Let Strapi CMS create pages based on html template file - javascript

So probably my explanation is awful, but i really don’t know how to express my problem or what to search for.
I got a site (www.example.com/blog.html) showing all blog post entries created in a headless cms (Strapi). The site receives the posts by making an url request and parsing the resulting JSON data. This data also contains an unique url slug for each post serving as an identifier.
I want to create one page for each blog post created in the headless cms based on a „template“ html.
What I tried is passing the urlslug as a url parameter (www.example.com/blog/article.html?id=*URLSLUG*) and then using this url parameter to fetch the corresponding post data from the cms. I followed this guide: https://strapi.io/blog/build-an-editorial-website-with-vanilla-java-script-and-strapi
It works, but I don’t want to rely on url parameters for seo reasons. Instead I want something like www.example.com/blog/*URLSLUG*. In other words: I want to have one page for each blog post entry in my headless cms based on a „template“ html.
Any suggestions?
Code can be added if necessary

well there is few options here:
The first one is most reliable, and easy but seems not that fancy as you want:
The main reason to use this solution is that it handles slug creation when you create post via REST api. The uuid field needs extra work when post created not from admin panel.
So second option is do it yourself style:
module.exports = createCoreController('api::article.article', ({strapi}) => ({
const { slug } = ctx.params;
return strapi.db.query('api::article.article').findOne({where: {slug});
then in the routes create routes.js file
module.exports = {
routes: [
method: 'GET',
path: '/articles/:slug'
handler: 'article.findOne'
then if you want to create articles for outside of admin, create lifecycles.js in
module.exports = {
async beforeCreate(event) {
// here you have to do something like
let slug = slugify(event.result.name);
let isNotFree = await strapi.db.query("api::article.article").findOne({where: {slug}});
if (Boolean(!isNotFree)) // < not sure prolly need an empty object check
for (let i = 1; i < 9999 ; i++) {
slug = `${slug}-${i}`;
isNotFree = await strapi.db.query("api::article.article").findOne({where: {slug}});
if (Boolean(!isNotFree))
event.result.slug = slug
pleas note the lifecycle code is just a first thing came to my mind, should be tested and optimized prolly
the implementation gives you the findOne controller, you gonna need to do it for each other update, delete, etc...


Sending an array with axios.get as params is undefined

I am making a get request with additional params options, since I am using that request on a filter, so the params are filters for what to get back:
const res = await axios.get("http://localhots:3000/getsomedata", {
params: {
firstFilter: someObject,
secondFilter: [someOtherObject, someOtherObject]
The request goes through just fine, on the other end, when I console.log(req.query); I see the following:
firstFilter: 'someObject',
'secondFilter[]': ['{someOtherObject}', '{someOtherObject}'],
If I do req.query.firstFilter that works just fine, but req.query.secondFilter does not work and in order for me to get the data, I have to do it with req.query["secondFilter[]"], is there a way to avoid this and be able to get my array of data with req.query.secondFilter?
My workaround for now is to do:
const filter = {
firstFilter: req.query.firstFilter,
secondFilter: req.query["secondFilter[]"]
And it works of course, but I don't like it, I am for sure missing something.
Some tools for parsing query strings expect arrays of data to be encoded as array_name=1&array_name=2.
This could be a problem if you have one or more items because it might be an array or might be a string.
To avoid that problem PHP required arrays of data to be encoded as array_name[]=1&array_name[]=2 and would discard all but the last item if you left the [] out (so you'd always get a string).
A lot of client libraries that generated data for submission over HTTP decided to do so in a way that was compatible with PHP (largely because PHP was and is very common).
So you need to either:
Change the backend to be able to parse PHP style
Change your call to axios so it doesn't generate PHP style
The specifics depend what backend you are using, but it looks like you might be using Express.js.
See the settings.
You can turn on Extended (PHP-style) query parsing by setting it to "extended" (although that is the default)
const app = express()
app.set("query parser", "extended");
The axios documentation says:
// `paramsSerializer` is an optional function in charge of serializing `params`
// (e.g. https://www.npmjs.com/package/qs, http://api.jquery.com/jquery.param/)
paramsSerializer: function (params) {
return Qs.stringify(params, {arrayFormat: 'brackets'})
So you can override that
const res = await axios.get("http://localhots:3000/getsomedata", {
params: {
firstFilter: someObject,
secondFilter: [someOtherObject, someOtherObject]
paramsSerializer: (params) => Qs.stringify(params, {arrayFormat: 'repeat'})
My example requires the qs module
This has to do with params not being serialized correctly for HTTP GET method. Remember that GET has no "body" params similar to POST, it is a text URL.
For more information I refer to this answer, which provides more detailed info with code snippets.

