Accordion options will open but not collapse - javascript

I'm creating product variant accordions for my Shopify store and so far I've been able to make it so that the accordions will open but they won't collapse when you click on them again. If anyone can provide some guidance on what I'm doing wrong I'd appreciate it!
function swatchNamePlacement() {
$('.swatches .swatch-view .swatch-img-text').each(function () {
var elm = $(this);
var parent = elm.closest('.swatch-view-item');
function isSwatchKingLoaded() {
var watch = setInterval(myTimer, 200);
function stopTimer() {
function myTimer() {
if(typeof VariantSwatchKing !== "undefined" && VariantSwatchKing !== '') {
if($('.swatches').length > 0){
$('.swatches > div').eq().addClass('open');
$('.product__info-wrapper').on('click','.swatches > div', function(e){
var element = $(this);
var parent = element.parent();
// parent.toggleClass('open');
if(parent.hasClass('open')) {
} else {
parent.find('.swatches > div').removeClass('open');


JQuery, toggle/accordion menu issues when reloading page

here is my code...
var menuToggle = false;
$(document).ready(function () {
// Init Tabs
// Init Tooltips
$(function () {
// Init Menu
// Toggle Menu
$('.ipsg-logo-menu-btn').click(function () {
if (!menuToggle) {
menuToggle = true;
$('.sg-accordion > .ipsg-nav-items').hide();
$('.sg-accordion h3').removeClass('state-selected');
} else {
menuToggle = false;
function accordionMenu() {
var allPanels = $('.sg-accordion > .ipsg-nav-items');
var menuLeaving = false;
$('.sg-accordion > h3 > a').click(function () {
if (!menuToggle) {
if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('state-selected')) {
$('.sg-accordion h3').removeClass('state-selected');
} else {
$('.sg-accordion h3').removeClass('state-selected');
return false;
$('.sg-accordion > h3 > a').mouseenter(function () {
if (menuToggle) {
menuLeaving = false;
$('.sg-accordion > .ipsg-nav-items').hide();
$('.sg-accordion h3').removeClass('state-selected');
$('.sg-accordion > .ipsg-nav-items').mouseenter(function () {
if (menuToggle) {
menuLeaving = false;
$('.sg-accordion > h3 > a').mouseleave(function () {
if (menuToggle) {
menuLeaving = true;
setTimeout(function () {
if (menuLeaving) {
$('.sg-accordion > .ipsg-nav-items').hide();
$('.sg-accordion h3').removeClass('state-selected');
}, 400);
$('.sg-accordion > .ipsg-nav-items').mouseleave(function () {
if (menuToggle) {
menuLeaving = true;
setTimeout(function () {
if (menuLeaving) {
$('.sg-accordion > .ipsg-nav-items').hide();
$('.sg-accordion h3').removeClass('state-selected');
}, 400);
I am trying to have my toggle menu closed or open depending on the page reload. So if i am using hamburger menu, and click on a link, i want the hamburger menu to stay after reload. Same with having the menu opened up, i want it so if i click on those links, for the menu to stay open on reload.
anyone have any ideas?
This is the sort of thing I would use localStorage or cookies for. You can set an variable for either that would allow for you to dictate if the menu should be opened or closed.
Asked Previously. You can use cookies for that as it is easy to implement and maintainable.
Link is here Jquery UI Accordion menu saving menu state even after refresh

PageRevealEffects connect to navbar

Hello all of the knowers of javascript,
I have a little problem about javascript and would like one of you to help me to solve the problem.
If you know the 'PageRevealEffects' plugin there are multiple pages that in one HTML are turning on by javascript.
Here are the plugin documentation and demo version at the bottom of documentation:
So my problem is I want to connect the navbar and logo click to the plugin,
Here is the code by which it works
(function() {
$(this).data('clicked', true);
var n;
$('#nav a').click(function () {
n = $(this).parent().index() + 1;
var pages = []'.pages > .page')),
currentPage = 0,
revealerOpts = {
// the layers are the elements that move from the sides
nmbLayers : 3,
// bg color of each layer
bgcolor : ['#52b7b9', '#ffffff', '#53b7eb'],
// effect classname
effect : 'anim--effect-3'
revealer = new Revealer(revealerOpts);
// clicking the page nav
document.querySelector('.navbar-brand').addEventListener('click', function() { reveal('bottom'); });
var navli = document.getElementsByTagName("ul");
for (var i = 0; i < navli.length; i++) {
navli[i].addEventListener('click', function() { reveal('top'); });
// triggers the effect by calling instance.reveal(direction, callbackTime, callbackFn)
function reveal(direction) {
var callbackTime = 750;
callbackFn = function() {
// this is the part where is running the turning of pages
classie.remove(pages[currentPage], 'page--current');
if ($('.navbar-brand').data('clicked')) {
currentPage = 0;
} else {
currentPage = n;
classie.add(pages[currentPage], 'page--current');
revealer.reveal(direction, callbackTime, callbackFn);
Here is the solution
var n;
$('#navbar a').click(function(){
if($(this).attr('id') == 'a') {
n = 0;
} else if($(this).attr('id') == 'b') {
n = 1;
} else if($(this).attr('id') == 'c') {
n = 2;
} else if($(this).attr('id') == 'd') {
n = 3;
} else if($(this).attr('id') == 'e') {
n = 4;
var pages = []'.pages > .page')),
currentPage = 0,
revealerOpts = {
// the layers are the elements that move from the sides
nmbLayers : 3,
// bg color of each layer
bgcolor : ['#52b7b9', '#ffffff', '#53b7eb'],
// effect classname
effect : 'anim--effect-3'
revealer = new Revealer(revealerOpts);
// clicking the page nav
document.querySelector("#a").addEventListener('click', function() { reveal('top'); });
document.querySelector("#b").addEventListener('click', function() { reveal('top'); });
document.querySelector("#c").addEventListener('click', function() { reveal('top'); });
document.querySelector("#d").addEventListener('click', function() { reveal('top'); });
document.querySelector("#e").addEventListener('click', function() { reveal('top'); });
// triggers the effect by calling instance.reveal(direction, callbackTime, callbackFn)
function reveal(direction) {
var callbackTime = 750;
callbackFn = function() {
classie.remove(pages[currentPage], 'page--current');
currentPage = n;
classie.add(pages[currentPage], 'page--current');
revealer.reveal(direction, callbackTime, callbackFn);

