How can I turn all the objects founded in Arr.find into a big Array? - javascript

I have this function: printRecords which receives an Array of IDs:numbers, and I have to find() and print (before sorting and doing other stuff) the user's object that matches the IDs given as arguments.
So I did the following:
function printRecords(recordIds) {
for (const currId of recordIds) {
const person = studentRecords.find((student) => == currId)
const personArr = Array.of(person)
const currentEnrollment = [ 410, 105, 664, 375 ];
var studentRecords = [
{ id: 313, name: "Frank", paid: true, },
{ id: 410, name: "Suzy", paid: true, },
{ id: 709, name: "Brian", paid: false, },
{ id: 105, name: "Henry", paid: false, },
{ id: 502, name: "Mary", paid: true, },
{ id: 664, name: "Bob", paid: false, },
{ id: 250, name: "Peter", paid: true, },
{ id: 375, name: "Sarah", paid: true, },
{ id: 867, name: "Greg", paid: false, },
I already iterate the argument and found the users object that match ID but now the question is… How I turn it back into an object's array. I thought that Array.of()/ spread would have done it, but instead of taking the objects as a whole it works individually on every one.
the log is:
[ { id: 410, name: 'Suzy', paid: true } ]
[ { id: 105, name: 'Henry', paid: false } ]
[ { id: 664, name: 'Bob', paid: false } ]
[ { id: 375, name: 'Sarah', paid: true } ]
and I need:
[{ id: 410, name: 'Suzy', paid: true },
{ id: 105, name: 'Henry', paid: false },
{ id: 664, name: 'Bob', paid: false },
{ id: 375, name: 'Sarah', paid: true } ]
Thanks in advance.

You can simplify the logic by using filter() and includes() to find the matches. This will already return the array you need without any further amendments:
function printRecords(recordIds) {
let personArr = studentRecords.filter(record => recordIds.includes(;
const currentEnrollment = [410, 105, 664, 375];
var studentRecords = [
{ id: 313, name: "Frank", paid: true, },
{ id: 410, name: "Suzy", paid: true, },
{ id: 709, name: "Brian", paid: false, },
{ id: 105, name: "Henry", paid: false, },
{ id: 502, name: "Mary", paid: true, },
{ id: 664, name: "Bob", paid: false, },
{ id: 250, name: "Peter", paid: true, },
{ id: 375, name: "Sarah", paid: true, },
{ id: 867, name: "Greg", paid: false, },


How to collect all the objects in the object into a single array

When I click the button, I want to include all the objects in the itemSold and itemGet objects of the customers into the products array. how can I do that?
let customers = [{
active: true,
id: 1,
product: {
itemSold: [{id:1,name : 'car'}, {id:2,name : 'home'}],
itemGet: [{id:3,name : 'phone'}, {id:4,name : 'fly'}],
active: true,
id: 2,
product: {
itemSold: [{id:5,name : 'lamb'}, {id:6,name : 'mouse'}],
itemGet: [{id:7,name : 'mouse pad'}, {id:8,name : 'tv'}],
let clickButton = document.querySelector("#clickButton");
let products = [];
clickButton.addEventListener("click", getProcuts()});
function getProducts(){}
<button id="clickButton" >Click
let customers = [{
active: true,
id: 1,
product: {
itemSold: [{ id: 1, name: 'car' }, { id: 2, name: 'home' }],
itemGet: [{ id: 3, name: 'phone' }, { id: 4, name: 'fly' }],
active: true,
id: 2,
product: {
itemSold: [{ id: 5, name: 'lamb' }, { id: 6, name: 'mouse' }],
itemGet: [{ id: 7, name: 'mouse pad' }, { id: 8, name: 'tv' }],
let clickButton = document.querySelector("#clickButton");
let products = [];
clickButton.addEventListener("click", getProducts);
function getProducts() {
for (let i = 0; i < customers.length; i++) {
products.push(...customers[i].product.itemGet, ...customers[i].product.itemSold);
<button id="clickButton">Click</button>
We loop our customers array and then select product property there we push both itemSold and itemGet arrays into products.
You can map over the customers and concatenate the arrays.
const customers = [
active: true,
id: 1,
product: {
itemSold: [
{ id: 1, name: "car" },
{ id: 2, name: "home" },
itemGet: [
{ id: 3, name: "phone" },
{ id: 4, name: "fly" },
active: true,
id: 2,
product: {
itemSold: [
{ id: 5, name: "lamb" },
{ id: 6, name: "mouse" },
itemGet: [
{ id: 7, name: "mouse pad" },
{ id: 8, name: "tv" },
const products = => {
return customer.product.itemSold.concat(customer.product.itemGet);
const customers = [
active: true,
id: 1,
product: {
itemSold: [
{ id: 1, name: "car" },
{ id: 2, name: "home" },
itemGet: [
{ id: 3, name: "phone" },
{ id: 4, name: "fly" },
active: true,
id: 2,
product: {
itemSold: [
{ id: 5, name: "lamb" },
{ id: 6, name: "mouse" },
itemGet: [
{ id: 7, name: "mouse pad" },
{ id: 8, name: "tv" },
const products = => {
return customer.product.itemSold.concat(customer.product.itemGet).flat();

