How to Keep Tab.Content below Nav in. React Bootstrap - javascript

I have a couple of React Bootstrap Tabs within a TabContainer as shown below. My issue now is that when I set the maxHeight of the Tab.Content and it gets exceeded, the content is going under the Nav which is weird.
Here is my code:
onSelect={(e) => {
<Row sm={1} className={'px-3'}>
<Nav variant="tabs" className="border-bottom-0 flex-row">
// ...tabsGoHere
<Divider />
maxHeight: 600, //This is causing the Tab content to display under the Tabs instead of below it, once the height exceeds 600.
overflowY: 'scroll',
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center'
<Tab.Pane eventKey={activeTab}>
{/* ...Content */}
How can I ensure the Tab.Content is always displaying below the Tabs and not under them no matter the height of the Tab.Content
Thank you


Skeleton-Avatar and ImageButton in MUI React are forced to oval background shapes

When using mui Stack I get weird side effect of geting all the background shapes of Skeleton Avatar and background area smeared to oval|elipsoid shapes. I tried setting equal width and height for Avatar but id does not help.
How can I fix it throguh sx mui component property or css?
code fragment
noValidate autoComplete="off"
sx={{ marginLeft: '15%','& .MuiTextField-root': { m: 2, width: '25ch' }}}>
<form onSubmit={onSubmit} >
{, index) => {
return (
<Fade in={true} sx = {{width: '95%'}} {...{ timeout: 500 }}>
<Stack direction="row" borderRadius="0" spacing={2} key={index} style ={{marginLeft: '-50px', }}>
{form.img? <Avatar alt="release img" src={form.img} sx={{ width: 56, height: 56 }} /> : <Skeleton animation={false} variant ='circular'> <Avatar sx={{ width: 56, height: 56}} /> </Skeleton>}
<TextField {/* ... */}/>
<IconButton onClick={() => removeFields(index)}><DeleteIcon /</IconButton>
<IconButton onClick={addFields} color={'warning'}> <AddCircleOutlineOutlinedIcon /></IconButton>
<Button onClick={onSubmit} color={'warning'} variant="contained" endIcon= {<SendIcon/>} > Search links </Button>
Normally, the default value of align-items for flex items will be stretch, that's why you see your icon is stretched in the cross axis
The solution is simple, set alignItems prop in Stack to a different value rather than normal/stretch. Here I use center
alignItems="center" // this line
style={{ marginLeft: "-50px" }}
CSS align-items

How can I animate a flex container with a conditional react-component inside?

I have a table with a custom right side control, where the user can set the columns visibility as well as reorder them. Upon clicking a button, the control expands and the user can now make changes. The basic functionality is there. I am now trying to make the transition a smoother and that is where I am failing.
Here is the minimal markup that is rendered:
display: "flex",
justifyContent: "flex-start"
<div style={{ flex: "auto" }}>
<Table columns={columns} dataSource={data} pagination={"false"} />
flex: hasExpandedControls ? "2 1 1" : "0 0 1",
transition: "all 500ms ease-in-out"
display: "flex"
{hasExpandedControls ? (
checkedKeys={ => col.key)}
style={{ marginRight: "0.5em" }}
) : null}
<div style={{ padding: "50% 0", height: 0, width: "40px" }}>
onClick={() => setHasExpandedControls((prev) => !prev)}
marginLeft: ".5em",
display: "block",
transformOrigin: "top left",
// transform: 'rotate(-90deg) translate(-100%)',
transform: "rotate(90deg) translate(0, -100%)",
marginTop: "-50%"
Clicking the button triggers a state change, which causes the Tree to be rendered and in this instance the div 'snaps' to its full width. I am failing to accomplish my goal using css transitions, so I was wondering if there was an easier way to accomplish my goal.
I've tried setting the transition on various wrapping elements and all elements, but the 'snap' into existence remains.
Codepen to reproduce:

card slide down in react spring not working

I am new to react and I am trying to slide down my div element using react-spring. However, the slide-down effect is not working. I saw this in a tutorial and tried to implement it however it's not working.
Here is my code:
<Spring from={{ opacity: 0, marginTop: -500 }} to={{ opacity: 1, marginTop: 0 }}>
{props => (
<div style={props}>
<div style={{ display: cost ? 'block' : 'none' }}>
<Card className="calculation shadow">
<div style={{ borderTop: '2px solid #000 ', marginLeft: 20, marginRight: 20
<Row style={{ float: 'right', marginBottom: '1rem' }}>
<span style={{ float: 'right' }}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faClipboardList} onClick={this.handler} />
<div style={{ borderTop: '2px solid #000 ', marginLeft: 20, marginRight: 20
How do I make it work so that the div component slides down when clicking a button? Please help
You're not passing the animated styles to an animated.div. Which means the props from the spring will not animate your component.
Also since you're trigger the animation on a click. I would set the animated values – opacity & marginTop as state variables. Then you on the onClick handler you can update the state triggering a change in the animation.
See the Spring docs here
And for more information, here's a codesandbox
I found the solution everything is fine no animated div required I had to just change the version of react- spring to npm i react-spring#8.0.20 and it works

Wrap Text Around Fixed Column Width React Bootstrap Layout

I have created a React Bootstrap Card with four columns as per the grid system layout. I'm not the greatest at styling or CSS but I would like the text to be wrapped if it is too long- so for instance, in the image below, "BosniaAndHerzegovina" has pushed one of the columns to the bottom of the card, when I really want the text to be wrapped according to the column size.
Here is my JSX for the first column:
return (
<Card style={{ width: '25rem' }}>
<Col sm='auto'>
<Row style={{ marginTop: '5px', marginBottom: '2.5px' }}>
<Row style={{ marginTop: '5px', marginBottom: '2.5px' }}>
<Row style={{ marginTop: '5px', marginBottom: '2.5px' }}>
<Row style={{ marginTop: '5px', marginBottom: '2.5px' }}>
How do I get the text to wrap around a fixed column width?
to break long texts into multiple lines you can use the css property word-break passing break-all:
word-break: break-all;
.box {
width: 50px;
word-break: break-all;
<div class="box">myreallylongsentenceshouldbebrokeninmultiplelines</div>

Why does my MUI Divider not show up in a MUI Container or Paper?

Good morning,
I am in love with MUI, there is so much one can do. However, after using it extensively, I have noticed that a MUI Divider does not show up when it is the child of a Container or Paper component. I can't find anything as to why this is the case, so it is probably my implementation. Could someone check it out and see why it isn't appearing?
Everything is imported, the Popover works fine.
Thank you!
navBarPopover: {
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "column",
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center"
vertical: "top",
horizontal: "right",
vertical: "top",
horizontal: "right",
<Container className={clsx(classes.navBarPopover)}>
<Button className={clsx(classes.loginButton)} component={Link} to="/user_auth" onClick={() => handleClose()}>
<Divider />
<Button className={clsx(classes.loginButton)} component={Link} to="/faqs" onClick={() => handleClose()}>
I agree, Material-UI is really awesome.
In this issue, you're giving display:'flex' to the parent container. By giving flex, the child elements take the minimum possible width as flex-shrink is there on child elements by default.
So, here the Divider is there but its width is 0. Provide width to 100%.
<Divider style={{width:'100%'}} />
Check the demo here:-
