how to make html input required using JavaScript? - javascript

Could you tell me how to achieve html input:
<input id="blablabla" required> using javascript
all web answers i have found suggest to write something like:
but them all give me something like:
<input id="blablabla" required=''>
<input id="blablabla" required='true >
and they doesn't work
Only html that works is <input id="blablabla" required>
Could you help me ?

I found your example as well as the other answers working perfectly.
Are you sure you did the right thing?
Also you can put like this, it will work too!
myInput.setAttribute('required', 'required');
Example code:
Please click Add required and then click Submit
function addRequired() {
const myInput = document.getElementById('inputText');
myInput.setAttribute('required', 'required');
alert('Input has been added required!');
function removeRequired() {
const myInput = document.getElementById('inputText');
alert('Input has been removed required!');
<input id="inputText" type="text">
<button type="button" onclick="addRequired()">Add required</button>
<button type="button" onclick="removeRequired()">Remove required</button>

You can do this in any of the following ways:
const myInput = document.getElementById('blablabla');
myInput.required = true // Method 1
myInput.setAttribute('required', true); // Method 2
To get something like <input id="blablabla" required> you have to use the first method
If you're looking for the typical asterisk to appear, that's something you have to add manually, with JS or CSS. But if you check the attributes of the element (by inspecting the HTML of the page) you can see that the required attribute has been added.


select particular input field name of particular form

i have some html code like this
<form name="first"><input name="firstText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="secondText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="ThirdText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="FourthText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="FifthText" type="text" value="General" />
<form name="second"><input name="firstText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="secondText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="ThirdText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="FourthText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="FifthText" type="text" value="General" />
i want to select "secondText" of form "second" using jquery or javascript and i want to change value of it using jquery.
Using jQuery:
var element = $("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']");
Using vanilla JS:
var element = document.querySelector("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']");
Changing the value: element.val(value) or element.value = value, depending of what you are using.
To the point with pure JS:
document.querySelector('form[name=particular-form] input[name=particular-input]')
This selector will return the input named "particular-input" inside form named "particular-form" if exists, otherwise returns null.
The selector filter "form[name=particular-form]" will look for all forms with name equals "particular-form":
<form name="particular-form">
The selector filter "input[name=particular-input]" will look for all input elements with name equals "particular-input":
<input name="particular-input">
Combining both filters with a white space, I mean:
"form[name=particular-name] input[name=particular-input]"
We are asking for querySelector(): Hey, find all inputs with name equals "particular-input" nested in all forms with name equals "particular-form".
<form name="particular-form">
<input name="generic-input">
<input name="particular-input">
<form name="another-form">
<input name="particular-input">
document.querySelector('form[name=particular-form] input[name=particular-input]').style.background = "#f00"
This code will change the background color only of the second input, no matter the third input have same name. It is because we are selecting only inputs named "particular-input" nested in form named "particular form"
I hope it's more clear now.
By the way, unfortunately I didn't found good/simple documentation about querySelector filters, if you know any reference, please post here.
// Define the target element
elem = jQuery( 'form[name="second"] input[name="secondText"]' );
// Set the new value
elem.val( 'test' );
$("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']").val("ENTER-YOUR-VALUE");
You can do it like this:
$("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']").val("yourNewValue");
Native Javascript
Old browsers:
var myInput = [];
myInput = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i = 0; i < myInput.length; i++) {
if (myInput[i] === "second" &&
myInput[i].name === "secondText") {
myInput[i].value = "yourNewValue";
New browsers:
document.querySelector("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']").value = "yourNewValue";
You can try this line too:
$('input[name="elements[174ec04d-a9e1-406a-8b17-36fadf79afdf][0][value]"').mask("999.999.999-99",{placeholder:" "});
Add button in both forms. On Button click find nearest form using closest() function of jquery. then using find()(jquery function) get all input values. closest() goes in upward direction in dom tree for search and find() goes in downward direction in dom tree for search. Read here
Another way is to use sibling() (jquery function). On button click get sibling input field values.