Auto Nested Tree Auto Expand not working in IE11 but is working in Chrome

I have a nested tree which is an html table with buttons on each elements to get the child table via AJAX. This works when done manually in IE and in chrome but I have a link to "Expand All" which selects all down arrow images on the page and .click()'s them. This happens on a 600 millisecond loop until all images are clicked and tables are opened. Here is the code for the auto click loop.
function autoClick(searchElement, clickElement) {
setTimeout(function () {
if ($(searchElement).length > 0) {
$(searchElement).each(function () {
}, 600);
return ($(searchElement).length);
It doesn't even to click the first levels of the tree because when I watch for the ajax calls on the network monitor, none are fired. Here is the expand and collapse functions which utilize the autoclick loop.
function expandClick() {
if (!collapseExecuting) {
expandExecuting = true;
numOfExpandElements = autoClick('img[src="../Images/details_open.png"]', '#expandLink');
if (numOfExpandElements == 0) {
expandExecuting = false;
function collapseClick() {
if (!expandExecuting) {
collapseExecuting = true;
numOfCollapseElements = autoClick('img[src="../Images/details_close.png"]', '#collapseLink');
if (numOfCollapseElements == 0) {
collapseExecuting = false;
Here's the Click event handler:
$('#requestsTable tbody td img[data-description="toggle"]').live('click', function () { //alt="expand/collapse"
// var nTr = this.parentNode.parentNode;
var parentid =;
var item = this;
if (parentid == "requestsTable") {
getChild("request", requestTable, item, "RequestCustomers?RequestID=" + $(this).data("request"));
else if (parentid == "customerTable") {
getChild("customer", requestTable, item, ".." + $(this).data('url') + "?RequestID=" + $(this).data("customer"));
else if (parentid == "accountTable") {
getChild("account", requestTable, item, ".." + $(this).data('url') + "?AccountNum=" + $(this).data("account") + "&RequestID=" + $(this).data("request"));
If you need to see get child here it is too:
function getChild(details, rTable, item, getCall) {
var row = item.parentNode.parentNode;
var parentid =;
var rowClass = 'accountDetails';
if (item.src.match('details_close')) {
/* This row is already open - close it */
item.src = "../Images/details_open.png";
$(item).attr('title', 'Expand');
else {
/* Open this row */
item.src = "../Images/details_close.png";
$(item).attr('title', 'Collapse');
//set the class of the row based on the model being returned.
if (details == 'request') {
rowClass = 'requestDetails';
} else if(details == 'customer') {
rowClass = 'customerDetails';
$.get(getCall, function (response) {
rTable.fnOpen(row, response, rowClass);
if (response.BatchComplete) {
$('#batchStatus').value('Batch Completed. Click here to send batch.');
I found what was happening. In my ExpandClick and CollapseClick functions I was selecting the elements via relative URLs in the SRC attribute. Apparently in IE (at least IE 11) these relative URLs are mapped and then displayed in the source as absolute URLs. In chrome it keeps the relative URLs as is in the source so my selector was able to target in Chrome but not IE.
Changed my selectors that I pass to the autoClick function and it worked:
function expandClick() {
if (!collapseExecuting) {
expandExecuting = true;
numOfExpandElements = autoClick('img[title="Expand"]', '#expandLink');
if (numOfExpandElements == 0) {
expandExecuting = false;
function collapseClick() {
if (!expandExecuting) {
collapseExecuting = true;
numOfCollapseElements = autoClick('img[title="Collapse"]', '#collapseLink');
if (numOfCollapseElements == 0) {
collapseExecuting = false;

