I am trying to bind the dropdown . following code works
<select data-bind="options :MyArray"/>
However it doesn't works but when i add the Knockout bindings (as below) .the dropdown doesn't shows up
<select data-bind="options: MyArray, event:{change:DropdownChnaged.bind($data,'Task')} "/>
It looks as though you have a typo in your change event (DropdownChnaged -> DropdownChanged). That maybe the root cause of the issue.
But I would also avoid using the change event and instead use knockouts subscriber functionality.
When the dropdown value is being set, you can subscribe to the value and execute a function when the observable value is updated. I have provided a snippet below which should demonstrate how you can use this.
var VM = function() {
this.MyArray = [
text: "Item A",
data: "This is the description for Item A",
otherData: { myData: 'MyOtherDataA'}
text: "Item B",
data: "Description of Item B",
otherData: { myData: 'MyOtherDataB'}
text: "Item C",
data: "This is Item C's description",
otherData: { myData: 'MyOtherDataC'}
this.selectedItem = ko.observable();
console.log("Change event triggered");
}, this);
ko.applyBindings(new VM());
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.4.2/knockout-min.js"></script>
<select data-bind="value: selectedItem, options: MyArray, optionsText: 'text'">
<!-- ko with: selectedItem -->
Item Description: <span data-bind="text: data"></span>
<!-- /ko -->
The issue is that when I bind options to the dropdown, "ui dropdown" makes it disappear and nothing is in the cell in my browser(it dosent use the css properly in jsfiddle). If i remove that css then i see the out of the box dropdown.
creating a table with a viewmodel collection and want a dropdown of values for the individual risks
//part of the viewmodel
var ViewModel = {
Collection: ko.observableArray(),
availableRisks: ['L', 'H'],
doesn't help.
Sample code that dosent work with the dropdown:
There are bindings for jQuery UI and knockout, use them. http://gvas.github.io/knockout-jqueryui/
Rule of thumb, in a knockout application nothing may touch the DOM except knockout, or without informing knockout. Therefore, mixing knockout with jQuery UI without anything that bridges the gap between them will not work.
Taken from the example in knockout-jqueryUI selectmenu binding documentation:
var ViewModel = function () {
this.items = ko.observableArray([
{ id: '1', text: 'First' },
{ id: '2', text: 'Second' },
{ id: '3', text: 'Third' },
{ id: '4', text: 'Fourth' }
this.value = ko.observable('1');
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
and in the view
<!-- ko foreach: items -->
<input type="radio" name="radios" data-bind="attr: { value: id }, checked: $parent.value" />
<!-- /ko -->
<select data-bind="value: value, selectmenu: { width: 300 }, options: items, optionsValue: 'id', optionsText: 'text'">
<br />
I have recently started learning KendoUI and have come up with this issue. I am trying to include a dropdownlist in kendo grid using MVVM approach. The grid has 3 columns- Checkbox, text and dropdownlist. I want to manually set the dropdownlist value based on whether the checkbox is checked or not. As an example here i am trying to set the Class as 'Class 3' if checkbox is unchecked. Even though index is set to 2, it gets reverted back to the class from the model at the end of the event dataBound. Can anyone help me with this? I need to forcefully set the dropdown index. Thank you.
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="checkboxGrid">
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: IsChecked" />
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="ddlGrid">
<input data-role="dropdownlist"
data-bind="source: actionSource, value: class, events:{dataBound: dataBound }"/>
<div id="content" >
<div id="my-grid"
{"field": "IsChecked", "title":" ", template: kendo.template($("#checkboxGrid").html())},
{"field": "Name", "title":"Name" },
{"field": "class", "title":"Class", template: kendo.template($("#ddlGrid").html())}
data-bind="source: dataSource">
$(document).ready(function() {
var viewModel = new kendo.data.ObservableObject({
dataSource: [
{ IsChecked: true, Name: "Student 1", class: { name: "Class 1", id:"1" }},
{ IsChecked: false, Name: "Student 2", class: { name: "-Please Select-", id:"999" } },
{ IsChecked: false, Name: "Student 3", class: { name: "-Please Select-", id:"999" }},
{ IsChecked: true, Name: "Student 4", class: { name: "Class 3", id:"3" } }
actionSource: [
{ name: "-Please Select-", id:"999"},
{ name: "Class 1", id:"1" },
{ name: "Class 2", id:"2" },
{ name: "Class 3", id:"3" }
dataBound: function(e) {
var ddl = e.sender;
var gridRow = $(ddl.element).closest( "tr" );
var checkbox = $(gridRow).find('input[type=checkbox]');
if(checkbox.prop("checked") == false){
console.log("Checkbox checked : " + false);
//explicitly trying to set class to 'Class 3'
//Even though index is set to 2, it gets reverted back to the class from the model at the end of the event
kendo.bind($('#my-grid'), viewModel);
I have the following binding in js fiddle.
<div class="container body-content">
<div>Name : <span data-bind="text: Name"></span>
</div>The select control should be below
<select multiple data-bind="selectPicker: teamID, optionsText: 'text', optionsValue : 'id', selectPickerOptions: { optionsArray: teamItems, disabledOption: IsDisabled }"></select>
<div>Selected Value(s)
<div data-bind="text: teamID"></div>
I am thinking of doing this disabledOption: IsDisabled and then adding
this.teamItems = ko.observableArray([{
text: 'Chris',
id: 1,
IsDisabled: false
}, {
text: 'Peter',
id: 2,
IsDisabled: false
}, {
text: 'John',
id: 3,
IsDisabled: false
I would like to know how to disable an option in the select.
In the knockout docs, there's an example that shows how you can disable an item using an optionsAfterRender method.
