Here a stackblitz of the problem:,src%2Fapp%2FMyWebsocketService.ts,src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.html
How the hell do you (delete / destroy / release) a WebSocket instance???
export class MyWebsocketService {
public url;
_constructor( URL:string ) {
connect() { = new WebSocket(this.url); = () => { // blablabla } = () => { // blablabla } = () => {
/////// I CANNOT for the life of me destroy that WebSocket instance from memory
/////// These are all the solutions online: = null; = null; = null; = null;; = null;
setTimeout( _ => {
}, 3000);
public websocket;
createWebsocketsServices() {
this.websocket = new MyWebsocketService('wss://whatever');
// HERE I'm changing the URL
this.websocket = new MyWebsocketService('wss://my-new-url');
ngOnInit(): void {
None of the solutions I found online actually resolve this issue
Understanding object creation and garbage collection of a NodeJS WebSocket server
WebSocket: How to automatically reconnect after it dies
How do you remove a native websocket handler when setting with ws.onmessage = myFunc; or ws.onopen = function(){}?
///////////// EDITED ////////////////////
"What makes you assume that the websocket is kept in memory?" A detail I forgot to mention is: in my real life application say I try to connect to 4 dummy URL and after I connect to the valid one... the ws server register 4 new connections not 1. They are still alive
My goals:
Try to connect to websocket
if can't connect try to reconnect every 3 seconds
Change the websocket url on runtime = (Destroy current ws instance + create new ws instance with new URL)
That's a hack that works for now
It doesn't resolve the issue the websocket is still not released from memory but I can at least change URL
When replacing one MyWebsocketService with another one, you'll need to disconnect the former one. Otherwise the web socket stays open, continues to receive messages, and will retain in memory all the callbacks that are registered to events and the things they reference. Overwriting the websocket variable will do nothing to prevent this, it does not "destroy" the object or release its memory, it just removes one reference to the object which would allow the garbage collector to collect the object if it wasn't referenced elsewhere - but it still is referenced from the open socket.
You'll want to do
export class MyWebsocketService {
public url: string;
public ws?: WebSocket;
_constructor(url: string) {
this.url = url;
connect() { = new WebSocket(this.url); = () => { // blablabla } = () => { // blablabla } = () => { = null;
disconnect() {;
createWebsocketsServices() {
this.websocket = new MyWebsocketService('wss://whatever');
// HERE I'm changing the URL:
this.websocket = new MyWebsocketService('wss://my-new-url');
With ajax requests it can be done with this code:
let oldXHROpen =;
window.lastXhr = ''; = function(method, url, async, user, password) {
this.addEventListener('load', function() {
window.lastXhr = this.responseText;
return oldXHROpen.apply(this, arguments);
lastXhr variable will hold the last response.
But how can this be achieved for websockets too?
you would need to make this wrapper as soon as possible
#brunoff you're correct in that you can always use your functions before a server's by puppet window logic, or you could just hijack the data from the MessageEvent itself:
function listen(fn){
fn = fn || console.log;
let property = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(MessageEvent.prototype, "data");
const data = property.get;
// wrapper that replaces getter
function lookAtMessage() {
let socket = this.currentTarget instanceof WebSocket;
if (!socket) {
let msg =;
Object.defineProperty(this, "data", { value: msg } ); //anti-loop
fn({ data: msg, socket:this.currentTarget, event:this });
return msg;
property.get = lookAtMessage;
Object.defineProperty(MessageEvent.prototype, "data", property);
listen( ({data}) => console.log(data))
You can try putting in the code and running it in the console on this page and then running their WebSocket example.
To intercept the messages, you will have to spy on the onmessage = fn and addEventListener("message", fn) calls.
To be able to modify the onmessage we have to override the global WebSocket in the first place. The below is intercepting the incoming messages, but in a similar way you can spy on the send method to intercept the outgoing messages (the ones sent by the client to the server).
I tested this on a page using Firebase and it works nicely, but you have to initialize it before the other scripts making sure that the websocket library (it can be, ws, etc) is using the overridden WebSocket constructor.
