displaying image in react that is stored in my django backend - javascript

I am currently facing a rather strange issue and was wondering if anyone would know the solution. I am making an api call to my Django backend to get details on profiles
export const ProfilesPage = () => {
const classes = useStyles()
useEffect(() => {
const [profiles, setProfiles] = useState([])
let imgLink = ''
let getProfiles = async () => {
let response = await fetch('', {
method: "GET"
let data = await response.json()
// console.log(data[0].profile_image)
imgLink = '' + data[0].profile_image
return (
<div className={classes.root}>
<img alt='profile' src={imgLink} />
the last line of my getProfiles function I am console.loging the image link. The link is appearing on my console and when i click on it, the correct image is being opened in my browser. I am unsure why react is not displaying the image when the link is clearly working. Thank you,

Try using state instead of let img = ''
const [img, setImg] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const getProfiles = async () => {
let response = await fetch('', {
method: "GET"
let data = await response.json()
// console.log(data[0].profile_image)
imgLink = '' + data[0].profile_image
}, [profiles])
Then use the state in your return:
return (
<div className={classes.root}>
<img alt='profile' src={img} />

Because you are trying to store the image URL in imgLink it's being reset to empty string each time the component is re-rendered.
What you can try is storing the image URL in a state which will persist between each render.


React: I believe I have a GOTCHA for a double async fetch call. I click the button once part of the setState renders I click again and then it renders

I am developing a small app that is a memory game of Formula One Drivers to practice React. It makes a call to an API to get the driver info then I have to make a second API call to Wikipedia to get the driver images. When I submit the year and click the button it will only load half the information Image 1 & getDrivers function. When I click the button again it will load the images Image 2 & getDriversImgs function / retrievingImgUrl.
I believe I am encountering a GOTCHA or doing something fundamentally wrong. I am not sure in my setDrivers call in the retrievingImgUrl() function if it isn't updating because it is a reference to an array even though I use map and it should be returning a new array?
Or is this something where I need to use useEffect or useCallback to have the code rerender in one go?
Any advice on how to fix the bug and if you could point me in a direction to possibly clean up these fetch calls or would you consider this clean code (like conceptually chaining fetch calls together in smaller functions or should I make it one big function)?
import { Fragment, useState, useEffect } from "react";
// Components
import Header from "./components/header/Header";
import CardList from "./components/main/CardList";
import Modal from "./components/UI/Modal";
// CSS
import classes from "./App.module.css";
function App() {
const [drivers, setDrivers] = useState([]);
const getDrivers = async (year) => {
const response = await fetch(
"https://ergast.com/api/f1/" + year + "/drivers.json"
const data = await response.json();
let driverInfo = [];
data.MRData.DriverTable.Drivers.map((driver) => {
id: driver.code,
firstName: driver.givenName,
lastName: driver.familyName,
wikipedia: driver.url,
image: null,
async function getDriversImgs() {
const responses = await Promise.all(
drivers.map((driver) => {
let wikiPageName = driver.wikipedia.split("/").slice(-1).toString();
let wiki_url =
"https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?origin=*&action=query&titles=" +
wikiPageName +
return fetch(wiki_url);
const urls = await Promise.all(responses.map((r) => r.json())).then(
(json) => retrievingImgUrl(json)
setDrivers((prev) => {
return prev.map((item, idx) => {
return { ...item, image: urls[idx] };
const retrievingImgUrl = async (data) => {
const strippingData = data.map((d) => {
return d.query.pages;
const urls = strippingData.map((d) => {
const k = Object.keys(d)[0];
try {
return d[k].thumbnail.source;
} catch {
return null;
return urls;
return (
<Header getDrivers={getDrivers} />
<CardList drivers={drivers} />
export default App;
Image 1 (clicked button once):
Image 2 (clicked button twice):
Object20Object error:
const Header = (props) => {
const driverYear = useRef();
const driverYearHandler = (e) => {
const year = driverYear.current.value;
console.log(typeof year);
return (
<header className={classes.header}>
<Title />
<form onSubmit={driverYearHandler}>
{/* <label htmlFor="year">Enter Year:</label> */}
placeholder="Enter Year:"
<button onClick={props.getDrivers}>Get Drivers</button>
export default Header;
Console Error:
const getDrivers = async (year) => {
console.log("Running more than once??");
const url = "https://ergast.com/api/f1/" + year + "/drivers.json";
const response = await fetch(url);
const data = await response.json();
let driverInfo = [];
data.MRData.DriverTable.Drivers.map((driver) => {
id: driver.code,
firstName: driver.givenName,
lastName: driver.familyName,
wikipedia: driver.url,
image: null,
getDriversImgs(driverInfo).then((data) => setDrivers(data));
console.log("Here is driver info", driverInfo);
const getDriversImgs = async (driverInfo) => {
const responses = await Promise.all(
driverInfo.map((driver) => {
let wikiPageName = driver.wikipedia.split("/").slice(-1).toString();
let wiki_url =
"https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?origin=*&action=query&titles=" +
wikiPageName +
return fetch(wiki_url);
const urls = await Promise.all(responses.map((r) => r.json())).then(
(json) => retrievingImgUrl(json)
return driverInfo.map((item, idx) => {
return { ...item, image: urls[idx] };
const retrievingImgUrl = async (data) => {
const strippingData = data.map((d) => {
return d.query.pages;
const urls = strippingData.map((d) => {
const k = Object.keys(d)[0];
try {
return d[k].thumbnail.source;
} catch {
return null;
return urls;
This is likely happening because of a small misunderstanding with setState. You are calling getDriversImgs() just after setDrivers() is called, but any set state function is asynchronous. It is likely not done setting before you look for the driver's image.
The simplest solution in my opinion will be to not setDrivers until you've correlated an image to each driver. You already have all of your driverInfo in an array, so iterating through that array and finding the image for the driver should be quite straightforward.
After you've created a driverInfo array that includes the driver's image, then you can use setDrivers which will render it to the DOM.

