: 'Lead is represented in the periodic table by which Symbol?', answer: 'Pb'
, option1: 'Pb', option2: 'Au', option3: 'Sb', option4: 'ld'
, { category: 'social science', 'sub-category0': 'history', 'sub-category1': 'worldwar', levels: 'hard'
, question: 'Where were the atom bombs dropped?', answer: 'Japan'
, option1: 'Germany', option2: 'Poland', option3: 'Russia', option4: 'Japan'
, { category: 'social science', 'sub-category0': 'history', 'sub-category1': 'USA', levels: 'hard'
, question: 'When did USA become independent?', answer: '1776'
, option1: '1774', option2: '1776', option3: '1876', option4: '1879'
, { category: 'social science', 'sub-category0': 'history', 'sub-category1': 'USA', levels: 'hard'
, question: 'Who was the first presidnet of USA?', answer: 'George Washington'
, option1: 'John Adams', option2: 'Thomas Jefferson', option3: 'George Washington', option4: 'James Madison'
, { category: 'social science', 'sub-category0': 'history', 'sub-category1': 'USA', levels: 'hard'
, question: 'What is the capital of USA?', answer: 'Washington'
, option1: 'New York', option2: 'Washington', option3: 'Chicago', option4: 'California'
, { category: 'general knowledge', 'sub-category0': 'capital', 'sub-category1': 'Europe', levels: 'easy'
, question: 'What is the capital of France?', answer: 'Paris'
, option1: 'Paris', option2: 'London', option3: 'Brussels', option4: 'Moscow'
, { category: 'general knowledge', 'sub-category0': 'capital', 'sub-category1': 'Europe', levels: 'easy'
, question: 'What is the capital of Russia?', answer: 'Moscow'
, option1: 'Paris', option2: 'London', option3: 'Brussels', option4: 'Moscow'
, { category: 'general knowledge', 'sub-category0': 'capital', 'sub-category1': 'Europe', levels: 'easy'
, question: 'What is the capital of Portugal?', answer: 'Lisbon'
, option1: 'Paris', option2: 'London', option3: 'Lisbon', option4: 'Moscow'
For example, if I want to select easy level for category-general knowledge, sub category-Europe, sub sub category - capital, how do I render the question or execute it?
For your example you can do this, for the other conditions just change the parameters.
var quizquestions =
[ { category: 'science', 'sub-category0': 'physics', 'sub-category1': 'light', levels: 'easy'
, question: 'Which color is not part of VIBGYOR', answer: 'Brown'
, option1: 'Violet', option2: 'Red', option3: 'Orange', option4: 'Brown'
, { category: 'science', 'sub-category0': 'physics', 'sub-category1': 'energy', levels: 'moderate'
, question: 'Which form of energy is renewable form of energy?', answer: 'solar'
, option1: 'electric', option2: 'solar', option3: 'coal', option4: 'petroleum'
, { category: 'science', 'sub-category0': 'chemistry', 'sub-category1': 'Elements', levels: 'hard'
, question: 'Gold is represented in the periodic table by which Symbol?', answer: 'Au'
, option1: 'Go', option2: 'Au', option3: 'Ye', option4: 'ld'
, { category: 'science', 'sub-category0': 'chemistry', 'sub-category1': 'Elements', levels: 'moderate'
, question: 'Tin is represented in the periodic table by which Symbol?', answer: 'Sb'
, option1: 'Go', option2: 'Au', option3: 'Sb', option4: 'ld'
, { category: 'science', 'sub-category0': 'chemistry', 'sub-category1': 'Elements', levels: 'easy'
, question: 'Lead is represented in the periodic table by which Symbol?', answer: 'Pb'
, option1: 'Pb', option2: 'Au', option3: 'Sb', option4: 'ld'
, { category: 'social science', 'sub-category0': 'history', 'sub-category1': 'worldwar', levels: 'hard'
, question: 'Where were the atom bombs dropped?', answer: 'Japan'
, option1: 'Germany', option2: 'Poland', option3: 'Russia', option4: 'Japan'
, { category: 'social science', 'sub-category0': 'history', 'sub-category1': 'USA', levels: 'hard'
, question: 'When did USA become independent?', answer: '1776'