Spy the Incoming Messages and modify the data
Eventually you can override the data before calling the real message listener – this becomes handy if you do not have control over the page functionality and want to inject your own data in the message listener.
const OriginalWebsocket = window.WebSocket
const ProxiedWebSocket = function() {
console.log("Intercepting web socket creation")
const ws = new OriginalWebsocket(...arguments)
const originalAddEventListener = ws.addEventListener
const proxiedAddEventListener = function() {
if (arguments[0] === "message") {
const cb = arguments[1]
arguments[1] = function() {
// Here you can get the actual data from the incoming messages
// Here you can even change the data before calling the real message listener
Object.defineProperty(e, "data", { value: 'your injected data' })
console.log("intercepted", arguments[0].data)
return cb.apply(this, arguments)
return originalAddEventListener.apply(this, arguments)
ws.addEventListener = proxiedAddEventListener
Object.defineProperty(ws, "onmessage", {
set(func) {
return proxiedAddEventListener.apply(this, [
return ws;
window.WebSocket = ProxiedWebSocket;
If you do not need to modify the data, you can follow the second part of the answer.
Spy the Incoming messages without modifying the data
If you want to listen for messages only, without overriding the data, things are simpler:
const OriginalWebsocket = window.WebSocket
const ProxiedWebSocket = function() {
const ws = new OriginalWebsocket(...arguments)
ws.addEventListener("message", function (e) {
// Only intercept
return ws;
window.WebSocket = ProxiedWebSocket;
Spy the Outgoing Messages
In a very similar way, you can proxy the send method which is used to send data to the server.
const OriginalWebsocket = window.WebSocket
const ProxiedWebSocket = function() {
const ws = new OriginalWebsocket(...arguments)
const originalSend = ws.send
const proxiedSend = function() {
console.log("Intercepted outgoing ws message", arguments)
// Eventually change the sent data
// arguments[0] = ...
// arguments[1] = ...
return originalSend.apply(this, arguments)
ws.send = proxiedSend
return ws;
window.WebSocket = ProxiedWebSocket;
Feel free to ask any questions if anything is unclear.
In a solution similar to yours, where the window.XMLHttpRequest was replaced with a wrapped version that feeds window.lastXhr, we replace window.WebSockets with a wrapped version that feeds window.WebSocketMessages with all messages and timestamps received from all websockets created after this script.
window.watchedWebSockets = [];
window.WebSocketMessages = [];
function WebSocketAttachWatcher(websocket) {
websocket.addEventListener("message", (event)=>window.WebSocketMessages.push([,]));
// here we replace WebSocket with a wrapped one, that attach listeners on
window.WebSocketUnchanged = window.WebSocket;
window.WebSocket = function(...args) {
const websocket = new window.WebSocketUnchanged(...args);
return websocket;
Differently from your XMLRequest case, the websocket may already exist. If you need garanties that all websockets would be catched then you would need to make this wrapper as soon as possible. If you just can't, there's an not so good trick to capture already existing websockets once they send a message:
// here we detect existing websockets on send event... not so trustable
window.WebSocketSendUnchanged = window.WebSocketUnchanged.prototype.send;
window.WebSocket.prototype.send = function(...args) {
if (!(this in window.watchedWebSockets))
this.send = window.WebSocketSendUnchanged; // avoid passing here again on next send, ...args);
It is not so trustable since if they don't send but receive they will stay unnoticed.
The question/bounty/op is specifically asking for a reputable source.
Instead of rolling a custom solution, my proposal is that a known proven library should be used - that has been used, audited, forked, and in general used by the community and that is hosted on github.
The second option is to roll your own (though not recommended) and there are many exccelent answers on how to do it involving the addEventListener
Wshook is a library (hosted on github) that allows to easily intercept and modify WebSocket requests and message events. It has been starred and forked multiple times.
Disclaimer: I don't have any relationship with the specific project.strong text
wsHook.before = function(data, url, wsObject) {
console.log("Sending message to " + url + " : " + data);
// Make sure your program calls `wsClient.onmessage` event handler somewhere.
wsHook.after = function(messageEvent, url, wsObject) {
console.log("Received message from " + url + " : " +;
return messageEvent;
From the documentation, you will find:
wsHook.before - function(data, url, wsObject):
Invoked just before
calling the actual WebSocket's send() method.
