how can I pop all array list - javascript

ı couldn't pop() every array list. at the end remain two array elements
function ürünSil(){
let diller = [ "Türkçe", "İngilizce", "Almanca", "Fransızca", "Japonca"]
for(let i in diller){
let sonİcerik = diller.pop()
document.write(diller + "<br />")

you can empty your array like this also:
let diller = [ "Türkçe", "İngilizce", "Almanca", "Fransızca", "Japonca"];
while(diller.length > 0) {

The length of the array changes each time on pop() so when there are 3 items removed from the array , the present index for i on your code will be 2 and hence the actual length is also 2, so the for() loops does not trigger further.
The solution could be to preserve the initial length value and use that value in the loop:
function ürünSil(){
let diller = [ "Türkçe", "İngilizce", "Almanca", "Fransızca", "Japonca"]
const length = diller.length;
for(let i = 0; i<length; i++){
let sonİcerik = diller.pop()

use while loop instead of for.
while (diller.length != 0) {
document.write(diller + '<br />');

This happens because pop reduces the length of the array, which impacts the times the loop will iterate. Instead just have the while condition check whether the array still has elements, without any i.
Unrelated, but
don't use document.write for this. Use console.log, or if you want to add data to the HTML document, then use other DOM methods.
have the good habit of ending your statements with semicolon. You don't want to fall for the sometimes tricky effects of automatic semicolon insertion.
let diller = [ "Türkçe", "İngilizce", "Almanca", "Fransızca", "Japonca"];
while (diller.length) {
let sonİcerik = diller.pop();


Array.splice inside a for loop causing errors

im using Angular ng-repeat to display $scope.currentMessageList array
i also have a remove button bound via ng-click to the remove function, which looks like this:
remove: function () {
for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
var index = i;
$scope.currentMessageList.splice(index, 1);
console.log($scope.currentMessageList.length + 'left');
There are 25 items in this collection, when I call the remove function,
I get this output:
13times X 12left
If I replace the for loop with angular.forEach
I get "12 left" only once, still it doesn`t remove more than 13 items
Ive also tried to use angular.apply, than I get digest already in progress error
Performing a splice while iterating through an array is a bad idea.
You should replace
for( var i = 0; i < 25; i++ ){
var index = i;
$scope.currentMessageList.splice( index, 1 );
console.log($scope.currentMessageList.length + 'left');
by a simple
$scope.currentMessageList.splice( 0, 25 );
You're removing items while walking the array.
When you reach half of the array you've already removed half the items, so you won't remove anything else.
You can fix this either by always removing the first item or by iterating backwards from 24 towards 0.
When you remove array items in loop, indexes get shifted too. As the result you can iterate over only the half of them. This is the issue here.
If you want to clear 25 first items you can remove them with Array.prototype.shift method instead. In this case it will remove the first element of the array 25 times, giving you expected result:
remove: function () {
for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
When you splice the array.. the length of the array changes.
When you are trying to remove the element at index 13, the length is 12 only.
Hence it is not removed.
Instead of splice, try shift();
You don't need to iterate over your array to remove all the items. Just do this:
remove : function(){
$scope.currentMessageList = [];
Check out this answer also. There are others way to achieve this that are also valid.

