VewView login Flutter - javascript

I'm making a mobile app that should login in a Website. I'm using this function to login and it is working. Values user and pass are taken from a TextField.
late WebViewController controller;
String user;
String pass;
Future<void> login() async {
await controller.loadUrl(urlToLogin);
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
final user = await 'user');
final pass = await 'pass');
await controller
await controller
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
await controller.runJavascript('document.forms[0].submit()');
The problem is that sometimes could not be data connection, like I'm walking inside a tunnel. So if a user faces this issue I'd like to popup an alert that tells user to try again later.
Another task is that I want to know if the login succeeded because maybe user, by mistake, typed a wrong user or pass inside the TextField.
In other words, is that the possibility to know, using controller.runJavaScript if the login succeeded?
Thanks in advance


The click action in mailinator page does not work with protractor

I'm trying to automate the verification code sent to an email in mailinator, when I run the test therror is: "TimeoutError: Wait timed out after 35001ms", I'm thinking that is a problem with the async functions but I'm not secure about that.
const emailRow = element(by.className(""));
this.setCode = async function() {
let windows = await browser.getAllWindowHandles();
await browser.switchTo().window(windows[1]);
await browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(emailRow), 50000);
await browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(emailCode), 35000);
I also tried this
this.setCode = async function() {
let windows = await browser.getAllWindowHandles();
await browser.switchTo().window(windows[1]);
await browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(emailRow), 50000);;
await browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(emailCode), 35000);
But I have the same problem, in the screen I can't see that the test perform the click, I put an sleep after the click in the emailRow but doesn't work, in the image there is the page that i want to perform the click.
I think your best bet is to use their api, instead of going to their website and read the email there. In protractor, this is very easy. depending on whether or not you have a premium account with them you can use a public or a private team inbox. In the case of a public inbox, perform something similar to the following:
const checkMailinatorPublicEmail = async () => {
let requestUrl = '';
let responseBody = await fetch(requestUrl);
let responseJson = await responseBody.json();
return responseJson;
Now, you have all the email in the inbox in your response body as a json object. To keep this simple, do not use a static public team inbox, instead use a random inbox name so that each time you will only have one email in the inbox and you can parse that email to your needs.
I believe you should try the second approach. In the first approach, you are waiting for an element to be visible that does not guarantee an element is clickable.
By looking at second approach, the code looks fine. My suggestion is to try changing click method like below
browser.executeScript('arguments[0].click()', emailRow.getWebElement());
Hope this will help
Happy coding!

Is it possible to validate user in backend without user providing credientals?

I need to make a page with a button that fills certain text area with data from database. However I need it to also require administrator privileges.
Is it possible to have an API method that doesn't require credientals, but an Identity session instead? Ideally something that gets a HttpContext.User?
I don't know anything about JavaScript, I managed to put together this thing:
const url = '/api/clients/';
function getItems() {
fetch(url + document.getElementById('input').value)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => _displayItems(data));
function _displayItems(arrayOfResults) {
const textbox = document.getElementById('textbox');
textbox.value = "";
arrayOfResults.forEach(json => {
textbox.value += json.deviceIdentifier + "\n";
I have an API endpoint at http://localhost/api/clients/{string} that does a database query and it works as expected. But I can not allow just about anybody to access that data and I have trouble figuring out how to make user:
not provide his credentials
be able to use it with minimal effort (ie. just click the button and get results)
be unable to use this endpoint while not currently logged in on the website
Normally I just use this line to get the user that tries to access the controller:
var currentUser = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(_userManager.GetUserName(HttpContext.User));
and go from there. But when my JS script is accessing the API it doesn't provide a way to validate using HttpContext, from what I'm seeing.