This method must return data which can be modified as well.
wsHook.after - function(event, url, wsObject):
Invoked just after
receiving the MessageEvent from the WebSocket server and before
calling the WebSocket's onmessage Event Handler.
Websocket addEventListener
The WebSocket object supports .addEventListener().
Please see: Multiple Handlers for Websocket Javascript
if you are using nodejs then you can use
yarn add
after installation, you can use the middleware of
io.use(async (socket, next) => {
try {
const user = await fetchUser(socket);
socket.user = user;
} catch (e) {
next(new Error("unknown user"));
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');
ws.onopen = function () {
.... some message the I must send when I connect ....
ws.onmessage = function (e) {
console.log('Got a message')
ws.onclose = function(e) {
console.log('socket closed try again');
ws.onerror = function(err) {
When I first connect to the socket, I must first send a message to the server to authenticate myself and subscribe to channels.
The problem I have is that sometimes the socket server is unreliable and that triggers the onerror and onclose events of the 'ws' object.
Question: What is a good design pattern that would allow me, whenever the socket closes or encounters an error, wait for 10 seconds and then reconnect to the socket server (and resend the initial message to the server)
Here is what I ended up with. It works for my purposes.
function connect() {
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');
ws.onopen = function() {
// subscribe to some channels
//.... some message the I must send when I connect ....
ws.onmessage = function(e) {
ws.onclose = function(e) {
console.log('Socket is closed. Reconnect will be attempted in 1 second.', e.reason);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
ws.onerror = function(err) {
console.error('Socket encountered error: ', err.message, 'Closing socket');
This worked for me with setInterval, because client connection can be lost.
ngOnInit(): void {
if (window.location.protocol.includes('https')) {
this.protocol = 'wss';
listenChanges(): void {
this.socket = new WebSocket(`${this.protocol}://${}/v1.0/your/url`);
this.socket.onmessage = (event): void => {
// your subscription stuff;
this.socket.onerror = (): void => {
this.socket.onopen = (): void => {
this.socket.onclose = (): void => {
this.timerId = setInterval(() => {
}, 10000);
Don't forget to call clearInterval when the socket has been opened.
This isn't explicitly a react question but here is a react style answer:
TLDR: You can use setInterval to periodically check the websocket connection status and try to re-connect if the connection is closed.
class TestComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {};
this.connect = this.connect.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
this.interval = setInterval(this.connect, 1000);
componentWillUnmount() {
if (;
if (this.interval) clearInterval(this.interval);
connect() {
if ( === undefined || ( && === 3)) { = new WebSocket(`ws://localhost:8080`); = (e) => {
render() {
return <div>Hey!</div>;
I found that this package can solve the reconnection issues for Websocket connections. And it has the list of configurable options, one of them is reconnectionDelayGrowFactor which determines how fast the reconnection delay grows.
using async-await if socket closed or any error occurred on the server the client will try to connect automatically every 5 sec forever
have a look to my answer
UPDATED answer:
At last, (if you are not using java) I found you'd better implement your own "ping/pong" strategy. (if you are using java, please take a look at ping/pong "action type", I don't remember very clear... )
client sent "ping" to server every 5 seconds.
server should echo a "pong" to the client once it receive "ping".
client should reconnect server if doesn't receive "pong" in 5 seconds.
Don't rely on any third party libs.