replaced Button wont work

i have this html form
<form action="" method="post" name="login_form">
Email : <input type="text" id="email2" name="email" /><br />
<span id="passwordT" >Password : </span>
<input type="password" name="password" id="password2"/><br />
<input type="button" id="submit_botton" value="Login" />
<div><input id="forgot" type="button" value="Forgot your Password?" /></div>
and the javascript here
var forgot = $('#forgot');
var forgot2 = $('#forgot2'); {
$('input#submit_botton').prop('value', 'Reset Passowrd');
$('input#forgot').replaceWith('<input id="forgot2" type="button" value="Login here" />');
$('input#forgot2').click(function() { // this function didnt want to work
$('input#forgot2').prop('value', 'Forgot your Password?');
$('input#submit_botton').prop('value', 'Login');
what i want is :
when i click on second function i will get back the buttons as they were in first time.
I tried to make this second function inside the first but what i got is the function works but only one time , i mean if i click again to reset password will not work.
thanks for the help.
Your problem is that you're trying to attach an event handler to an element that doesn't exist yet. That's not possible with direct event handlers. Use delegated events instead.
$(document).on('click','#forgot2', function(){ ... });
document can be replaced with any #forgot2 container that exists at binding time.
As a side note, take into account that when you use selectors by id (e.g #forgot2) it's not necessary to add anything else since an id identify one and just one element (repeated ids are not allowed). So this selector input#forgot2 is not wrong but more complex than necessary.

jQuery autocomplete for innerHTML generated textbox

I realize similar questions have been asked thousands times and yet it doesn't seem to work for me. I have a textbox called "movieTitle", it is generated via Javascript by clicking a button. And I'm calling jQueryUI autocomplete on that textbox just like in the official example
It works well if I hardcode "movieTitle" in the original page; however it just fails when I create "movieTitle" by changing the innerHTML of the div "formsArea". searchMovies.php is the same with search.php from the example. I had tried many answers from internet and from here. I learned that I would have to use .on() to bind the dynamic element "movieTitle". Still it doesn't seem to work. Even the alert("hahaha") works. Thanks for your time. :) Here's my script:
$(document).on('focus', '#movieTitle', function(){
source: "../searchMovies.php",
minLength: 2
window.onload = main;
function main()
document.getElementById("movieQuery").onclick = function(){showForms(this.value);};
document.getElementById("oscarQuery").onclick = function(){showForms(this.value);};
// displays query forms based on user choice of radio buttons
function showForms(str)
var heredoc = "";
if (str === "movie")
heredoc = '\
<h1>Movie Query</h1>\
<form action="processQuery.php" method="get">\
<div class="ui-widget">\
<label for="movieTitle"><strong>Name: </strong></label>\
<input type="text" id="movieTitle" name="movieTitle" />\
<input type="submit" name="submitMovie" value="Submit" />\
//document.getElementById("formsArea").innerHTML = heredoc;
else if (str === "oscar")
heredoc = '\
<h1>Oscar Query</h1>\
<form action="processQuery.php" method="get">\
<strong>Name: </strong>\
<input type="text" name="oscarTitle" />\
<input type="submit" name="submitOscar" value="Submit"/>\
document.getElementById("formsArea").innerHTML = heredoc;
The HTML is:
<form action=$scriptName method="get">
<label for="movieQuery"><input type="radio" name="query" id="movieQuery" value="movie" />Movie Query</label>
<label for="oscarQuery"><input type="radio" name="query" id="oscarQuery" value="oscar" />Oscar Query</label>
<div id="formsArea">
<b>Please choose a query.</b>
You should check for the URL you're sending an AJAX request to. The paths in script files are relative to the page they're being displayed in. So albeit your script is in /web/scripts/javascripts/js.js, when this file is included in /web/scripts/page.php, the path to /web/scripts/searchMovies.php should be searchMovies.php instead of ../searchMovies.php because your script is being used in /web/scripts/.
Good ways to avoid such confusion is to
a. use absolute URL
b. the URL that're relative to root of your domain (that start with a /),
c. or define your domain's path in a variable, var domain_path = '' and use it in your scripts.
I hope it clarifies things :)
Relative Paths in Javascript in an external file

