Extra white space above Grid component from Material UI - javascript
When applying Grid to my post layout on my social media website, for some reason I am left with extra white space above the Grid element or GIF in this case. How do I remove this extra white space? Here is an image of the whitespace:
Here is an image of what logged for the whitespace via inspect:
Here is the code in question:
import { useEffect, useState, useMemo, useRef } from "react";
import userInformation from "../../services/userInformation";
import { Link, useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
import ReactPlayer from 'react-player'
import VectorIllustration from "./VectorIllustration";
import AvatarPicture from '../../images/AvatarPicture.png'
import HomeTwoToneIcon from '#mui/icons-material/HomeTwoTone';
import { Avatar } from "#nextui-org/react";
import PageviewTwoToneIcon from '#mui/icons-material/PageviewTwoTone';
import GroupsTwoToneIcon from '#mui/icons-material/GroupsTwoTone';
import EmailTwoToneIcon from '#mui/icons-material/EmailTwoTone';
import SettingsApplicationsTwoToneIcon from '#mui/icons-material/SettingsApplicationsTwoTone';
import { Dialog, Button, IconButton, ImageList, ImageListItem, InputAdornment, DialogTitle } from "#mui/material";
import { TextField, Grid } from "#mui/material";
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux";
import { storeUserInformation } from "../../reducers/storeInformationReducer";
import { Loading } from '#nextui-org/react'
import '../../style-sheets/Home.css'
import FavoriteBorderTwoToneIcon from '#mui/icons-material/FavoriteBorderTwoTone';
import FavoriteIcon from '#mui/icons-material/Favorite';
import HeartBrokenIcon from '#mui/icons-material/HeartBroken';
import MessageIcon from '#mui/icons-material/Message';
import IosShareOutlinedIcon from '#mui/icons-material/IosShareOutlined';
import MessageOutlinedIcon from '#mui/icons-material/MessageOutlined';
import InfiniteScroll from 'react-infinite-scroll-component'
import ViewProfileBox from "./ViewProfileBox";
const Home = () => {
const state = useSelector(state => state)
const [savedUser, setSavedUser] = useState()
const [like, setLike] = useState([])
const [mouseOver, setMouseOver] = useState(false)
const [replies, setReplies] = useState([])
const [numberOfPosts, setNumberOfPosts] = useState(Array.from({ length: 5}))
const [hasMore, setHasMore] = useState(true)
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)
const [imageToView, setImageToView] = useState('')
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const navigate = useNavigate();
useEffect(() => {
const initializer = async () => {
const user = await JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('loggedAppUser'))
const response = await userInformation.findUser(user.user.email)
const arrayOfKeys = Object.keys(response.data.user)
const arrayOfValues = Object.values(response.data.user)
let i = 0
arrayOfKeys.forEach(element => {
dispatch(storeUserInformation(arrayOfValues[i], element))
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
setLike(numberOfPosts.map((post, i) => (like[i] === undefined ? false : like[i])))
setReplies(numberOfPosts.map((post, i) => (replies[i] === undefined ? false : replies[i])))
}, [numberOfPosts])
const handleLike = (index) => {
setLike(like.map((val, i) => index === i ? !val : val));
const handleReplies = (index) => {
setReplies(replies.map((val, i) => index === i ? !val : val));
const handleOpen = (e) => {
const handleClose = () => setOpen(false)
const style = {
position: 'absolute',
top: '50%',
left: '50%',
transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
width: 400,
bgcolor: 'background.paper',
border: '2px solid #000',
boxShadow: 24,
p: 4,
const fetchMoreData = () => {
if ((Object.entries(state.posts)).length - numberOfPosts.length < 5) {
setTimeout(() => {
setNumberOfPosts(numberOfPosts.concat(Array.from({length: ((Object.entries(state.posts)).length - numberOfPosts)})))
}, 1500)
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
setNumberOfPosts(numberOfPosts.concat(Array.from({length: 5})))
}, 1500)
return (
<div style={{
position: 'relative',
width: '1920px',
height: '1080px',
background: '#F7F9FE'}}>
<VectorIllustration />
<h1 style={{position: 'absolute', width: '30%', height: '5%', left: '20%', top: '4%', fontFamily: 'Outfit', fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: '400', fontSize: '32px', lineHeight: '40px', color: '#000000'}}>Welcome {state.storage.name}!</h1>
<Link to='/home' style={{position: 'absolute', width: '10%', height: '6.5%', left: '2%', top: '20%', background: 'linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.47) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 93.56%)', textDecoration: 'none', color: '#FFFFFF', display: 'flex', textAlign: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', flexDirection: 'column'}}>Home</Link>
