How to draw dashed line between two points in PIXI.js - javascript

I need to draw a dashed polygon using corner coordinates of the polygon. For this I will be iterating over the corners and keep drawing dashed line between the two corners(corner[i] and corner[i+1]) in all iterations. I found some code over the net to do so so I am currently doing this:
offSetCorners.forEach((point, i) => {
let endPoint = i < offSetCorners.length - 1 ? offSetCorners[i + 1] : offSetCorners[0];
zoneGraphic.drawDash(point.x, point.y, endPoint.x, endPoint.y);
drawDash(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, dashLength = 5, spaceLength = 5) {
let x = x2 - x1;
let y = y2 - y1;
let hyp = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
let units = hyp / (dashLength + spaceLength);
let dashSpaceRatio = dashLength / (dashLength + spaceLength);
let dashX = (x / units) * dashSpaceRatio;
let spaceX = x / units - dashX;
let dashY = (y / units) * dashSpaceRatio;
let spaceY = y / units - dashY;
zoneGraphic.moveTo(x1, y1);
while (hyp > 0) {
x1 += dashX;
y1 += dashY;
hyp -= dashLength;
if (hyp < 0) {
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
zoneGraphic.lineTo(x1, y1);
x1 += spaceX;
y1 += spaceY;
zoneGraphic.moveTo(x1, y1);
hyp -= spaceLength;
zoneGraphic.moveTo(x2, y2);
But this draws the dashed line like this
What I want is

You can do that with setLineDash:
Here is a code sample:
var ctx = document.getElementById("c").getContext("2d");
ctx.font = "60px Arial";
ctx.setLineDash([5, 5]);
ctx.strokeText("ABC", 50, 60);
ctx.rect(5, 5, 190, 90);
<canvas id="c" width=200 height=100></canvas>
That is just pure JS no Pixi involved, I imagine the same is available in that library, if not you should be able to do it directly with JS on the canvas

Try "PixiJS Smooth Graphics" package - for example like described here:


