"Error resolving module specifier" danfojs - javascript

I was able to use danfojs using
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/danfojs#1.1.2/lib/bundle.min.js"></script>
However, the .js file is too big (over 6MB) for production so I need some help with dead code elimination.
I read that webpack's tree-shaking is good for eliminating dead code
I therefore "npm install danfojs" per the official documentation.
In my html file, I tried to do a ES6 import
<script type="module">
import * as dfd from 'danfojs';
import { readCSV, DataFrame } from 'danfojs';
In Firefox, when I load the webpage, it throws an error of
Uncaught TypeError: Error resolving module specifier “danfojs”. Relative module specifiers must start with “./”, “../” or “/”.
Any help getting the import running OR doing dead code elimination in another way would be much appreciated.
The folder structure is like this, based on a flask project


cannot use import statement outside a module on built exe with electron-forge

I am creating an app with Electron and Vue (using js not ts).
When I run the app using npm run electron:serve the app runs fine.
I now want to build a Windows exe so I can distribute my app. I have tried using electron-builder, electron-packager and electron-forge. Whenever I can get the build to finish, running the exe throws the cannot use import statement outside a module error (referring to the first import statement it finds, i.e. import { app, protocol, BrowserWindow } from 'electron').
I've tried adding "type":"module" to my package.json but (due a bug in Vue, according to this question), that throws Error [ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ESM_URL_SCHEME]
I've also tried changing all my import statements to require but this doesn't work because some of the node modules I'm using use import and the error just throws for those instead.
I'm tearing my hair out over this. Where do I go from here?
I have found a workaround for the Vue bug and posted my findings on the linked question. I can now add "type":"module" to my package.json.
However, I now get an error thrown when I run npm run electron:serve and from my built exe:
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: <my_project_root>\dist_electron\index.js
require() of ES modules is not supported.
require() of <my_project_root>\dist_electron\index.js from <my_project_root>\node_modules\electron\dist\resources\default_app.asar\main.js is an ES module file as it is a .js file whose nearest parent package.json contains "type": "module" which defines all .js files in that package scope as ES modules.
To be clear, I'm not using require in any of my source code, but the compiled(?) version does?
What's going on here?
As requested, here is a minimal reproducible example that maintains original folder structure, configs and package.json

import js file in js file for webdev

I have a js file called project specific js.js and in that file I want to import another js file for general js called logic.js in the js folder
import 'js/logic.js';
in devtools when I run the html that imports project specific js i get
Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
issue fixed it turns out because I wasn't running a localhost for some reason you cant import other js files except modules like react. now I am running localhost and in the script tag importing projectSpecificJs.js i have type set to module so :<script type="module" src="projectSpeceficJs.js></script>"
Just for further information:
import 'file.js'
Is only for nodejs / module html attribute
Also here's some quick info related to the topic:
The whole concept behind using the “import” statement instead of “require” in Node.js is to shift from the CommonJS module system to the ECMAScript Module System. Reference

failed to load wasm application

I'm trying to host a website, and I use a .wasm file with .js scripts created by the wasm-pack tool.
I tested the project locally with npm and node.js and everything worked fine.
But Then I hosted it on a raspberry (apache2), and when I try to access it, I get in the following error:
Failed to load module script: The server responded with a non-JavaScript MIME type of "application/wasm". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.
There are multiple files, but here is the idea:
my index.html loads the module bootstrap.js
// bootstrap.js content
import("./index.js").catch(e => console.error("Error importing `index.js`:", e));
my main code is in the index.js, which calls test_wasm_bg.js
And finally, test_wasm_bg.js loads the wasm file with this line:
// test_wasm_bg.js first line
import * as wasm from './test_wasm_bg.wasm';
Where is the problem?
What is the right way to load a web assembly file?
I finally found what is the right way to load a wasm application in a wasm-bindgen project!
In fact, everything was on this page
When you compile the project without wanting to run it with a bundler, you have to run wasm-pack build with a --target flag.
wasm-pack build --release --target web.
This creates a .js file (pkg/test_wasm.js in my example) with everything you need to load the wasm-application.
And then this is how you use the functions created by wasm-bindgen (index.js):
import init from './pkg/test_wasm.js';
import {ex_function, ex_Struct ...} from '../pkg/test_wasm.js';
function run {
// use the function ex_function1 here
You include your index.js in your HTML file
<script type="module" src="./index.js"></script>
And then it work's !
Now that's I understand the javascript ecosystem a bit more, I cab try to explain what I understand:
There are many ways to do imports in js, here is a list :
You don't need to know much about that, except that the default target of wasm-pack is a node style ecmascript module. This import will work in node.js, but not directly in the browser. So in node, you can import a function from a wasm file directly, like so:
import {ex_function} from "./test.wasm"
But these styles of import don't work in the browser right now. Maybe it will be possible in the future
But for now, your browser only knows about js modules. So if you try to import a .wasm file directly in the browser, it will throw a mime type error because it doesn't know how to deal with webassembly files.
The tool you use to go from ecmascipt modules (with a lot of nmp packages for example) to a single js file is called a web-bundler (webpack, rollup, snowpack ...). If you work on a big project with npm, you probably need one. Otherwise, the "--target web" will say to wasm-bindgen to instantiate the wasm module the right way (look at the pkg/test_wasm.js)