<HomeTwoToneIcon style={{position: 'absolute', left: "3%", top: '21.5%', fontSize: '225%'}} color='primary' />
<Avatar src={state.storage.profileImageURL ? state.storage.profileImageURL : AvatarPicture} style={{position: 'absolute', left: '83.5%', top: '11%', height: '132px', width: '132px'}}></Avatar>
<Link to='/findasponsor' style={{position: 'absolute', width: '10%', height: '6.5%', left: '3.5%', top: '29%', textDecoration: 'none', color: '#FFFFFF', display: 'flex', textAlign: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', flexDirection: 'column'}}>Find A Sponsor</Link>
<PageviewTwoToneIcon style={{position: 'absolute', left: "3%", top: '30.5%', fontSize: '225%', opacity: '0.7'}} />
<Link to='/Groups' style={{position: 'absolute', width: '10%', height: '6.5%', left: '3.5%', top: '37%', textDecoration: 'none', color: '#FFFFFF', display: 'flex', textAlign: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', flexDirection: 'column'}}>Groups</Link>
<GroupsTwoToneIcon style={{position: 'absolute', left: "3%", top: '38.6%', fontSize: '225%', opacity: '0.75'}} />
<Link to='/Messsages' style={{position: 'absolute', width: '10%', height: '6.5%', left: '3.5%', top: '45%', textDecoration: 'none', color: '#FFFFFF', display: 'flex', textAlign: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', flexDirection: 'column'}}>Messages</Link>
<EmailTwoToneIcon style={{position: 'absolute', left: "3%", top: '46.5%', fontSize: '225%', opacity: '0.75'}} />
<Link to='/Settings' style={{position: 'absolute', width: '10%', height: '6.5%', left: '3.5%', top: '54%', textDecoration: 'none', color: '#FFFFFF', display: 'flex', textAlign: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', flexDirection: 'column'}}>Settings</Link>
<SettingsApplicationsTwoToneIcon style={{position: 'absolute', left: "3%", top: '55.5%', fontSize: '225%', opacity: '0.75'}} />
<h1 style={{position: 'absolute', width: '201px', height: '76px', left: '4%', top: '68%', fontFamily: 'Outfit', fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: '500', fontSize: '26px', lineHeight: '38px', textAlign: 'center', color: '#1B1C1F', textDecoration: 'underline'}}>Go Local</h1>
<p style={{position: 'absolute', width: '201px', height: '76px', left: '4%', top: '73%', fontFamily: 'Outfit', fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: '500', fontSize: '15px', textAlign: 'center', color: 'black'}}>Currently, you are viewing sponsors/ sponsees globally. Would you like to view only sponsors/sponsees in your country?</p>
<Button style={{position: 'absolute', left: '4.5%', top: '85%', background: '#FFFFFF', borderRadius: '16px'}}>No</Button>
<Button style={{position: 'absolute', left: '10.5%', top: '85%', background: '#FFFFFF', borderRadius: '16px'}} onClick={(e) => navigate('./Settings')}>Yes</Button>
<h1 style={{position: 'absolute', top: '70%', left: '78%'}}>Trending Users</h1>
<Link to='/home/:id' style={{position: 'absolute', top: '73.25%', left: '94%'}}>View all</Link>
<p style={{position: 'absolute', top: '20%', left: '79%', fontFamily: 'Outfit', fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '20px', lineHeight: '25px', textAlign: 'center'}}>{state.storage.followers}</p>
<p style={{position: 'absolute', top: '23%', left: '77.5%', fontFamily: 'Outfit', fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: '300', fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '20px', textAlign: 'center', color: '#A2ADBC'}}>Followers</p>
<p style={{position: 'absolute', top: '20%', left: '94.5%', fontFamily: 'Outfit', fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: '600', fontSize: '20px', lineHeight: '25px', textAlign: 'center'}}>{state.storage.following}</p>
<p style={{position: 'absolute', top: '23%', left: '93%', fontFamily: 'Outfit', fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: '300', fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '20px', textAlign: 'center', color: '#A2ADBC'}}>Following</p>
<h1 style={{position: 'absolute', top: '28%', left: '83.6%', fontFamily: 'Outfit', fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: '500', fontSize: '20px', lineHeight: '25px', textAlign: 'center'}}>{state.storage.name}</h1>
<p style={{position: 'absolute', width: '360px', height: '54px', left: '77.6%', top: '33%', fontFamily: 'Outfit', fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: '300', fontSize: '14px', lineHeight: '18px', textAlign: 'center', color: '#6D7683'}}>{state.storage.biography}</p>
<ViewProfileBox savedUser={savedUser}/>
{(Object.values(state.posts)).length !== 0 ?
