Astro - react useEffect hook is not working - javascript

I am trying to build a web app with Astro + Reactjs, but I got an issue on calling useEffect. Basically useEffect is not calling, I don't get any logs in the terminal or any warnings/errors in the terminal or in the browser.
I am exporting the function as: export default function SecondSection(){}, I changed the file extension from .jsx to .tsx, still no result. I followed all instructions from astro docs to integrate react.
I am trying to use react hooks, like useEffect/useState, but for some reasons it's not working any of that.
What can cause that issue? Thank you for your time.

The first thing to check would be to make sure you are hydrating your React component where you’re using it. In Astro, components ship zero JS by default, just plain HTML. Components will only be interactive in the browser if you add a client:* directive. This is part of Astro’s “Islands Architecture”.
To include a component’s JS you need a client directive saying when to load it. In this example the component will load its JS when the page loads:
// src/pages/index.astro
import SecondSection from '../components/SecondSection.jsx';
<SecondSection client:load />
There are different directives like client:idle or client:visible that you can use to control exactly when a user needs the interactivity. There’s more about the client directives in Astro’s docs.


script.js doesn't load in my create-react-app

I am pretty new to coding and I am currently trying to solve a challenge from where my task is to build an ip-address-tracker.
To make this task a little bit more difficult for me, I am trying to build this app with the React framework via create-react-app.
My problem is, that my Javascript file, script.js, somehow isn't working. I am trying to implement it via the script-tag in my index.html.
<script src="../src/script.js"></script>
You can also check out the directory structure, I just updated the project on GitHub.
Thanks a lot.
If you want to include a script in your index.html file in react you'll have to put it into the public folder and specify the path by using %PUBLIC_URL%/path-to-script-relative-to-public-dir
I just looked at your project and what you should do instead of embedding your script in index.html is to import it into index.js. You should probably export the initMap function and call it from index.js
OK. there are a couple of things you did wrong! First of all, React outputs some useful information in the console that is not negligible in case of failure. Please look at the following image.
It is clear that React is complaining about a missing React import. This is because you need to
import React from 'react'
even in a function component. I found this mistake in two places.
The URL you're using in your script.js file is wrong. Please see the git diff over my working directory below.
I don't know how you want to implement all this but I think this is not done THE REACT WAY! React is a component oriented library so, Please check some other alternatives like instead of doing all this in flat functions using direct connections to your DOM element. ReactDOM has some super power to be leveraged here.
I managed to get the application work on my own IP address and Google's (see the screen captures below), though I think you didn't implement it in the REACT WAY. So, keep digging!
[React Error Output][1]
[Git diff of my work space with the fixes][2]
[Working App on my IP Address][3]
[Working App on Google's IP Address][4]

How to make component tags start with a prefix in Vue?

I am working on a project that I inherited from someone else, and I see a lot of <p-xxxx> tags, such as <p-page :has-something="val1" :has-another="val2" />, etc.(e.g. CompName -->
I'm looking around the directories and found a component called Page.vue that has such props in it: has-something and has-another. And structurally speaking, I'm sure the <p-page> corresponds to this component.
So how did this work? I checked the component's name field and it says Page.
I should also note that the component isn't registered at all. It's not imported either. I'm guessing it has something to do with
import '#/globals';
import '#/plugins';
in main.js, because I know we're using our proprietary UI component library. Can anyone point to where I can go read more about how this works? I thought I was pretty good at Vue, but apparently not good enough.
It depends on how the component is registered in the parent component, for instance, if the Page component is registered as:
components: {
PPage: Page
Then in the template, you'll refer to this component as <p-page ...
I figured it out.
In our proprietary library we're using, components were being exported out with p- as a prefix, and the library was injected into the whole app via vue.config.js, so there wasn't any importing in individual components.

