I`m trying to convert some base64 string to a image file and pass it to firebase via express.
Everything works fine on front end, except this part:
const convertBase64ToFile = (base64String, fileName) => {
let arr = base64String.split(',');
let mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1];
let bstr = atob(arr[1]);
let n = bstr.length;
let uint8Array = new Uint8Array(n);
while (n--) {
uint8Array[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n);
const file = new File([uint8Array], fileName, { type: mime }); /// getting Error in this line
return file
Which library i have to import?
const file = new File([uint8Array], fileName, { type: mime }); /// getting Error in this line
ReferenceError: File is not defined
at convertBase64ToFile (C:\Users\rahto\devel\new\maissaudeapi\api\firestore\write.js:19:16)
at conversor (C:\Users\rahto\devel\new\maissaudeapi\api\firestore\write.js:33:16)
at C:\Users\rahto\devel\new\maissaudeapi\mainServer.js:31:21
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (C:\Users\rahto\devel\new\maissaudeapi\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:95:5)
at next (C:\Users\rahto\devel\new\maissaudeapi\node_modules\express\lib\router\route.js:144:13)
at Route.dispatch (C:\Users\rahto\devel\new\maissaudeapi\node_modules\express\lib\router\route.js:114:3)
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (C:\Users\rahto\devel\new\maissaudeapi\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:95:5)
at C:\Users\rahto\devel\new\maissaudeapi\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:284:15
at Function.process_params (C:\Users\rahto\devel\new\maissaudeapi\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:346:12)
at next (C:\Users\rahto\devel\new\maissaudeapi\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:280:10)
Node.js v18.6.0
[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...
Then, i changed to this:
const convertBase64ToFile = (base64String, fileName) => {
let arr = base64String.split(',');
let mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1];
let bstr = atob(arr[1]);
let n = bstr.length;
let uint8Array = new Uint8Array(n);
while (n--) {
uint8Array[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n);
const file = fs.writeFileSync(fileName, uint8Array)
let fiz = fs.readFileSync(fileName, file);
// const file = new File([uint8Array], fileName, { type: mime });
return fiz
And got this error:
const newPath = child(ref._location.path, childPath);
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'path')
It seems you are using node runtime. You can use fs module to access file system.
fs.writeFile( file, data, options, callback )
Parameters: This method accept four parameters as mentioned above and described below:
file: It is a string, Buffer, URL or file description integer that denotes the path of the file where it has to be written. Using a file descriptor will make it behave similar to fs.write() method.
data: It is a string, Buffer, TypedArray or DataView that will be written to the file.
options: It is an string or object that can be used to specify optional parameters that will affect the output. It has three optional parameter:
encoding: It is a string value that specifies the encoding of the file. The default value is ‘utf8’.
mode: It is an integer value that specifies the file mode. The default value is 0o666.
flag: It is a string value that specifies the flag used while writing to the file. The default value is ‘w’.
callback: It is the function that would be called when the method is executed.
err: It is an error that would be thrown if the operation fails.
var fs = require('fs');
fs.writeFile('file.txt', 'Hello content!', function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
Also check more here and here for usage.
And also check here for documentation.
So I have made a Meme Gallery app.
Here is the link:https://meme-gallery-web-app.netlify.app/
You can upload an image via link. First of all I was trying to check if the submitted URL had the jpg/png extension, so I can work with it(whether to upload it or not).
That's why I tried to implement Image-type package. But it gives me the mentioned error.
Here is the code where I implemented.
const https = require("https");
const imageType = require("image-type");
const imageModel = require("../models/models.js");
var date = new Date();
var currentDate = date.toLocaleDateString();
const submitLink = async (req, res) => {
const { url } = req.body;
https.get(url, (response) => {
response.on("readable", () => {
const chunk = response.read(imageType.minimumBytes);
After submitting the link I got the following error:
TypeError: Expected the input argument to be of type Uint8Array or Buffer or ArrayBuffer, got object
So I checked and found out that the variable chunk is an object rather than an Uint8Array or Buffer. Why is that? And how to workaround it?
