how to hide a row in mui data grid - javascript

I have a data grid using MUI. I want to hide a few rows and not display them based on a given condition and if a particular value exists in a column. How do I hide it? There seems to be props such as
for columns but there is nothing for rows.
The code is as follows
I want to hide the row from being displayed if a value exists in the 4th column (field: 'recvDistLocId')
and I want to hide the rows only when I press a button in the toolbar. So basically, its like a filter. Initially, all the data should be displayed and if I click the button, all rows with a value in the 4th column should disappear.
const columns = []
field: 'code',
headerName: nowrapHeader(appLanguages.serialCode[lang]),
flex: 1,
getApplyQuickFilterFn: getApplyFilterFnSameYear
field: 'brandId',
headerName: nowrapHeader(appLanguages.brand[lang]),
renderCell: (params) =>
getSelectCustomBodyRender(this.getBrandOptionMap(), params.row.brandId),
flex: 1,
field: 'slip',
headerName: nowrapHeader(appLanguages.slipNum[lang]),
renderCell: (params) => this.getSlipText(params.row.slip),
flex: 1,
field: 'recvDistLocId',
headerName: 'RecvDistLocId',
flex: 1,
hide: true,
/////This is the main data grid element code in the render()
<div style={{ height: 640, width: '100%' }}>
'& .MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderCheckbox .MuiDataGrid-columnHeaderTitleContainer': {
display: 'none',
rows={serialsList || []}
rowsPerPageOptions={[25, 50, 100]}
checkboxSelection={this.state.cancelShipFlag ? true : false}
Toolbar: NewToolbar,
onSelectionModelChange={(ids) => {
const selectedIDs = new Set(ids);
const selectedRows = rowData.filter((row) => selectedIDs.has(;
this.setState({ rowinfo: selectedRows });
this.setState({ selectedrows: ids });
//console.log('Selected rows: ' + this.state.selectedrows);

filter the data based on the condition
// use setFilterValue to set the value of the clicked column e.g. recvDistLocId
const [filterValue, setFilterValue] = React.useState()
// assuming serialsList is array of strings
// use same case for comparing values
// use row.toLowerCase() !== filterValue.toLowerCase()
const rows = (serialsList || []).filter(row => row !== filterValue)
Then pass rows to the data grid


Custom Column Searching & Filtering in Material Table

I have a column in my table called Active. Data in this column is returned as 1 or 0 for Active and Inactive.
These values are not displayed as 1 or 0. Instead, using the render prop, I have a function generateFlagText which looks for the value and renders an MUI Chip component.
Users cannot search the column by typing Active or Inactive, they would have to type 1 or 0, but they don't know this.
How can I write a check for Active or Inactive to display only those rows in the table using the customSearchAndFilter prop in Material-Table?
This is my column and function:
title: <Typography className={classes.colHeader}>Active</Typography>,
field: "Active",
render: (rowData) => generateFlagText(rowData.Active),
// customFilterAndSearch: (term, rowData) => console.log(term), // term is the user input
export function generateFlagText(status) {
if (status === 1)
return (
backgroundColor: "#D9F5FD",
border: "1px solid #5CC1EE",
borderRadius: "4px",
color: "#0063B8",
if (status === 0)
return (
backgroundColor: "#FFEBF5",
border: "1px solid #F69AC6",
borderRadius: "4px",
color: "#A8396F",
You can make something like this
const data = { type: "active" };
const rows = [
{ name: 1, active: 1 },
{ name: 2, active: 0 }
function f(data, rows) {
const mappedValues = {
active: 1,
inactive: 0
const currFilter = [];
Object.keys(mappedValues).forEach((key) => {
if (key.includes(data.type)) {
return rows.filter((row) =>
currFilter.some((filterValue) => filterValue ===
console.log(f(data, rows));
User can input any text and function return rows which includes symbols from ui table.
But it would be easier to make not an input, but a selection of two values in a selector

Don't get value sorter when call method onChange table in react? ( I used sorter: true)

I have source code below: (version antd: "^4.2.4")
const columns = [
title: 'ID',
dataIndex: 'id',
sorter: true,
width: 100,
<Table rowSelection={rowSelection}
current: schedules.param.current,
pageSize: schedules.param.pageSize,
call onChange:
const onChangeTable = (pagination, sorter) => {
console.log(sorter) is empty when I click sort at column id.
Can you help me? Thanks you very much!
The documentation for onChange on the Table component shows the following signature:
extra: { currentDataSource: [], action: paginate | sort | filter }
So you need to change the callback to:
const onChangeTable = (pagination, filters, sorter) => {