Using Jquery Splice

I am trying to remove an item from an Array using Splice method.
arrayFinalChartData =[{"id":"rootDiv","Project":"My Project","parentid":"origin"},{"1":"2","id":"e21c586d-654f-4308-8636-103e19c4d0bb","parentid":"rootDiv"},{"3":"4","id":"deca843f-9a72-46d8-aa85-f5c3c1a1cd02","parentid":"e21c586d-654f-4308-8636-103e19c4d0bb"},{"5":"6","id":"b8d2598a-2384-407a-e2c2-8ae56c3e47a2","parentid":"deca843f-9a72-46d8-aa85-f5c3c1a1cd02"}];
ajax_delete_id = "e21c586d-654f-4308-8636-103e19c4d0bb,deca843f-9a72-46d8-aa85-f5c3c1a1cd02,b8d2598a-2384-407a-e2c2-8ae56c3e47a2";
$.each(arrayFinalChartData, function (idx, obj) {
var myObj =;
if (ajax_delete_id.indexOf(myObj) >= 0) {
var vararrayFinalChartDataOne = arrayFinalChartData.splice(idx, 1);
Please check at :
Note : It does not complete the "last leg " of the loop. That means if I have 4 items, then it successfully executes 3 items. Same goes for 6,7...items.
I need to "REMOVE" few items and "PRESERVE THE BALANCE" in an array.
You can use for loop instead of $.each function:
alert('length before delete ' + arrayFinalChartData.length);
for (var i = arrayFinalChartData.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
id = arrayFinalChartData[i].id;
if(ajax_delete_id.indexOf(id) > -1){
arrayFinalChartData.splice(i, 1);
alert('length after delete ' + arrayFinalChartData.length);
Complete edit :
After researching a bit, and console.logging a lot, I finally found where the issue is coming from ! It's actually quite simple, but very sneaky !
Theoretical explanation :
You are calling the splice function with the variable "idx", but remember that the splice function remaps / reindexes your array ! So, each time you splice the array, its size decreases by one while you're still inside the $.each function. The splice messes up jQuery indexation of your array, because jQuery doesn't know that you're removing elements from it !
Iterative explanation :
$.each function starts, thinking your array has 4 elements, which is true, but only for a while. First loop, idx = 0, no splice. Second loop, idx = 1, splice, which means that your array has now 3 elements left in it, reindexed from 0 to 2. Third loop, idx = 2, splice, which means your array has now two elements left in it, but $.each continues ! Fourth loop, idx = 3, js crashes, because "arrayFinalChartData[3]" is undefined, since it was moved back each time the array got spliced.
To solve your problem, you need to use a for loop and to start analyzing the array from the end, not from the beginning, hence each time you splice it, your index will decrease as well. And if you want to preserve balance, just push the removed items into an array. Remember that you are analyzing the array from the end, so items pushed into the "removedItems" array will be in reverse order. Just like this :
var removedItems = new Array();
for (var i = arrayFinalChartData.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var myObj = arrayFinalChartData[i].id;
if (ajax_delete_id.indexOf(myObj) >= 0) {
removedItems.push(arrayFinalChartData.splice(i, 1)[0]);
And a working demo (inspect the page, observe the console and click "Run") :
I will not give credit to myself for this answer, thanks to another similar thread for giving me a hint.
Your problem here is that when the $.each is set up, it's expecting a certain length of object, which you are then changing. You need to loop in a way that respects the dynamic length of the object.
var i = 0;
while (i < arrayFinalChartData.length) {
var myObj = arrayFinalChartData[i].id;
if (ajax_delete_id.indexOf(myObj) >= 0) {
// current item is in the list, so remove it but KEEP THE SAME INDEX
arrayFinalChartData.splice(i, 1);
} else {
// item NOT in list, so MOVE TO NEXT INDEX

Unsetting javascript array in a loop?

I have the following code:
$.each(current, function(index, value) {
thisArray = JSON.parse(value);
if (thisArray.ttl + > now()) {
There's a problem with the following line:
What happens is that it (probably) unsets the first case which fits the else condition and then when it has to happen again, the keys don't match anymore and it cannot unset anything else. It works once, but not in the following iterations.
Is there a fix for this?
You can use a regular for loop, and loop backwards:
for(var i=current.length-1; i>= 0; i--) {
var thisArray = JSON.parse(current[i]);
if (thisArray.ttl + > now()) {
} else {
current.splice(i, 1);
Also it seems thisArray is actually an object, not an array...
you can use regular for loop, but after splice, decrease index by 1
for(var i=0; i<current.length; i++){
current.splice(i, 1); i--;
You should pay attention if you mutate an array (by moving objects) while it's being traversed because some element may get skipped like in your case.
When you call current.splice(index, 1) element index will be removed and element index+1 will take its place. But then index will be incremented, thus skipping one element.
A better solution is IMO the read-write approach. You keep one index as the "read pointer" and you always increment it, and another index (the "write pointer") that is incremented only when you decide an element should be kept in the array:
var wp = 0; // The "write pointer"
for (var rp=0; rp<a.length; rp++) {
if (... i want to keep element a[rp] ...) {
a[wp++] = a[rp];
a.splice(wp); // Remove all elements after wp
This is a o(N) operation and will move each element at most once. Other approaches like starting from the end and using the same splice(i, 1) approach instead will keep moving all elements after i each time an element needs to be removed.