, option1: '1774', option2: '1776', option3: '1876', option4: '1879'
, { category: 'social science', 'sub-category0': 'history', 'sub-category1': 'USA', levels: 'hard'
, question: 'Who was the first presidnet of USA?', answer: 'George Washington'
, option1: 'John Adams', option2: 'Thomas Jefferson', option3: 'George Washington', option4: 'James Madison'
, { category: 'social science', 'sub-category0': 'history', 'sub-category1': 'USA', levels: 'hard'
, question: 'What is the capital of USA?', answer: 'Washington'
, option1: 'New York', option2: 'Washington', option3: 'Chicago', option4: 'California'
, { category: 'general knowledge', 'sub-category0': 'capital', 'sub-category1': 'Europe', levels: 'easy'
, question: 'What is the capital of France?', answer: 'Paris'
, option1: 'Paris', option2: 'London', option3: 'Brussels', option4: 'Moscow'
, { category: 'general knowledge', 'sub-category0': 'capital', 'sub-category1': 'Europe', levels: 'easy'
, question: 'What is the capital of Russia?', answer: 'Moscow'
, option1: 'Paris', option2: 'London', option3: 'Brussels', option4: 'Moscow'
, { category: 'general knowledge', 'sub-category0': 'capital', 'sub-category1': 'Europe', levels: 'moderate'
, question: 'What is the capital of Portugal?', answer: 'Lisbon'
, option1: 'Paris', option2: 'London', option3: 'Lisbon', option4: 'Moscow'
} , { category: 'history', 'sub-category0': 'capital', 'sub-category1': 'Europe', levels: 'hard'
, question: 'What is the capital of Portugal?', answer: 'Lisbon'
, option1: 'Paris', option2: 'London', option3: 'Lisbon', option4: 'Moscow'
function changeEvent(){
var category = document.getElementById("categories").value;
var level = document.getElementById("levels").value;
// for easy, general knowledge, capital, Europe
var filteredQuestions = quizquestions.filter(
(question) =>
question.levels == level &&
question.category == category
// && question["sub-category0"] == "capital"
// && question["sub-category1"] == "Europe"
// print the list.
document.getElementById("list").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(filteredQuestions);
<label for="categories">Choose category</label>
<select name="categories" id="categories" onchange="changeEvent()">
<option value="general knowledge">General Knowledge</option>
<option value="science">Science</option>
<option value="history">History</option>
<label for="levels">Choose difficulty level</label>
<select name="levels" id="levels" onchange="changeEvent()">
<option value="easy">Easy</option>
<option value="moderate">Moderate</option>
<option value="hard">Hard</option>
<code id="list">

JavaScript group data into tree view 2 levels deep

I have a JSON object like this:
id: '1',
items: [
id: '1',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '555',
categoryDescription: 'my category',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
id: '1',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '555',
categoryDescription: 'my category',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
id: '2',
items: [
id: '2',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '556',
categoryDescription: 'my category 6',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
id: '3',
items: [
venueId: '3',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '557',
categoryDescription: 'my category 7',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
I want to make this into a new JSON object where everything is grouped by id (it already is but I need the number to become the key) then by categoryCode so the result looks something like this:
'1': {
'555': {
id: '1',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '555',
categoryDescription: 'my category',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
Is there a simple way to do this either using lodash or just plain JavaScript or some NPM package?