<InfiniteScroll height='100%' dataLength={numberOfPosts.length} next={fetchMoreData} hasMore={hasMore} loader={<Loading style={{position: 'absolute', left: '50%'}}/>}
id='all-post-container' scrollThreshold={0.5} endMessage={<p style={{ textAlign: "center" }}>
<b>That's all folks!</b>
style={{position: 'absolute', top: '25%', left: '20%', backgroundColor: '#F7F9FE', height: '72%', width: "54%", borderRadius: '30px'}}>
{numberOfPosts.map((key, i) => {
return (
<Grid container item>
<Grid item xs={12} container style={{backgroundColor: 'white', paddingTop: '20px'}}>
{/* avatar, username, etc */}
<Grid item xs={1} container style={{ justifyContent: "center" }}>
<Avatar src={AvatarPicture} />
<Grid item container xs={11} style={{ gap: "10px" }}>
<Grid item xs={11}>
<Grid item xs={11}>
{state.posts[i]?.location} {state.posts[i]?.date}
<Grid item xs={12} className="indent2" style={{backgroundColor: 'white'}}>
{/* post text */}
padding: "1em",
backgroundColor: "#FFFBEE",
borderRadius: "20px",
margin: '1%'
{state.posts[i]?.video && (
<Grid item xs={12} className="indent2" style={{backgroundColor: 'white'}}>
{/* post video */}
<ReactPlayer url={state.posts[i].video} controls width='100%'/>
<Grid container wrap="nowrap">
{state.posts[i]?.images && (
<Grid item xs={12} className="indent2" style={{backgroundColor: 'white'}}>
{/* post image */}
<ImageList sx={{overflowX: 'auto' }} rowHeight={200}>
<ImageListItem sx={{display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'row'}}>
{state.posts[i].images.map(image => {
return (
style={{paddingRight: '1em', objectFit: 'contain'}}
onClick={(e) => handleOpen(e.target.src)}
style={{ maxWidth: "100%", maxHeight: "100%" }}
BackdropProps={{invisible: true}}
style={{ width: 'auto', height: '100%' }}
<Grid container wrap="nowrap">
{state.posts[i]?.gif && (
<Grid item xs={12} className="indent2" style={{backgroundColor: 'white'}}>
{/* post gif */}
<img src={state.posts[i].gif} style={{objectFit: 'contain'}} />
<Grid item xs={12} className="indent2" style={{backgroundColor: 'white'}}>
{/* icon bar */}
<Grid container style={{ padding: 12, gap: 20 }}>
<Grid item>
onClick={() => handleLike(i)}
onMouseLeave={() => setMouseOver(false)}
onMouseOver={() => setMouseOver(true)}
{like[i]&& mouseOver ? (
<HeartBrokenIcon style={{ color: "red" }} />
) : like[i] ? (
<FavoriteIcon style={{ color: "red" }} />
) : (
<FavoriteBorderTwoToneIcon />
</IconButton>{" "}
<Grid item>
<IconButton onClick={() => handleReplies(i)}>
{replies[i] ? (
<MessageIcon color="primary" />
) : (
<MessageOutlinedIcon />
</IconButton>{" "}
<Grid item>
<IosShareOutlinedIcon />
</IconButton>{" "}
<Grid item xs={12} className="indent2" style={{backgroundColor: 'white', borderRadius: '16px'}}>
{/* comment */}
startAdornment: (
<Avatar src={state.storage.profileImageURL} style={{ marginRight: 12 }} />
classes: {
notchedOutline: "notched-outline-border-radius"
maxLength: 500
placeholder="Write your comment"
style={{ width: "100%" }}
</InfiniteScroll> : <div id='content-loader' style={{position: 'absolute', top: '25%', left: '20%', backgroundColor: '#F7F9FE', height: '72%', width: "54%", borderRadius: '30px'}}><Loading size='lg' style={{position: 'absolute', left: '50%', top: '50%'}}/></div>}
export default Home;
Here is the code that deals specifically with the posting of a gif:
<Grid container wrap="nowrap">
{state.posts[i]?.gif && (
<Grid item xs={12} className="indent2" style={{backgroundColor: 'white'}}>
{/* post gif */}
<img src={state.posts[i].gif} style={{objectFit: 'contain'}} />
I found the solution. The whitespace had the same measurements for the Grid of the post for images. For some reason, even though a post only had a GIF, it was acting as if it also had an image because images is set with an empty array, so to avoid the Grid for images to be rendered i placed a state.posts[i].images.length > 0 ultimatum so there has to be at least 1 image for the image Grid to execute...