Importing web component without module bundler

I am trying to follow these instructions for using web components. I installed the polymer paper-button with npm install --save #polymer/paper-button, addded the below to my index.html and opened it with vscode's live-server. But I get a console error saying: Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "#polymer/iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout.js". Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../".. I would like to solve this without using a module bundler like webpack.
<script type="module" src="node_modules/#polymer/paper-button/paper-button.js"></script>
<paper-button raised class="indigo">raised</paper-button>
A workaround I have found is to instead use https://unpkg.com/ as per below:
<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/#material/mwc-button#latest/mwc-button.js?module"></script>
Note: you need to add the ?module parameter to the end of the URL in order for unpkg to fix the bare module syntax within the file requested otherwise it just returns the original file with bare module imports.
The error you're getting refers to the inability of browsers - even those that support ES modules - to resolve bare module imports (import foo from 'bar';).
Yes, here:
<script type="module" src="node_modules/#polymer/paper-button/paper-button.js"></script>
you're importing by relative path but paper-button in turn is importing other modules by bare specifier:
import '#polymer/iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout.js';
To know more about modules in the browser and the reasons behind the lack of support for bare specifiers I would recommend this article by Damien Seguin.
You don't necessarily need a module bundler to be able to launch the application: polymer serve, Polymer's dev server, resolves module specifiers automatically. Also, Polymer CLI's build command may be of help if you don't want to manually configure a build system or alternatively tools like Babel can help you transform imports without bundling.

How to use vaadin-text-field in script module

I have tried to use vaadin-text-field in a script module, but it fails with the following message
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "#vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles/color.js". Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../".
Now I know that "Bare" import specifiers aren't supported in ES6
But is there a way to make this work without hacking on the component's imports.
I mean locally of course
Here is my code :
<!doctype html>
<!-- Polyfills only needed for Firefox and Edge. -->
<script src="node_modules/#webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-bundle.js"></script>
<script type="module">
import {PolymerElement, html} from './node_modules/#polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
import './node_modules/#vaadin/vaadin-text-field/theme/lumo/vaadin-text-field.js';
class MyElement extends PolymerElement {
static get properties() { return { }}
static get template() {
return html`
customElements.define('my-element', MyElement);
Note: I am using server to serve the file not polymer CLI
I found that serving the file with polymer serve is the fastest way to solve the problem.
According to Polymer's Documentation
The browser accepts only one kind of module specifier in an import
statement: a URL, which must be either fully-qualified, or a path
starting with /, ./ or ../. This works fine for importing
application-specific elements and modules:
However, it's challenging when you're writing a reusable component,
and you want to import a peer dependency installed using npm. The path
may vary depending on how the components are installed. So Polymer
supports the use of Node-style named import specifiers
Where #polymer/polymer is the name of the npm package. (This style of
specifier is sometimes called a "bare module specifier".)
These module specifiers need to be transformed to paths before they're
served to the browser. The Polymer CLI can transform them at build
time, and the Polymer development server can transform them at
runtime, so you can test code without a build step. Many third-party
build tools, like WebPack and Rollup also support named modules.