How to draw triangle pointers inside of circle

I realize this is a simple Trigonometry question, but my high school is failing me right now.
Given an angle, that I have converted into radians to get the first point. How do I figure the next two points of the triangle to draw on the canvas, so as to make a small triangle always point outwards to the circle. So lets say Ive drawn a circle of a given radius already. Now I want a function to plot a triangle that sits on the edge of the circle inside of it, that points outwards no matter the angle. (follows the edge, so to speak)
function drawPointerTriangle(ctx, angle){
var radians = angle * (Math.PI/180)
var startX = this.radius + this.radius/1.34 * Math.cos(radians)
var startY = this.radius - this.radius/1.34 * Math.sin(radians)
// This gives me my starting point on the outer edge of the circle, plotted at the angle I need
ctx.moveTo(startX, startY);
// HOW DO I THEN CALCULATE x1,y1 and x2, y2. So that no matter what angle I enter into this function, the arrow/triangle always points outwards to the circle.
ctx.lineTo(x1, y1);
ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
You don't say what type of triangle you want to draw so I suppose that it is an equilateral triangle.
Take a look at this image (credit here)
I will call 3 points p1, p2, p3 from top right to bottom right, counterclockwise.
You can easily calculate the coordinate of three points of the triangle in the coordinate system with the origin is coincident with the triangle's centroid.
Given a point belongs to the edge of the circle and the point p1 that we just calculated, we can calculate parameters of the translation from our main coordinate system to the triangle's coordinate system. Then, we just have to translate the coordinate of two other points back to our main coordinate system. That is (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).
You can take a look at the demo below that is based on your code.
const w = 300;
const h = 300;
function calculateTrianglePoints(angle, width) {
let r = width / Math.sqrt(3);
let firstPoint = [
r * Math.cos(angle),
r * Math.sin(angle),
let secondPoint = [
r * Math.cos(angle + 2 * Math.PI / 3),
r * Math.sin(angle + 2 * Math.PI / 3),
let thirdPoint = [
r * Math.cos(angle + 4 * Math.PI / 3),
r * Math.sin(angle + 4 * Math.PI / 3),
return [firstPoint, secondPoint, thirdPoint]
const radius = 100
const triangleWidth = 20;
function drawPointerTriangle(ctx, angle) {
var radians = angle * (Math.PI / 180)
var startX = radius * Math.cos(radians)
var startY = radius * Math.sin(radians)
var [pt0, pt1, pt2] = calculateTrianglePoints(radians, triangleWidth);
var delta = [
startX - pt0[0],
startY - pt0[1],
pt1[0] = pt1[0] + delta[0]
pt1[1] = pt1[1] + delta[1]
pt2[0] = pt2[0] + delta[0]
pt2[1] = pt2[1] + delta[1]
// This gives me my starting point on the outer edge of the circle, plotted at the angle I need
ctx.moveTo(startX, startY);
[x1, y1] = pt1;
[x2, y2] = pt2;
// HOW DO I THEN CALCULATE x1,y1 and x2, y2. So that no matter what angle I enter into this function, the arrow/triangle always points outwards to the circle.
ctx.lineTo(x1, y1);
ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
ctx.fillStyle = '#FF0000';
function drawCircle(ctx, radius) {
ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
function clear(ctx) {
ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
ctx.fillRect(-w / 2, -h / 2, w, h);
function normalizeAngle(pointCoordinate, angle) {
const [x, y] = pointCoordinate;
if (x > 0 && y > 0) return angle;
else if (x > 0 && y < 0) return 360 + angle;
else if (x < 0 && y < 0) return 180 - angle;
else if (x < 0 && y > 0) return 180 - angle;
function getAngleFromPoint(point) {
const [x, y] = point;
if (x == 0 && y == 0) return 0;
else if (x == 0) return 90 * (y > 0 ? 1 : -1);
else if (y == 0) return 180 * (x >= 0 ? 0: 1);
const radians = Math.asin(y / Math.sqrt(
x ** 2 + y ** 2
return normalizeAngle(point, radians / (Math.PI / 180))
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
const angleText = document.querySelector('.angle');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.translate(w / 2, h / 2);
drawCircle(ctx, radius);
drawPointerTriangle(ctx, 0);
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', _.throttle(function(ev) {
let mouseCoordinate = [
ev.clientX - w / 2,
ev.clientY - h / 2
let degAngle = getAngleFromPoint(mouseCoordinate)
drawCircle(ctx, radius);
drawPointerTriangle(ctx, degAngle)
angleText.innerText = Math.floor((360 - degAngle)*100)/100;
}, 15))
<script src=""></script>
<canvas width=300 height=300></canvas>
<div class="angle">0</div>
reduce the radius, change the angle and call again cos/sin:
function drawPointerTriangle(ctx, angle)
var radians = angle * (Math.PI/180);
var radius = this.radius/1.34;
var startX = + radius * Math.cos(radians);
var startY = + radius * Math.sin(radians);
ctx.moveTo(startX, startY);
radius *= 0.9;
radians += 0.1;
var x1 = + radius * Math.cos(radians);
var y1 = + radius * Math.sin(radians);
radians -= 0.2;
var x1 = + radius * Math.cos(radians);
var y1 = + radius * Math.sin(radians);
ctx.lineTo(x1, y1);
ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
ctx.lineTo(startX, startY);
the resulting triangle's size is proportional to the size of the circle.
in case you need an equilateral, fixed size triangle, use this:
//get h by pythagoras
h = sqrt( a^2 - (a/2)^2 );)
//get phi using arcustangens:
phi = atan( a/2, radius-h );
//reduced radius h by pythagoras:
radius = sqrt( (radius-h)^2 + (a/2)^2 );
radians += phi;
radians -= 2*phi;

How to draw parallel edges (arrows) between vertices with canvas?