The split method is not working - want to split the date
I'm trying to split the date on both release_date and first_air_date however the split() method isn't working for me. What am I doing wrong - please explain! I'm a beginner. Many thanks in advance! Below is my code: import { Typography } from "#mui/material"; import { Box } from "#mui/system"; import React from "react"; function Card({ daily }) { let text = daily.release_date; let airDate = daily.first_air_date; const myArray = text.split("-"); const splitDate = airDate.split("-"); const word = myArray[0]; const date = splitDate[0]; console.log(word); console.log(date); return ( <Box sx={{ width: "25%", height: "550px", backgroundColor: "#144272", alignSelf: "flex-start", borderRadius: "10px", }} > <Box sx={{ width: "100%", height: "85%", backgroundColor: "red", borderRadius: "20px", }} > <img className="img-src" src={`https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/${daily.poster_path}`} alt="" style={{ width: "100%", height: "100%", objectFit: "cover", borderRadius: "20px", }} /> </Box> <Box sx={{ display: "flex", align: "center", fontFamily: "Open Sans, sans-serif", fontWeight: "normal", fontSize: "20px", color: "#fff", margin: "5px 10px", flexDirection: "column", }} > {daily.original_title ? ( <Typography sx={{}}>{daily.original_title}</Typography> ) : ( <Typography sx={{}}>{daily.name}</Typography> )} <Typography sx={{ fontFamily: "Open Sans, sans-serif", fontWeight: "lighter", fontSize: "15px", color: "#fff", margin: "5px 10px", }} > {/*word*/} </Typography> {daily.release_date ? ( <Typography sx={{}}>{text}</Typography> ) : ( <Typography sx={{}}>{/*airDate*/}</Typography> )} </Box> </Box> ); } export default Card; I used the split() method in another component, here is the code for that one and it worked fine: import React from "react"; function Card({ recomendations }) { let text = recomendations.release_date; const myArray = text.split("-"); let word = myArray[0]; console.log(word); return ( <Box sx={{ width: "25%", height: "550px", backgroundColor: "#144272", alignSelf: "flex-start", borderRadius: "10px", }} > <Box sx={{ width: "100%", height: "85%", backgroundColor: "red", borderRadius: "20px", }} > <img className="img-src" src={`https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/${recomendations.poster_path}`} alt="" style={{ width: "100%", height: "100%", objectFit: "cover", borderRadius: "20px", }} /> </Box> <Box sx={{ display: "flex", align: "center", fontFamily: "Open Sans, sans-serif", fontWeight: "normal", fontSize: "20px", color: "#fff", margin: "5px 10px", flexDirection: "column", }} > <Typography sx={{}}>{recomendations.original_title}</Typography> <Typography sx={{ fontFamily: "Open Sans, sans-serif", fontWeight: "lighter", fontSize: "15px", color: "#fff", margin: "5px 10px", }} > {word} </Typography> </Box> </Box> ); } export default Card;
My buttons are all attached together via state
I am currently working on a liking feature for posts, as well as replies and shares. Whenever I hit like or reply on one post, all other posts also get highlighted - how can I fix this so only the post that i like gets liked versus all posts getting liked? My code in question: <InfiniteScroll height='100%' dataLength={numberOfPosts.length} next={fetchMoreData} hasMore={hasMore} loader={<Loading style={{position: 'absolute', left: '50%'}}/>} id='all-post-container' scrollThreshold={0.5} endMessage={<p style={{ textAlign: "center" }}> <b>That's all folks!