jquery append refusing to assign value to select - javascript

so i have an mvc project using php/js/oracle db on the backend and this one thing is completely stumping me.
i have a select that im trying to fill with and array of values received from an ajax call. but when i try to append.() the values to the select nothing happens, no errors that i can see, nothing. it just doesnt assign the values like how i think it should work. this is the block of code
`$("#newuserModal #bscid").focusout(function () {
var based_url = $('#base_url').text();
var bscidlong = $('#newuserModal #bscid').val();
type: 'POST',
url: based_url + '/user_data/get_roles',
data: {bsc_id: bscidlong},
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
var prole = JSON.parse(data);
var $option = $("<option>");
$option.text("Select a location type.");
if (prole != undefined && prole.length > 0) {
prole.map(function (d, i) {
$('#newuserModal #f_process_role').append(new Option(d.p_role, d.p_role_id));
stepping through as the focusout executes the ajax is fine, i get the array of data i expect, hits the if statement loops through without issue but when it gets to the append literally nothing happens and the event ends and the values are not assigned, front end dev really isnt my thing so im stumped as to what is wrong.

You seem to have a typo which is causing the issue:
<select class="form-control col-md-7" id="f_process_role" name="f_process_role" style=" height: 32px;">
the id is "f_process_role" while in your js code you are checking for an id of #f_p_role
$('#newuserModal #f_p_role').append(new Option(d.p_role, d.p_role_id));
You can choose to update the select to match your id as thus:
<select class="form-control col-md-7" id="f_p_role" name="f_p_role" style=" height: 32px;">


How to display value stored in database on the table

This is the troublesome table created: http://jsfiddle.net/ofd3nox3/
Now, I have some issue to display the value stored in database for this table per user.
For instance, a user said she's available on Thursdays in the morning, Friday and Saturday in the afternoon. This stored in the database this way:
I can call the value via ajax on page load, but just not sure how to color the particular `'td' of the table that carries this value.
This is how the table look like, notice the value it carries on the td.
How I match the value with <td> is, I will add '-1' after Thrs for the '1' indicate morning, '2' indicates afternoon and 3 evening.
So whichever that carries Thrs-1 will be green in color.The same method goes for afternoon and Evening. These values could be in array two which stored as comma separated value in DB.
I tried the following which actually made all <td> values to Thrs-1 and applied the color red to them.
MY AJAX that fetches the table values from DB:
var id = '<?php echo $id;?>';
var data;
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
url: '/profile/getAvail.php?id='+id,
success: function(data){
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var morn = data[i].morning+"-1";
//$("#greeny td").text(data[i].morning+"-1").css("background-color","#ff0000");
Guys if don't get what I mean exactly, please do ask in the comment, I need to sort this asap.Thank you for your kind help !!!
//Loop all the td
$("td").each(function() {
//if found td contains 'Thrs-1', then override the value to 'test'
if($(this).text().indexOf('Thrs-1') > -1)

Populate items into SELECT with Jquery

I'm having trouble populating a SELECT with jquery, when the user writes the zipcode or part of it, it searches the database and returns this:
{"success":1,"id":"50","street":"Central One"},{"success":1,"id":"60","street":"Central Two"}
One success for each street it finds. For a single street and using a text input I'm using this
$(document).ready( function() {
url : '../../controller/zip.php',
type : 'POST',
data: 'zip=' + $('#zip').val(),
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data){
if(data.sucesso == 1){
return false;
How can I change this so I can populate a select box.
What is being passed back for a single address is a single object from which you can grab the information. When there are multiple responses you need to go through each of them and handle them.
When we look at MDN's article it shows that we need a parent <select> tag and then we need to populate the children. The process would look like this:
Find / create parent select
[Optional] Remove previous child <option> tags
Loop through responses
Create a new <option> element
Populate the <option> with the appropriate value and content
Append it to the parent <select>
Some things to be aware of, if you're clearing the previous addresses each time you get a response from the database you'll want to remove these previous <option>s. This can be done either by .empty() if there are no other children in the parent or starting with the parent <select> and removing all child <options>.
Use this for adding items to select box dynamically:
var $selectBox = $('#selectboxId');
$.each(data, function (idx, val) {
if (val.success) {
$selectBox.append($('<option>', {
value: val.id,
text: val.street
I would not encourage to do so; you're better off using a html-templating engine like mustache or handlebars.
Doing this kind of stuff in plain JS (string concatenation) is gross. It pollutes your sourcecode.
Anyways, this would do the trick to generate the necessary HTML:
function generateHTML(data){
return data.reduce(function(o,n){
return o+"<option value='"+n.id+"'>"+n.street+"</option>";
Here is the Fiddle to play with. If you need to filter for success, you could add a filter()
function generateHTML(data){
return data.filter(function(x){
return !!x.success;
return o+"<option value='"+n.id+"'>"+n.street+"</option>";
You could easily use $("#selectBoxId").html(generateHTML(data)) to insert it to the DOM.
To fit it into your codebase, you should add it in the success handler:
success: function(data){
function generateHTML(data){
return data.reduce(function(o,n){
return o+"<option value='"+n.id+"'>"+n.street+"</option>";
For the inner workings of Array.prototype.reduce() take a look at MDN and for Array.prototype.filter()
If the JSON being returned is a list [{...}, ..., {...}], then you can use Array.forEach. Here is the success callback:
function(data) {
data.forEach(function(item) {
if (item.success) {
// use item.id and item.street
If you have a <select> element, then you will want to be populating it with <options>, by appending an <option> element under each successful "if" branch in the forEach.
Assuming you already have the select element on the page and the data that is coming back from the server is an array of objects, this should work:
url : '../../controller/zip.php',
type : 'POST',
data: 'zip=' + $('#zip').val(),
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
var $items = [];
$.each(data, function(street) {
if(data.success === 1) {
$items.push($('<option />').attr({
value: street.id
Notice this isn't setting the value for one option, it is creating <option> tags for each of the response's streets and appending them to a <select> element.

