If check / check if property exists not working - javascript

I have been trying to make a debounce system that is ID based using unix timestamp i want it to print passed if it hasn't been called at all in the past second if it has print failed(with that specific id)
I can't figure out what exactly is going wrong i've tried everything I can imagine
I have recreated the problem in a testfile i've pasted the code below
const Cooldowns = {}
function Test(ID) {
const CurrentDate = Date.now();
let IsReal = false;
if (Cooldowns[ID]) {
IsReal = true;
if (Cooldowns[ID] < CurrentDate || !(IsReal)) {
Cooldowns[ID] = CurrentDate + 1;
console.log(ID + " Time " + CurrentDate + " Passed");
} else {
console.log(ID + " Time " + CurrentDate + " Failed");
setTimeout(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
}, 1050);


How do I make A and B run in parallel?

How do I make A and B run in parallel?
async function runAsync(funcName)
console.log(' Start=' + funcName.name);
console.log(' End===' + funcName.name)
function A()
var nowDateTime = Date.now();
var i = 0;
while( Date.now() < nowDateTime + 1000)
console.log(' A i= ' + i) ;
function B()
var nowDateTime = Date.now();
var i = 0;
while( Date.now() < nowDateTime + 1000)
console.log(' B i= ' + i) ;
The console shows that A starts first and B starts after A:
A i= 6515045
B i= 6678877
I am trying to use async for Chrome/Firefox, and keep the JS code compatible with IE11.
This C# code generates the proxy function runAsync:
if (isEI())
Current.Response.Write(" function runAsync(funcName){ setImmediate(funcName); }; ");
Current.Response.Write(" async function runAsync(funcName){ funcName(); } ");
My goal was to parse information and prepare (indexing and adding triggers) for an immediate response after user input. While the user is viewing the information, the background function has 3-10 seconds to execute, and the background function should not block UI and mouse and keyboard responses. Here is the solution for all browsers, including IE11.
Created a new Plugin to simulate parallel execution of funcRun during idle times.
Example of an original code:
$("input[name$='xxx'],...").each( function(){runForThis(this)}, ticksToRun );
The updated code using the Plugin:
name: "Example",
selectorToRun: "input[name$='xxx'],...",
funcRun: runForThis
(function ($)
// Plugin zParallel
function zParallel(options)
var self = this;
self.defaults = {
selectorToRun: null,
funcRun: null,
afterEnd: null,
lengthToRun: 0,
iterScheduled: 0,
ticksToRun: 50,
showDebugInfo: true
self.opts = $.extend({}, self.defaults, options);
zParallel.prototype = {
init: function ()
var self = this;
var selector = $(self.opts.selectorToRun);
self.lengthToRun = selector.length;
if (self.lengthToRun > 0)
self.arrayOfThis = new Array;
selector.each(function ()
self.opts.iterScheduled = 0;
self.whenStarted = Date.now();
return true;
this.out('zParallel: selector is empty');
return false;
run: function ()
var self = this;
var nextTicks = Date.now() + self.opts.ticksToRun;
var _debug = self.opts.showDebugInfo;
if (self.opts.iterScheduled === 0)
nextTicks -= (self.opts.ticksToRun + 1); // Goto to Scheduling run
var count = 0;
var comOut = "";
while ((self.lengthToRun = self.arrayOfThis.length) > 0)
var curTicks = Date.now();
if (_debug)
comOut = self.opts.name + " |" + (curTicks - self.whenStarted)/1000 + "s| ";
if (self.opts.iterScheduled === 0)
this.out("START " + comOut + " remaining #" + self.lengthToRun);
if (curTicks > nextTicks)
if ('requestIdleCallback' in window)
if (_debug)
this.out(comOut + "requestIdleCallback , remaining #" + self.lengthToRun + " executed: #" + count);
window.requestIdleCallback(function () { self.run() }, { timeout: 1000 });
} else
if (_debug)
this.out(comOut + "setTimeout, remaining #" + self.lengthToRun + " executed: #" + count);
setTimeout(function (self) { self.run()}, 10, self);
return true;
var nexThis = self.arrayOfThis.pop();
if (self.opts.afterEnd!== null)
if (_debug)
this.out("END " + comOut + " executed: #" + count);
return true;
out: function (str)
if (typeof console !== 'undefined')
$.fn.zParallel = function (options)
var rev = new zParallel(options);
// Examples.
(function ($)
var tab1 = $('#tbl1');
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
"<td>#" + i + "</td>"+
"<td><input id='a_" + i + "' value='" + i + "' >"+
"</td><td><input id='b_" + i + "' value='" + i + "' ></td></tr>")
name: "A",
selectorToRun: "input[id^='a_']",
funcRun: function (nextThis)
var $this = $(nextThis);
var nowDateTime = Date.now();
var i = 0;
while( Date.now() < nowDateTime + 2)
$this.val( i );
if (i > 100)
$this.css('color', 'green').css('font-weight', 'bold');
$this.css('color', 'blue');
name: "B",
selectorToRun: "input[id^='b_']",
funcRun: function (nextThis)
var $this = $(nextThis);
var nowDateTime = Date.now();
var i = 0;
while( Date.now() < nowDateTime + 2)
$this.val( i );
if (i > 100)
$this.css('background', '#BBFFBB');
$this.css('background', '#FFBBBB');
The two example functions simply execute synchronously one after the other on the same "thread" (JS effectively has only one thread available to such scripts).
The use of async is irrelevant here because no truly asynchronous operation is occurring in function A - it is simply a busy while loop - so it completes in full before execution can move to anything else.
If function A had called an actual asynchronous operation (such as a HTTP request - not simply a synchronous operation wrapped in an async function), then function B may have a chance to start up (in which case B would complete entirely before the execution returned to A, because B is also only contains a synchronous, busy while loop).
Parallel processing can be achieved with WebWorkers which allowing running on background threads (actual separate threads).

