I have a quick question. I am using Axios to send requests to the nodejs API, when I set the token in the request header the API returns "jwt must be provided". The API expects the token with a custom name attached to it - here's how far I've gotten.
Snippet of API code that sends the token on login:
const token = jwt.sign(
userID: result[0].userID,
firstName: result[0].firstName,
lastName: result[0].lastName,
email: result[0].email,
role: result[0].role,
// exp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 60 * 60,
res.json({ token });
console.log("Login Attempt", res.statusMessage, req.body);
} else {
res.status(400).send({ message: "Invalid credentials!" });
console.log("Login Attempt", res.statusMessage, req.body);
-- React code from here --
Response from API on successful login:
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySUQiOjEsImZpcnN0TmFtZSI6IkNhbWVyb24iLCJsYXN0TmFtZSI6IkVyYXNtdXMiLCJlbWFpbCI6ImNhbWVyb25AY2xpZnRjb2xsZWdlLmNvbSIsInJvbGUiOiJzdXBlckFkbWluIiwiaWF0IjoxNjYzMzEzNTM2fQ.9R6vXn-5Vb5fj48eUJGPNUGnXMw9TXOjJCox7U36WMI"
Saving the token on successful login (React)
const login = async ({ email, password }) => {
const res = await api.post(
email: email, //varEmail is a variable which holds the email
password: password,
headers: {
"Content-type": "application/json",
Authorization: false,
const { from } = state || {};
let token = jwt(res.data.token);
setToken("x-auth-token", token); // your token
localStorage.setItem("x-auth-token", res.data.token);
localStorage.setItem("userLogged", true);
localStorage.setItem("name", token.firstName);
localStorage.setItem("role", token.role);
navigate("/auth/dashboard" || from.pathname, { replace: true });
Here is the React component that is trying to call the API:
const [count, setCount] = useState(null);
const token = localStorage.getItem("x-auth-token");
const studentCount = useEffect(() => {
const config = {
headers: { "x-auth-token": token },
"Content-type": "application/json",
api.get("/students/", {}, config).then((response) => {
}, [token]);
if (!count) return null;
This is what the API is expecting on request:
export const teacher = (req, res, next) => {
const token = req.header("x-auth-token");
if (!auth && !token)
return res.status(401).send({ message: "Access denied." });
const decoded = jwt.verify(token, "DemoPrivateKey");
if (auth && ["superAdmin", "admin", "teacher"].includes(decoded.role)) {
} else {
res.status(400).send({ message: "Access denied!" });
Ideally, I would like to send the token as a header on successful login, but it saves as undefined on the client (have no idea how to fix that).
If you're using Axios then, as per the doc, get method should have config parameter in second position not third one.
So maybe, simply updating api.get("/students/", {}, config) into api.get("/students/", config) should solve your issue.
So im trying to create refreshtoken hook in react.
and nodejs with express as my backend.
my backend code looks like this
exports.refreshToken = (req, res) => {
const oldToken = req.headers.authorization.split(" ")[1]
if(oldToken == null ) return res.status(500).send({message: "Token is empty"})
jwt.verify(oldToken, myJwt.refreshSecretKey, (err, user) => {
msg: err || "Error on refreshing your token"
else res.send({ refreshToken: generateRefreshToken() });
the problem is when i try this endpoint with Postwoman (chrome extension) its WORK
but when i try with React + axios the server return is
{"msg":{"name":"JsonWebTokenError","message":"invalid signature"}}
here is my react code
import axios from '../api/axios'
import useAuth from './useAuth'
const useRefreshToken = () => {
const Auth = useAuth()
const refresh = async () => {
const response = await axios.get("user/refresh", {
withCredentials: true,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ` + Auth.auth.token
Auth(prev => {
return {...prev, token: response.data.refreshToken}
return response.data.refreshToken
return refresh
export default useRefreshToken
I'm sending the wrong access token.
What I send in react is the first created accessToken. not the refreshAccessToken
I'm setting up an authentication flow with JWT with my strapi backend and a next.js frontend.
Testing the backend with postman works as expected. I get back a user object and a JWT token.
But calling my backend from my frontend results in a statuscode 500 - internal server error.
I honestly don't see where I'm wrong and I tried to rewrite those calls from scratch again and again. Does anyone see where I have been wrong?
