When I drag a div, the sibling at the bottom is showing inside the ghost image.
Illustration :
How to remove the next sibling, here the span "Hello" this one ?
I use Solidjs, and native js drag and drop.
Each component is draggable and droppable.
But a component cannot be drag inside itself or its children.
I listed the different properties and events I use for each component :
const onDrop: main.Attributes['onDrop'] = (event) => {
removeClass(parent, STRINGS.DROP_CLASS);
if (isDragging()) {
setView({ parent });
} else {
createView({ parent });
const onDragOver: main.Attributes['onDragOver'] = (event) => {
// event.currentTarget.style.cursor = 'dragging';
const onDragEnter: main.Attributes['onDragEnter'] = (event) => {
// event.currentTarget.style.cursor = 'dragging';
addClass(parent, STRINGS.DROP_CLASS);
const onDragLeave: main.Attributes['onDragLeave'] = (event) => {
removeClass(parent, STRINGS.DROP_CLASS);
const draggable = true;
const setClass = partialCall(setAttribute, id, 'class');
const _backClass =
'!opacity-50 !scale-90 !origin-left !transition !duration-300 !ease-out';
// #region Events
const onDragStart: main.Attributes['onDragStart'] = (event) => {
setClass(`${classe} ${STRINGS.DRAG_CLASS}`);
(event.dataTransfer as DataTransfer).effectAllowed = 'uninitialized';
// event.currentTarget.style.cursor = 'dragging';
if (dragOnly) {
prepareForCreation({ classe, component, ..._props });
} else {
startDrag({ id });
setTimeout(() => {
if (dragOnly) {
setClass(`${cl} ${_backClass}`);
} else {
setClass(`${classe} ${_backClass}`);
}, 5);
const onMouseEnter: main.Attributes['onMouseEnter'] = (event) => {
!dragOnly && recursiveHoverClass(id);
const onMouseOver: main.Attributes['onMouseOver'] = (event) => {
!dragOnly && recursiveHoverClass(id);
const onMouseLeave: main.Attributes['onMouseLeave'] = () => {
removeClass(id, over);
const onDragEnd: main.Attributes['onDragEnd'] = () => {
setClass(dragOnly ? cl : classe);
In its current condition your code is hard to reproduce because components are missing, you've posted event handlers only.
If it works for you, you can use solid-dnd, a lightweight and extensible drag and drop library for Solid JS: https://github.com/thisbeyond/solid-dnd
I have Alpinajs and Splidejs on page. I want to change aplinajs variable from splide event
document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {
Alpine.data('titles', () => ({
slidetitle_1: true,
toggle(n) {
this["slidetitle_" + n] = true
then when in slider event
var splide = new Splide('.splide').mount();
splide.on( 'active', function (t) {
// not working
Alpine.data('titles', () => {
this["slidetitle_" + 1] = true;
// not working
but none of this working
As the title suggest I am trying to apply a class/styling to a specific element (in this case an SVG path) based on its corresponding button.
I have a map of the UK that is split up into regions and corresponding buttons to those regions, and I am trying to style a region based on hovering over a button.
So far I have a list of buttons and regions:
// England Buttons
const grBtn = document.querySelector(".eng-gr");
const seBtn = document.querySelector(".eng-se");
const eeBtn = document.querySelector(".eng-ee");
const emBtn = document.querySelector(".eng-em");
const yhBtn = document.querySelector(".eng-yh");
const neBtn = document.querySelector(".eng-ne");
const nwBtn = document.querySelector(".eng-nw");
const wmBtn = document.querySelector(".eng-wm");
const swBtn = document.querySelector(".eng-sw");
// England Region
const grRgn = document.querySelector(".greater-london");
const seRgn = document.querySelector(".south-east-england");
const eeRgn = document.querySelector(".east-england");
const emRgn = document.querySelector(".east-midlands");
const yhRgn = document.querySelector(".yorkshire-humber");
const neRgn = document.querySelector(".north-east-england");
const nwRgn = document.querySelector(".north-west-england");
const wmRgn = document.querySelector(".west-midlands");
const swRgn = document.querySelector(".south-west-england");
I know I can manually use a function for each button/region like so:
grBtn.addEventListener("mouseover", function () {
grBtn.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
But I am trying to figure out how I can do it with one (or a few) functions instead of each button/region (i will eventually be adding the rest of the UK).