Collect array into sub array buckets based on value (which is array in itself )

I have an array of Javascript objects like below.
email: '',
fn: 'Alex',
sn: 'McPherson',
phone: '01233xxxxx',
hours: '40',
rate: '20',
amount: '200',
vat: '60',
agency: 'test',
start: '08/06/2017',
end: '10/06/2017',
shipping: {
addresses: [
id: '1234',
area: 'xzy'
id: '2345',
area: 'uhj'
email: '',
fn: 'Mike',
sn: 'Mann',
phone: '01233xxxxx',
hours: '50',
rate: '70',
amount: '500',
vat: '90',
agency: 'test',
start: '08/06/2017',
end: '10/06/2017',
shipping: {
addresses: [
id: '1234',
area: 'xzy'
id: '3456',
area: 'uio'
email: '',
fn: 'Fred',
sn: 'Frogg',
phone: '01233xxxxx',
hours: '80',
rate: '90',
amount: '800',
vat: '100',
agency: 'test',
start: '08/06/2017',
end: '10/06/2017',
shipping: {
addresses: [
id: '4567',
area: 'asdaf'
id: '3456',
area: 'uio'
email: '',
fn: 'Alex',
sn: 'McPherson',
phone: '01233xxxxx',
hours: '90',
rate: '30',
amount: '900',
vat: '120',
agency: 'test',
start: '08/06/2017',
end: '10/06/2017',
shipping: {
addresses: [
id: '4567',
area: 'asdaf'
id: '5678',
area: 'asdf'
What I ideally want is to group those of the same value ( into there own sub array of objects. Expected outcome.
id: '1234',
area: 'xzy',
data: [
email: '',
fn: 'Alex',
sn: 'McPherson',
phone: '01233xxxxx',
hours: '40',
rate: '20',
amount: '200',
vat: '60',
agency: 'test',
start: '08/06/2017',
end: '10/06/2017',
shipping: {
addresses: [
id: '1234',
area: 'xzy'
id: '2345',
area: 'uhj'
email: '',
fn: 'Mike',
sn: 'Mann',
phone: '01233xxxxx',
hours: '50',
rate: '70',
amount: '500',
vat: '90',
agency: 'test',
start: '08/06/2017',
end: '10/06/2017',
shipping: {
addresses: [
id: '1234',
area: 'xzy'
id: '3456',
area: 'uhj'
id: '2345',
area: 'uhj',
data: [
email: '',
fn: 'Alex',
sn: 'McPherson',
phone: '01233xxxxx',
hours: '40',
rate: '20',
amount: '200',
vat: '60',
agency: 'test',
start: '08/06/2017',
end: '10/06/2017',
shipping: {
addresses: [
id: '1234',
area: 'xzy'
id: '2345',
area: 'uio'
id: '3456',
area: 'uio',
data: [
email: '',
fn: 'Mike',
sn: 'Mann',
phone: '01233xxxxx',
hours: '50',
rate: '70',
amount: '500',
vat: '90',
agency: 'test',
start: '08/06/2017',
end: '10/06/2017',
shipping: {
addresses: [
id: '1234',
area: 'xzy'
id: '3456',
area: 'uio'
email: '',
fn: 'Fred',
sn: 'Frogg',
phone: '01233xxxxx',
hours: '80',
rate: '90',
amount: '800',
vat: '100',
agency: 'test',
start: '08/06/2017',
end: '10/06/2017',
shipping: {
addresses: [
id: '4567',
area: 'asdaf'
id: '3456',
area: 'uio'
I can group the input array using a specific attribute using particular key (code below) but I can't seem to get my head around resorting the array based on a key which is array in itself.
(acc, o) => (acc.get(, acc),
new Map( o => [, []] ))
), ([key, value]) => value
You can reduce the data array into an object using as keys and return an array using Object.values(). You will need to iterate over the addresses array of each object and create an entry for each id as they are encountered and push to these entries for subsequent elements with the same id.
const byAddressId = Object.values(
data.reduce((a, o) => {
o.shipping.addresses.forEach(({id, area}) => {
a[id] = {...a[id] ?? {id: id, area: area, data: []}};
return a;
}, {}));
const data = [{"email": "","fn": "Alex","sn": "McPherson","phone": "01233xxxxx","hours": "40","rate": "20","amount": "200","vat": "60","agency": "test","start": "08/06/2017","end": "10/06/2017","shipping": { "addresses": [ { "id": "1234", "area": "xzy" }, { "id": "2345", "area": "uhj" } ]}},{"email": "","fn": "Mike","sn": "Mann","phone": "01233xxxxx","hours": "50","rate": "70","amount": "500","vat": "90","agency": "test","start": "08/06/2017","end": "10/06/2017","shipping": { "addresses": [ { "id": "1234", "area": "xzy" }, { "id": "3456", "area": "uio" } ]}},{"email": "","fn": "Fred","sn": "Frogg","phone": "01233xxxxx","hours": "80","rate": "90","amount": "800","vat": "100","agency": "test","start": "08/06/2017","end": "10/06/2017","shipping": { "addresses": [ { "id": "4567", "area": "asdaf" }, { "id": "3456", "area": "uio" } ]}},{"email": "","fn": "Alex","sn": "McPherson","phone": "01233xxxxx","hours": "90","rate": "30","amount": "900","vat": "120","agency": "test","start": "08/06/2017","end": "10/06/2017","shipping": { "addresses": [ { "id": "4567", "area": "asdaf" }, { "id": "5678", "area": "asdf" } ]}}];
// return array of Object.values from the accumulator
const byAddressId = Object.values(
// reduce the data array into an object with as keys
data.reduce((a, o) => {
// iterate over all addresses for each element
o.shipping.addresses.forEach(({id, area}) => {
// check if an id entry exists, otherwise create one
a[id] = {...a[id] ?? {id: id, area: area, data: []}};
// push the object to the data array of the id object
return a;
}, {}));
That being said, you can use this same method to save yourself two map() calls compared to the group by email example you included in your question.
const byEmail = Object.values(
data.reduce((a, o) => (a[] = [...a[] ?? [], {...o}], a), {}));