I'm working on a flow-network visualization with Javascript.
Vertices are represented as circles and edges are represented as arrows.
Here is my Edge class:
function Edge(u, v) {
this.u = u; // start vertex
this.v = v; // end vertex
this.draw = function() {
var x1 = u.x;
var y1 = u.y;
var x2 = v.x;
var y2 = v.y;
context.moveTo(x1, y1);
context.lineTo(x2, y2);
var dx = x1 - x2;
var dy = y1 - y2;
var length = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
x1 = x1 - Math.round(dx / ((length / (radius))));
y1 = y1 - Math.round(dy / ((length / (radius))));
x2 = x2 + Math.round(dx / ((length / (radius))));
y2 = y2 + Math.round(dy / ((length / (radius))));
// calculate the angle of the edge
var deg = (Math.atan(dy / dx)) * 180.0 / Math.PI;
if (dx < 0) {
deg += 180.0;
if (deg < 0) {
deg += 360.0;
// calculate the angle for the two triangle points
var deg1 = ((deg + 25 + 90) % 360) * Math.PI * 2 / 360.0;
var deg2 = ((deg + 335 + 90) % 360) * Math.PI * 2 / 360.0;
// calculate the triangle points
var arrowx = [];
var arrowy = [];
arrowx[0] = x2;
arrowy[0] = y2;
arrowx[1] = Math.round(x2 + 12 * Math.sin(deg1));
arrowy[1] = Math.round(y2 - 12 * Math.cos(deg1));
arrowx[2] = Math.round(x2 + 12 * Math.sin(deg2));
arrowy[2] = Math.round(y2 - 12 * Math.cos(deg2));
context.moveTo(arrowx[0], arrowy[0]);
context.lineTo(arrowx[1], arrowy[1]);
context.lineTo(arrowx[2], arrowy[2]);
context.fillStyle = "black";
Given the code
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); // canvas element
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.lineWidth = 1;
context.strokeStyle = "black";
var radius = 20; // vertex radius
var u = {
x: 50,
y: 80
var v = {
x: 150,
y: 200
var e = new Edge(u, v);
The draw() function will draw an edge between two vertices like this:
If we add the code
var k = new Edge(v, u);
We will get:
but I want to draw edges both directions as following:
(sorry for my bad paint skills)
Of course the vertices and the edge directions are not fixed.
A working example (with drawing vertex fucntion) on JSFiddle:
Aligning axis to a line.
It can make everything a little easier if you rotate the rendering to align with the line. Once you do that it is then easy to draw above or below the line as that is just in the y direction and along the line is the x direction.
Thus if you have a line
const line = {
p1 : { x : ? , y : ? },
p2 : { x : ? , y : ? },
Convert it to a vector and normalise that vector
// as vector from p1 to p2
var nx = line.p2.x - line.p1.x;
var ny = line.p2.y - line.p1.y;
// then get length
const len = Math.sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny);
// use the length to normalise the vector
nx /= len;
ny /= len;
The normalised vector represents the new x axis we want to render along, and the y axis is at 90 deg to that. We can use setTransform to set both axis and the origin (0,0) point at the start of the line.
nx, ny, // the x axis
-ny, nx, // the y axis at 90 deg to the x axis
line.p1.x, line.p1.y // the origin (0,0)
Now rendering the line and arrow heads is easy as they are axis aligned
ctx.lineTo(0,0); // start of line
ctx.lineTo(len,0); // end of line
// add the arrow head
ctx.lineTo(len,0); // tip of arrow
ctx.lineTo(len - 10, 10);
ctx.lineTo(len - 10, -10);
To render two lines offset from the center
var offset = 10;
ctx.lineTo(0,offset); // start of line
ctx.lineTo(len,offset); // end of line
ctx.moveTo(0,-offset); // start of second line
ctx.lineTo(len,-offset); // end of second line
// add the arrow head
ctx.lineTo(len,offset); // tip of arrow
ctx.lineTo(len - 10, offset+10);
ctx.lineTo(len - 10, offset-10);
offset = -10;
// add second arrow head
ctx.lineTo(0,offset); // tip of arrow
ctx.lineTo(10, offset+10);
ctx.lineTo(10, offset-10);
And you can reset the transform with
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); // restore default transform

How to get bezier curve size in HTML5 canvas with cp2 point?

