VueJS Datepicker change the position day and month - javascript

I am using this datepicker - vuejs-datepicker. Current date format is MM.DD.YYYY, but I need it in DD.MM.YYYY format. For this I used the following customFormatter function.
customDatepickerFormatter: function (date) {
return moment(date).format("DD.MM.YYYY");
However, the input for example 21.09.2022 is rejected because vuejs datepicker interprets the date as 09.21.2022 which is obviously not a valid date. Can you help me fix this?

Here is how I would integrate a simple but friendly formater supporting EU formatting.
Input your date (DD MM YYYY format)
<input type="text" v-model.lazy="date" /> <!-- updating on focus lost -->
<p>result: {{ formatted }}</p>
import { format } from "date-fns";
export default {
data() {
return {
date: "20 11 2020",
computed: {
formatted() {
let [day, month, year] =\D/) // safe for the separation
return format(new Date(year, month - 1, day), "PPP") // month - 1 offset is to make it simpler to compute
This is how it looks
Otherwise it looks like this package could also be a nice fit for you apparently:


Change the date labels as Day with numbers in full calendar

I am working with FullCalendar V4 along with Ionic -4 and Angular-8 . In week view it shows me 7 days. I want every day to be displayed as Day with number. For example instead of Monday it should be displaying Day 1.
I am planning to display only three weeks so there should be Day
label starting with Day 1, Day 2 , Day 3 and all the way to display
Day 21
Is there a inbuilt method to do this. Or any other approach to do so. Thanks in advance :)
Current Implementation
return 'Day ' + this.count++
<full-calendar #calendar
(columnHeaderText)=" columnHeaderText($event)"
Maybe you can try something like this? and reset 'count' everytime you change to a new 3 week period
var count = 1;
var calendar = new Calendar(calendarEl, {
//your settings...
columnHeaderText: (date) => {
return 'Day ' + count++},
calendarOptions: any;
dayCount: number = 1;
ngOnInit() {
this.calendarOptions = {
columnHeaderText: () => {
return 'Day ' + this.dayCount++
and change in your html to:

Changing the format of date after picking from datepicker after SAPUI5

I have a datepicker from which I want to extract the date and display in a label. Currently the date is getting displayed in the format MM/DD/YYYY but I want it in the format MMM dd, yyyy (Nov 17, 2017). Below is the code :
var date = view.byId("__date");
<HBox alignItems="Center" renderType="Bare">
<Label text="Date of Screening" width="50%"/>
<DatePicker class="sapUiLargeMarginBegin" width="50%" id="screeningDate"/>
In addition to Naveen's answer here's the solution with your existing code:
var date = view.byId("__date");
// Make date object out of screenDate
var dateObject = new Date(screenDate);
// SAPUI5 date formatter
var dateFormat = sap.ui.core.format.DateFormat.getDateInstance({pattern : "MMM dd,YYYY" });
// Format the date
var dateFormatted = dateFormat.format(dateObject);
FYI, By getting view controls and updating the property in it is not good. It will be good if you have a model.
Solution for your problem is below,
<Label text="{
path: '/date',
type: 'sap.ui.model.type.Date',
formatOptions: {
style: 'medium',
pattern: 'MMM dd, yyyy'
<DatePicker dateValue="{/date}"/>
And in the controller I have a JSONModel as below,
onInit : function() {
this.model = new JSONModel({
date : new Date(0)

How to extract only the months from the datepicker widget in Kendo UI to an alertbox?