How to add key in a nested array of Objects based on another object

I have an array of Objects named results and have the Object which key is the key value of editKeyValues object and value needs to be add in edit key. Below is the Input
var result = [{
name : 'database',
checked : true,
key : 1,
schemas : [
name : "schema2",
checked : true,
key : 6,
tables : [
name : "table2",
checked : true,
key : 7,
columns : [
name : "column1",
checked : true,
key : 8,
var editKeyValues = { 8 : "column4", 6 : "schema4"}
Output that i want in a below format
var result = [{
name : 'database',
checked : true,
key : 1,
schemas : [
name : "schema2",
checked : true,
key : 6,
edit : "schema4"
tables : [
name : "table2",
checked : true,
key : 7,
columns : [
name : "column1",
checked : true,
key : 8,
edit : "column4" // value of key 8 from editkeyValues array
Provide me a best approach because there is large amount of data in results Object... Is recursion a good idea ??? Help me to find out the best approach.
let data = [{
name: 'database',
checked: true,
key: 1,
schemas: [
name: "schema2",
checked: true,
key: 6,
tables: [
name: "table2",
checked: true,
key: 7,
columns: [
name: "column1",
checked: true,
key: 8,
let schemas = data.flatMap(d => d.schemas);
let tables = schemas.flatMap(s => s.tables);
let columns = tables.flatMap(t => t.columns);
let flatData = [data, schemas, tables, columns].flat();
let editKeyValues = {8: "column4", 6: "schema4"};
Object.entries(editKeyValues).forEach(([key, newName]) =>
flatData.find(obj => obj.key === parseInt(key)).edit = newName);
const data = [
id: 13,
product_name: 'Onion Pizza',
image: '26238.jpg',
category: {
id: 1,
name: 'Restaurants',
image: 'restaurant.png',
created_at: '2022-02-02T07:59:05.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-02-15T10:58:49.000000Z',
status: '1',
created_at: '2022-02-19T12:22:09.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-03-02T09:43:53.000000Z',
add_in_cart: false,
quantity_in_cart: 0,
add_in_wishlist: false,
variant: [
id: 34,
price: 140,
quantity: 10,
weight: '7 inch',
discount: 20,
product_id: 13,
created_at: '2022-03-02T12:46:06.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-03-02T12:46:06.000000Z',
id: 35,
price: 350,
quantity: 5,
weight: '14 inch',
discount: 20,
product_id: 13,
created_at: '2022-03-02T12:46:06.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-03-02T12:46:06.000000Z',
id: 15,
product_name: 'Veg Fresh Pizza',
image: '816404.jpg',
category: {
id: 1,
name: 'Restaurants',
image: 'restaurant.png',
created_at: '2022-02-02T07:59:05.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-02-15T10:58:49.000000Z',
status: '1',
created_at: '2022-03-01T12:40:15.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
add_in_cart: false,
quantity_in_cart: 0,
add_in_wishlist: false,
variant: [
id: 30,
price: 129,
quantity: 1,
weight: '7 inch',
discount: 20,
product_id: 15,
created_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
id: 31,
price: 200,
quantity: 1,
weight: '12 inch',
discount: 25,
product_id: 15,
created_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
id: 32,
price: 500,
quantity: 1,
weight: '18 inch',
discount: 40,
product_id: 15,
created_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
id: 33,
price: 700,