WARNING: DO NOT use these tools: (reason: they are not reliable and not stable and works in a very limited way. )
check if the network is available:
to re-connect:
You can use a small library if you want - ReconnectingWebSocket
Add reconnecting-websocket.js in your script tag and
It is API compatible, so when you have:
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://....');
you can replace with:
var ws = new ReconnectingWebSocket('ws://....');
Try this:
const observable = Observable.create(
(obs: Observer<MessageEvent>) => { =; = obs.error.bind(obs);
// = obs.complete.bind(obs); = function () {
const observer = {
next: (data: Object) => {
if ( === WebSocket.OPEN) {;
and component
getDatas() {
let url = environment.apiwebsocket
.subscribe(evt => {
let jsonObj = JSON.parse(
I used to have this somewhere in project:
let rc = new WebSocket(
+ `/ws/chat/${}/`
now I switched to:
// ws create the websocket and returns it
function autoReconnect(ws_create){
let ws = ws_create();
function startReconnecting(){
let interval = setInterval(()=>{
ws = ws_create();
ws.onopen = () => {
ws.onclose = startReconnecting;
}, 3000);
ws.onclose = startReconnecting;
let rc;
rc = new WebSocket(
+ `/ws/chat/${}/`
return rc;
test it by running and stop local host, it works fine. (btw I found it weird this question has been posted for a long time, but there is not a short and elegant solution)
the benefit of this method, is that it allows you to pass in an arrow function, so that you can assign variable to any outer scope.
Here's a simple version I use in my projects. It includes an incrementing wait timer for reconnects.
//wsURL - the string URL of the websocket
//waitTimer - the incrementing clock to use if no connection made
//waitSeed - used to reset the waitTimer back to default on a successful connection
//multiplier - how quickly you want the timer to grow on each unsuccessful connection attempt
const openSocket = (wsURL, waitTimer, waitSeed, multiplier) =>{
let ws = new WebSocket(wsURL);
console.log(`trying to connect to: ${ws.url}`);
ws.onopen = () => {
console.log(`connection open to: ${ws.url}`);
waitTimer = waitSeed; //reset the waitTimer if the connection is made
ws.onclose = () => {
console.log(`connection closed to: ${ws.url}`);
openSocket(ws.url, waitTimer, waitSeed, multiplier);
ws.onmessage = (message) => {
//do something with messge...
ws.onerror = () => {
//increaese the wait timer if not connected, but stop at a max of 2n-1 the check time
if(waitTimer < 60000) waitTimer = waitTimer * multiplier;
console.log(`error opening connection ${ws.url}, next attemp in : ${waitTimer/1000} seconds`);
setTimeout(()=>{openSocket(ws.url, waitTimer, waitSeed, multiplier)}, waitTimer);
openSocket(`ws://localhost:3000`, 1000, 1000, 2)
Alternatively you can explore It offers this feature
on the client side you indicate reconnection: true
const io = require("");
const socket = io('ws://'+WS_REMOTE_ADDRESS,{
reconnection: true,
I have an API in C# ( in which i'm running this websocket server using fleck:
SocketService.server.Start(socket =>
socket.OnOpen = () =>
socket.OnClose = () =>
socket.OnMessage = message =>
SocketService.Messaggio(message, socket);
This is SocketService.Start():
public static void start()
server = new WebSocketServer($"wss://{GetLocalIPAddress()}:{"4450"}/BNS/");
I have tried with a simple HTML/JS page using unsecure ws and it worked fine.
Then I have tried in my main program which i need it to be run on HTTPS so when using unsecure ws chrome told me to use wss instead.
So i change my ws server to wss but then it does nothing, it gives me timeout error.
This is the JS code:
var start = function () {
var wsImpl = window.WebSocket || window.MozWebSocket;
var form = document.getElementById('sendForm');
var input = document.getElementById('sendText');
// create a new websocket and connect = new wsImpl('#Percorsi.IndirizzoSocket');
// when the connection is established, this method is called
ws.onopen = function () {
alert("Connessione aperta");
var openJson = {
"Id": "#Model.accountCorrente.Id",
"type": "Identificazione"
// when the connection is closed, this method is called
ws.onclose = function () {
alert("Connessione chiusa");
// when data is comming from the server, this metod is called
ws.onmessage = function (val) {
if (confirm("Hai ricevuto un nuovo messaggio!\nPremi ok per visualizzarlo.")) {
window.location("/Annunci/Chat/" + val);
} else { }
I can't figured out how to make it works.
Thanks in advance for your help!
It seems like you are not setting the server certificate to be used under WS over TLS (not to be confused with HTTPS which is HTTP over TLS).