How to get data from back end side, to use it in the browser side?

I am new to programming, and I heard that some guys on this website are quite angry, but please don't be. I am creating one web app, that has a web page and also makes som ecalculations and works with database (NeDB). I have an index.js
const selects = document.getElementsByClassName("sel");
const arr = ["Yura", "Nairi", "Mher", "Hayko"];
for (let el in selects) {
for (let key in arr) {
selects[el].innerHTML += `<option>${arr[key]}</option>`;
I have a function which fills the select elements with data from an array.
In other file named: getData.js:
var Datastore = require("nedb");
var users = new Datastore({ filename: "players" });
const names = [];
users.find({}, function (err, doc) {
for (let key in doc) {
I have some code that gets data from db and puts it in array. And I need that data to use in the index.js mentioned above, but the problem is that I don't know how to tranfer the data from getData.js to index.js. I have tried module.exports but it is not working, the browser console says that it can't recognize require keyword, I also can't get data directly in index.js because the browse can't recognize the code related to database.
You need to provide a server, which is connected to the Database.
Browser -> Server -> DB
Browser -> Server: Server provides endpoints where the Browser(Client) can fetch data from. https://expressjs.com/en/starter/hello-world.html
Server -> DB: gets the Data out of the Database and can do whatever it want with it. In your case the Data should get provided to the Client.
Step 1: set up a server. For example with express.js (google it)
Step 2: learn how to fetch Data from the Browser(Client) AJAX GET are the keywords to google.
Step 3: setup a Database connection from you Server and get your data
Step 4: Do whatever you want with your data.
At first I thought it is a simple method, but them I researched a little bit and realized that I didn't have enough information about how it really works. Now I solved the problem, using promises and templete engine ejs. Thank you all for your time. I appreciate your help)

Unknown value in req.param in node.js

I'm am learning node.js and therefore try to build a simple web app that shows the current news. The API that I am using offers several categories for the news.
So I create a route that takes the category as a param. My routes/index.js:
const router = require('express').Router();
const renderHome = require('../controllers/newsController');
const quotesCookie = require('./../middleware/quotesCookie');
router.get('/', quotesCookie, renderHome);
router.get('/:category', quotesCookie, renderHome);
module.exports = router;
My controllers/newsController.js looks like this:
const newsService = require('./../services/newsService');
const renderHome = async ( req, res ) => {
const category = req.params.category;
const quote = res.quoteOfTheDay;
const { status, msg } = await newsService.topHeadlines(category);
res.render('home', {
title: 'News2Go',
author: quote.author,
quote: quote.quote,
articles: msg.articles
module.exports = renderHome;
When I for instance call http://localhost:3000/entertainment the console.log in the controller prints this to the console:
{ category: 'entertainment' }
{ category: 'sw.js' }
I have absolute no clue where the sw.js comes from... It appears a few milliseconds after the real category and ensures that topHeadlines is called twice.
Did someone know what this is? Did I miss something?
Apparently your web page has a script in it named sw.js. Because of that, the browser will request that with the URL http://localhost:3000/sw.js and your :category route will handle that request and log a category of sw.js.
Remember, ALL resources used on your site will be requested by the browser and will be seen by your Express server as incoming requests. Not just the top level page, but all scripts, images, fonts, CSS files, etc... used by your pages.
It's generally not a good idea to define a wide-open top level route handler like this:
router.get('/:category', ...)
Because that will grab ALL top level URLs and leave none for the rest of your site to use. It would probably make more sense to use a structure like this:
router.get('/category/:category', ...)
With a URL of http://localhost:3000/category/entertainment. Then, you can more clearly separate out the actual category requests from all the other requests in your site. Either that or you will have to move ALL other URLs used on your site to routes that come before this and/or use sub-directories in their page such as:

Meteor: Best practice for modifying document data with user data

Thanks for looking at my question. It should be easy for anyone who has used Meteor in production, I am still at the learning stage.
So my meteor setup is I have a bunch of documents with ownedBy _id's reflecting which user owns each document (https://github.com/rgstephens/base/tree/extendDoc is the full github, note that it is the extendDoc branch and not the master branch).
I now want to modify my API such that I can display the real name of each owner of the document. On the server side I can access this with Meteor.users.findOne({ownedBy}) but on the client side I have discovered that I cannot do this due to Meteor security protocols (a user doesnt have access to another user's data).
So I have two options:
somehow modify the result of what I am publishing to include the user's real name on the server side
somehow push the full user data to the clientside and do the mapping of the _id to the real names on the clientside
what is the best practice here? I have tried both and here are my results so far:
I have failed here. This is very 'Node' thinking I know. I can access user data on clientside but Meteor insists that my publications must return cursors and not JSON objects. How do I transform JSON objects into cursors or otherwise circumvent this publish restriction? Google is strangely silent on this topic.
Meteor.publish('documents.listAll', function docPub() {
let documents = Documents.find({}).fetch();
documents = documents.map((x) => {
const userobject = Meteor.users.findOne({ _id: x.ownedBy });
const x2 = x;
if (userobject) {
x2.userobject = userobject.profile;
return x2;
return documents; //this causes error due to not being a cursor
I have succeeded here but I suspect at the cost of a massive security hole. I simply modified my publish to be an array of cursors, as below:
Meteor.publish('documents.listAll', function docPub() {
return [Documents.find({}),
I would really like to do 1 because I sense there is a big security hole in 2, but please advise on how I should do it? thanks very much.
yes, you are right to not want to publish full user objects to the client. but you can certainly publish a subset of the full user object, using the "fields" on the options, which is the 2nd argument of find(). on my project, i created a "public profile" area on each user; that makes it easy to know what things about a user we can publish to other users.
there are several ways to approach getting this data to the client. you've already found one: returning multiple cursors from a publish.
in the example below, i'm returning all the documents, and a subset of all the user object who own those documents. this example assumes that the user's name, and whatever other info you decide is "public," is in a field called publicInfo that's part of the Meteor.user object:
Meteor.publish('documents.listAll', function() {
let documentCursor = Documents.find({});
let ownerIds = documentCursor.map(function(d) {
return d.ownedBy;
let uniqueOwnerIds = _.uniq(ownerIds);
let profileCursor = Meteor.users.find(
_id: {$in: uniqueOwnerIds}
fields: {publicInfo: 1}
return [documentCursor, profileCursor];
In the MeteorChef slack channel, #distalx responded thusly:
Hi, you are using fetch and fetch return all matching documents as an Array.
I think if you just use find - w/o fetch it will do it.
Meteor.publish('documents.listAll', function docPub() {
let cursor = Documents.find({});
let DocsWithUserObject = cursor.filter((doc) => {
const userobject = Meteor.users.findOne({ _id: doc.ownedBy });
if (userobject) {
doc.userobject = userobject.profile;
return doc
return DocsWithUserObject;
I am going to try this.

Meteor: Creating URLs for sharing (currently using iron-router)

I have a meteor app that uses iron-router.
How do I make this meteor app create a fixed URL for sharing?
For example in jsfiddle.net, you start of in just jsfiddle.net PLAINLY.
However, after you type in the code, etc...and you decide you wanna share this with the world, you click on save. After you click on save, the link above changes to something like: jsfiddle.net/m9mfLn3p/.
And now you can use jsfiddle.net/m9mfLn3p/ to share that page with that certain setting with the world....
How do I achieve something similar in my meteor app that uses iron-router?
Thank you very much.
I have a similar pattern in my app. To solve this problem I have a collection that contains the data context that will be used by the route. Then I just create a document with the required data and use the _id of the document in that collection to create a url that can be reused.
var id = Permalinks.insert(object); // object is the data I'll need later
var url = Meteor.absoluteUrl() + "myPath/" + id;
... share this url however - email, SMS, etc...
Then a route:
data: function(){
return Permalinks.findOne({ _id: this.params.id });