Here's my register.js where the call to my backend happens:
import cookie from 'cookie'
import { API_URL } from '#/config/index'
export default async (req, res) => {
if (req.method === 'POST') {
const { username, email, password } = req.body
const strapiRes = await fetch(`${API_URL}/auth/local/register`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
const data = await strapiRes.json()
if (strapiRes.ok) {
// Set Cookie
cookie.serialize('token', data.jwt, {
httpOnly: true,
secure: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development',
maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, // 1 week
sameSite: 'strict',
path: '/',
res.status(200).json({ user: data.user })
} else {
.json({ message: data.message[0].messages[0].message })
} else {
res.setHeader('Allow', ['POST'])
res.status(405).json({ message: `Method ${req.method} not allowed` })
This is my register function in my context
const register = async (user) => {
const res = await fetch(`${NEXT_CLIENT_URL}/api/register`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify(user),
const data = await res.json()
if (res.ok) {
} else {
This is how I call the context function in my next frontend
const handleSubmit = (e) => {
if (password !== password2) {
toast.error('Passwords do not match!')
register({ username, email, password })
Glad for every piece of advice! Logging in works as expected in the same app.
I have set up JWT to be set in localstorage whenever someone logins or registers. And it works, I can see the token in localstorage. But when I set the token in the headers with axios, node.js in the backend can`t find the token. Like it does not exists. I have checked it in the front end, I get logs of the token in the headers. And also when I request from postman it works. Here is the code.
setAuthToken function = {
const instance = axios.create({
baseURL: "https://localhost:5000",
if (token) {
instance.defaults.headers.common["x-auth-token"] = `${token}`;
} else {
delete instance.defaults.headers.common["x-auth-token"];
const loadUser = async () => {
if (localStorage.token) setAuthToken(localStorage.token);
try {
const res = await axios.get("/api/users");
dispatch({ type: USER_LOADED, payload: res.data });
} catch (err) {
dispatch({ type: AUTH_ERROR });
The request comes to the await axios statement and goes to catch so error is in the request.
Here is the backend code
// Get current user
router.get("/", auth, async (req, res) => {
try {
const user = await User.findById(req.user.id);
res.status(200).json({ user });
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).json({ msg: `Server Error` });
auth middleware function here = {
const token = req.headers["x-auth-token"];
console.log(token, "token in auth.js");
console.log(req.headers, "req.header");
if (!token) {
return res.status(401).json({ msg: `Access denied.` });
try {
const decoded = jwt.verify(token, config.get("jwtSecret"));
req.user = decoded.user;
} catch (err) {
res.status(401).json({ msg: `Token is not valid` });
I`m new to backend develoment and axios. Can someone help me please. Thank you
Here are the console.logs
Little update, it looks like there is a problem with proxy, I am using my own backend api, and also movie data base api. So maybe thats why I cant set headers? Here are new logs:
config: Object { url: "/api/users", method: "get", timeout: 0, … }
data: "Proxy error: Could not proxy request /api/users from localhost:3000 to http://localhost:5000/ (ECONNREFUSED)."
headers: Object { connection: "keep-alive", date: "Wed, 05 May 2021 13:18:05 GMT", "keep-alive": "timeout=5", … }
request: XMLHttpRequest { readyState: 4, timeout: 0, withCredentials: false, … }
status: 500
statusText: "Internal Server Error
I think the issue is because you are setting you are setting up your instance wrongly
set up your instance in a new file config.js -
import Axios from 'axios';
const baseURL = "http://localhost:5000";
const axiosInstance = Axios.create({
baseURL: baseURL,
function (config) {
const token = localStorage.getItem('token');
if (token) {
config.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token;
return config;
function (error) {
return Promise.reject(error);
export default axiosInstance;
now when making any api request instead of using axios use axiosInstance eg-
axiosInstance.get('/something').then(res => console.log(res)).catch(err => console.log(err))
I'm trying to implement the Facebook OAuth in my express/NodeJS app using authorization code flow. I'm using react-facebook-login node module to fetch the authorization code. In my react app, I could get the authorization code successfully. But in server side, I can't request the access token from the Facebook API as I'm getting an error message "redirect_uri is not identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request"
Code in my react app,
facebookLogin = async (signedRequest) => {
return fetch('/api/auth/facebook', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({ signedRequest }),
}).then((res) => {
if (res.ok) {
return res.json();
} else {
return Promise.reject(res);