</b> </p>} style={{position: 'absolute', top: '25%', left: '20%', backgroundColor: '#F7F9FE', height: '72%', width: "54%", borderRadius: '30px'}}> <Grid container direction="column" justifyContent="center" alignItems="center" spacing={45} > {numberOfPosts.map((key, i) => { return ( <Grid container item> <div id="post-container" style={{margin: '5%', position: 'absolute', width: '90%', height: '40%', backgroundColor: 'white', borderRadius: '30px', overflow: 'auto'}}> <Avatar src={<AvatarPicture/>} style={{position: 'absolute', left: '1%', top: '3%', height: '60px', width: '60px'}} size='lg'></Avatar> <p style={{position: 'absolute', left: '9%', top: '-5%', fontFamily: 'Outfit', fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: '500', fontSize: '20px', lineHeight: '25px', overflow: 'auto'}}>#{state.posts[i].username}</p> <p style={{position: 'absolute', left: '9%', top: '10%', fontFamily: 'Outfit', fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: '400', fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '20px', color: '#6D7683'}}>{state.storage.location}</p> <p style={{position: 'absolute', left: '20%', top: '10%', fontFamily: 'Outfit', fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: '400', fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '20px', color: '#2D87FF'}}>{state.posts[i].date}</p> <div id="text-container" style={{position: 'absolute', top: '30%', left: '5%', backgroundColor: '#FFFBEE', height: '30%', width: '90%', borderRadius: '16px', overflow: 'scroll'}}><p style={{position: 'absolute', top: '20%', left: '50%'}}>{state.posts[i].text}</p></div> <TextField InputProps={{ startAdornment: ( <InputAdornment> <Avatar src={state.storage.profileImageURL} /> </InputAdornment> ), classes: { notchedOutline: 'notched-outline-border-radius' } }} maxRows={10} inputProps={{maxLength: 500}} multiline style={{position: 'absolute', left: '5%', top: '78%', width: '90%', background: '#F8FAFF', border: '1px solid #D9E1F9', borderRadius: '16px'}} placeholder='Write your comment'></TextField> <IconButton onClick={() => setLike(!like)} style={{ position: 'absolute', top: '60%', left: '5%'}} onMouseLeave={() => setMouseOver(false)} onMouseOver={() => setMouseOver(true)}>{like && mouseOver ? <HeartBrokenIcon style={{color: 'red'}}/> : like ? <FavoriteIcon style={{color: 'red'}} /> : <FavoriteBorderTwoToneIcon /> }</IconButton> <p style={{position: 'absolute', top: '59%', left: '9%'}}>{state.posts[i].likes}</p> <IconButton onClick={() => setReply(!reply)} style={{ position: 'absolute', top: '60%', left: '13%'}}>{reply ? <MessageIcon color="primary"/> : <MessageOutlinedIcon/>}</IconButton> <p style={{position: 'absolute', top: '59%', left: '17%'}}>{state.posts[i].comments}</p> <IconButton style={{ position: 'absolute', top: '60%', left: '23%'}}><IosShareOutlinedIcon /></IconButton> <p style={{position: 'absolute', top: '59%', left: '27%'}}>{state.posts[i].shares}</p> </div> </Grid> )})} </Grid> </InfiniteScroll> : <div id='content-loader' style={{position: 'absolute', top: '25%', left: '20%', backgroundColor: '#F7F9FE', height: '72%', width: "54%", borderRadius: '30px'}}><Loading size='lg' style={{position: 'absolute', left: '50%', top: '50%'}}/></div>}
You need to have a separate state to include all the like states in the numberOfPosts array. Add a state to hold likes. const [likes, setLikes] = useState([]); Add a useEffect to change the array length of like state when array is expanding in infinite scroll useEffect(() => { setLikes(numberOfPosts.map((_, i) => (likes[i] === undefined ? false : likes[i]))); }, [numberOfPosts]) Add a function to change the like state in the particular index. const handleLike = (index) => { setLikes(likes.map((val, i) => index === i ? !val : val)); } Change the handle like function in the button. {numberOfPosts.map((key, i) => { ... <IconButton onClick={() => handleLike(i)} ... >{likes[i] && mouseOver ? <HeartBrokenIcon style={{color: 'red'}}/> : likes[i] ? <FavoriteIcon style={{color: 'red'}} /> : <FavoriteBorderTwoToneIcon /> }</IconButton> ... }
How do i stick content in between two other items using CSS?