I want to get the rendered size (width/height) of a bézier curve in HTML5 canvas
context.bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y);
with this code, for instance
// control points
var cp1x = 200,
cp1y = 150,
cp2x = 260,
cp2y = 10;
var x = 0,
y = 0;
// calculation
var curveWidth = cp1x > x ? cp1x - x : x - cp1x,
curveHeight = cp1y > y ? cp1y - y : y - cp1y;
However, the cp2 point can increase the curve distance (length, size). I.e., suppose cp2 point is the red point in this image and its x coordinate is bigger than cp1's x, which looks to be the end point of the bézier curve:
So, how can I consider the length of cp2 point in curveWidth and in curveHeight to be exact?
To get extent of a quadratic bezier
The points
var x1 = ? // start
var y1 = ?
var x2 = ? // control
var y2 = ?
var x3 = ? // end
var y3 = ?
The extent
extent = {
minx : null,
miny : null,
maxx : null,
maxy : null,
The Math.
These equation apply for the x and y axis (thus two equations)
For quadratic bezier
F(u) = a(1-u)^2+2b(1-u)u+cu^2
which is more familiar in the form of a quadratic equation
Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0
so the bezier rearranged
F(u) = (a-2b+c)u^2+2(-a+b)u+a
We need the derivative so that becomes
simplify divide common factor 2 to give
(a-2b+c)u + b - a = 0
separate out u
b-a = (a-2b + c)u
(b-a) / (a - 2b + c) = u
Then algorithm optimised for the fact the (b-a) part of (a-2b-c)
function solveB2(a,b,c){
var ba = b-a;
return ba / (ba - (c-b)); // the position on the curve of the maxima
var ux = solveB2(x1,x2,x3);
var uy = solveB2(y1,y2,y3);
These two values are positions along the curve so we now just have to find the coordinates of these two points. We need a function that finds a point on a quadratic bezier
function findPoint(u,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3){ // returns array with x, and y at u
var xx1 = x1 + (x2 - x1) * u;
var yy1 = y1 + (y2 - y1) * u;
var xx2 = x2 + (x3 - x2) * u;
var yy2 = y2 + (y3 - y2) * u;
return [
xx1 + (xx2 - xx1) * u,
yy1 + (yy2 - yy1) * u
First check that they are on the curve and find the point at ux,uy
if(ux >= 0 && ux <= 1){
var px = findPoint(ux,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3);
if(uy >= 0 && uy <= 1){
var py = findPoint(uy,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3);
Now test against the extent
extent.minx = Math.min(x1,x3,px[0],py[0]);
extent.miny = Math.min(y1,y3,px[1],py[1]);
extent.maxx = Math.max(x1,x3,px[0],py[0]);
extent.maxy = Math.max(y1,y3,px[1],py[1]);
And you are done
extent has the coordinates of the box around the bezier. Top left (min) and bottom right (max)
You can also get the minimum bounding box if you rotate the bezier so that the start and end points fall on the x axis. Then do the above and the resulting rectangle is the minimum sized rectangle that can be placed around the bezier.
Cubics are much the same but just a lot more typing.
And a demo, just to make sure I got it all correct.
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = 800;
canvas.height = 400;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3;
var ux,uy,px,py;
var extent = {
minx : null,
miny : null,
maxx : null,
maxy : null,
function solveB2(a,b,c){
var ba = b-a;
return ba / (ba - (c-b)); // the position on the curve of the maxima
function findPoint(u,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3){ // returns array with x, and y at u
var xx1 = x1 + (x2 - x1) * u;
var yy1 = y1 + (y2 - y1) * u;
var xx2 = x2 + (x3 - x2) * u;
var yy2 = y2 + (y3 - y2) * u;
return [
xx1 + (xx2 - xx1) * u,
yy1 + (yy2 - yy1) * u
function update(time){
// create random bezier
x1 = Math.cos(time / 1000) * 300 + 400;
y1 = Math.sin(time / 2100) * 150 + 200;
x2 = Math.cos((time + 3000) / 1200) * 300 + 400;
y2 = Math.sin(time / 2300) * 150 + 200;
x3 = Math.cos(time / 1400) * 300 + 400;
y3 = Math.sin(time / 2500) * 150 + 200;
// solve for bounds
var ux = solveB2(x1,x2,x3);
var uy = solveB2(y1,y2,y3);
if(ux >= 0 && ux <= 1){