quantity: 1,
weight: '20 inch',
discount: 30,
product_id: 15,
created_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
let i = 0;
let j = 0;
for (i; i < data.length; i++) {
for (j; j < data[i].variant.length; j++) {
data[i].variant.forEach(e => {
e.myKey = 0;
console.log('data : ' + JSON.stringify(data));
const data = [
id: 13,
product_name: 'Onion Pizza',
image: '26238.jpg',
category: {
id: 1,
name: 'Restaurants',
image: 'restaurant.png',
created_at: '2022-02-02T07:59:05.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-02-15T10:58:49.000000Z',
status: '1',
created_at: '2022-02-19T12:22:09.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-03-02T09:43:53.000000Z',
add_in_cart: false,
quantity_in_cart: 0,
add_in_wishlist: false,
variant: [
id: 34,
price: 140,
quantity: 10,
weight: '7 inch',
discount: 20,
product_id: 13,
created_at: '2022-03-02T12:46:06.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-03-02T12:46:06.000000Z',
id: 35,
price: 350,
quantity: 5,
weight: '14 inch',
discount: 20,
product_id: 13,
created_at: '2022-03-02T12:46:06.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-03-02T12:46:06.000000Z',
id: 15,
product_name: 'Veg Fresh Pizza',
image: '816404.jpg',
category: {
id: 1,
name: 'Restaurants',
image: 'restaurant.png',
created_at: '2022-02-02T07:59:05.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-02-15T10:58:49.000000Z',
status: '1',
created_at: '2022-03-01T12:40:15.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
add_in_cart: false,
quantity_in_cart: 0,
add_in_wishlist: false,
variant: [
id: 30,
price: 129,
quantity: 1,
weight: '7 inch',
discount: 20,
product_id: 15,
created_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
id: 31,
price: 200,
quantity: 1,
weight: '12 inch',
discount: 25,
product_id: 15,
created_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
id: 32,
price: 500,
quantity: 1,
weight: '18 inch',
discount: 40,
product_id: 15,
created_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
id: 33,
price: 700,
quantity: 1,
weight: '20 inch',
discount: 30,
product_id: 15,
created_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
updated_at: '2022-03-02T12:27:28.000000Z',
let i = 0;
let j = 0;
for (i; i < data.length; i++) {
for (j; j < data[i].variant.length; j++) {
data[i].variant.forEach(e => {
e.myKey = 0;
console.log('data : ' + JSON.stringify(data));
You could take a Map and iterate the objects and seach for nested array.
This approach uses a short circuit if no more nodes are eligible for update.
function update(array, nodes) {
return array.some(o => {
var key = o.key.toString();
if (nodes.has(key)) {
o.edit = nodes.get(key);
if (!nodes.size) return true;
return update(Object.values(o).find(Array.isArray) || [], nodes);
var data = [{ name: 'database', checked: true, key: 1, schemas: [{ name: "schema1", checked: true, key: 2, tables: [{ name: "table1", checked: true, key: 3, columns: [{ name: "column2", checked: true, key: 5 }] }] }, { name: "schema2", checked: true, key: 6, tables: [{ name: "table2", checked: true, key: 7, columns: [{ name: "column1", checked: true, key: 8 }] }] }] }],
keyValues = { 8: 'column4', 6: 'schema4' };
update(data, new Map(Object.entries(keyValues)));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