Material-UI data grid renders only 101 rows

i have a data grid which gets it's data from an api response then rendering it to server-side rendering and i basically do this SQL query from the database:
select * from orders
this simply selects every row in the orders table which is 350 rows
and in the api response i can see all the 350 rows that got retrieved from the database.
but when i render them in a Material-UI data grid i just get first 101 rows exactly 101.
i searched everywhere and couldn't see if there is a row limit so why is it exactly rendering only 101 rows?
i don't know if it will help but here is my code (i believe i didn't set a row limit if there is one....):
import { DataGrid, GridColDef, GridRowsProp } from "#material-ui/data-grid";
import React, { Fragment } from "react";
import { renderSelectEditCell } from "./select-field";
export default function DataTable({ rows0 }) {
const columns: GridColDef[] = [
editable: false,
sortable: false,
field: "username",
headerName: "username",
width: 150,
editable: true,
sortable: false,
field: "order_title",
headerName: "order_title",
width: 150,
editable: true,
sortable: false,
field: "order_price",
headerName: "order_price",
width: 150,
editable: true,
sortable: false,
field: "date",
headerName: "date",
width: 150,
editable: true,
sortable: false,
field: "order_status",
headerName: "order_status",
width: 150,
renderCell: renderSelectEditCell,
renderEditCell: renderSelectEditCell,
return (
<div style={{ width: imgwidth }}>
Data0.js where i use DataTable:
import { getSession } from "next-auth/client";
import DataTable from "../../components/DataTable";
export default function Data0({ rows0 }) {
return (
<DataTable rows0={rows0} />
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
const session = await getSession(context);
if (session) {
const res = await fetch(
const rows = await res.json();
return {
props: {
rows0: rows,
} else {
return {
props: {},
I think you'll find that if you remove the hideFooter prop, you'll see that there is pagination occurring -- you are just hiding the part that allows you to navigate through the pages.
The DataGrid component can display up to 100 rows per page. The XGrid component removes this limitation.
DataGrid has a default page size of 100 and that is also the max page size allowed (unless you pay for the enterprise XGrid component).

`react-table` v7 how to preserve a grouping's sort order whilst the rows of the groups are sorted

I have a table that is grouped with an initial sort order applied.
I want to be able to sort on the UI but at the same time preserve the initial grouping sort order.
So it would be like a multi-sort but that one sorting rule is always applied to the group.
This is the initial sorting rule:
const initialSortBy: Array<RisksIdentifiedSortBy> = [
id: DataAccessors.RISK_SCORE,
desc: true,
id: DataAccessors.GROUP,
desc: false,
RISK_SCORE column would be sortable:
Header: (): JSX.Element => {
return (
<Box sx={{ margin: 'auto' }}>
accessor: DataAccessors.RISK_SCORE,
sortType: 'alphanumeric',
Cell: ({
}: DataTableCell<RiskLevel>): JSX.Element | null => {
return !row.canExpand ? (
) : null;
And we would force RISK_GROUP to be sorted the same every time without being sortable itself from user interaction:
Header: t('policy-management/summary:TABLE.HDR.RISK_GROUP'),
accessor: DataAccessors.GROUP,
Cell: ({ value }: DataTableCell<string>): string => value,
SubCell: ({ row }: Pick<DataTableCell<any>, 'row'>): JSX.Element => {
const {
original: { riskCategory },
} = row;
return <Box sx={{ ml: '1.5rem' }}>{riskCategory}</Box>;
width: '20%',
disableSortBy: true,
Any ideas how to do this?
I think it would be similar to programmatically setting the sort option in one column when another is sorted?
useTable({ columns, data, autoResetSortBy: false }, useSortBy))
I managed to do this by passing a controlled state into my table as suggested here:
i was stuck with this for a while, turns out there is a property on table instance
const tableInstance = useTable<any>(
{ columns, data: memoData, autoResetExpanded: false, autoResetSortBy: false }, ...)
autoResetSortBy: Boolean
Defaults to true When true, the sortBy state
will automatically reset if any of the following conditions are met:
data is changed To disable, set to false For more information see the
FAQ "How do I stop my table state from automatically resetting when my
data changes?"

React-data-table -Adding a CSS class to row dynamically

I am using an datatable of react-data-table-component, my table is generated from the API response data. I want to dynamically add a class to each of the rows generated based on the condition. How can I acheive this ?
I am using the above datatable.
let columns= [
name: "ID",
selector: "ID",
sortable: true,
cell: row => <div>{row.ID}</div>
data={this.state.mydata} />
I want to add a custom CSS class to the entire row of this data table based on a condition.
I think you might be looking for the getTrProps callback in the table props:
getTrProps={ rowInfo => rowInfo.row.status ? 'green' : 'red' }
It's a callback to dynamically add classes or change style of a row element
Should work like this if I remember correctly:
getTrProps = (state, rowInfo, instance) => {
if (rowInfo) {
return {
className: (rowInfo.row.status == 'D') ? "status-refused" : "", // no effect
style: {
background: rowInfo.row.age > 20 ? 'red' : 'green'
return {};
render() {
const conditionalRowStyles = [
when: row => row.calories < 300,
style: {
backgroundColor: 'green',
color: 'white',
'&:hover': {
cursor: 'pointer',
const MyTable = () => (
more info check here :)