px = findPoint(ux,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3);
px = [x1,y1]; // a bit of a cheat but saves having to put in extra conditions
if(uy >= 0 && uy <= 1){
py = findPoint(uy,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3);
py = [x3,y3]; // a bit of a cheat but saves having to put in extra conditions
extent.minx = Math.min(x1,x3,px[0],py[0]);
extent.miny = Math.min(y1,y3,px[1],py[1]);
extent.maxx = Math.max(x1,x3,px[0],py[0]);
extent.maxy = Math.max(y1,y3,px[1],py[1]);
// draw the rectangle
ctx.strokeStyle = "red";
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255,200,0,0.2)";
// show points
ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
// control point
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#0a0";
// do it all again
While musing over the bezier I realised that I could remove a lot of code if I assumed that the bezier was normalised (the end points start at (0,0) and end at (1,1)) because the zeros can be removed and the ones simplified.
While changing the code I also realized that I had needlessly calculated the x and y for both the x and y extent coordinates. Giving 4 values while I only need 2.
The resulting code is much simpler. I remove the function solveB2 and findPoint as the calculations seam too trivial to bother with functions.
To find the x and y maxima from quadratic bezier defined with x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3
// solve quadratic for bounds by normalizing equation
var brx = x3 - x1; // get x range
var bx = x2 - x1; // get x control point offset
var x = bx / brx; // normalise control point which is used to check if maxima is in range
// do the same for the y points
var bry = y3 - y1;
var by = y2 - y1
var y = by / bry;
var px = [x1,y1]; // set defaults in case maximas outside range
if(x < 0 || x > 1){ // check if x maxima is on the curve
px[0] = bx * bx / (2 * bx - brx) + x1; // get the x maxima
if(y < 0 || y > 1){ // same as x
px[1] = by * by / (2 * by - bry) + y1;
// now only need to check the x and y maxima not the coordinates of the maxima
extent.minx = Math.min(x1,x3,px[0]);
extent.miny = Math.min(y1,y3,px[1]);
extent.maxx = Math.max(x1,x3,px[0]);
extent.maxy = Math.max(y1,y3,px[1]);
And the example code which has far better performance but unlike the previous demo this version does not calculate the actual coordinates of the x and y maximas.
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = 800;
canvas.height = 400;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3;
var ux,uy,px,py;
var extent = {
minx : null,
miny : null,
maxx : null,
maxy : null,
function update(time){
// create random bezier
x1 = Math.cos(time / 1000) * 300 + 400;
y1 = Math.sin(time / 2100) * 150 + 200;
x2 = Math.cos((time + 3000) / 1200) * 300 + 400;
y2 = Math.sin(time / 2300) * 150 + 200;
x3 = Math.cos(time / 1400) * 300 + 400;
y3 = Math.sin(time / 2500) * 150 + 200;
// solve quadratic for bounds by normalizing equation
var brx = x3 - x1; // get x range
var bx = x2 - x1; // get x control point offset
var x = bx / brx; // normalise control point which is used to check if maxima is in range
// do the same for the y points
var bry = y3 - y1;
var by = y2 - y1
var y = by / bry;
var px = [x1,y1]; // set defaults in case maximas outside range
if(x < 0 || x > 1){ // check if x maxima is on the curve
px[0] = bx * bx / (2 * bx - brx) + x1; // get the x maxima
if(y < 0 || y > 1){ // same as x
px[1] = by * by / (2 * by - bry) + y1;
// now only need to check the x and y maxima not the coordinates of the maxima
extent.minx = Math.min(x1,x3,px[0]);
extent.miny = Math.min(y1,y3,px[1]);
extent.maxx = Math.max(x1,x3,px[0]);
extent.maxy = Math.max(y1,y3,px[1]);
// draw the rectangle
ctx.strokeStyle = "red";
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255,200,0,0.2)";
// show points
ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
// control point
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#0a0";
// do it all again