If you see the example in fleck's webpage, you will realize that you have to set the Certificate:
server.Certificate = new X509Certificate2("MyCert.pfx");
Today I hit the wall while writing TCP server in node js ...
I need to make TCP server for windows and android app: Using just nodejs net module ...
there is app class in with is called server class that creates several Client instances. one on each connection ...
And in each of these client instances, I need a global var that is visible in "current" instance of client...and recursively in all other instances, that's been invoked in client class instance.
I need that global var for holding session content like vars, objects, and crypt keys ... for all instances called in Client class instance and so one... without passing values to every new instane ...
var Server = require("./core/server/Server");
console.dir("there is nothing to look at at the momment");
global.DEBUG = true;
global.NEW_GUID = require('uuid/v4');
var server = new Server()
const net = require('net');
const Client = require("./Client");
class Server{
constructor (port, address) {
this.port = port || 4484;
this.address = address || '';
this.clients = [];
start(callback) {
let server = this;
server.connection = net.createServer((socket) => {
let client = new Client(socket);
socket.on('error',(e)=>{ console.dir(e); })
socket.on('end', () => {});
this.connection.listen(this.port, this.address);
module.exports = Server;
//req some components
login :"a",
sess_crypt: "encryption instance setuped in client",
class Client {
constructor(socket) {
//some this vars }
async GetLogin() {
async GetData(d) {
StartDialog() {
console.log(`${} connected.`);
this.socket.on("data", (d) => {
var ed = Buffer.from(d);
if (r.cmd == "LOGIN") {
this.sth = new sth();
this.sth.sth(); // inside this you can have multiple calls of sth and i can't pass any value by parameter because of rest "old" js code what was running on RHINo Java server that i can't modifi to much
module.exports = Client;
//req some components
class sth extends other_staf{
constructor() {
this.login = GLOBAL_VAR.login
// do staf start next instance of sth()
GLOBAL_VAR.socket.write(GLOBAL_VAR.sess_crypt("some request\r\n"))
module.exports = sth;
You don't need global variables. You can try to do something like this, define data in Client so like so
var client = new Client(); = "client 1";
or better pass it to contructor:
var client = new Client({name: "client 1"});
and in constructor use
function Client(options) { = options;
// ...
and pass client object to instances:
var instance = new instance(client);
and access:;
if that box you have in proved image is the inside of the object then you can use this instead of instance and client.
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');
ws.onopen = function () {
.... some message the I must send when I connect ....
ws.onmessage = function (e) {
console.log('Got a message')
ws.onclose = function(e) {
console.log('socket closed try again');
ws.onerror = function(err) {
When I first connect to the socket, I must first send a message to the server to authenticate myself and subscribe to channels.
The problem I have is that sometimes the socket server is unreliable and that triggers the onerror and onclose events of the 'ws' object.
Question: What is a good design pattern that would allow me, whenever the socket closes or encounters an error, wait for 10 seconds and then reconnect to the socket server (and resend the initial message to the server)
Here is what I ended up with. It works for my purposes.
function connect() {
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');
ws.onopen = function() {
// subscribe to some channels
//.... some message the I must send when I connect ....
ws.onmessage = function(e) {
ws.onclose = function(e) {
console.log('Socket is closed. Reconnect will be attempted in 1 second.', e.reason);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
ws.onerror = function(err) {
console.error('Socket encountered error: ', err.message, 'Closing socket');
This worked for me with setInterval, because client connection can be lost.
ngOnInit(): void {
if (window.location.protocol.includes('https')) {
this.protocol = 'wss';
listenChanges(): void {
this.socket = new WebSocket(`${this.protocol}://${}/v1.0/your/url`);
this.socket.onmessage = (event): void => {
// your subscription stuff;
this.socket.onerror = (): void => {
this.socket.onopen = (): void => {
this.socket.onclose = (): void => {
this.timerId = setInterval(() => {
}, 10000);
Don't forget to call clearInterval when the socket has been opened.
