sanity start | failed to compile - javascript

C:\Users\91904\Desktop!Pintrest\backend>sanity start
✔ Checking configuration files...
⠹ Compiling...webpack built e11ccaa43df8743d1a5d in 578ms
✔ Compiling...
Failed to compile.
Error in multi ./node_modules/#sanity/server/lib/browser/entry-dev.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'C:\Users\91904\Desktop' in 'C:\Users\91904\Desktop!Pintrest\backend'
# multi ./node_modules/#sanity/server/lib/browser/entry-dev.js
Error in multi ./node_modules/eventsource-polyfill/dist/browserify-eventsource.js ./node_modules/#sanity/server/lib/browser/hot-client.js react react-dom
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'C:\Users\91904\Desktop' in 'C:\Users\91904\Desktop!Pintrest\backend'
# multi ./node_modules/eventsource-polyfill/dist/browserify-eventsource.js ./node_modules/#sanity/server/lib/browser/hot-client.js react react-dom
Error in multi ./node_modules/eventsource-polyfill/dist/browserify-eventsource.js ./node_modules/#sanity/server/lib/browser/hot-client.js react react-dom
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'C:\Users\91904\Desktop' in 'C:\Users\91904\Desktop!Pintrest\backend'
# multi ./node_modules/eventsource-polyfill/dist/browserify-eventsource.js ./node_modules/#sanity/server/lib/browser/hot-client.js react react-dom


How to import JavaScript files (fabric.js) in a vaadin Application

I'm working on a Vaadin application which is using spring boot.
I want to use the fabric.js framework, but have not managed to import the files without running into Errors yet.
When trying to use the #JavaScript Annotation, I run into following Error:
[v-server-output] c.v.b.devserver.DevServerOutputTracker : ERROR in ./fabric.min.js
[v-server-output] c.v.b.devserver.DevServerOutputTracker : Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'jsdom' in 'C:\entwicklung\grw2_new\app-and-run\applications\grw\grw-desktop\frontend'
After trying it with a npm installation(, I ran into a similar Error:
[ERROR] ERROR in ../node_modules/tunnel-agent/index.js
[ERROR] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'net' in '/.../node_modules/tunnel-agent'
[ERROR] # ../node_modules/jsdom/lib/api.js
[ERROR] # ./fabric.min.js
To avoid the jsdom Error I tried to import the file in a onAttach Method using UI.getCurrent().getPage().addJavaScript("frontend/fabric.min.js");
But Vaadin does not manage to find the specified file, whether I put them in the frontend folder of my project or in META-INF/resources/frontend.

react bootstrap Configuration Error In webpack

have same issues withe web pack project can you please help me to resolve that one. I didn't use react-scripts because it's web pack project. i have migrated react-bootstrap 1.6.4 to 2.1.1
Current Version: 2.1.1
the errors are:
ERROR in ./node_modules/react-bootstrap/esm/SplitButton.js Module
parse failed: Unexpected token (101:2) You may need an appropriate
loader to handle this file type. | renderMenuOnMount, |
rootCloseEvent, | ...props | }, ref) => /#PURE/_jsxs(Dropdown, { |
ref: ref, # ./node_modules/react-bootstrap/esm/index.js 67:0-55 #
./src/containers/Layout.jsx # ./src/routes/index.jsx #
./src/containers/App.jsx # ./src/index.jsx # multi
(webpack)-dev-server/client? webpack/hot/dev-server
react-hot-loader/patch babel-polyfill whatwg-fetch ./src/index.jsx
the issue did not occur in react-bootstrap#2.0.0-alpha.1

Module not found: can't resolve '../file'