Mongoose query document with multiple fileds including sub field Mongodb

Hi I have following model of a document in mongodb
Schema is
const ProductionsSchema=new Schema({
name: {type: String, required: true, unique: true},
isActive: {type: Boolean, default: true},
locations: [{
name: {type: String},
isActive : {type: Boolean, default: false}
trackno: {type: String}
_id: 125,
name: 'John Smith',
locations: [{ name: 'Boston', isActive: true}]
isActive: true,
trackno: 2123
_id: 126,
name: 'Moe Adam',
locations: [{ name: 'Chicago', isActive: true}]
isActive: true,
trackno: 5663
_id: 126,
name: 'Henry Noel',
locations: [{ name: 'Houston', isActive: false}]
isActive: true,
trackno: 4552
_id: 128,
name: 'Tim Johnson',
locations: [{ name: 'Denver', isActive: true}]
isActive: false,
trackno: 6672
I am trying to find list of with both isActive true
Productions.find({"isActive" : true , "locations.isActive": true}, (err, list)=>{
callback(null, list)
I am trying to write query so both isActive are true. In above sample data only first two records should be in the answer. But I keep getting all the records even ones with 'false' I even tried $elemMatch on locations.isActive still didnt work.
Please let me know how I can fix this so that I only get result that contains only true values for both isActive.
As the original comment explained, the only query conditions you need are:
{ isActive: true, "locations.isActive": true }
This is a basic AND condition, and you don't need any special operators just to verify a condition is met on a single property anywhere in an array, which is all you are asking.
Since this works exactly as expected, I can only think to show you a full working listing to use as a basis to work out what you are doing differently thus causing you to not get the same result as what is expected.
const { Schema } = mongoose = require('mongoose');
const uri = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/productions';
const opts = { useNewUrlParser: true };
mongoose.set('useFindAndModify', false);
mongoose.set('useCreateIndex', true);
mongoose.set('debug', true);
const productionSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
isActive: { type: Boolean, default: true },
locations: [{
name: String,
isActive: { type: Boolean, default: false }
trackno: Number
const Production = mongoose.model('Production', productionSchema);
const data =
name: 'John Smith',
locations: [{ name: 'Boston', isActive: true}],
isActive: true,
trackno: 2123
name: 'Moe Adam',
locations: [{ name: 'Chicago', isActive: true}],
isActive: true,
trackno: 5663
name: 'Henry Noel',
locations: [{ name: 'Houston', isActive: false}],
isActive: true,
trackno: 4552
name: 'Tim Johnson',
locations: [{ name: 'Denver', isActive: true}],
isActive: false,
trackno: 6672
const log = data => console.log(JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2));
(async function() {
try {
const conn = await mongoose.connect(uri, opts);
// clean data
await Promise.all(
Object.entries(conn.models).map(([k, m]) => m.deleteMany())
// set up
await Production.insertMany(data);
// Query
let query = { isActive: true, "locations.isActive": true };
let results = await Production.find(query);
} catch(e) {
} finally {
Which outputs the two expected documents:
Mongoose: productions.deleteMany({}, {})
Mongoose: productions.insertMany([ { isActive: true, _id: 5c7f7e9367daed19d6773e9b, name: 'John Smith', locations: [ { isActive: true, _id: 5c7f7e9367daed19d6773e9c, name: 'Boston' } ], trackno: 2123, __v: 0 }, { isActive: true, _id: 5c7f7e9367daed19d6773e9d, name: 'Moe Adam', locations: [ { isActive: true, _id: 5c7f7e9367daed19d6773e9e, name: 'Chicago' } ], trackno: 5663, __v: 0 }, { isActive: true, _id: 5c7f7e9367daed19d6773e9f, name: 'Henry Noel', locations: [ { isActive: false, _id: 5c7f7e9367daed19d6773ea0, name: 'Houston' } ], trackno: 4552, __v: 0 }, { isActive: false, _id: 5c7f7e9367daed19d6773ea1, name: 'Tim Johnson', locations: [ { isActive: true, _id: 5c7f7e9367daed19d6773ea2, name: 'Denver' } ], trackno: 6672, __v: 0 } ], {})
Mongoose: productions.find({ isActive: true, 'locations.isActive': true }, { projection: {} })
"isActive": true,
"_id": "5c7f7e9367daed19d6773e9b",
"name": "John Smith",
"locations": [
"isActive": true,
"_id": "5c7f7e9367daed19d6773e9c",
"name": "Boston"
"trackno": 2123,
"__v": 0
"isActive": true,
"_id": "5c7f7e9367daed19d6773e9d",
"name": "Moe Adam",
"locations": [
"isActive": true,
"_id": "5c7f7e9367daed19d6773e9e",
"name": "Chicago"
"trackno": 5663,
"__v": 0