This isn't explicitly a react question but here is a react style answer:
TLDR: You can use setInterval to periodically check the websocket connection status and try to re-connect if the connection is closed.
class TestComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {};
this.connect = this.connect.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
this.interval = setInterval(this.connect, 1000);
componentWillUnmount() {
if (;
if (this.interval) clearInterval(this.interval);
connect() {
if ( === undefined || ( && === 3)) { = new WebSocket(`ws://localhost:8080`); = (e) => {
render() {
return <div>Hey!</div>;
I found that this package can solve the reconnection issues for Websocket connections. And it has the list of configurable options, one of them is reconnectionDelayGrowFactor which determines how fast the reconnection delay grows.
using async-await if socket closed or any error occurred on the server the client will try to connect automatically every 5 sec forever
have a look to my answer
UPDATED answer:
At last, (if you are not using java) I found you'd better implement your own "ping/pong" strategy. (if you are using java, please take a look at ping/pong "action type", I don't remember very clear... )
client sent "ping" to server every 5 seconds.
server should echo a "pong" to the client once it receive "ping".
client should reconnect server if doesn't receive "pong" in 5 seconds.
Don't rely on any third party libs.
WARNING: DO NOT use these tools: (reason: they are not reliable and not stable and works in a very limited way. )
check if the network is available:
to re-connect:
You can use a small library if you want - ReconnectingWebSocket
Add reconnecting-websocket.js in your script tag and
It is API compatible, so when you have:
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://....');
you can replace with:
var ws = new ReconnectingWebSocket('ws://....');
Try this:
const observable = Observable.create(
(obs: Observer<MessageEvent>) => { =; = obs.error.bind(obs);
// = obs.complete.bind(obs); = function () {
const observer = {
next: (data: Object) => {
if ( === WebSocket.OPEN) {;
and component
getDatas() {
let url = environment.apiwebsocket
.subscribe(evt => {
let jsonObj = JSON.parse(
I used to have this somewhere in project:
let rc = new WebSocket(
+ `/ws/chat/${}/`
now I switched to:
// ws create the websocket and returns it
function autoReconnect(ws_create){
let ws = ws_create();
function startReconnecting(){
let interval = setInterval(()=>{
ws = ws_create();
ws.onopen = () => {
ws.onclose = startReconnecting;
}, 3000);
ws.onclose = startReconnecting;
let rc;
rc = new WebSocket(
+ `/ws/chat/${}/`
return rc;
test it by running and stop local host, it works fine. (btw I found it weird this question has been posted for a long time, but there is not a short and elegant solution)
the benefit of this method, is that it allows you to pass in an arrow function, so that you can assign variable to any outer scope.
Here's a simple version I use in my projects. It includes an incrementing wait timer for reconnects.
//wsURL - the string URL of the websocket
//waitTimer - the incrementing clock to use if no connection made
//waitSeed - used to reset the waitTimer back to default on a successful connection
//multiplier - how quickly you want the timer to grow on each unsuccessful connection attempt
const openSocket = (wsURL, waitTimer, waitSeed, multiplier) =>{
let ws = new WebSocket(wsURL);
console.log(`trying to connect to: ${ws.url}`);
ws.onopen = () => {
console.log(`connection open to: ${ws.url}`);
waitTimer = waitSeed; //reset the waitTimer if the connection is made
ws.onclose = () => {
console.log(`connection closed to: ${ws.url}`);
openSocket(ws.url, waitTimer, waitSeed, multiplier);
ws.onmessage = (message) => {
//do something with messge...
ws.onerror = () => {
//increaese the wait timer if not connected, but stop at a max of 2n-1 the check time
if(waitTimer < 60000) waitTimer = waitTimer * multiplier;
console.log(`error opening connection ${ws.url}, next attemp in : ${waitTimer/1000} seconds`);
setTimeout(()=>{openSocket(ws.url, waitTimer, waitSeed, multiplier)}, waitTimer);
openSocket(`ws://localhost:3000`, 1000, 1000, 2)
Alternatively you can explore It offers this feature
on the client side you indicate reconnection: true
const io = require("");
const socket = io('ws://'+WS_REMOTE_ADDRESS,{
reconnection: true,