Data from review steamapi is not being displayed. ReactJS

I am making an api call to the steam review api with this link: "api link"
I have used another link with my code and was able to get responses and even display the data on my screen, so I have no faulty code. I am currently using this to try and get the result content: comment.reviews.review
This is my complete code:
function Home() {
const [comments, setComments] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
}, [comments]);
const fetchComments = async () => {
const response = await axios(
var limitComments = comments.slice(0, 3);
return (
{limitComments &&
limitComments.map((comment) => (
export default Home;
What is wrong with request? I have tried using different keys like comment.author.reviews.review.

Fetching and displaying images from firebase on React.js app

so I am trying to fetch images from Firebase storage and then display them in a React component. Frankly, I'm new to React/Javascript and I'm having a hard time understanding the asynchronous nature of React/JS and I'm running into the problem where my images are fetched but the component is not re-rendered upon completion of the fetch...
This is the code on my main page, in the useEffect function, I am trying to fetch the images and then store their download urls in an array and then set that array in state (upon page load i.e. only once). Since these are promises, its not happening synchronously and when I first load the page it displays no images. If I, however, click on a different component on the page, it re-renders my Pictures component and the images show up(??), so I know the fetch has worked.
let storageRef = firebase.storage().ref()
let calendarRef = React.createRef()
const position = props.location.state.name.indexOf("#")
const username = props.location.state.name.substring(0, position);
const [simpleDate, setSimpleDate] = useState(null)
const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = useState('')
const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false)
const [showCancelModal, setShowCancelModal] = useState(false)
const [expectedPeople, setExpectedPeople] = useState(null)
const [events, setEvents] = useState([])
const [helpModal, showHelpModal] = useState(false)
const [pictureURLs, setPictureURLs] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
//load pictures
const fetchImages = async () => {
let urls = []
storageRef.child('cabinPictures').listAll().then((result) => {
result.items.forEach((imageRef) => {
imageRef.getDownloadURL().then(url => {
return urls;
fetchImages().then(urls => {
console.log("inside .then() " + pictureURLs)
//fetch reservations
.onSnapshot(serverUpdate => {
const reservations = serverUpdate.docs.map(_doc => {
const data = _doc.data();
data['id'] = _doc.id;
return data;
let fetchedEvents = reservations.map(reservation => {
let date = reservation.reservationDate.toDate()
const month = ("0" + (date.getUTCMonth() + 1))
let dateString = date.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + ("0" + (date.getUTCMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + "-" + ("0" + date.getUTCDate()).slice(-2)
return {title: reservation.username + " - " + reservation.numPeople + " total", date: dateString, id: reservation.id, totalPeople: reservation.numPeople, month: month}
}, [])
My Pictures component in the main page where the useEffect (above) is run. I pass the urls from state as a prop:
<div className="pictures-div-container">
<Pictures pictureURLs={pictureURLs}>
The code for my Picture component:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import styles from "./styles.css"
const firebase = require('firebase');
const Pictures = (props) => {
const [uploadImage, setUploadImage] = useState(null)
const [progressValue, setProgressValue] = useState(0)
let storageRef = firebase.storage().ref()
let { pictureURLs } = props
const handleUpload = () => {
const uploadTask = storageRef.child(`cabinPictures/${uploadImage.name}`).put(uploadImage)
(snapshot) => {
//progress function
const progress = Math.round((snapshot.bytesTransferred / snapshot.totalBytes ) * 100)
(error) => {
//error function
() => {
//complete function
storageRef.child('cabinPictures').child(uploadImage.name).getDownloadURL().then(url => {
} )
const handleFileSelect = (e) => {
if (e.target.files[0]) {
return (
<div className="pictures-container">
<h2>Upload a Picture!</h2>
<button className="upload-button" onClick={() => handleUpload()}>Upload</button>
<input type="file" onChange={(e) => handleFileSelect(e)}></input>
<progress value={progressValue} max="100"></progress>
<div className="pictures">
pictureURLs.map((url, index) => {
return <img className="picture" key={index} src={url}></img>
export default Pictures
So, can anyone help me understand why the Pictures component is not re-rendering automatically when the state is set after fetching the picture urls from firebase? I thought that when a prop changes in a component, the whole component is re-rendered?
So this is what I changed in my main page's useEffect function as per the answer's suggestions, and it works!
//fetch and load pictures
const fetchImages = async () => {
let result = await storageRef.child('cabinPictures').listAll();
let urlPromises = result.items.map(imageRef => imageRef.getDownloadURL())
return Promise.all(urlPromises)
const loadImages = async () => {
const urls = await fetchImages()
You have to let all the nested promises resolve before you return urls
I am not very current on firebase API so am not sure if result.items is an actual array or an object that has a foreach method. Following should work if it is a js array
Try something like:
//load pictures
const fetchImages = async() => {
let result = await storageRef.child('cabinPictures').listAll();
/// map() array of the imageRef.getDownloadURL() promises
let urlPromises = result.items.map(imageRef => imageRef.getDownloadURL());
// return all resolved promises
return Promise.all(urlPromises);
const urls = await fetchImages()
console.log("inside .then() ", urls)