How to add content via ajax using the popover boostrap

I tried to view different sources and also looked into the forums posting similar question, but it didnt quite help me with the issue that im facing.
I have a text input filed to which I'm adding a popover to show similar a list of names in the database. The inout field checks for validation, to see if the name entered is unique, if not it displays similar names available in the database that could be re-used.
here is the popover snippet:
title: 'Twitter Bootstrap Popover',
content: function (process) {
this.accountCollection = new ipiadmin.collections.AccountCollection();
var newName = $("#new-account-form #account_name_create").val();
var userFilter = "accountName~'" + newName + "'";
data: { "f": userFilter,
"sortby": null,
"reversesort" : true
cache: false,
success: function(model, response, options) {
var states = [];
map = {};
$.each(model.aDataSet, function (i, state) {
map[state.accountName] = state;
process(states); //gives an error saying 'undefined is not a function (says process is undefined)'
error: function(model, response, options) {
here is the html:
<input type="text" id="account_name_create" name="account_name" class="" size="40" />
I'm not sure how why it says 'process' as undefined. Also not sure if this would be the correct way of displaying the data in the popover.
Any ideas??
process doesn't have scope in the success function, only in the content function. If you want to call the process function from within the success function, you could define it somewhere outside of the jQuery call.

difficulty getting list of values from series of input elements inside table rows

I'm completely stumped. Granted, in java script i'm like that kid trying to jam a square peg into a round hole.
My high level objective: The admins want the ability to edit text surrounding some text boxes, as well as the ability to add and remove 'paragraph'. The reporters and users want the values that are in the textboxes to be used in comparisons, etc (which is the original functionality).
My Solution: This project uses a pretty messy value - attribute table (called an EAV?), which now has fields with associated fields and is self referencing. I decided to leverage this to minimize changes to the database, so the admin essentially creates a string, denotes the places a text box belongs using '{}', and assigns a name to the attribute into text boxes that appear directly below the paragraph.
My Problem: Textboxes generate fine, as soon as the admin stops typing the "{}" count is checked client side, and the correct number of textboxes are added/removed in rows below. However, when the "change" mode (and thereby save the new string) I also want to save the attribute names they selected. I can't seem to get the actual value out of the input. The java script below sends null to elementList. Closer inspection indicates that var fieldNames is getting two elements of "undefined" so it makes sense that I'm getting null. Its also apparent that Its hitting something, becuase the number aligns with there being two 'nameField' rows.
DOM (Hemed down to the essentials)
<tr data-editMode="TextMode" data-ordinal="0">
<a class="changeMode">
<tr class="nameField">
<td colspan='4'>
<input type="text" value="Testing">
<tr class="nameField">
function getAssociatedTr(row) {
var associatedRows = [];
row = row.next('tr');
var hasAnother = true;
while (hasAnother == true) {
if (row != null && row.hasClass("nameField")) {
row = row.next('tr');
} else {
hasAnother = false;
return associatedRows;
$(".changeMode").live("click", function () {
var options = $(this).data("options");
var theRow = $(this).closest('tr');
var rows = getAssociatedTr(theRow);
var fieldNames = new Array();
rows.splice(0, 1);
for (var index = 0; index < rows.length; index++) {
$(".modal-header", c.rowsModal).html("<h3>Changing edit mode" + options.table + "</h3>");
type: "POST",
traditional: true,
data: { "Name": options.table, "Ordinal": options.row, "EditMode": options.editMode, "ElementNames": fieldNames },
url: "/contracts/changeeditmode/" + c.id.val(),
success: function (data) {
for (j = rows.length - 1 ; j >= 0; j--) {
Server side
public ActionResult ChangeEditMode(long id, AddTrackedRowViewModel model,
string editMode, List<string> elementNames)
As a side note, I'm open to constructive criticism on the JavaScript.
I have updated the line to
But still getting undefined.
In this line:
you are using the selector ".nameField", but this get a "tr" element, if you want the textbox you need this:
or using other selector that give you the textbox.

Selecting a value on a dynamically populated dropdown list after the list has been populated

So I have a problem where my code tries to select a value on the dropdown list before the list is populated. Basically it calls a javascript function that does an AJAX post to get the dropdown values from php. Then its supposed to select a value on the list, however it does this before the list is populated, so it doesn't find the value. Any idea on how to fix this?
Heres my code
This is where I get the values for the dropdown list
function getProjects(id, proj_select_class)
custID = id.options[id.selectedIndex].value;
type: "POST",
url: "index.php/home/projectlist",
data: {custID : custID},
dataType: "json",
success:function (result){
var ddl = $(proj_select_class);
for (var key in result) {
if (result.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
ddl.append('<option value=' + key + '>' + result[key] + '</option>');
And heres where I set the values.
AddNew() adds a new row to my table. This is also inside an ajax call.
for (var row in result) {
client_field = document.getElementById('clients'+id);
project_field = document.getElementById('projects'+id);
client_value = $.trim(result[row].client_id);
project_value = $.trim(result[row].project_id);
//set client
client_field.value = client_value;
getProjects(client_field, project_field, client_value);
project_field.value = project_value;
Maybe try using a custom event binding to know when your code should fetch the value from the list. To bind to a custom event, you would do something like:
$(document).bind("listpopulated", function(){ /*find value, call AddNew() */ });
and in your ajax success function trigger the "listpopulated" event like so:
Fixed it by waiting til the ajax finished running by doing this
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(){ set_values(result); });
set_values is another function that I just loops through all my results and sets all the dropdown values
