Chrome disabled javascript and doesn't allow to enable it - javascript

I am not able to enable javascript in Chrome. Under Chrome javascript setting the default option for "sites can use javascript" is grayed out. Even if I add website manually under "Allowed to use javascript" the website is not loading, screenshot below.
This happened while I was trying to find a solution for another issue and followed solution from this page (the top answer), so I went to Chrome Devtools > Sources and clicked on the pause button since then the javascript has got disabled. Paused in debugger in chrome?
Note: Javascript is working fine in other Chrome Profiles. The issue is with this particular Chrome Profile.

Try right-clicking the "Sites can use Javascript" option, and inspect element:
Then, remove the disabled or disabled="" attribute from whatever element the console brings you to.
The option should be enabled. Click it and try reloading your site again.
If this doesn't work, you can try reporting any problems for whatever chrome has (I use Mozilla Firefox and I know they have a help center).
Or try re-installing the browser, because some files may be corrupt (don't worry, if you have an account you can sign-in after the reinstallation and everything should be synced).


Chrome JavaScript turned off

Okay, here's my problem. I wrote some JavaScript for a page, for some reason the page doesn't work in Chrome. The site does what I expect in Opera, Chromium and Firefox. In the Choom devtools there is a kind of error showing in the source tab showing "JavScript is disabled" in a mouse hover popup:
I turned off all chrome's extensions, Javascript in on in the content settings and I cleared all JavaScript exceptions I had, but this didn't seem to change anything. The weird thing (an other one) is that some other sites give the same alert icon in the devtools (including this one) but JavaScript works just fine.
If you perform the exact same functions in the console then, some of, the functions perform just fine.
Does anyone have an idea what I could be because I am out of idea's and it is really annoying that I have to switch browser to test the page (page is 'live' here). Thanks
Have you checked the DevTools settings? You might have accidentally enabled "Disable Javascript"

How to disable FuckAdBlock

so most of you must be using the AdBlock or AdBlock Plus plugin in your browsers to stop the annoying ads and popups from getting displayed.
But now some devs have developed a script FuckAdBlock that helps the site owner to detect whether I have AdBlock or AdBlock Plus on my browser or not.
My question is how can I disable this script.
I had few ideas that I tried but didn't get anywhere.
From the chome dev tools -> Source, I copied the link address of the script and added to blocked address in AdBlock Plus. Still the file is being loaded. Don't know why.
This script is adding
if(window.fuckAdBlock === undefined) {
window.fuckAdBlock = new FuckAdBlock({
checkOnLoad: true,
resetOnEnd: true
So I wanted to add an Object.observe on window.fuckAdBlock, so that whenever it got changed I can change it back to null. But unfortunately I don't know how to use it properly.
At last I disabled the JS on that particular site. It disabled the plugin but also some other functionality also.
Somebody already solved the problem here. The script is quite short (103 lines). It works by changing some values in the FuckAdBlock script.
I wonder when the FuckFuckFuckAdblock script will be written though.

Live Edit using Webstorm 9.0

I have went through this link as well as this question thread Webstorm LiveEdit for chrome not working and I still cannot get my Webstorm live edit to work.
I have the live edit plugin enabled, the auto reload setting on (300ms) and the jetbrains chrome extension installed. When I activate debug mode the project opens up fine in the browser but the page does not actively reload when I adjust the content or save the file. One thing I have noticed (and the above links recommend) is to make sure that Live Edit is clicked in the view menu dropdown but I do not have that option in regular run or debug mode.
Any idea how I can get this to work properly? If you need more information to solve this issue please let me know.
I also have the same problem but one alternative if you need live edit is:
Try right click on the html file (suppose index.html) and then choose the option debug index.html. Then this will generate an option at the top. So every time you click on the bug icon it will open Chrome and every change that you make on index.html will appear immediately on Chrome.
Also if you select some code in WebStorm it will appear in yellow on Chrome.
I ran into the same problem today. I'm utilizing WebStorm 2016.2.2. In addition the extension for chrome did want to connect. The following steps solved my issue:
Verify that your configuration in your IDE matched with the extension in your browser.
Copy the URL path up to 63342. Now lets go to the browser. Right click the JB extension icon.
Make sure that your extension set up matches IDE configuration like so.
Hope this helps for newer versions of WS!!!

Enabling javascript in IE

I am facing some problems in my web application I have some hidden fields, when I press f12 it will open developer tools and hidden fields are visible there, so I disabled the f12 using some javascript code snippet. But in IE if ithe javascript is not enabled then again same issue will happen.
So is there any way to enable the javascript in IE without manual settings(any programmatic way)?
You cannot enable JavaScript in any browser programmatically. That would be just stupid thing to exist.
Think about you browsing to some malicious site filled with harmful JavaScript - even though you have set your JavaScript off in your browser to prevent the harmful scripts, the malicious site could programmatically enable it again.
No thats not possible but
you could load your form-fields with some ajax
so if theres no js, the form fields are simply not there.
But that also means, that if theres no js, you dont have your correct form.
And do you really only want ie-f12-users not to see your form-fields ? what if someone uses firefox or chrome inspectors ... or just opens the source-code ? i dont get it

How to modify javascript code at run time?

Is there a way to modify JavaScript code while debugging? Visual Studio has "Edit and Continue", and similar hot swapping of code can be done in Java and other languages. Can this be done with JavaScript, and if so, how?
Chrome, Safari, and some other WebKit-based browsers contain a feature in the Web Inspector known as Live Edit. If you go to the Scripts panel and are stopped on a breakpoint (or maybe even if not stopped on a breakpoint — I'm not sure), you can double click on a line and start editing that line. The changes you make will take effect on the script.
With Chrome Developer tools, this is super easy.
Just pop open inspector, click on the scripts tab, select which one you want from the dropdown menu and then you are free to edit the script and add in breakpoints. If you refresh the page, your breakpoints will stay there.
If you watch this talk but Paul Irish, he shows how you can edit a script on the fly
also good:
If you're talking about while debugging, it's very easy to modify the running code. In your debugging console, you can enter in Javascript expressions and it will run in the context of the window, which contains all the objects and functions of your code, so you can swap them out by redefining them.
Because JavaScript can modify the DOM the you essentially have to change the JavaScript file, save it and reload. For me, I like IE so I run the webpage in a browser NOT IN DEBUG mode. Then you can change the script files, SAVE them. switch back to the browser and reload (F5) to see your changes. Supposedly IE 11 has this ability (probably like Chrome which is essentially what I am doing, changing saving reloading from what I can tell) but I can't get it to find, let alone open a js file. Super poor UI. I'm guessing the browser to open the file icon is but it is always grayed out.