I think you should read the chunks, concat them and pass the resulting buffer to the imageType library:
https.get(url, response => {
const chunks = [];
response.on("data", (chunk) => {
response.on("end", () => {
const resultBuffer = Buffer.concat(chunks);
console.log("image type is", imageType(resultBuffer ));
I am trying to check if a file exists using fs module in nodejs. Please refer to the following code:
var path = require('path');
let customXmlPath = (process.platform == 'darwin' ? path.join(__dirname, '../../MacOS/service/custom.xml') : path.join(__dirname, '../../service/custom.xml'));
if (isDevelopment) {
customXmlPath = (process.platform == 'darwin' ? path.join(__dirname, '../../../build/bin/darwin/release/custom.xml') : path.join(__dirname, '../../../build/bin/msvc/release/custom.xml'));
const fs = require('fs');
let productDisplayName = "xxxxxx";
try {
fs.accessSync(customXmlPath, fs.F_OK);
let file = fs.readFileSync(customXmlPath, "utf8");
var xmlr = require('../../../shared/electronUIshared/xmlreader.js').XMLReader;
var datastore = xmlr.parse('config', file);
if(datastore.getTotalCount() > 0)
productDisplayName = datastore.getRecordAt(0).get('productname');
catch(err) {
console.log("custom.xml not found or is corrupted. Using display name as xxxxxx")
In windows it works fine but in mac it throws an error in fs.acessSync: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type undefined.
path.join returns correct path
App threw an error during load
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type undefined
at validateString (internal/validators.js:105:11)
at Object.join (path.js:1037:7)
at eval (webpack:///./src/background.ts?:70:21)
at Module../src/background.ts (/Users/nikhell/Documents/Codelathe/Workspace/cl-fc-client/clouddrive2service/ui/dist_electron/index.js:6094:1)
at __webpack_require__ (/Users/nikhell/Documents/Codelathe/Workspace/cl-fc-client/clouddrive2service/ui/dist_electron/index.js:20:30)
at eval (webpack:///multi_./src/background.ts?:1:18)
at Object.0 (/Users/nikhell/Documents/Codelathe/Workspace/cl-fc-client/clouddrive2service/ui/dist_electron/index.js:6201:1)
at __webpack_require__ (/Users/nikhell/Documents/Codelathe/Workspace/cl-fc-client/clouddrive2service/ui/dist_electron/index.js:20:30)
at /Users/nikhell/Documents/Codelathe/Workspace/cl-fc-client/clouddrive2service/ui/dist_electron/index.js:84:18
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/nikhell/Documents/Codelathe/Workspace/cl-fc-client/clouddrive2service/ui/dist_electron/index.js:87:10)
If i remove the file extension it does not throw the error but it is not able to find the file. Why is the file extension creating issues in mac?
Here i tried converting the base64 to html using the Mammoth npm, but it is throwing an error: -
throw new Error(“Can’t find end of central directory : is this a zip file ? ” +
Error: Can’t find end of central directory : is this a zip file ? If it is, see http://stuk.github.io/jszip/documentation/howto/read_zip.html
at ZipEntries.readEndOfCentral (/Users/Desktop/mommoth/node_modules/jszip/lib/zipEntries.js:149:23)
at ZipEntries.load (/Users/Desktop/mommoth/node_modules/jszip/lib/zipEntries.js:215:14)
at new ZipEntries (/Users/Desktop/mommoth/node_modules/jszip/lib/zipEntries.js:21:14)
at JSZip.module.exports [as load] (/Users/Desktop/mommoth/node_modules/jszip/lib/load.js:11:18)
at new JSZip (/Users/Desktop/mommoth/node_modules/jszip/lib/index.js:39:14)
at Object.openArrayBuffer (/Users/Desktop/mommoth/node_modules/mammoth/lib/zipfile.js:10:19)
at Object.openZip (/Users/Desktop/mommoth/node_modules/mammoth/lib/unzip.js:16:41)
at convert (/Users/Desktop/mommoth/node_modules/mammoth/lib/index.js:34:18)
at Object.convertToHtml (/Users/Desktop/mommoth/node_modules/mammoth/lib/index.js:22:12)
at /Users/Desktop/mommoth/server.js:49:10
at FSReqWrap.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (fs.js:511:3)
let base64String = 'data:text;base64,TWFuIGlzIGRpc3Rpbmd1aXNoZWQsIG5vdCBvbmx5IGJ5IGhpcyByZWFzb24sIGJ1dCBieSB0aGlzIHNpbmd1bGFyIHBhc3Npb24gZnJvbSBvdGhlciBhbmltYWxzLCB3aGljaCBpcyBhIGx1c3Qgb2YgdGhlIG1pbmQsIHRoYXQgYnkgYSBwZXJzZXZlcmFuY2Ugb2YgZGVsaWdodCBpbiB0aGUgY29udGludWVkIGFuZCBpbmRlZmF0aWdhYmxlIGdlbmVyYXRpb24gb2Yga25vd2xlZGdlLCBleGNlZWRzIHRoZSBzaG9ydCB2ZWhlbWVuY2Ugb2YgYW55IGNhcm5hbCBwbGVhc3VyZS4=';
let base64Path = base64String.split(';base64,').pop();
let buff = new Buffer(base64Path, 'Base64');
mammoth.convertToHtml({ buffer : buff })
What is your node version?