Load more implementation in ReactJs

I am trying to implement load more button for my small project GiF generator. First I thought of appending next set of 20 response at the bottom, but failed to do.
Next, I thought of implementing loading the next set of 20 results by simply removing the current one. I tried to trigger a method on click of button, but I failed to do so. Its updating the state on second click of load more and then never updating it again.
Please help me find what I am missing, I have started learning React yesterday itself.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Gif from './Gif/Gif';
const App = () => {
const [gifs, setGif] = useState([]);
const [search, setSearch] = useState('');
const [query, setQuery] = useState('random');
const [limit, setLimit] = useState(20);
const [pos, setPos] = useState(1);
useEffect(() => {
}, [query])
const getGif = async () => {
const response = await fetch(`https://api.tenor.com/v1/search?q=${query}&key=${API_KEY}&limit=${limit}&pos=${pos}`);
const data = await response.json();
const updateSearch = e => {
const getSearch = e => {
const reload = () => {
const loadMore = () => { // this is where I want my Pos to update with 21 on first click 41 on second and so on
let temp = limit + 1 + pos;
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="header">
<h1 className="title" onClick={reload}>React GiF Finder</h1>
<form onSubmit={getSearch} className="search-from">
<input className="search-bar" type="text" value={search}
onChange={updateSearch} placeholder="type here..." />
<button className="search-button" type="submit">Search</button>
<p>showing results for <span>{query}</span></p>
<div className="gif">
{gifs.map(gif => (
<button className="load-button" onClick={loadMore}>Load more</button>
export default App;
Please, help me find, what I am doing wrong, As I know the moment I will update setQuery useEffect should be called with new input but its not happening.
Maybe try something like this:
// Fetch gifs initially and then any time
// the search changes.
useEffect(() => {
getGif().then(all => setGifs(all);
}, [query])
// If called without a position index, always load the
// initial list of items.
const getGif = async (position = 1) => {
const response = await fetch(`https://api.tenor.com/v1/search?q=${query}&key=${API_KEY}&limit=${limit}&pos=${position}`);
const data = await response.json();
return data.results;
// Append new gifs to existing list
const loadMore = () => {
let position = limit + 1 + pos;
getGif(position).then(more => setGifs([...gifs, ...more]);
const getSearch = e => {
const updateSearch = e => setSearch(e.target.value);
const reload = () => setQuery('random');
Basically, have the getGifs method be a bit more generic and then if loadMore is called, get the next list of gifs from getGift and append to existing list of gifs.

Loading effect using react hooks

I'm making an effort to implement a loading using hooks on react.
I can do it using componentDidMount, but this applications uses Hoocks.
I create the state and the changestate, but i can not set and use it on my html.
Here is my code:
First of all i made a get request whit axios and async/await
const fetchContent = async content => {
const data = []
for await (const item of content) {
const info = await axios.get(
data.push({ componentDisplay: item.title });
return data
then i call it whit usseEffect
const ContentGroups = ({ content , ads}) => {
const [contentResult, setResult] = useState([])
const [contentLoading, changeCondition] = useState(true)
const change = () => {
() => {
fetchContent(content).then(data => setResult(data)
return (
{ contentLoading ? <Loading /> : <Conteiner> } // always show me the container, although contentLoading innitial state is true..
