RxJs concatMap is emitting only one http stream out of many - javascript

I have been trying to get stream of objects in a sequencial order, however concatMap is not working for me. With mergeMap I get the stream but no in a sequencial order.
Below is my code I am trying:
map((result: Result) => {
return result.contents
.map((content: Content) => this.databaseService
.getResource<Resource>('Type', content.key) // http call in service
mergeMap((requests: Observable<Resource>[]) => {
return from(requests)
concatMap((resource: Observable<Resource>) => resource), // ----> Trigger only once.
filter((resource:Resource) => resource.status === 'active'),
skip(this.pageIndex * this.PAGE_SIZE),
next: (resource: Resource) => {
console.log(resource) // resource stream
complete: () => console.log('completed')

concatMap will only process one observable source at a time. It will not process subsequent sources until the current source completes.
In your case the observable from this.databaseService.getResource() is not completing. To force it to complete after the first emission, you could append a take(1) like this:
concatMap((resource: Observable<Resource>) => resource.pipe(take(1))
Alternatively, if the call to databaseService.getResource() is only meant to emit a single value, you could modify your service to emit only a single value.
// http call in service
Note: If you are using the Angular HttpClient, a typical get request will complete when the response is received. So you can probably have your getResource() method return the oservable from the http.get() call.


Refresh Observable after API is recalled

Im having an Observable that is storing data from an API.
countDownLogout$: Observable<any> = this.authenticationService
tap((x) => {
console.log('calling the service');
setTimeout(() => {
}, 20000);
<ng-container *ngIf="countDownLogout$ | async as countDownLogout">
The API is called but observable and as result data and console log are not fired. Except from the first time.
I would like the observable to re-take the data after re-calling the API.
It doesn't work because that is not how you should do that.
Use this approach instead.
countdownLogout$ = timer(0, 20000).pipe(
tap((i) => console.log('Calling the service for the ' + i + 'nth time')),
switchMap(() => this.authenticationService.getCountdown())
Be careful to unsubscribe properly from this observable, otherwise you will have memory leaks !

Capture last value of an observable with multiple requests

I have a service layer responsible for handling the data and sending it to components that use the same value.
I need to make requests to the api, as long as the value is isProcessed == false it will do 10 attempts every half a second.
If it fails during the attempts, it will only make 3 more requests.
If isProcessed == true, stopped the requisitions.
All the logic is built in, but I can't output the last observable value. All responses are sent.
All requests are sent by observables, both false and true, but I only need the last one.
Here all requests responses are arriving in the component, not just the last
Service responsible for accessing API:
public getPositionConsolidate(): Observable<PosicaoConsolidada> {
return this.http.get<PosicaoConsolidada>(`${environment.api.basePosicaoConsolidada}/consolidado`)
map(res => res),
catchError(err => {
console.log('Error in Position Consolidate', err);
return throwError(err);
Service responsible for handling the data and sending it to the component:
public positionConsolidate() {
let subject = new BehaviorSubject<any>([]);
this.api.getPositionConsolidate().subscribe(response => {
if(response.hasProcessado == false) {
for (let numberRequest = 0; numberRequest < 10; numberRequest++) {
setTimeout(() => {
this.api.getPositionConsolidate().subscribe(res => {
}, numberRequest * 500, numberRequest);
} else {
finalize(() => this.loadingService.loadingOff())
return subject.asObservable()
In component:
public ngOnInit() {
this.coreState.positionConsolidate().subscribe(res => console.log(res))
The easiest part to answer of your question, is that if you just want the last emission from an observable, then just use the last operator. However, the way you've written things, makes it difficult to incorperate. The following refactors your code as a single stream without any non-rxjs control structures.
public positionConsolidate() {
return this.api.getPositionConsolidate().pipe(
concatMap(res => iif(() => res.hasProcessado,
concatMap(() => this.api.getPositionConsolidate())
finalize(() => this.loadingService.loadingOff()),
What's happening
First this executes the initial api call.
Then based on the result, either...
Returns the initial result
Calls the api 10 times every 500ms.
Implements what you have for retryWhen and finalize.
Returns the last emitted result.
Also don't subscribe to observables inside of observables - that's what higher order observables such as concatMap are for.