new Buffer(base64Path, 'base64');
This method is for Node.js v5.11.1 and below, if your Node.js version is v6.0.0 or above, you should convert in this way
let buff = Buffer.from(base64Path, 'base64');
I'm new to Node.js , and i'm trying to create a simple server
the problem is:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'isFile' of undefined
what i did so far :
I tried a simple debugging process to find out where the problem exactly
and the problem as i expect in the returning value of lstatSync()
lstatSync() returns undefined all the time , which is a cause the problem in isFile()
Notes :-
I checked in a sample code below the path that i pass to lstatSync() by logging the value in the console and it was as expected
Also after some research i tried to use fs.exists() but i found out that it's deprecated !
Finally the Docs doesn't provide much about the function
Sample Code :
var http = require("http"); // creating server
var path = require("path"); // finding the actual path for directories / files
var url = require("url"); // parse url
var fs = require('fs'); // file system core , dealing with files operations
// Array of mime types ..
var mimeTypes = {
'html' : 'text/html',
'css' : 'text/css',
'js' : 'text/javascript',
'jpg' : 'image/jpg',
'png' : 'image/png',
'jpeg' : 'image/jpeg'
// creating server ...
http.createServer(function(req , res){
var uri = url.parse(req.url).pathname // parse url , exctract the path after the host name 'incuding /'
var fileName = path.join(process.cwd(),unescape(uri)); // returing current directory path , unescape the url path in case it contains special char.
console.log("data is loading"+uri);
console.log("File name : "+fileName);
var stats;
try {
stats = fs.lstatSync(fileName) // Returns an instance of fs.Stats.
} catch (e) {
// if the file not exists [NOT FOUND]
res.write('Error 404 , page not Found \n');
// file actual path is a file / directory
// file it's a file
var mimeType = mimeTypes[path.extname(fileName).split('.').reverse()[0]]; // file name without extension
var readStream = fs.createReadStream(fileName);
}else if(stats.isDirectory()){
'Location' : 'index.html'
res.write('500 Internal Error \n');
Calling res.end() doesn't magically stop the rest of the function to run. In the catch handler, you should return from the function explicitly:
try {
stats = fs.lstatSync(fileName) // Returns an instance of fs.Stats.
} catch (e) {
// if the file not exists [NOT FOUND]
res.write('Error 404 , page not Found \n');
return res.end();
Note that the HTTP server doesn't do anything with the return value of the handler, so return res.end() is just a shortcut for res.end(); return;.
How read stream .pipe(myfunction())?
I try , but give errors. How read stream of gulp.src('./userdata.json') and .pipe()? I not know how is it make.
var upmodul = require("modul-json");
return gulp.src('./userdata.json')
node_modules / modul-json / index.js
'use strict';
var Stream = require('stream');
var loger = function () {
var readable = new Stream.Readable({
read: function (n) {
module.exports = loger;
[00:19:39] TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of undefined
at DestroyableTransform.Readable.pipe (E:\Developers\WebDeveloper\OpenServer
at Gulp.<anonymous> (E:\Developers\WebDeveloper\OpenServer-WebProg\domains\p
at module.exports (E:\Developers\WebDeveloper\OpenServer-WebProg\domains\pro
at Gulp.Orchestrator._runTask (E:\Developers\WebDeveloper\OpenServer-WebProg
at Gulp.Orchestrator._runStep (E:\Developers\WebDeveloper\OpenServer-WebProg
at Gulp.Orchestrator.start (E:\Developers\WebDeveloper\OpenServer-WebProg\do
at C:\Users\Tiki
at nextTickCallbackWith0Args (node.js:433:9)
at process._tickCallback (node.js:362:13)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:432:11)
The gulp documentation has some information on building a plugin that might be useful to you. Just a sample from that page talks about transforming streams.
All gulp plugins essentially boil down to this:
var Transform = require('stream').Transform;
module.exports = function() {
// Monkey patch Transform or create your own subclass,
// implementing `_transform()` and optionally `_flush()`
var transformStream = new Transform({objectMode: true});
* #param {Buffer|string} file
* #param {string=} encoding - ignored if file contains a Buffer
* #param {function(Error, object)} callback - Call this function (optionally with an
* error argument and data) when you are done processing the supplied chunk.
transformStream._transform = function(file, encoding, callback) {
var error = null,
output = doSomethingWithTheFile(file);
callback(error, output);
return transformStream;