I create a general function that receiving array of items and parse it based on attrKeys and infoKeys array:
const data = [{
id: '1',
items: [{
id: '1',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '555',
categoryDescription: 'my category',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
}, {
id: '1',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '555',
categoryDescription: 'my category',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
}, {
id: '2',
items: [{
id: '2',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '556',
categoryDescription: 'my category 6',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
}, {
id: '3',
items: [{
venueId: '3',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '557',
categoryDescription: 'my category 7',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
const transformData = (input, attrKeys = [], infoKeys = [], deep = 0) => {
if (input && typeof input === 'object' && input.length) {
const key1 = attrKeys[deep];
const key2 = infoKeys[deep];
const output = {}
input.forEach(i => {
const info = i[key2] ? transformData(i[key2], attrKeys, infoKeys, deep) : i;
output[`${i[key1]}`] = info;
return output;
return input;
//What you want is here
const transformedData = transformData(data, ['id','categoryCode'], ['items'])
Follow the nested for...of loop approach:
const data = [{
id: '1',
items: [{
id: '1',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '555',
categoryDescription: 'my category',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
}, {
id: '1',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '555',
categoryDescription: 'my category',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
}, {
id: '2',
items: [{
id: '2',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '556',
categoryDescription: 'my category 6',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
}, {
id: '3',
items: [{
venueId: '3',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '557',
categoryDescription: 'my category 7',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
let finalData = {};
for (let obj of data) {
finalData[] = {};
for (var item of obj.items) {
finalData[][item.categoryCode] = { ...item
You can use Array.reduce function to achieve it.
const array = [{
id: '1',
items: [
id: '1',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '555',
categoryDescription: 'my category',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
id: '1',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '555',
categoryDescription: 'my category',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
id: '2',
items: [
id: '2',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '556',
categoryDescription: 'my category 6',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
id: '3',
items: [
id: '3',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '557',
categoryDescription: 'my category 7',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
// flatten the items array
.reduce((prev, curr) => {
return prev.concat(curr.items);
}, [])
.reduce((prev, curr) => {
if (!prev[])
prev[] = {};
if (!prev[][curr.categoryCode])
prev[][curr.categoryCode] = {};
prev[][curr.categoryCode] = curr;
return prev;
}, {})
Alternatively, you can archive that by just 7 lines of code using reduce function.
const array = [
id: '1',
items: [
id: '1',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '555',
categoryDescription: 'my category',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
id: '1',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '555',
categoryDescription: 'my category',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
id: '2',
items: [
id: '2',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '556',
categoryDescription: 'my category 6',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
id: '3',
items: [
venueId: '3',
saleId: '123',
saleIdAndItemId: '123456',
locationId: '123',
itemCode: '456',
itemDescription: 'my item',
categoryCode: '557',
categoryDescription: 'my category 7',
qty: 10,
saleValue: 200
array.reduce((prev, curr) => {
prev[] = curr.items.reduce((prev, curr) => {
(prev[curr.categoryCode] = []).push(curr);
return prev;
}, {});
return prev;
}, {})

Map an array with parent Owner property to and Array with children property

Hi I am trying to map an array which is as below:
var currentModel = [{id: 'Iron Man (CPC Avengers)', label: 'Iron Man', unit: 'CPC Avengers', level: '2', parent: '', children: []}, {id: 'Thor (Avengers Core Asgard)', label: 'Thor', unit: 'Avengers Core Asgard', level: '3', parent: 'Iron Man', children: []}, {id: 'Loki (Avengers Asgard)', label: 'Loki', unit: 'Avengers Asgard', level: '4', parent: 'Thor', children: []}, {id: 'Hela (Avengers Asgard)', label: 'Hela', unit: 'Avengers Asgard', level: '4', parent: 'Thor', children: []}, {id: 'Groot (Guardians of Galaxy)', label: 'Groot', unit: 'Guardians of Galaxy', 'level: '5', parent: 'Loki', children: []}, {id: 'Captain America (Avengers Core Earth)', label: 'Captain America', unit: 'Avengers Core Earth', level: '3', parent: 'Iron Man', children: []}, {id: 'Black Widow (Avengers Earth)', label: 'Black Widow', unit: 'Avengers Earth', level: '4', parent: 'Captain America', children: []}, {id: 'Hulk (Avengers Earth)', label: 'Hulk', unit: 'Avengers Earth', level: '4', parent: 'Captain America', children: []}]
Into Below Array
var requiredModel = [ {id: 'Iron Man (CPC Avengers)', label: 'Iron Man', unit: 'CPC Avengers', level: '2', parent: '', children: [ { id: 'Thor (Avengers Core Asgard)', label: 'Thor', unit: 'Avengers Core Asgard', level: '3', parent: 'Iron Man', children: [ { id: 'Loki (Avengers Asgard)', label: 'Loki', unit: 'Avengers Asgard', level: '4', parent: 'Thor', children: [ { id: 'Groot (Guardians of Galaxy)', label: 'Groot', unit: 'Guardians of Galaxy', level: '5', parent: 'Loki', children: []} ]}, {id: 'Hela (Avengers Asgard)', label: 'Hela', unit: 'Avengers Asgard', level: '4', parent: 'Thor', children: []}]},{id: 'Captain America (Avengers Core Earth)', label: 'Captain America', unit: 'Avengers Core Earth', level: '3', parent: 'Iron Man', children: [{ id: 'Black Widow (Avengers Earth)', label: 'Black Widow', unit: 'Avengers Earth', level: '4', parent: 'Captain America', children:[]}, { id: 'Hulk (Avengers Earth)', label: 'Hulk', unit: 'Avengers Earth', level: '4', children: []}]}]}]
I tried following things on currentModel:
Step1: To have separate array with respective levels
var currentModelLvl2= currentModel.filter(function(item){ return item.level === '2'});
var currentModelLvl3= currentModel.filter(function(item){ return item.level === '3'});
var currentModelLvl4= currentModel.filter(function(item){ return item.level === '4'});
var currentModelLvl5= currentModel.filter(function(item){ return item.level === '5'});
Step2: Loop over currentModelLvl4 and currentModelLvl5 and add to the children array of currentModelLvl4 the items from currentModelLvl5 where currentModelLvl4.label === currentModelLvl5.parent
for (var i = 0; i < currentModelLvl4.length; i++) {
var currentModelItem4 = currentModelLvl4[i];
for (var j = 0; j < currentModelLvl5.length; j++) {
var currentModelItem5 = currentModelLvl4[j];
if (currentModelItem4.label === currentModelItem5.parent) {
currentModelItem4.children.push( currentModelItem5);
But my loop gets stuck and makes my browser crash is anything wrong with my method or is there a better way to do this.
var currentModel = [{id: 'Iron Man (CPC Avengers)', label: 'Iron Man', unit: 'CPC Avengers', level: '2', parent: '', children: []}, {id: 'Thor (Avengers Core Asgard)', label: 'Thor', unit: 'Avengers Core Asgard', level: '3', parent: 'Iron Man', children: []}, {id: 'Loki (Avengers Asgard)', label: 'Loki', unit: 'Avengers Asgard', level: '4', parent: 'Thor', children: []}, {id: 'Hela (Avengers Asgard)', label: 'Hela', unit: 'Avengers Asgard', level: '4', parent: 'Thor', children: []}, {id: 'Groot (Guardians of Galaxy)', label: 'Groot', unit: 'Guardians of Galaxy', level: '5', parent: 'Loki', children: []}, {id: 'Captain America (Avengers Core Earth)', label: 'Captain America', unit: 'Avengers Core Earth', level: '3', parent: 'Iron Man', children: []}, {id: 'Black Widow (Avengers Earth)', label: 'Black Widow', unit: 'Avengers Earth', level: '4', parent: 'Captain America', children: []}, {id: 'Hulk (Avengers Earth)', label: 'Hulk', unit: 'Avengers Earth', level: '4', parent: 'Captain America', children: []}];
var children = {};
currentModel.forEach(model => {
children[model.parent] = children[model.parent] || [];
children[model.label] = model.children = children[model.label] || model.children;
this should do it
var values = [{
"id": "uniqueParentId1",
"children": [{
"childProp1": "test1",
"childProp2": "test3"
"id": "uniqueParentId2",
"children": [{
"childProp1": "somevals",
"childProp2": "other vals"
"childProp1": "somevals 1",
"childProp2": "other vals 1"
var result = => => Object.assign({ parentId: }, child))
).reduce((l, n) => l.concat(n), []);

How can I highlight a DataTable row when a user clicks on it in AlloyUI 3.0.x?