Better line selection than using Bresenham algorithm?

I'm drawing lines on an HTML canvas, and use a less precise 2d-array (representing blocks of 10x10 pixels) in which I 'draw' lines with Bresenham's algorithm to store line-ids, so I can use that array to see which line is selected.
This works, but I would like it to be more accurate - not in the 10x10 size that I use (I like that I don't exactly have to click on the line), but when I draw a representation of that array over my actual canvas, I see that there are a lot of the 10x10 blocks not filled, even though the line is crossing them:
Is there a better solution to this? What I want is to catch ALL grid blocks that the actual line passes through.
Without seeing your code, I think you made a rounding error while filling the lookup table using the Bresenham algorithm or you scaled the coordinates before running the algorithm.
This jsFiddle shows what I came up with and the squares are perfectly aligned.
<canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas>
#myCanvas {
width: 250px;
height: 250px;
var $canvas = $("#myCanvas"),
ctx = $canvas[0].getContext("2d");
ctx.canvas.width = $canvas.width();
ctx.canvas.height = $canvas.height();
function Grid(ctx) {
this._ctx = ctx;
this._lines = [];
this._table = [];
this._tableScale = 10;
Grid.prototype._createLookupTable = function() {
this._table = [];
for (var y = 0; y < Math.ceil(ctx.canvas.height / this._tableScale); y++) {
this._table[y] = [];
for (var x = 0; x < Math.ceil(ctx.canvas.width / this._tableScale); x++)
this._table[y][x] = null;
Grid.prototype._updateLookupTable = function(line) {
var x0 = line.from[0],
y0 = line.from[1],
x1 =[0],
y1 =[1],
dx = Math.abs(x1 - x0),
dy = Math.abs(y1 - y0),
sx = (x0 < x1) ? 1 : -1,
sy = (y0 < y1) ? 1 : -1,
err = dx - dy;
while(true) {
this._table[Math.floor(y0 / 10)][Math.floor(x0 / 10)] = line;
if ((x0 == x1) && (y0 == y1)) break;
var e2 = 2 * err;
if (e2 >- dy) { err -= dy; x0 += sx; }
if (e2 < dx) { err += dx; y0 += sy; }
Grid.prototype.hitTest = function(x, y) {
var ctx = this._ctx,
hoverLine = this._table[Math.floor(y / 10)][Math.floor(x / 10)];
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
this._lines.forEach(function(line) {
line.draw(ctx, line === hoverLine ? "red" : "black");
Grid.prototype.drawLookupTable = function() {
for (var y = 0; y < this._table.length; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < this._table[y].length; x++) {
if (this._table[y][x])
ctx.rect(x * 10, y * 10, 10, 10);
ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)";
Grid.prototype.addLine = function(line) {
Grid.prototype.draw = function() {
var ctx = this._ctx;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
this._lines.forEach(function(line) {
function Line(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
this.from = [ x0, y0 ]; = [ x1, y1];
Line.prototype.draw = function(ctx, style) {
ctx.moveTo(this.from[0], this.from[1]);
ctx.strokeStyle = style || "black";
var grid = new Grid(ctx);
grid.addLine(new Line(80, 10, 240, 75));
grid.addLine(new Line(150, 200, 50, 45));
grid.addLine(new Line(240, 10, 20, 150));
$canvas.on("mousemove", function(e) {
grid.hitTest(e.offsetX, e.offsetY);
Your best option is to treat the mouse-cursor-position as a small circle (f.e. with a 5px radius) and check if the line intersects with the circle.
Use the math as explained in this Q&A
A simple function to detect intersection would be:
function lineCircleIntersects(x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, cr) {
var dx = x2 - x1,
dy = y2 - y1,
a = dx * dx + dy * dy,
b = 2 * (dx * (x1 - cx) + dy * (y1 - cy)),
c = cx * cx + cy * cy,
c += x1 * x1 + y1 * y1;
c -= 2 * (cx * x1 + cy * y1);
c -= cr * cr;
bb4ac = b * b - 4 * a * c;
return bb4ac >= 0; // true: collision, false: no collision
See it working in this jsFiddle, but note that this function will also return true if the cursor is on the slope of the line outside [x1, y1], [x2, y2]. I'll leave this up to you :)
You can also try line-circle-collision library on github which should give you what you want.