Get data in OOP javascript

i made this countdown timer (not really perfect), and i'm confused about something.
How can i get minInterval and secInterval datas on min and sec ?
In fact i'm trying to save seconds and minutes in sessionStorage to save datas. If user refresh the page, timer still continue.
I need to do this countdown in OOP.
var myTimer = {
minInterval: 19,
secInterval: 59,
min_: i want data of minInterval
sec_: i want data of secInterval
timerCountDownStart: function () {
if (myTimer.min_ <= -1) {
myTimer.min_ = myTimer.minInterval;
document.getElementById("count-timer").innerHTML = myTimer.min_ + " minute(s) et " + myTimer.sec_-- + " seconde(s) avant l\'expiration de votre réservation";
if (myTimer.sec_ <= -1) {
myTimer.sec_ = myTimer.secInterval;
$('#title-reservation').text('Votre réservation a expirée');
myStopFunction: function () {
Thanks :)
This simplified code shows you the basics of how to create a timer object that counts down in seconds and store the value in a sessionStorage.
It's not really OOP though! You can only have one myTimer and you shouldn't call myTimer.start() twice :)
var myTimer = {
start: () => {
// check if there is a starttime in sessionstorage
let storedTime = sessionStorage.getItem('time');
myTimer.time = (storedTime > 0) ? storedTime : 10;
// start countdown
myTimer.intervalID = setInterval(()=>myTimer.count(), 1000);
count: () => {
console.log("time is " + myTimer.time);
// store count in session
sessionStorage.setItem('time', myTimer.time);
// check if below 0
if (myTimer.count < 0) {
document.getElementById("count-timer").innerHTML = myTimer.time + " seconds left";
myStopFunction: () => {

How to loop a function in Javascript?

I am trying to create a countdown with JQuery. I have different times in an array. When the first time ist finished, the countdown should count to the next time in the array.
I try to do this with the JQuery countdown plugin:
var date = "2017/04/25";
var time = ["13:30:49", "14:30:49", "16:30:49", "17:30:49"];
var i = 0;
while (i < time.length) {
var goal = date + " " + time[i];
.countdown(goal, function(event) {
if (event.elapsed) {
} else {
This does not work... But how can i do this?
You should never use a busy wait especially not in the browser.
Try something like this:
var date = "2017/04/25";
var time = ["13:30:49", "14:30:49", "16:30:49", "17:30:49"];
var i = 0;
var $counter = $("#countdown");
function countdown() {
var goal = date + " " + time[i];
$counter.countdown(goal, function(event) {
if (event.elapsed) {
if (i < time.length) {
} else {
You can't use while or for loop in this case, because the operation you want to perform is not synchronous.
You could do for example something like this with the helper (anonynous) function:
var date = "2017/04/25";
var time = ["13:30:49", "14:30:49", "16:30:49", "17:30:49"];
var i = 0;
(function countdown(i) {
if (i === time.length) return;
var goal = date + " " + time[i];
.countdown(goal, function(event) {
if (event.elapsed) {
} else {
You need to restart the countdown when the previous one finishes, at the minute you're starting them all at the same time.
var date = "2017/04/25";
var time = ["13:30:49", "14:30:49", "16:30:49", "17:30:49"];
function startCountdown(i) {
if(i >= i.length) {
var goal = date + " " + time[i];
.countdown(goal, function(event) {
if (event.elapsed) {
} else {