I am currently working on an ASP.NET MVC 4 project, in my view I am using Kendo UI. I want to display only the month and year from the Datepicker widget(Example: JANUARY 2016) into the alertbox, but instead I am getting the following:IMAGE
My view code is as follows:
.Format("MMMM yyyy")
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = " width: 95.5%;})
.Events(e => e.Change("monthpicker_change"))
// monthpicker_change function
function monthpicker_change() {
var month = $("#datepicker").data("kendoDatePicker");
Please suggest me what changes I need to do in my script, in order to display only the selected Month and Year in an Alert box.
PS: I have formatted the datepicker to display only the MONTHS and YEAR, not the standard dates
kendoDatePicker.value method always return javascript Date.
You should use Date methods to extract month and year from date object:
var date = $("#datepicker").data("kendoDatePicker").value();
alert((date.getMonth()+1) + '.' + date.getFullYear());
Beware: getMonth() return values from 0 to 11; 0 is january.
Here is full reference of Date functions:

Display 'Today' instead of date

I am using angular and moment.js to display dates in my app. If the user chooses a date other than today I want the format to be '12:00 PM Sat 21st Nov' which I have working when the user clicks a day from my calendar with amDateFormat
the following:
$scope.setDate = function(day){
var myDate =;
$ = moment($
'year': myDate.year(),
'month': myDate.month(),
<div> {{ date | amDateFormat:'h:mm A ddd Do MMM'}}</div>
If the date chosen is today how do I display the date to be '12:00 PM Today' instead?
I am not familiar with angular. However you can use moment calendar for today date.
From the doc you can tweak the calendar like this:
moment.locale('en', {
calendar : {
sameDay : 'LT [Today]'
And then call moment().calendar();
Here is a snippet with an alternative way of doing it assuming you are using a version that is at least 2.10.5:
var divTime = $('#time');
var time = moment().calendar(null, {
sameDay: 'LT [Today]'
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="time">

Date object in meteor and autoform

I have problem with input Date validation on Meteor, AutoForm and Simple-schema .
If its turn on Chrome auto date picker , validation can't recognize Date format or type like is in schema (type: Date) or from input (type="date") "08/19/2014"
If its turn off Chrome date picker, and when i use bootstrap3-datepicker and with moment js set format to "2014-08-19" like they wrote, I have same Date validation problem.
What kind date format can be correct validated in schema with type: Date ?
Which date picker is best to give me correct date format and type and can you please give me an example because in meteor-autoform-example i saw same problem.
schema: {
'orderDate': {
type: Date,
label: "OrderDate",
optional: true
{{>afQuickField name="orderDate" type="date" }}
or with {{#autoForm}}
<div class="form-group {{#if afFieldIsInvalid name='orderDate'}}has-error{{/if}}">
{{> afFieldLabel name='orderDate'}}
<span class="help-block">*Requered</span>
{{> afFieldInput name='orderDate' id="OrderDate"}}
{{#if afFieldIsInvalid name='orderDate'}}
<span class="help-block">{{{afFieldMessage name='orderDate'}}}</span>
or with bootstrap3-datepicker
<input type="date" id="orderPickerDate" class="form-control" />
Thank you.
The date format is a combination of d, dd, D, DD, m, mm, M, MM, yy, yyyy.
d, dd: Numeric date, no leading zero and leading zero, respectively. Eg, 5, 05.
D, DD: Abbreviated and full weekday names, respectively. Eg, Mon, Monday.
m, mm: Numeric month, no leading zero and leading zero, respectively. Eg, 7, 07.
M, MM: Abbreviated and full month names, respectively. Eg, Jan, January
yy, yyyy: 2- and 4-digit years, respectively. Eg, 12, 2012.
You can specify this format on data-date-format, but a better place to add format is in the schema:
some_date: {
type: Date,
autoform: {
type: "bootstrap-datepicker",
datePickerOptions: {
autoclose: true,
format: 'dd M yyyy'
For example, dd M yyyy give you 27 Apr 2017.
I found the documentation at
Just looking at the documentation for the original bootstrap-datepicker that I think aldeed's package just wraps, I think you'd want something like:
{{> afQuickField name='orderDate' type="bootstrap-datepicker" data-date-format="dd MM yyyy"}}
{{> afFieldInput name='orderDate' type="bootstrap-datepicker" data-date-format="dd MM yyyy"}}
Specify the date format you want with the data-date-format attribute.