The AlloyUI 1.5.x showcase demonstrates how to highlight rows in its "Real World" example. The example uses the DataTableSelection plugin with selectRows: true, however, that code no longer works in AlloyUI 3.0.x.
I have tried using the DataTable.Highlight module with highlightRows: true, but that only highlights rows on mouseover:
YUI().use('aui-datatable', 'datatable-highlight', function(Y) {
/* ...code here... */
var dataTable = new Y.DataTable({
/* ...code here... */
highlightRows: true
See runnable example (modified from the "Real World" DataTable example on
function(Y) {
var remoteData = [{
active: 'yes',
address: '1236 Some Street',
amount: 5,
city: 'San Francisco',
colors: ['red'],
fruit: ['banana', 'cherry'],
last_login: '4/19/2007',
name: 'John A. Smith',
state: 'CA'
}, {
active: 'maybe',
address: '9996 Random Road',
amount: 0,
city: 'Los Angeles',
colors: ['green'],
fruit: ['cherry'],
last_login: ['4/10/2007'],
name: 'Bob C. Uncle',
state: 'CA'
}, {
active: 'yes',
address: '1623 Some Street',
amount: 5,
city: 'San Francisco',
colors: ['red'],
fruit: ['cherry'],
last_login: '4/19/2007',
name: 'John D. Smith',
state: 'CA'
}, {
active: 'no',
address: '3217 Another Ave',
amount: 3,
city: 'New York',
colors: ['red', 'blue'],
fruit: ['apple', 'cherry'],
last_login: '2/15/2006',
name: 'Joan E. Jones',
state: 'NY'
}, {
active: 'maybe',
address: '9899 Random Road',
amount: 0,
city: 'Los Angeles',
colors: ['green'],
fruit: ['banana'],
last_login: '1/23/2004',
name: 'Bob F. Uncle',
state: 'CA'
}, {
active: 'yes',
address: '1723 Some Street',
amount: 5,
city: 'San Francisco',
colors: ['red'],
fruit: ['apple'],
last_login: '4/19/2007',
name: 'John G. Smith',
state: 'CA'
}, {
active: 'no',
address: '3241 Another Ave',
amount: 3,
city: 'New York',
colors: ['red', 'blue'],
fruit: ['kiwi'],
last_login: '2/15/2006',
name: 'Joan H. Jones',
state: 'NY'
}, {
active: 'maybe',
address: '9909 Random Road',
amount: 0,
city: 'Los Angeles',
colors: ['green'],
fruit: ['apple', 'banana'],
last_login: '1/23/2004',
name: 'Bob I. Uncle',
state: 'CA'
}, {
active: 'yes',
address: '1623 Some Street',
amount: 5,
city: 'San Francisco',
colors: ['red'],
fruit: ['apple', 'cherry'],
last_login: '4/19/2007',
name: 'John J. Smith',
state: 'CA'
}, {
active: 'no',
address: '3721 Another Ave',
amount: 3,
city: 'New York',
colors: ['red', 'blue'],
fruit: ['banana'],
last_login: '2/15/2006',
name: 'Joan K. Jones',
state: 'NY'
var states = ['AL', 'AK', 'AZ', 'AR', 'CA', 'CO', 'CT', 'DE', 'DC', 'FL', 'GA', 'HI', 'ID', 'IL', 'IN', 'IA', 'KS', 'KY', 'LA', 'ME', 'MD', 'MA', 'MI', 'MN', 'MS', 'MO', 'MT', 'NE', 'NV', 'NH', 'NJ', 'NM', 'NY', 'NC', 'ND', 'OH', 'OK', 'OR', 'PA', 'RI', 'SC', 'SD', 'TN', 'TX', 'UT', 'VT', 'VA', 'WA', 'WV', 'WI', 'WY'];
var nestedCols = [{
key: 'name'
}, {
key: 'address'
}, {
key: 'city'
}, {
key: 'state'
}, {
key: 'amount'
var dataTable = new Y.DataTable({
columns: nestedCols,
data: remoteData,
highlightRows: true
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<div class="yui3-skin-sam">
<div id="myDataTable"></div>
How can I highlight a row when a user clicks on it in AlloyUI 3.0.x?
