Promise.race to keep evaluating until it gets a non-rejected promise? - javascript

I race requests in my system and want to return whoever is the fastest. However, the fastest promise could also technically throw an error despite the slower promises being successful.
How can I race promises and keep evaluating if the fastest one was a reject?
const myPromises = [p1, p2, p3]
const winner = Promise.race(myPromises) // this fails if winning promise rejects
p1 wins but returns 500 so promise rejects
p2 comes in second with a 200, return p2

You want to use Promise.any() instead.
This will resolve when the first promise you pass it resolves and will ignore rejected promises unless all of them reject (none resolved).
So, if the first two in your example reject immediately, it will wait for the outcome of the third promise.
It sounds like Promise.any() does exactly what you want.


Are there promise library with serial and resolution without async-await?

The inconvenience I have is that there is no way, to my knowledge, using built-in Promise, to resolve a Promise within a synchronous block.
Specifically, the following code
var o = {};
function set(index, value) {
console.log(`setting ${index} to ${o.index = value}`);
Promise.resolve().then(()=>set('a', 1)).then(()=>set('b',2))
Promise.resolve().then(()=>set('c', 1)).then(()=>set('d',2))
console.log(`a is ${o.a}`);
Outputs :
a is undefined
setting a to 1
setting c to 1
setting b to 2
setting d to 2
Are there Promise like lib whose Promise would yield the following outputs:
setting a to 1
setting b to 2
setting c to 1
setting d to 2
a is 1
Obviously, no need to resort to Promises in the example above, but in my use case, setting 'a' leads to a pretreatment which only needs to be done once, whereas 'b' can be set multiple times, and is used within the same synchronous block it is set (no freedom on that).
I've looked up bluebird, and I have no clue how their promises work internally, but they seem to embrace using only promise chains.
Q Promise might be what I'm looking for, I'm not sure.
More generally, it feels daunting scouring the docs of the many Promise librairies out there querying some niche, depreciated need with likely the wrong keywords and concepts in mind.
This is definitely a case of ProblemXY where X could be solved in a variety of ways without Promises, for example by synchronous initializers, but I feel problem Y is interesting in and of itself (and likely a duplicate), so I'm still asking.
I'll get around giving problem X its own question, but long story short, I'd love to use, sometimes within a single js synchronous execution block, the expressive power of promises to pull values instead of pushing them and to flatten callbacks and try-catch pyramids.
To clarify what I'm curious about, the way I would build the Promiselike with the desired properties is as follow :
let f = myPasync(function*(){ //equivalent to async function declaration
v = yield myPAwait(myPromiseInstance); //equivalent of v = await myPromiseInstance;
let pa = new myP( *(resolve, reject)=>{} ) //equivalent to new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{}) ; for simplicity, resolve and reject can be naked properties of pa
pa.myPthen((*()=>{})()) //equivalent to pa.then((v)=>{})
And then, instead of dynamically iterating over a task queue every tick, pushing thens and awaits of newly resolved promised to that queue in a FIFO manner,
I would push to the task queue in a LIFO manner and iterate over it upon any myP related function call.
So for example, when a promise is resolved, every routine awaiting it will resume before anything else, and in particular before the rest of the routine resolving the promise.
Other example when a routine awaits a promise, if that promise is already resolved, the routine is immediately resumed instead of letting other execute.

Having a really difficult time understand Promise chaining

(I think I learned this, it is that .then returns a promise even if it is not run, i never knew this, thank you)
Please forgive me if this is a dumb question but I simply don't get this, I've googled this many times but those articles only talk about Promise very briefly like how to create one, how to resolve, how to .then and stuff.
I'm confused about promise chaining.
This is my code:
let p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject){
let value = 19;
} else {
p.then(x => {console.log(x*x); throw false})
.then(null, x => console.log(x))
This code prints 19 and I have no clue why?.
I do know every .then returns a promise but in this case, p.then shouldn't have even run because the promise is not resolved. Now in a way, it seems that didnt run but if so, why did the second .then run?
Our first .then didn't run, it didnt run any promise whatsoever, so nothing should have displayed.
Now unless 2nd .then is working the same as p.then() which I hope it doesnt because that will only create more confusions, I dont understand why will the 2nd .then run?.
I'm sorry again if my question or english bad but I'm really curious about this.
The .then function takes two functions as parameters, one which is called when the Promise resolves and one when it rejects. It returns a new Promise which gets resolved or rejected with whatever value the function which was executed returns (or throws). If no handler was executed, the Promise will just resolve or reject with the same value the Promise .then was called on.
In your example the first .then call only received one argument, and as the Promise rejects it won't be executed. Therefore the Promise it returns will also reject, and thus the second argument will be executed.
// some examples
.then(called, notCalled);
.then(notCalled, called);
.then(null, notCalled)
.then(it => it + 1, notCalled)
.then(called, notCalled);
.then(notCalled, null)
.then(notCalled, it => it + 1)
.then(called, notCalled);
A Promise can be in one of these states:
pending -> initial state, neither fulfilled nor rejected.
fulfilled -> the operation was completed successfully.
rejected -> the operation failed.
In your code sample, the promise is being rejected (since if value is a truthy condition).
The then method accepts two arguments:
p.then(onFulfilled[, onRejected]);
p.then(value => {
// fulfillment
}, reason => {
// rejection
Since the then is chainable, the reject get's fired on the second chained then which is the line of code:
x => console.log(x)
Hence, printing the value 19.
Looking at your questions on the two answers above (and also, perhaps the fact that you didn't selected either answer as correct), I wonder if you're still confused about this.
Here is an explanation based on stepping through your code:
p.then(x => {console.log(x*x); throw false})
.then(null, x => console.log(x))
Reading one token at a time:
p is a promise. It has the code as you defined for p: let p = new Promise ...
We immediately call p's then function. This runs the code in p (since p has not yet been run -- promises only run once). Your code in p is a bit confusing because it defines value to be 19, but then it says if ( !value ) ... which means "if value has no value (i.e., is falsey)". In your cause value does have a value, 19. So that causes the else part to run, which says reject(value). This moves p from an "undetermined" state to a rejected state.
Back in your main code, the then clause (the first one), only has one argument. A then clause typically has two arguments, one for code to run if the promise resolves (succeeds), and one if it fails. In your case you only provided one argument to your first then call. Since p was rejected, JavaScript doesn't run the code in the first then, but (as you point out from your learning in bold) it does still return another promise.
Now that the promise from the first then has been determined, we invoke the chained (second) then. Jonas Wilms points out the key fact: If no handler was executed, the Promise will just resolve or reject with the same value the Promise .then was called on. So that means the second then gets the same result as the first then, rejected.
Since the second then has two arguments, JavaScript runs the second one (the one for the rejection case), which prints 19.