Javascript Multidimensional Array Key-Value

I am doing an AJAX request to a JSON and getting following code as response:
total: "1",
items: [
id: 43,
title: "ThisIsTheTitle",
promoted: false,
sticky: false,
weight: 10,
created: {
timestamp: 1482054,
formatted: "17/01/2017"
url: "http://...",
airdate: {
timestamp: 1484980,
formatted: "17/01/2017"
video: {
id: 43,
number_of_views: 1,
duration: {
seconds: 50,
formatted: "00:00"
required_login: false
program: {
id: 25,
url: "http://...",
title: "ProgrammaTitel"
image: {
uri: "public://...",
full: "http://..."
tags: [
id: "4",
name: "Map"
id: "7",
name: "Aflevering2"
Now I push this data into my own JSArray. Note there is now only 1 response-item but more will be added.
I want to retrieve specific object-data based on the name of a tag of the object (item > tags > name = 'Aflevering2')
So I would like the data from the object where the tag name is 'Aflevering2'.
Any advice? Thanks!
You can find the items with a combination of filter() and some():
obj.items.filter(v => v.tags.some(k => === 'Aflevering2'));
let obj = {
total: "1",
items: [
id: 43,
title: "ThisIsTheTitle",
promoted: false,
sticky: false,
weight: 10,
created: {
timestamp: 1482054,
formatted: "17/01/2017"
url: "http://...",
airdate: {
timestamp: 1484980,
formatted: "17/01/2017"
video: {
id: 43,
number_of_views: 1,
duration: {
seconds: 50,
formatted: "00:00"
required_login: false
program: {
id: 25,
url: "http://...",
title: "ProgrammaTitel"
image: {
uri: "public://...",
full: "http://..."
tags: [
id: "4",
name: "Map"
id: "7",
name: "Aflevering2"
let items = obj.items.filter(v => v.tags.some(k => === 'Aflevering2'));