Reordering an array in javascript

there are many questions/answers dealing with this topic. None match my specific case. Hopefully someone can help:
I have an array of indexes such as:
var indexes = [24, 48, 32, 7, 11];
And an array of objects that look similar to this:
var items = [{
name : "whatever",
selected : false,
loading : true,
progress : 55,
complete : false
name : "whatever 2",
selected : false,
loading : false,
progress : 100,
complete : true
Each integer within the indexes array corresponds to the actual index of an object within the items array.
Lastly I have a variable which defines the new insert position within the items array:
var insertindex = ??
What I would like to do is to take all objects in the items array that have the indexes stored in the indexes array, remove them, then finally place them back, all next to each other at a specified index defined by the variable insertindex.
I have been trying to use splice() by copying the objects at each index to a temporary array, then removing them from the original array, then finally looping through this new temporary array and putting them back into the original items array at the new positions, but seems to be hitting a mental brick wall and cannot get it to work correctly.
To summarize, I simply want to take all objects from the items array that match an index defined in the indexes array, put them together and reinsert them at a predefined index, back into the items array.
To help with conceptual visualization. If you think of the app as a javascript file manager, allowing the reordering of multiple file selections which do not have to be adjacent. The indexes array defining the current selection and the items array defining the list of files. And finally the rearoderindex defines the new insert position that all selected files should move to.
EDIT: As was rightly suggested here is the code I am playing with right now:
function reorder(items, indexes, insertindex){
var offset = 0;
var itemscopy = items.slice(0); //make shallow copy of original array
var temparray = new Array(); // create temporary array to hold pulled out objects
//loop through selected indexes and copy each into temp array
for(var i=0, len=indexes.length; i<len; i++){
array[i] = itemscopy[self.cache.selecteditems[i]];
//remove all selected items from items array
for(var i=0, len=indexes.length; i<len; i++){
items.splice(indexes[i], 1);
//finally loop through new temp array and insert the items back into the items array at the specified index, increasing the index each iteration using the offset variable.
for(var i=0, len=temparray.length; i<len; i++){
items.splice((insertindex+offset), 0, array[i]);
I'm aware this is pretty horrible and that looping three times should not be necessary. But I've been trying lots of different methods, some working when reordering in one direction, some in the other an mostly, not at all. I figured I would look to optimize the function later, once I have it working with accuracy.
I'm certain I must be doing something extremely stupid or completely overlooking something, but for the life of me I can't work out what right now.
If you don't care about order of indexes array, I'd suggest another short solution:
items.splice.apply(items, [insertIndex, 0].concat(indexes.sort(function(a, b) {
return a - b;
})).map(function(i, p) {
return p > 1 ? items.splice(i - p + 2, 1).pop() : i;
To make it short I used method, which is not supported by old IE browsers. However it is always easy to use a shim from MDN.
You can use the .splice() function to add elements to an array, as well as removing items from it. The general principle is:
Sort indexes into ascending numeric order
Iterate over indexes, removing the element at that index (adjusting for the number of removed items) and storing it in a removedItems array
Add the removedItems array back in at the required index
The code to do that would look something like this:
var removedItems = [];
// sort indexes
indexes.sort(function(a, b) {
if(a < b) return -1;
else if(b < a) return 1;
return 0;
for(var i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
var index = indexes[i];
removedItems.push(items.splice(index - removedItems.length, 1));
var insertIndex = 1;
items.splice.apply(items, [insertIndex, 0].concat(removedItems));
Take a look at this jsFiddle demo.

Javascript array + index

Im still needing help with this, and have edited the jsfiddle post to show my problem.
I want to return number to associated index value [0] =0 [1]=1 as you can see the index string returns all numbers. Thanks again Paul
I have a number generator script that returns values to DIV ID's. I need to hook into this somehow, to enable replacing color based upon the number value i.e. > 1 && <= 20 = red etc.
function myNumbers(numbers, type) {
for (var x in numbers) {
document.getElementById(type + x).innerHTML = numbers[x];
This script fills each of the DIVs named num0 ... num3 with a random number.
I have managed to query the first value of numbers[x] but need to set an index order to loop through the rest, or something.
Use Array.forEach.
numbers.forEach(function (number, index) {...})
Don't use for arrays. They're meant to be used on objects so using on arrays will return such things as the length element.
Either use forEach as ethagnawl mentioned or use the traditional for loop:
for (var x=0; x < numbers.length; x++) {
document.getElementById(type + x).innerHTML = numbers[x];