responseFacebook = async (response) => {
try {
if (response['signedRequest']) {
const userProfile = await this.facebookLogin(response['signedRequest']);
} else {
throw new Error(response.error);
} catch (err) {
render() {
In my app.js
const facebookOAuth = require('./config/facebookOAuth');
// facebook oauth route
app.post("/api/auth/facebook", async (req, res) => {
try {
const signedRequest = req.body.signedRequest;
const profile = await facebookOAuth.getProfile(signedRequest);
res.send({ profile });
} catch (err) {
facebookOAuth.js look like this
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const getData = async (userId, accessToken) => {
const userData = await fetch(`https://graph.facebook.com/${userId}?fields=name,email&access_token=${accessToken}`, {
method: 'GET'
}).then((res) => {
return res.json();
}).then((userData) => {
return userData;
return userData;
exports.getProfile = async (signedRequest) => {
const decodedSignedRequest = JSON.parse(Buffer.from((signedRequest.split(".")[1]), 'base64').toString());
const profile = await fetch(`https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=${process.env.FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID}&redirect_uri=${encodeURIComponent('http://localhost:3000/')}&client_secret=${process.env.FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET}&code=${decodedSignedRequest.code}`, {
method: 'GET'
}).then((res) => {
return res.json();
}).then((token) => {
const userData = getData(decodedSignedRequest.user_id, token.access_token);
return userData;
}).catch((err) => {
return err;
return profile;
What I'm getting is this error
"error": {
message: 'Error validating verification code. Please make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request',
type: 'OAuthException',
code: 100,
error_subcode: 36008,
fbtrace_id: 'A-YAgSqKbzPR94XL8QjIyHn'
I think the problem lies in my redirect_uri. Apparently, the redirect uri I obtained from the Facebook auth dialog is different from the one that I'm passing to the facebook API in my server side (http://localhost:3000/).
I believe there's something to do with the origin parameter of the redirect_uri. Initial auth dialog request uri indicates that it's origin parameter value is something like "origin=localhost:3000/f370b6cb4b5a9c". I don't know why react-facebook-login add some sort of trailing value at the end of origin param.
I tried finding everywhere about this but no luck. Anyone has clue about this, much appreciated.
Are you using middleware to parse the body? if you aren't code could be undefined here.
const facebookOAuth = require('./config/facebookOAuth');
// facebook oauth route
app.post("/api/auth/facebook", async (req, res) => {
try {
const code = req.body.code;
const profile = await facebookOAuth.getProfile(code);
res.send({ profile });
} catch (err) {
I'm trying to scrape some data from truepush website, but first it needs to be authenticated. So here is what I'm doing:
const loginUrl = 'https://app.truepush.com/api/v1/login'
let loginResult = await axios.get(loginUrl)
.then(({ headers }, err) => {
if (err) console.error(err);
return headers['set-cookie'][0];
.then((cookie, err) => {
if (err) console.error(err);
const splitByXsrfCookieName = cookie.split("XSRF-TOKEN=")[1]
return splitByXsrfCookieName.split(';')[0];
}).then(xsrfToken => {
return axios.post(loginUrl, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-XSRF-TOKEN": xsrfToken
}).then(res => console.log(res))
It throws xrsfToken on second then response and when I try to login in third response with that xsrf token, it shows me this error:
"status_code": "XSRF-ERROR",
"status": "ERROR",
"message": "Cross domain requests are not accepting to this endpoint. If you cleared the cookies, please refresh your browser."
I'm not sure what wrong I'm doing :(
The main issue is that the call also requires the original cookie to be sent. You need to keep the original cookie your get from set-cookie header and pass it in cookie header in the second call like cookie: originalCookie. Also in your code, there is no body sent in the POST call.
The following code reproduces the login :
const axios = require("axios");
const originalUrl = 'https://app.truepush.com';
const loginUrl = 'https://app.truepush.com/api/v1/login';
const email = "your-email#xxxxxx";
const password = "your-password";
(async () => {
await axios.get(originalUrl)
.then(({ headers }, err) => {
if (err) console.error(err);
const cookie = headers['set-cookie'][0];
return {
cookie: cookie,
xsrfToken: cookie.split("XSRF-TOKEN=")[1].split(";")[0]
.then((data, err) => {
if (err) console.error(err);
return axios.post(loginUrl, {
"email": email,
"password": password,
"keepMeLoggedIn": "yes"
}, {
headers: {
"X-XSRF-TOKEN": data.xsrfToken,
"cookie": data.cookie
.then(res => console.log(res.data))
status_code: 'SUCCESS',
status: 'SUCCESS',
message: 'Login Successful',
data: {
id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
name: 'xxxxx',
email: 'xxxxxxx#xxxxxx'
Note that both cookie and xsrfToken are consumed by the second promise