vuejs include javascript library in spa

i'am creating spa application using vuejs and i find out that i have 3 option in loading my javascript library like bootstrap.js or jquery.js and other javascript library:
first is by include all javascript library that i will use in my application in index.html where my vuejs application will live but i find that there is some javascript library that not working to well
ex: there is some javascript library that calculate page height by selecting some div with specific id="page-container", but that div not loaded when page is rendered from server, so at that moment the javascript will throw error since id="page-container" not exist yet.
second is by adding it like this to all my javascript library js
// before you use your files in some components,you should package them
// your local files
export default { //export your file
your_function(){ // defined your function
// now your can use it
// your component file
import local_file from 'your_file_relative_path'
//now you can use it in the hook function
created(){ //or other hook function
local_file.your_function() //call your function
but that mean i need to change every javascript library that i use...
third is by adding it using npm, and just in the vue component import it, it works okay and feels more natural but not all my javascript library are in npm, some of them is admin template related that i bought from themeforest and will never be in npm.
so which one is a better way or maybe there is much more better way that those 3 option that i find out? its hard to find any tutorial or discussion that mention adding other javascript library to spa vuejs most of them just put a bootstrap into index.html and done.
Well, If your library exist in NPM, then this is the best option, because then you have this option to import only the part of the script that you need for certain components, for example, fontawesome library, you can import only the icons that you need instead of import all of them!
but if your script is not in NPM, the best option is to run your script in beforeMount or beforeCreate of the component that the script needed to run.
the third way which is add the link reference on html is not really suggested, since it will be global and will reduce the performance.

multiple reactDom.render calls in bundle.js

I had an issue yesterday that you can read about here and it relates. I thought that changing my directory name was messing up my react components, but I think I figured out the problem.
I'm building a web app with node/express/react and I'm rendering react server side and creating a bundle.js file to use client-side. I have multiple react components that I'm rendering on the page, but they're not all in the same 'react app'. Basically I have a few 'mini react apps' so each set of functionality has its own ReactDom.Render call.
for example, I have a form at the top for adding new items, that has its own render, and I have a list of items below that, that has its own render call. and both of these mini-components are bound to separate divs.
<div id='the-form'><%-form%></div>
<div id='the-list'><%-list%></div>
however, it looks like the component that comes first in the bundle.js is the one whose render call is working, the other component(s) render initially from the server-side rendering, but then there are no updates because the components are not re-rendering/updating.
is there a way to keep my approach but have these working?
Remove window.onLoad and just use ReactDOM.render alone.

React, async loading for multiple sections/views with different components

I'm having an issue thinking about the best way to architect a React app with multiple pages/views (still a SAP).
Let's say we have a simple app with 4 major sections (pages): dashboard, users, stats, comments. Each section has different components in it (think react components). For example, the comments section would have a hierarchy like so:
- CommentsQueue
-- Comment
--- Text
--- Buttons
- CommentsApproved
--- Text
--- Buttons
In a framework like angular for example, the 4 main sections would be split into partials, and loaded in an ng-view upon request, with their respective components inside. When landing on the homepage, the app would only load the dashboard view and upon the user clicking on a nav item, the selected route (i.e. app/users or app/users/:id) would trigger and the app will load the required "template-view-partial" (without a browser refresh).
Now in terms of React, how would this occur? it seems like ALL views and ALL their components would need to be available in a browserified JS file and the app can then update the DOM.
This seems terribly wrong, as we'd be loading all sections in the first load, even if the user doesn't ever need to get to that section. Granted, we could split it with routes on the server, and only serve the components for the page based on the route, but that would require a browser refresh, where as in Angular for example, it would happen without a browser refresh as the view is loaded asynchronously.
The question is, how can this asynchronous loading happen in a React-based app?
I think there's a few different ways in approaching this, I'll explain the approach that I am currently using for my work and side projects.
Instead of using browserify, we use a module-bundler called webpack ( What's great about webpack is that it's like Browserify but can split your app into multiple 'bundles'. This is great because if we have multiple components/views, the user would just download the features they need for that particular view without having to download everything initially. It allows react-components and their dependencies to be downloaded on demand.
Pete Hunt wrote an article that goes into depth on the benefits of webpack when using it with React (including how to async load react components), and how it is similar/different to Browserify and modern build tools like Grunt/Gulp:
I have described one solution using webpack here :
In essence :
use require.ensure([], cbk) to define code chunks; in the cbk, load your packages synchronously using require()
in your host component, load your asynchronous component in componentWillMount(), and set in in the host component state.
use it in the host component render, when defined on the state