Entering data into multiple form inputs in Puppeteer

I'm trying to fill out a form in Puppeteer with an email and password, and then hit submit.
Each time the tests are run either the email or password isn't fully entered before the submit button is pressed. This is a cut-down version of what I'm doing:
await page.type(selectorSlackInputEmail, email);
await page.type(selectorSlackInputPassword, password);
I think it might be because the test isn't properly awaiting the completion of page.type and therefore focus switches to the next input or the submit button is pressed before each input field is complete.
How do I get around this problem?
I would expect your await directives to cover the issue you're seeing - my best guess is that because the type method simply...
sends keydown, keypress/input and keyup events [1]
... that maybe some listeners are taking a little while to execute their hooked functions between the sending of those events and the calling of the click method.
How about a workaround that explicitly checks that those selectors have the expected data before clicking submit?
await page.type(selectorSlackInputEmail, email);
await page.type(selectorSlackInputPassword, password);
await page.waitFor(() => {
return document.querySelector(selectorSlackInputEmail).value = email) &&
document.querySelector(selectorSlackInputPassword).value = password);
// And only *then*
After trying other methods (including await page.type and await page.focus followed by await page.keyboard.type) this is the only thing that works for me to fill multiple form fields:
await signInPage.evaluate(
(email, password) => {
document.querySelector('input#email').value = email;
document.querySelector('input#password').value = password;
This doesn't satisfy my original use case though. I want to properly simulate a user typing into forms but this method circumvents that and directly inserts values into the fields.
I'd welcome a 'proper' solution to this problem.
I had the same problem in my code and decided to just use a delay with the click function.
await'input[value="SUBMIT"]', {delay: 100});

Why am I unable to send the charge to Stripe and my Strapi.js backend using a try/catch in my React frontend?

I am trying to send a charge to stripe. I have a charge set up in my Strapi.js backend as well as a new order being created. I have created a function in my react frontend to create an entry to my 'orders' content type in strapi but it seems as though nothing in the function's try/catch is working, it is not even logging an error.
I've attempted to make change some variables here and there, but im honestly a little overwhelmed because this is the first time im using these technologies and I am somewhat of a beginner. I was somewhat watching a video for guidance through some things but this is where I faced issues. I am bringing in the script tag in the index.html file as well. I am using strapi sdk.
Here is what the create Orders function on the strapi backend looks like(stripe is being brought in at top of page using secret key):
create: async (ctx) => {
const { address, city, products, amount, token } = ctx.request.body;
// Stripe Charge
const charge = await stripe.charges.create({
amount: amount * 100,
currency: 'usd',
description: `Order ${new Date(}`,
source: token
const order = await{
return order;
Here is my submit function in react frontend checkout.js file
handleOrder = async () => {
const { checkOutItems, city, address } = this.state;
let token;
const amount = calculateTotalAmount(checkOutItems);
// console.log('working')
try {
// create token
const response = await this.props.stripe.createToken();
token =;
await strapi.createEntry('order', {
products: checkOutItems,
} catch (error) {
Well I am expecting that when i fill out the form as well as the chain of '4242' for stripe card element on the page, the charge will be sent and i can go to my stripe dashboard and see the charge, and also be able to go to my strapi admin dashboard and go to orders and see a new order created.
As of now, none of this happens. I fill the information, click submit, the form resets and then nothing. No error is logged, no console.logs within the try catch will work.

How to delete user with Vue.js Firebase UID

I am attempting to implement a function in my Vue.js Firebase app that deletes/removes users by UID. The app is set up to enable registration of users in Firebase authentication via email and password. Once logged in, the user should be able to click delete in order to remove his/her email and password from Firebase authentication, as well as user data. So far I have the following for the delete function:
async deleteProfile () {
let ref = db.collection('users')
let user = await ref.where('user_id', '==',firebase.auth().currentUser.uid).get()
...but I am getting user.delete() is not a function. How can I set up this function to delete the user in authentication and database? Thanks!
async deleteProfile () {
let ref = db.collection('users')
let user = await ref.where('user_id', '==', firebase.auth().currentUser.uid).get()
await user.ref.delete()
await firebase.auth().currentUser.delete()
In your code, user is a DocumentSnapshot type object. If you want to delete the document, you can use user.ref.delete(). It returns a promise, so you will need to await it.
Deleting a document will not also delete a user account in Firebase Authentication. If you want to delete the user account, you will have to use the Firebase Authentication API for that. firebase.auth().currentUser.delete().
try this
<button class="..." #click="deleteProfile(currentUser.uid)">Delete</button>
methods: {
async deleteProfile(dataId) {
.then(() => {
Building off Doug Stevenson's answer, this is the function that ultimately worked.
async deleteProfile (user) {
await db.collection("users").doc(user).delete()
await firebase.auth().currentUser.delete()
await db.collection("users").doc(user).delete() accepts "user" as an argument from the click event in the DOM, in order to target the doc of the specified user in the database (I don't know why I didn't think of that sooner!) await firebase.auth().currentUser.delete() removes currentUser from firebase authorization.