Cannot get result of first HTTP request using RxJS' switchMap

I am trying to make 2 HTTP requests and in the first call I try to create a record and then according to its results (response from the API method) I want to execute or omit the second call that updates another data. However, although I can catch the error in catchError block, I cannot get the response in the switchMap method of the first call. So, what is wrong with this implementation according to teh given scenario? And how can I get the response of the first result and continue or not to the second call according to this first response?
let result;
let statusCode;
catchError((err: any) => { ... }),
switchMap(response => {
// I am trying to get the response of first request at here
statusCode = response.statusCode;
return this.demoService.update(...).pipe(
catchError((err: any) => { ... }),
map(response => {
return {
result: response
.subscribe(result => console.log(result));
The question is still vague to me. I'll post a more generic answer to make few things clear
There are multiple things to note
When an observable emits an error notification, the observable is considered closed (unless triggered again) and none of the following operators that depend on next notifications will be triggered. If you wish to catch the error notifications inside the switchMap, you could return a next notification from the catchError. Something like catchError(error => of(error)) using RxJS of function. The notification would then be caught by the following switchMap.
You must return an observable from switchMap regardless of your condition. In this case if you do not wish to return anything when the condition fails, you could return RxJS NEVER. If you however wish to emit a message that could be caught by the subscriptions next callback, you could use RxJS of function. Replace return NEVER with return of('Some message that will be emitted to subscription's next callback');
import { of, NEVER } from 'rxjs';
import { switchMap, catchError, map } from 'rxjs/operators';
catchError((err: any) => { ... }),
switchMap(response => {
statusCode = response.statusCode;
if (someCondition) {
return this.demoService.update(...).pipe( // emit `update()` when `someCondition` passes
catchError((err: any) => { ... }),
map(response => ({ result: response }))
// Show error message
return NEVER; // never emit when `someCondition` fails
next: result => console.log(result),
error: error => console.log(error)
You can implement with iif
// tap first to be sure there's actually a response to process through
// You can use any condition in your iif, "response.user.exists" is just a sample
// If the condition is true, it will run the run the update$ observable
// If not, it will run the default$
// NOTE: All of them must be an observable since you are inside the switchMap
switchMap(response =>
iif(() =>
this.demoService.update(response.id), // Pass ID
of('Default Random Message')
catchError((err: any) => { ... })

chaining of Observables to queue list of ajax calls

I have a dynamic array of Ajax URLs and trying to queue the calls in sequence. After finishing the first call successfully, the second ajax call will go or if the result is failed then it will end the execution loop. Like that it should complete the array until the end.
Do we have options for this with RxJS observables?
Example where data is fetched sequentially using concatMap but processed asynchronously using mergeMap.
Codexample at codesandbox.io
import { from } from "rxjs";
import { concatMap, map, catchError, tap, mergeMap } from "rxjs/operators";
const urls = [
concatMap(url => {
console.log("=>Fetch data from url", url);
return fetch(url);
tap(response => console.log("=<Got reponse for", response.url)),
mergeMap(response => response.json()),
tap(data => console.log("Decoded response", data))
() => console.log("fetched and decoded"),
e => console.log("Error", e),
() => console.log("Done")
Sure, concat is the right creation function for that job. It is passed a list of Observables and completes them in order, one after the other. If any one of them fails, an error notification is sent that can be handled in the subscribe function. The chain is completed immediately after an error, preventing subsequent Ajax calls to be fired.
An example could look like this:
url => this.http.get(url))
next => console.log("An Ajax call has finished"),
error => console.log("An Ajax call has gone wrong :-( "),
complete => console.log("Done with all Ajax calls")
The documentation for concat reads:
Creates an output Observable which sequentially emits all values from given Observable and then moves on to the next.

How to chain multiple .map() calls on previous items using rxjs

In the example below I was wondering how you would go about preforming two operations on the same response from the .swichMap().
In the example I put the second .map in which is clearly wrong but sort of illiterates what I want to do. How would I go about calling two functions. Also when I break the fist map() out into a function like .map(response => {fn1; fn2;}); typescript throws an error?
getUserCourse$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
.map<string>(action => action.payload)
.switchMap(userCourseId => this.userCourseApi.getUserCourse(userCourseId))
.map(response => new userCourse.LoadUserCourseSuccessAction(response.data));
.map(response => new course.LoadCourseSuccessAction(response.course));
For this answer I'm assuming that both functions userCourse.LoadUserCourseSuccessAction and course.LoadCourseSuccessAction do return Observables. If not you can always create one with Rx.Observable.of or Rx.Observable.fromPromise in case of for example an AJAX call.
If I understand you correctly you want to do independent things with the response, but do them in parallel and merge the results back in the stream. Have a look at the following code that shows how this can be archived.
{data: 'Some data', course: 'course1'},
{data: 'Some more data', course: 'course2'}
).mergeMap((obj) => {
// These two streams are examples for async streams that require
// some time to complete. They can be replaced by an async AJAX
// call to the backend.
const data$ = Rx.Observable.timer(1000).map(() => obj.data);
const course$ = Rx.Observable.timer(2000).map(() => obj.course);
// This Observable emits a value as soon as both other Observables
// have their value which is in this example after 2 seconds.
return Rx.Observable.combineLatest(data$, course$, (data, course) => {
// Combine the data and add an additinal `merged` property for
// demo purposes.
return { data, course, merged: true };
.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
Runnable demo