I am working with an app using electron-vue. In windows, yarn run dev just works fine. But then I decided to switch to Ubuntu 18.04 and now everytime I executed yarn run dev, it returns like this:
ERROR in ./node_modules/iaccs-login/router/OneTimePassword.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../components/OneTimePassword' in '/mnt/d/iaccs/iaccs-base/node_modules/iaccs-login/router'
# ./node_modules/iaccs-login/router/OneTimePassword.js 4:15-55
# ./src/renderer/router/index.js
# ./src/renderer/main.js
# multi ./.electron-vue/dev-client ./src/renderer/main.js
ERROR in ./node_modules/iaccs-front-office-otc-voucher/router/index.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../components/OtcVoucher' in '/mnt/d/iaccs/iaccs-base/node_modules/iaccs-front-office-otc-voucher/router'
# ./node_modules/iaccs-front-office-otc-voucher/router/index.js 4:15-50
# ./src/renderer/router/FrontOffice.js
# ./src/renderer/router/index.js
# ./src/renderer/main.js
# multi ./.electron-vue/dev-client ./src/renderer/main.js
ERROR in ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./node_modules/iaccs-front-office-withdrawal/components/Withdrawal.vue
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../constants/Withdrawal' in '/mnt/d/iaccs/iaccs-base/node_modules/iaccs-front-office-withdrawal/components'
# ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./node_modules/iaccs-front-office-withdrawal/components/Withdrawal.vue 9:0-92
# ./node_modules/iaccs-front-office-withdrawal/components/Withdrawal.vue
# ./node_modules/iaccs-front-office-withdrawal/router/index.js
# ./src/renderer/router/FrontOffice.js
# ./src/renderer/router/index.js
# ./src/renderer/main.js
# multi ./.electron-vue/dev-client ./src/renderer/main.js
ERROR in ./src/renderer/mixins/Auth.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../store/Modules' in '/mnt/d/iaccs/iaccs-base/src/renderer/mixins'
# ./src/renderer/mixins/Auth.js 1:12-63
# ./src/renderer/main.js
# multi ./.electron-vue/dev-client ./src/renderer/main.js
ERROR in ./src/renderer/store/index.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './Modules' in '/mnt/d/iaccs/iaccs-base/src/renderer/store'
# ./src/renderer/store/index.js 5:0-32
# ./src/renderer/main.js
# multi ./.electron-vue/dev-client ./src/renderer/main.js
I already checked the files and nothing is missing. Is there something I did wrong?
It turns out to be a very simple issue. I've been using windows for too long, I forgot that Linux is case-sensitive with the directory and file names. I just renamed my directories and files based on my code and yarn run dev now works!


can you help me please with this errors :
I want to connect to a locally ip by ssh and i cant because i don't have the libraries , i tried to download them but they're empty .
WARNING in ./node_modules/defaultable/defaultable.js
49:13-31 Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an
ERROR in ./node_modules/simple-ssh/node_modules/ssh2/lib/agent.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'child_process' in
ERROR in ./node_modules/native-dns-cache/lookup.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'dgram' in
ERROR in ./node_modules/native-dns/lib/server.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'dgram' in
ERROR in ./node_modules/native-dns/lib/utils.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'dgram' in
Thank you very Much.

Running into "Can't Resolve" Error After Migrating from Beta 31 to RC 1 in Angular-CLI App

In migrating from beta 31 to rc.1 in my Angular-CLI app, I am now getting some compilation errors, as it pertains to some of my custom icons/images. This is the error I'm getting:
ERROR in ./src/app/ui/nav-menu.component.css Module not found: Error:
Can't resolve './app/img/home-icon.svg' in
'/Users/mk/Documents/abc/src/app/ui' #
./src/app/ui/nav-menu.component.css 6:3777-3813 #
./src/app/ui/nav-menu.component.ts # ./src/app/app.module.ts #
./src/main.ts # multi webpack-dev-server/client?http://localhost:4200
Specifically, what does it indicate when the error states "can't resolve"? Does that imply the item isn't where the app is looking for it? Or something else?
If you are using angular-cli put static files such as images, fonts etc.. in assets folder and refer them in you HTML files as follows
<img src="assets/sample.jpg" alt="some alt">