Codepen of Project: https://codepen.io/MartynMc/pen/OJZWWer
Just an idea but if you can edit the HTML part and trasform this:
Greater London
Into this
Greater London
So for each button you specify the SVG class to highlight, you can just use event delegation on the buttons container like this:
let container = document.querySelector(".buttons");
container.addEventListener("mouseover", function (e) {
let ref = e.target.dataset.highlight;
if (ref) {
document.querySelector("." + ref).classList.add("rgn-hover");
container.addEventListener("mouseout", function (e) {
let ref = e.target.dataset.highlight;
if (ref) {
document.querySelector("." + ref).classList.remove("rgn-hover");
And that's all the JS code you need.
The parent receives the event from its children and if the child contains a data-highlight attribute, it finds a node with that class name and adds/removes the css class.
try this:
let arr = [
{ btn: grBtn, rgn: grRgn },
{ btn: seBtn, rgn: seRgn },
{ btn: eeBtn, rgn: eeRgn },
{ btn: emBtn, rgn: emRgn },
{ btn: yhBtn, rgn: yhRgn },
{ btn: neBtn, rgn: neRgn },
{ btn: nwBtn, rgn: nwRgn },
{ btn: wmBtn, rgn: wmRgn },
{ btn: swBtn, rgn: swRgn },
arr.forEach((item) => {
item.btn.addEventListener("mouseover", function () {
item.btn.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
is there a possibility to reset option "once=true" after modal close to run this eventlistener again?
const sel = document.querySelectorAll(".select-wrapper");
function selectCount() {
sel.forEach(element => {
const selElement = element.querySelector(".select");
element.addEventListener("click", function () {
console.log("click ", selElement.value);
console.log("click dataset ", selElement.options[selElement.selectedIndex].dataset.orig);
}, {
once: true
I have a problem, I can't remove the event listener in the condition inside the callback function.
I have the impression that the syntax is correct. But the event is still active.
Does anyone know how to remove the event touchstart?
mutation.target.removeEventListener("touchstart",(e) => { handleClickButton(e) }, true);
const headerSearchBox = document.querySelector(".search-box");
function handleClickButton(event) {
alert("You Clicked on the button")
const mutationCallback = function (mutationList) {
mutationList.forEach((mutation) => {
let isSearchOpen = mutation.target.classList.contains("search-container");
// If Search Bar is Open : Do This...
if (mutation.type === "attributes" && isSearchOpen && mutation.oldValue.includes("open")) {
console.log("Search Bar is Open");
mutation.target.addEventListener("touchstart",(e) => { handleClickButton(e) }, true);
} else {
console.log("Search Bar is Close");
mutation.target.removeEventListener("touchstart",(e) => { handleClickButton(e) }, true);
const observer = new MutationObserver(mutationCallback);
observer.observe(headerSearchBox, {
attributes: true,
attributeOldValue: true,
attributeFilter: ["class"],
Thanks for your support
I have a working piece of code as below:
let pageParams = {
data: { todos: [], desc: '' }
pageParams.onLoad = function () {
//I am trying to encapsulate this to a standalone function and
// make it generic, instead of hard coding the 'this.addTodo=XXX'
const evProducer = {
start: listener => {
//Here, I am adding a named property function
this.addTodo = ev => {
stop: ()=>{}
const input$ = xs.create(evProducer)
next: val => console.log(val)
The code works and now I am going to do some refactor work, i.e. move the logic out of this onLoad function. So I move the logic to another module
let xsCreator = {}
xsCreator.fromEvent = function(handler){
const evProducer = {
start: listener => {
handler = ev => listener.next(ev.detail.value)
stop: () => {}
return xs.create(evProducer)
And in the previous onLoad function becomes the following:
pageParams.onLoad = function () {
but it does not work. I guess I might use apply/call/bind to make this work, but don't know how to. Anyone can help? Thanks in advance
I've found the solution, I should use Object.defineProperty to add a named property for object.
xsCreator.fromInputEvent = (srcObj, propertyName) => {
const evProducer = {
start: (listener) => {
{value: ev => listener.next(ev.detail.value)})
stop: () => {}
return xs.create(evProducer)