Why and when to use Promise.resolve?

As I know, Promises are used to represent success/failure of an asynchronous operation. When I am looking into one of my project, all the functions are wrapping the final result in 'Promise.resolve'. I am not understanding, what is the use of wrapping all the function results in 'Promise.resolve'. Is there any use case here?
For example, all the functions are following below template.
process = (data) => {
//Perform some operations.
return Promise.resolve(result);
The only reason to use Promise.resolve is converting a value that might be a promise to a promise.
Promise.resolve(value) is a convenience method that does new Promise(resolve => resolve(value). If the value is a promise it will be returned, if it is a promise from a userland promise library it will be converted to a native promise. If it is a plain value it will be converted for a promise fulfilled with that value.
Promise.resolve(5); // returns a promise fulfilled with the number 5.
This is useful in several cases, for example:
- If a function might return a promise, it should always return a promise - so for example if you have a cached value it might need to be Promise.resolved.
- If there are multiple implementations of functionality and some are synchronous - it creates a uniform interface.
Note that in practice with async functions this is not needed so much anymore since an async function always returns a promise - even if you return a plain value (in fact, whatever you return from an async function is Promise.resolved implicitly).
Also note that in particular you shouldn't make functions return promises if all they do is synchronous computation since a function returning a promise implies I/O in JavaScript.

JS Promises returns

I'm developing with the JS promises and I have a doubt, I have readed a lot of answers but I have not yet understood what's the difference between the following code lines. Can you help me?
Thanks in advance
// Case 1
.then(() => {
return secondPromise();
// Case 2
.then(() => {
In the first case, it return the second promise, in the second case it just execute. What's the result in the flow?
The first makes the result of the first then depend on what happens with secondPromise, the second does not.
then creates a new promise. That promise will be resolved/rejected based on the return value of the then callback:
If then returns a thenable value (such as another promise), then's promise is resolved to that thenable and either fulfills when that thenable fulfills or rejects when that thenable rejects.
If the then callback returns a non-thenable value, the promise is fulfilled with that value.
(If the term "thenable" isn't familiar, or you're not clear on the distinction between "fulfill" and "resolve," I go into promise terminology in this post on my blog.)
In your first example, the then callback returns the second promise, so its promise is resolved to secondPromise's promise. In your second example, you're not returning anything, so the result of calling the then callback is the value undefined, so then's promise is fulfilled with the value undefined.

Why does cancelling a bluebird promise in a callback stop setInterval?

Promise = require 'bluebird'
cb = ->
console.log 'callback!'
p = Promise.resolve(5)
.tap -> p.cancel()
setInterval(cb, 100)
The cb function only is only called once. Commenting out .tap -> p.cancel() allows it to run repeatedly. Adding a try block doesn't help. Perhaps this is something obvious, but I did some research and can't find an explanation.
It would seem that the act of returning the value of p.cancel() from the tap handler is causing bluebird to go into some sort of infinite loop. You never see the second 'callback!' because the execution context is stuck in this loop before 100 ms have elapsed.
I'm still far from understanding all the factors at play here (see below), but it looks like this can be fixed by not returning p.cancel():
Promise = require 'bluebird'
cb = ->
console.log 'callback!'
p = Promise.resolve(5)
.tap ->
setInterval(cb, 100)
Edit: Ok, after looking at the source and unknotting my brain a few times, I think it boils down to this:
Execution is getting stuck in an infinite loop here, where .cancel() tries to climb up the promise chain:
while ((parent = promiseToReject._cancellationParent) !== undefined &&
parent.isCancellable()) {
promiseToReject = parent;
The salient points are the following:
p.cancel() returns p.
.tap() returns a promise that resolves whenever the promise returned from its handler resolves (if it returns a promise)
p is the promise that .tap() returns
In other words, p is a promise that will resolve after p resolves. It is its own ancestor in the promise chain (at least, I think so).
When .cancel() tries to climb up the promise chain to find a cancellable promise, it happens upon this incestuous relationship and starts going in circles forever.
In the end, it's an unfortunate consequence of CoffeeScript's eagerness to turn almost everything into a return statement. But I would imagine that there's some way Bluebird could detect loops in promise chains and prevent an infinite loop from happening here.
I have filed an issue for this on the bluebird GitHub repository, but as the ensuing discussion reveals, this use of .cancel() doesn't really make any sense at all anyway.