AJAX function not being called with button onclick function

I have a simple form with 2 input fields and one button. When the button is clicked, the value of the 2 input fields should be sent to the AJAX function to be handled in a servlet. For some reason, the servlet is not being reached. Can anyone see why? I have an almost identical method working with a different form, and I can't see why this one isn't working.
Here is the HTML form code:
<div id="addCourses" class="hidden" align="center" >
<form id="addCourse" name="addCourse">
<input type="text" id="courseID" name="courseID" value="courseID" size="40" /><br />
<textarea rows="5" cols="33" id="courseDesc" name="courseDesc">Description</textarea><br />
<input type="button" value="Add Course" onclick="addCourse(this.courseID.value, this.courseDesc.value);"/>
Here is the Script function:
<script type ="text/javascript">
function addCourse(id, descr)
var fluffy;
fluffy=new XMLHttpRequest();
if (fluffy.readyState==4 && fluffy.status==200)
//do something here
Because this is the button and not the form
returns an error.
You should use
Second problem is you have a name clash. The form and function are named addCourse. It will lead to problems. Rename one of them to be different.
Running Example
When you use this, as in onclick="addCourse(this.courseID.value, this.courseDesc.value);", I think that would refer to the input element, and therefore the values aren't being passed correctly.
Bind your event handlers in javascript, where they should be, and you can avoid the issue entirely.
<input type="text" id="courseID" name="courseID" value="courseID" size="40" /><br />
<textarea rows="5" cols="33" id="courseDesc" name="courseDesc">Description</textarea><br />
<input type="button" id="addCourse" value="Add Course"/>
document.getElementById('addCourse').onclick = function () {
var fluffy = new XMLHttpRequest();
var id = document.getElementById('courseID').value;
var descr = document.getElementById('courseDesc').value;
fluffy.onreadystatechange=function() {
if (fluffy.readyState==4 && fluffy.status==200) {
//do something here
As epascarello pointed out, you need to change the ID of your form as having two elements with the same ID is not allowed and will cause unpredictable javascript behavior.
Try a fluffy.close; after the if ready state expression.

How to show/hide a div with javascript

I'm currently making a registration page for a site and need to show a typical password confirmation message. How would I make a script to hide and show a div?
This is as far as I've got:
<script language="javascript">
function correctpassword()
var password="password"
var confirmpassword="confirmpassword"
if (password1 != password2)
<u>Personal Details</u>
First Name: <input type="text" id="firstname">
Last Name: <input type="text" id="lastname">
Date of Birth:
Gender: Male Female
<u>Login Details</u>
Email Adress:<input type="text" id="email">
Username:<input type="text" id="username">
<!--check avalibility-->
Password:<input type="text" id="password">
Confirm Password:<input type="text" id="confirmpassword">
<!--Javascript if "password" doesnt equal "confirm password" showcss passwords don't match-->
<button type="button" onclick="correctpassword()">Display Date</button>
PS:The variables may be wrong.
Assuming you are talking about hiding / showing a div, spanor other similar element in HTML, you can use the jQuery JavaScript framework. For example:
You can trigger the hide / show via events, e.g. key press or user leaving the input element, in jQuery as well.
Control your styles and appearance with className property that applied to class markup attribute.
Try to avoid .style property of the elements and add/remove some classes instead. It will give you more control and simplify maintenance in the future.
in css:
in html:
<div id="passConfirm"></div>
<div id="box"></div>
in your script:
var confirmEl,
confirmEl = document.getElementById('passConfirm');
confirmBox = document.getElementById('box');
confirmEl.addEventListener('click', showBox, false);
function showBox () {
confirmBox.className += ' show';
As mentioned, you can use some libraries that helps to work with DOM or write your own functions helping to add and remove some classes, check for hasClass method etc.
I'm on my phone, hence the short answer.
Easiest way is to get the id of the element like document.getElementById and place that into a variable.
Then use the style property like = "none";
To hide it.