HTML5 Animating a dashed line

Being relatively new to the HTML5 game, just wanted to ask if anyone knew if it was possible to animate a dashed line along a path? Think snake from Nokia days, just with a dashed line...
I've got a dashed line (which represents electrical current flow), which I'd like to animate as 'moving' to show that current is flowing to something.
Thanks to Rod's answer on this post, I've got the dashed line going, but am not sure where to start to get it moving. Anyone know where to begin?
Got it working here, based on this post by phrogz.
What i did:
Add a start parameter which is a number between 0 and 99
Calculate the dashSize summing the contents of the dash array
Calculate dashOffSet as a fraction of dashSize based on start percent
Subtracted the offset from x, y and added to dx, dy
Only started drawying after the offset been gone (it´s negative, remember)
Added a setInterval to update the start from 0 to 99, step of 10
The original algorithm wasn't working for vertical or negative inclined lines. Added a check to use the inclination based on the y slope on those cases, and not on the x slope.
Demo here
Updated code:
if (window.CanvasRenderingContext2D && CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.lineTo) {
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.dashedLine = function(x, y, x2, y2, dashArray, start) {
if (!dashArray) dashArray = [10, 5];
var dashCount = dashArray.length;
var dashSize = 0;
for (i = 0; i < dashCount; i++) dashSize += parseInt(dashArray[i]);
var dx = (x2 - x),
dy = (y2 - y);
var slopex = (dy < dx);
var slope = (slopex) ? dy / dx : dx / dy;
var dashOffSet = dashSize * (1 - (start / 100))
if (slopex) {
var xOffsetStep = Math.sqrt(dashOffSet * dashOffSet / (1 + slope * slope));
x -= xOffsetStep;
dx += xOffsetStep;
y -= slope * xOffsetStep;
dy += slope * xOffsetStep;
} else {
var yOffsetStep = Math.sqrt(dashOffSet * dashOffSet / (1 + slope * slope));
y -= yOffsetStep;
dy += yOffsetStep;
x -= slope * yOffsetStep;
dx += slope * yOffsetStep;
this.moveTo(x, y);
var distRemaining = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
var dashIndex = 0,
draw = true;
while (distRemaining >= 0.1 && dashIndex < 10000) {
var dashLength = dashArray[dashIndex++ % dashCount];
if (dashLength > distRemaining) dashLength = distRemaining;
if (slopex) {
var xStep = Math.sqrt(dashLength * dashLength / (1 + slope * slope));
x += xStep
y += slope * xStep;
} else {
var yStep = Math.sqrt(dashLength * dashLength / (1 + slope * slope));
y += yStep
x += slope * yStep;
if (dashOffSet > 0) {
dashOffSet -= dashLength;
this.moveTo(x, y);
} else {
this[draw ? 'lineTo' : 'moveTo'](x, y);
distRemaining -= dashLength;
draw = !draw;
// Ensure that the last segment is closed for proper stroking
this.moveTo(0, 0);
var dashes = '10 20 2 20'
var c = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];
c.width = 300;
c.height = 400;
var ctx = c.getContext('2d');
ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
var drawDashes = function() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
var dashGapArray = dashes.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').split(/\s+/);
if (!dashGapArray[0] || (dashGapArray.length == 1 && dashGapArray[0] == 0)) return;
ctx.lineWidth = 4;
ctx.lineCap = 'round';
ctx.dashedLine(10, 0, 10, c.height, dashGapArray, currentOffset);
ctx.dashedLine(0, 10, c.width, 10, dashGapArray, currentOffset);
ctx.dashedLine(0, 0, c.width, c.height, dashGapArray, currentOffset);
ctx.dashedLine(0, c.height, c.width, 0, dashGapArray, currentOffset);
window.setInterval(dashInterval, 500);
var currentOffset = 0;
function dashInterval() {
currentOffset += 10;
if (currentOffset >= 100) currentOffset = 0;
You can create the dashed line animation using SNAPSVG library.
Please check the tutorial here DEMO