About the method you can pass to it:
It has to be in your viewmodel, not in your items
It takes in the option HTML node, and the item it's bound to
So step one is to find a place to store which items are disabled. The easiest option would be to store it inside your teamItems' objects:
text: 'Chris',
id: 1,
disable: ko.observable(true)
Now, we need to add a method that takes in an item and creates a binding. We can take this straight from the example:
this.setOptionDisable = function(option, item) {
ko.applyBindingsToNode(option, {
disable: item.disable
}, item);
Finally, we need to tell knockout to call this method:
<select multiple data-bind="optionsAfterRender: setOptionDisable, ...
Note that after changing a disable property in one of your items, you'll have to call teamItems.valueHasMutated manually.
Here's an updated fiddle:
I would like to use uib-popover to create a popup/tooltip for an option item generated by ng-options for a select box. I have tried two approaches but neither one is quite good enough. Ng-options works well because I have to have a default item selected, but I cannot figure out how to plug in uib-popover. If I use ng-repeat I feel like I have more control over how each option is generated, but I can't figure how to select a defualt item for that scenario. Here is the code I am using for the ng-repeat method:
(function() {
"use strict";
var selectionTestViewModel = function() {
var vm = this;
vm.options = [
{ id: 1, val: "Option 1", desc: "Description of Option 1" },
{ id: 2, val: "Option 2", desc: "Description of Option 2" }
vm.selectedOption = vm.options[0];
angular.module("angularApp").controller("selectionTestController", [selectionTestViewModel]);
<div class="page-content" ng-controller="selectionTestController as st">
<h2>Selection Test</h2>
<select ng-model="st.selectedOption">
<option ng-repeat="op in st.options track by op.id" value="{{op.id}}" title="{{op.desc}}">{{op.val}}</option>
<span>Selected Value: {{st.selectedOption}}</span>
Scenario: I make a request to the server for a part. It gives me this back (it's pseudo, but represents what I'm looking at):
PartNumber : "XYZ",
Description: "ABCFOO",
ProductClass: "Widget",
{Name: "PROGRAM TYPE", Value: "Program3"},
{Name: "SHIP", Value: false},
{Name: "NOTES", Value: "SomeValue1"}
MoreStuff : [{
Note the FieldList list of elements, that's the focus here.
The server also gave me a list of certain fields, their types and default values. It looks like this:
{FieldName : "PROGRAM TYPE", FieldType: "List", Defaults: [{Name:"Program 1", Value: "Program1"},{Name:"Program 2", Value: "Program2"},{Name:"Program 3", Value: "Program3"}]},
{FieldName : "SHIP", FieldType : "Boolean", Defaults: []},
{FieldName : "NOTES", FieldType: "TextArea", Defaults: []}
That comes in a seperate REST call, and the prior to loading my Part. I use it to create part of the HTML page for the Part. You can see they're similarly related to the FieldList section from when I ask for Part.
From that "list of fields" and defaults -- I generate the appropriate HTML elements on the page. If it's a Boolean field type, I create a checkbox - if it's a list, I create a SELECT (with options given in Defaults), TextArea is a text-area, etc. That all works fine. It ends up looking like:
<input data-bind="textInput: PartNumber"/>
<textarea data-bind="textInput: Description"></textarea>
<!-- generating fieldlist - i create a pseudo attr because the field name can have spaces-->
<select field_label="PROGRAM TYPE"> <!-- how the heck do i bind to this??-->
<option value="Program1">Program 1</option>
<option value="Program2">Program 2</option>
<option value="Program3">Program 3</option>
</select >
<input type="checkbox" field_label="SHIP" value="true"/> <!-- or this, how to bind to it?!-->
<!-- end of field list generation -->
Now I take the object (the part I'm given) and put that into my ViewModel - that is all working just swimmingly. I make it easy and just use ko.mapping.fromJS(rest_data); Works just fine.
Data binding is ducky -- for what I am able to bind it to. My issue comes from -- how the heck do I map my FieldList to the HTML I generated for the fields the server gave me?. My data / my viewmodel object has FieldList in it, with a buncha stuff I want to map to that generated stuff. The only real "key" I have is the self-created field_label I have, because the server's FieldName can have spaces.
So I guess what I'm asking is, I have that array of FieldList from my part. I have the whole Part object in my view model and it's all fine. How do I take that FieldList and map it into my self-generated set of fields from the other object (ie., take the FieldList name and tie it to the element with field_label of the same value?)
Spelled out - it'd be like: How to map FieldList with Name of "PROGRAM TYPE" to HTML element having field_label of "PROGRAM TYPE".
I begin to think something like this might be the direction I should be going:
but it goes over my head.
One way to approach this:
function Option(definition) {
this.definition = definition;
this.value = ko.observable();
this.templateName = 'input-template-' + definition.FieldType;
function ViewModel() {
var self = this;
// from REST call
var fieldDefinition = [{
FieldName: "PROGRAM TYPE",
FieldType: "List",
Defaults: [
{ Name: "Program 1", Value: "Program1" },
{ Name: "Program 2", Value: "Program2" },
{ Name: "Program 3", Value: "Program3" }
self.options = ko.observableArray();
// for the sake of the example
self.options.push(new Option(fieldDefinition[0]));
// methods
self.optionByName = function (name) {
return ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.options(), function (option) {
return option.Name = name;
// poor man's init, imagine 2nd rest call instead
self.optionByName("PROGRAM TYPE").value("Program3");
<script type="text/html" id="input-template-List">
<label data-bind="text: definition.FieldName"></label>
<select data-bind="
value: value,
options: definition.Defaults,
optionsText: 'Name',
optionsValue: 'Value',
optionsCaption: 'Please select...'
<div data-bind="foreach: options">
<div data-bind="template: templateName"></div>
Add more templates as needed, this should be very easy to extend.
jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/0nxt2zte/