Trying to display and update map markers using Leaflet JS

I'm trying to display countdown timers until each of my markers disappear on my map. The markers disappear when their respective timers run out, but the timers themselves are not displaying below the markers themselves as they should. I checked the Developer Console and noticed there are a couple errors:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'innerHTML' of null
Uncaught ReferenceError: component is not defined
This error count keeps increasing until it stops at a high number. I'm guessing this is when the particular timer runs out because after that number stops climbing the same error is logged again and the number starts from 1 and continues to climb.
L.HtmlIcon = L.Icon.extend({options: {},
initialize: function(options) {
L.Util.setOptions(this, options);
createIcon: function() {
//console.log("Adding pokemon");
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML =
'<div class="displaypokemon" data-pokeid="' + this.options.pokemonid + '">' +
'<div class="pokeimg">' +
'<img src="data:image/png;base64,' + pokemonPNG[this.options.pokemonid] + '" />' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="remainingtext" data-expire="' + this.options.expire + '"></div>' +
return div;
createShadow: function() {
return null;
var map;
function deleteDespawnedPokemon() {
var j;
for (j in shownMarker) {
var active = shownMarker[j].active;
var expire = shownMarker[j].expire;
var now = Date.now();
if (active == true && expire <= now) {
shownMarker[j].active = false;
function createPokeIcon(pokemonid, timestamp) {
return new L.HtmlIcon({
pokemonid: pokemonid,
expire: timestamp,
function addPokemonToMap(spawn) {
var j;
var toAdd = true;
if (spawn.expiration_timestamp_ms <= 0){
spawn.expiration_timestamp_ms = Date.now() + 930000;
for (j in shownMarker) {
if (shownMarker[j].id == spawn.encounter_id) {
toAdd = false;
if (toAdd) {
var cp = new L.LatLng(spawn.latitude, spawn.longitude);
var pokeid = PokemonIdList[spawn.pokemon_id];
var pokeMarker = new L.marker(cp, {
icon: createPokeIcon(pokeid, spawn.expiration_timestamp_ms)
marker: pokeMarker,
expire: spawn.expiration_timestamp_ms,
id: spawn.encounter_id,
active: true
//TODO:<--Timer Functions-->//
function calculateRemainingTime(element) {
var $element = $(element);
var ts = ($element.data("expire") / 1000 | 0) - (Date.now() / 1000 | 0);
var minutes = component(ts, 60) % 60,
seconds = component(ts, 1) % 60;
if (seconds < 10)
seconds = '0' + seconds;
$element.html(minutes + ":" + seconds);
function updateTime() {
$(".remainingtext, .remainingtext-tooltip").each(function() {
setInterval(updateTime, 1000);
//<--End of timer functions-->//
Here is my JSFiddle for a full view of the situation.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
SolutionThanks to user T Kambi for pointing out the issue!
I forgot to include the component() function.
function component(x, v) {
return Math.floor(x / v);
After including this all works as intended.

Simple Time-Clock does not work with no errors

I'm a beginner in Javascript and I'm having some trouble with this code I wrote. It's supposed to create a digital time-clock for my website.
If you're wondering why CPGS is in my functions/variable names it's because its a abbreviation for my website name :)
Also, I am getting NO console errors from FireBug and my JSLint confirms that my code is vaild.
Here's the code:
(function() {
function CpgsClock() {
this.cpgsTime = new Date();
this.cpgsHour = this.cpgsTime.getHours();
this.cpgsMin = this.cpgsTime.getMinutes();
this.cpgsDay = this.cpgsTime.getDay();
this.cpgsPeriod = "";
CpgsClock.prototype.checker = function() {
if (this.cpgsHour === 0) {
this.cpgsPeriod = " AM";
this.cpgsHour = 12;
} else if (this.cpgsHour <= 11) {
this.cpgsPeriod = " AM";
} else if (this.cpgsHour === 12) {
this.cpgsPeriod = " PM";
} else if (this.cpgsHour <= 13) {
this.cpgsPeriod = " PM";
this.cpgsHour -= 12;
CpgsClock.prototype.setClock = function() {
document.getElementById('cpgstime').innerHTML = "" + this.cpgsHour + ":" + this.cpgsMin + this.cpgsPeriod + "";
var cpgsclock = new CpgsClock();
setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);
So setClock method works fine. But the checker won't do anything. As you can see it checks for the time and sets it to AM and PM accordingly. It doesn't do that for me.
Any help would be great!
You're not updating the clock in your setInterval...
CpgsClock.prototype.update = function() {
this.cpgsTime = new Date();
this.cpgsHour = this.cpgsTime.getHours();
this.cpgsMin = this.cpgsTime.getMinutes();
this.cpgsDay = this.cpgsTime.getDay();
this.cpgsPeriod = "";
And in your setInterval :
setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);
jsFiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/qmSua/1/