I am currently working on the design of user's post for my website. However, whenever the user uploads a video, it currently looks like this: The post looks ugly and the video is placed inside of the yellow textbox, I wanna place it just below the yellow textbox. Here is an image showing where I would like the video to be placed (forgive me for the ugly handwriting): And when the video is placed, I would like the content around it to be "pushed away" so they are not stuck on top of eachother. Here is my code in question: <Grid container item> <div id="post-container" style={{margin: '5%', position: 'absolute', width: '90%', height: '40%', backgroundColor: 'white', borderRadius: '30px', overflow: 'auto'}}> <Avatar src={<AvatarPicture/>} style={{position: 'absolute', left: '1%', top: '3%', height: '60px', width: '60px'}} size='lg'></Avatar> <p style={{position: 'absolute', left: '9%', top: '-5%', fontFamily: 'Outfit', fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: '500', fontSize: '20px', lineHeight: '25px', overflow: 'auto'}}>#{state.posts[i].username}</p> <p style={{position: 'absolute', left: '9%', top: '10%', fontFamily: 'Outfit', fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: '400', fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '20px', color: '#6D7683'}}>{state.storage.location}</p> <p style={{position: 'absolute', left: '20%', top: '10%', fontFamily: 'Outfit', fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: '400', fontSize: '16px', lineHeight: '20px', color: '#2D87FF'}}>{state.posts[i].date}</p> <div id="text-container" style={{position: 'absolute', top: '30%', left: '5%', backgroundColor: '#FFFBEE', height: 'auto', width: '90%', borderRadius: '16px', overflowY: 'auto', overflowWrap: 'break-word', wordWrap: 'break-word', msWordBreak: 'break-word', wordBreak: 'break-word'}}><p style={{margin: '1em'}}>{state.posts[i].text}</p>{<ReactPlayer url={state.posts[i].video} />}</div> <TextField InputProps={{ startAdornment: ( <InputAdornment> <Avatar src={state.storage.profileImageURL} /> </InputAdornment> ), classes: { notchedOutline: 'notched-outline-border-radius' } }} maxRows={10} inputProps={{maxLength: 500}} multiline style={{position: 'absolute', left: '5%', top: '78%', width: '90%', background: '#F8FAFF', border: '1px solid #D9E1F9', borderRadius: '16px'}} placeholder='Write your comment'></TextField> <IconButton onClick={() => handleLike(i)} style={{ position: 'absolute', top: '60%', left: '5%'}} onMouseLeave={() => setMouseOver(false)} onMouseOver={() => setMouseOver(true)}>{like[i] && mouseOver ? <HeartBrokenIcon style={{color: 'red'}}/> : like[i] ? <FavoriteIcon style={{color: 'red'}} /> : <FavoriteBorderTwoToneIcon /> }</IconButton> <p style={{position: 'absolute', top: '59%', left: '9%'}}>{state.posts[i].likes}</p> <IconButton onClick={() => handleReplies(i)} style={{ position: 'absolute', top: '60%', left: '13%'}}>{replies[i] ? <MessageIcon color="primary"/> : <MessageOutlinedIcon/>}</IconButton> <p style={{position: 'absolute', top: '59%', left: '17%'}}>{state.posts[i].comments}</p> <IconButton style={{ position: 'absolute', top: '60%', left: '23%'}}><IosShareOutlinedIcon /></IconButton> <p style={{position: 'absolute', top: '59%', left: '27%'}}>{state.posts[i].shares}</p> </div> </Grid>
Material UI Dialog Box Shadow Removal
I am currently using the Material UI dialog to show some information about a location marker. I would like to disable the ugly box shadow surrounding the component. I have set box-shadow: none and have tried multiple solutions, but none of them seem to work! Screenshot Here is my code for this component const useStyles = makeStyles({ root: { maxWidth: '400px', marginLeft: '5px', width: '446px', height: '200px', marginTop: '50px', overflow: 'hidden', boxShadow: 'none', }, closeButton: { color: Colours.Black, float: 'right', paddingTop: '15px', marginRight: '5px', marginLeft: 'auto', height: '24px', width: '24px', }, flexContainerContent: { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', paddingRight: '10px', }, flexContainerButtons: { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', padding: '0px 18px 15px 18px', }, }); const InfoWindow = ({ title, address, open, handleClose, }: { title: string; address: string; open: boolean; handleClose: () => void; }) => { const infoStyles = useStyles(); return ( <Dialog classes={{ root: infoStyles.root }} open={open} onClose={handleClose} hideBackdrop disableEnforceFocus > <Container classes={{ root: infoStyles.flexContainerContent }}> <DialogContent style={{ overflow: 'hidden', paddingLeft: '0px', boxShadow: 'none' }}> <Typography variant="body1" color="textSecondary"> Name: <span style={{ display: 'inline', color: Colours.Black }} color="textPrimary" > {` ${title} `} </span> </Typography> <Typography variant="body1" color="textSecondary"> Location: <span style={{ display: 'inline', color: Colours.Black }} color="textPrimary" > {` ${address} `} </span> </Typography> </DialogContent> <CloseIcon onClick={handleClose} classes={{ root: infoStyles.closeButton }} /> </Container> <DialogActions style={{ padding: '0px', boxShadow: 'none' }}> <Container classes={{ root: infoStyles.flexContainerButtons }}> <Button size="small" style={{ color: Colours.Danger }}> Delete </Button> <Button size="small" style={{ color: Colours.Secondary }}> Edit </Button> </Container> </DialogActions> </Dialog> ); }; export default InfoWindow; Would really appreciate any sort of help or advice!
You need to target the Paper inside the Dialog. One way of doing this is adding this CSS rule: .MuiDialog-container .MuiPaper-root { box-shadow: none; }
Adding react components to header based on the page
On all but two pages of my site I would like the header to include two buttons. How can I make the header aware of this so it includes the buttons when needed and doesn't for the other two pages. I'm using React and Gatsby. Could I accomplish this by adding if statements to my component? If so I'm not sure how to move beyond this step. const isHomepage = pathname == `/` const isContact = pathname == `/contact/` let styles = {} if (isHomepage) { } } else if (isContact) { } else { } This is my code for the header: import React from 'react' import Link from 'gatsby-link' import colors from '../utils/colors' const Header = ({ siteTitle }) => ( <div style={{ background: colors.white, marginBottom: '1.45rem', borderBottom: '1px solid', borderBottomColor: colors.green, height: '3rem', top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%', position: 'fixed', }} > <div style={{ paddingLeft: 20, paddingRight: 20, marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto', maxWidth: 960, }} > <div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', height: 53, }}> <h3 style={{ margin: 0, }}> <Link to="/" style={{ color: colors.green, textDecoration: 'none', fontWeight: 450, }} > {siteTitle} </Link> </h3> </div> </div> </div> ) export default Header
Use conditional rendering based on location.pathname {['/path1', '/path2'].indexOf(location.pathname) === -1 && ( <button>1<button> <button>2<button> )} import React from 'react' import Link from 'gatsby-link' import colors from '../utils/colors' const Header = ({ siteTitle }) => ( <div style={{ background: colors.white, marginBottom: '1.45rem', borderBottom: '1px solid', borderBottomColor: colors.green, height: '3rem', top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%', position: 'fixed', }} > <div style={{ paddingLeft: 20, paddingRight: 20, marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto', maxWidth: 960, }} > <div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', height: 53, }}> <h3 style={{ margin: 0, }}> <Link to="/" style={{ color: colors.green, textDecoration: 'none', fontWeight: 450, }} > {siteTitle} </Link> {['/path1', '/path2'].indexOf(location.pathname) === -1 && ( <button>1<button> <button>2<button> )} </h3> </div> </div> </div> ) export default Header