You need to use the DataTableHighlight module with type: 'rows' instead:
YUI().use('aui-datatable', 'aui-datatable-highlight', function(Y) {
/* ...your code here... */
var dataTable = new Y.DataTable({
/* ...your code here... */
plugins: [{
cfg: {
type: 'rows'
fn: Y.Plugin.DataTableHighlight
Here's a runnable example using your code:
function(Y) {
var remoteData = [{
active: 'yes',
address: '1236 Some Street',
amount: 5,
city: 'San Francisco',
colors: ['red'],
fruit: ['banana', 'cherry'],
last_login: '4/19/2007',
name: 'John A. Smith',
state: 'CA'
}, {
active: 'maybe',
address: '9996 Random Road',
amount: 0,
city: 'Los Angeles',
colors: ['green'],
fruit: ['cherry'],
last_login: ['4/10/2007'],
name: 'Bob C. Uncle',
state: 'CA'
}, {
active: 'yes',
address: '1623 Some Street',
amount: 5,
city: 'San Francisco',
colors: ['red'],
fruit: ['cherry'],
last_login: '4/19/2007',
name: 'John D. Smith',
state: 'CA'
}, {
active: 'no',
address: '3217 Another Ave',
amount: 3,
city: 'New York',
colors: ['red', 'blue'],
fruit: ['apple', 'cherry'],
last_login: '2/15/2006',
name: 'Joan E. Jones',
state: 'NY'
}, {
active: 'maybe',
address: '9899 Random Road',
amount: 0,
city: 'Los Angeles',
colors: ['green'],
fruit: ['banana'],
last_login: '1/23/2004',
name: 'Bob F. Uncle',
state: 'CA'
}, {
active: 'yes',
address: '1723 Some Street',
amount: 5,
city: 'San Francisco',
colors: ['red'],
fruit: ['apple'],
last_login: '4/19/2007',
name: 'John G. Smith',
state: 'CA'
}, {
active: 'no',
address: '3241 Another Ave',
amount: 3,
city: 'New York',
colors: ['red', 'blue'],
fruit: ['kiwi'],
last_login: '2/15/2006',
name: 'Joan H. Jones',
state: 'NY'
}, {
active: 'maybe',
address: '9909 Random Road',
amount: 0,
city: 'Los Angeles',
colors: ['green'],
fruit: ['apple', 'banana'],
last_login: '1/23/2004',
name: 'Bob I. Uncle',
state: 'CA'
}, {
active: 'yes',
address: '1623 Some Street',
amount: 5,
city: 'San Francisco',
colors: ['red'],
fruit: ['apple', 'cherry'],
last_login: '4/19/2007',
name: 'John J. Smith',
state: 'CA'
}, {
active: 'no',
address: '3721 Another Ave',
amount: 3,
city: 'New York',
colors: ['red', 'blue'],
fruit: ['banana'],
last_login: '2/15/2006',
name: 'Joan K. Jones',
state: 'NY'
var states = ['AL', 'AK', 'AZ', 'AR', 'CA', 'CO', 'CT', 'DE', 'DC', 'FL', 'GA', 'HI', 'ID', 'IL', 'IN', 'IA', 'KS', 'KY', 'LA', 'ME', 'MD', 'MA', 'MI', 'MN', 'MS', 'MO', 'MT', 'NE', 'NV', 'NH', 'NJ', 'NM', 'NY', 'NC', 'ND', 'OH', 'OK', 'OR', 'PA', 'RI', 'SC', 'SD', 'TN', 'TX', 'UT', 'VT', 'VA', 'WA', 'WV', 'WI', 'WY'];
var nestedCols = [{
key: 'name'
}, {
key: 'address'
}, {
key: 'city'
}, {
key: 'state'
}, {
key: 'amount'
var dataTable = new Y.DataTable({
columns: nestedCols,
data: remoteData,
plugins: [{
cfg: {
type: 'rows'
fn: Y.Plugin.DataTableHighlight
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<div class="yui3-skin-sam">
<div id="myDataTable"></div>