How to make expand all/collapse all button in this certain script?

i would like to ask for help in a simple task i really need to do at my work (I am a javascript newbie). I made a simple collapsible list with script provided by this guy but what i need right now are two simple buttons as stated in the title: expand all and collapse whole list. Do you guys know if something like that can be implemented in this certain script? Please help :)
var CollapsibleLists = new function () {
this.apply = function (_1) {
var _2 = document.getElementsByTagName("ul");
for (var _3 = 0; _3 < _2.length; _3++) {
if (_2[_3].className.match(/(^| )collapsibleList( |$)/)) {
this.applyTo(_2[_3], true);
if (!_1) {
var _4 = _2[_3].getElementsByTagName("ul");
for (var _5 = 0; _5 < _4.length; _5++) {
_4[_5].className += " collapsibleList";
this.applyTo = function (_6, _7) {
var _8 = _6.getElementsByTagName("li");
for (var _9 = 0; _9 < _8.length; _9++) {
if (!_7 || _6 == _8[_9].parentNode) {
if (_8[_9].addEventListener) {
_8[_9].addEventListener("mousedown", function (e) {
}, false);
} else {
_8[_9].attachEvent("onselectstart", function () {
event.returnValue = false;
if (_8[_9].addEventListener) {
_8[_9].addEventListener("click", _a(_8[_9]), false);
} else {
_8[_9].attachEvent("onclick", _a(_8[_9]));
function _a(_c) {
return function (e) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
var _d = ( ? : e.srcElement);
while (_d.nodeName != "LI") {
_d = _d.parentNode;
if (_d == _c) {
function _b(_e) {
var _f = _e.className.match(/(^| )collapsibleListClosed( |$)/);
var uls = _e.getElementsByTagName("ul");
for (var _10 = 0; _10 < uls.length; _10++) {
var li = uls[_10];
while (li.nodeName != "LI") {
li = li.parentNode;
if (li == _e) {
uls[_10].style.display = (_f ? "block" : "none");
_e.className = _e.className.replace(/(^| )collapsibleList(Open|Closed)( |$)/, "");
if (uls.length > 0) {
_e.className += " collapsibleList" + (_f ? "Open" : "Closed");
It is important to understand why a post-order traversal is used. If you were to just iterate through from the first collapsible list li, it's 'children' may (will) change when expanded/collapsed, causing them to be undefined when you go to click() them.
In your .html
function listExpansion() {
var element = document.getElementById('listHeader');
if (element.innerText == 'Expand All') {
element.innerHTML = 'Collapse All';
} else {
element.innerHTML = 'Expand All';
<div class="header" id="listHeader" onClick="listExpansion()">Expand All</div>
<div class="content">
<ul class="collapsibleList" id="hubList"></ul>
In your collapsibleLists.js
var CollapsibleLists =
new function(){
// Post-order traversal of the collapsible list(s)
// if collapse is true, then all list items implode, else they explode.
this.collapse = function(collapse){
// find all elements with class collapsibleList(Open|Closed) and click them
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('collapsibleList' + (collapse ? 'Open' : 'Closed'));
for (var i = elements.length; i--;) {

Js and Divs, (even <div> is difference)

I Have find a javascript code that works perfectly for showing a DIV.
but this code works only for showing one div for each page.
i want to include many DIVS for hiding and showing in the same page.
I was try to replace the div id and show/hide span id with a rundom php number for each include, but still is not working.
so how i have to do it?
the JS code:
var done = true,
fading_div = document.getElementById('fading_div'),
fade_in_button = document.getElementById('fade_in'),
fade_out_button = document.getElementById('fade_out');
function function_opacity(opacity_value) { = opacity_value / 100; = 'alpha(opacity=' + opacity_value + ')';
function function_fade_out(opacity_value) {
if (opacity_value == 1) { = 'none';
done = true;
function function_fade_in(opacity_value) {
if (opacity_value == 1) { = 'block';
if (opacity_value == 100) {
done = true;
// fade in button
fade_in_button.onclick = function () {
if (done && !== '1') {
done = false;
for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
setTimeout((function (x) {
return function () {
})(i), i * 10);
// fade out button
fade_out_button.onclick = function () {
if (done && !== '0') {
done = false;
for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
setTimeout((function (x) {
return function () {
})(100 - i), i * 10);
Check out the Fiddle, you can edit code based on your needs ;)
$(function() {
$('.sub-nav li a').each(function() {
$(this).click(function() {
var category = $(this).data('cat');
finaly i found my self:
<a class="showhide">AAA</a>
<div>show me / hide me</div>
<a class="showhide">BBB</a>
<div>show me / hide me</div>
$('.showhide').click(function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); // Stop navigation
Am just posting this in case someone was trying to answer.
