I made a project called "pixel paint" by javascript with p5js library, but when I run it, that project ran too slow. I don't know why and how to make it run faster. And here is my code:
let h = 40, w = 64;
let checkbox;
let scl = 10;
let painting = new Array(h);
let brush = [0, 0, 0];
for(let i = 0; i < h; i++) {
painting[i] = new Array(w);
for(let j = 0; j < w; j++) {
painting[i][j] = [255, 255, 255];
function setup() {
createCanvas(w * scl, h * scl);
checkbox = createCheckbox('Show gird line', true);
function draw() {
for(let y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for(let x = 0; x < w; x++) {
rect(x * scl, y * scl, scl, scl);
if(mouseIsPressed) {
function onChange() {
if (checkbox.checked()) {
} else {
function paint() {
if(mouseX < w * scl && mouseY < h * scl) {
let x = floor(mouseX / scl);
let y = floor(mouseY / scl);
painting[y][x] = brush;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/1.4.0/p5.min.js"></script>
Is there a solution to make my project run faster?
The code you have is easy to read.
It might not be worth optimising at this stage as it would make the code potentially needlessly more complex/harder to read and change in the future.
If you want to learn about different ways you could achieve the same thing I can provide a few ideas, though, for your particular use case int terms of performance might won't make a huge difference:
Instead of using the painting as a nested [w][h] array you could use a flat [w * h] array and use a single for loop instead of a nested for loop. This would be somewhat similar to using pixels[]. (You can convert x,y to an index (index = x + (y * width)) and the other way around(x = index % width, y = floor(index / width))
You could in theory use a p5.Image, access pixels[] to draw into it and render using image() (ideally you'd get lower level access to the WebGL renderer to enable antialiasing if it's supported by the browser). The grid itself could be a texture() for a quad where you'd use vertex() to specify not only x,y geometry positions, but also u, v texture coordinates in tandem with textureWrap(REPEAT). (I posted an older repeat Processing example: the logic is the same and syntax is almost identical)
Similar to the p5.Image idea, you can cache the drawing using createGraphics(): e.g. only update the p5.Graphics instance when the mouse is dragged, otherwise render the cached drawing. Additionally you can make use of noLoop()/loop() to control when p5's canvas gets updated (e.g. loop() on mousePressed(), updated graphics on mouseMoved(), noLoop() on mouseReleased())
There are probably other methods too.
While it's good to be aware of techniques to optimise your code,
I strongly recommend not optimising until you need to; and when you do
use a profiler (DevTools has that) to focus only the bits are the slowest
and not waste time and code readability on part of code where optimisation
wouldn't really make an impact.
I'm creating a coloring pixels game clone using canvas
I save the state of a canvas inside an array that looks like this:
So each rect has the x and y coordinates on it.
To draw the rect on the screen I use this function to calculate how big each "rect" has to be to fit inside the canvas bounds:
// width / height comes from props and rectSize comes from props
const [rectCountX, setRectCountX] = useState(Math.floor(width / rectSize));
const [rectCountY, setRectCountY] = useState(Math.floor(height / rectSize));
For example width and height might be 800 and 600 and the rectSize might be 30.
That calculates how many rects I can draw in each direction.
Here is how I draw the initial board:
const generateDrawingBoard = (ctx) => {
// Generate an Array of pixels that have all the things we need to redraw
for (var i = 0; i < rectCountX; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < rectCountY; j++) {
// this is the quint essence whats saved in a huge array. 1000's of these pixels.
// With the help of this, we can redraw the whole canvas although canvas has not state or save functionality :)
const pixel = {
x: i,
y: j,
pickedColor: "white",
// we don't know the color code yet, we generate that afterwards
colorCode: null,
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.strokeRect(i * rectSize, j * rectSize, rectSize, rectSize);
That works perfectly. The user draws the canvas and saves it into the database.
The Problem
I have a pixelArtPreview components. This gets the data from the database and for each pixelArt it will draw a rect but in a smaller size, so I can fit many rects on the page to present the user like a list of pixel Arts.
Therefore I need to recalculate the rectSize of each rect in the array to fit in the new width and height. Thats exactly where I'm banging my head at currently.
So here is the component I was mentioning:
import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
import { drawPixelArtFromState } from "../utils/drawPixelArtFromState";
const PixelArtPreview = ({ pixelArt }) => {
const canvasRef = useRef(null);
const [ctx, setCtx] = useState(null);
const [canvas, setCanvas] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
const canvas = canvasRef.current;
// This is where I scale the original size
// the whole pixelArt comes from the database and looks like this (example data):
// { pixelArtTitle: "some title", pixelArtWidth: 1234, pixelArtHeight: 1234, pixels: [... (the array I shows above with pixels)]}
canvas.width = pixelArt.pixelArtWidth * 0.5;
canvas.height = pixelArt.pixelArtHeight * 0.5;
const context = canvas.getContext("2d");
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (!ctx) return;
drawPixelArtFromState(pixelArt, ctx);
}, [pixelArt, ctx]);
return <canvas className="m-4 border-4" ref={canvasRef} />;
export default PixelArtPreview;
But the magic happens inside the imported function drawPixelFromState(pixelArt, ctx)
This is said function (with comments what my thaught process was):
export const drawPixelArtFromState = (pixelArt, ctx) => {
// how much pixels have been saved from the original scale when the art has been created
const canvasCount= JSON.parse(pixelArt.pixels).length;
// how many pixels we have on X
const xCount = JSON.parse(pixelArt.pixels)[canvasCount- 1].x;
// how many pixels we have on Y
const yCount = JSON.parse(pixelArt.pixels)[canvasCount- 1].y;
// total pixles (canvas height * canvas.width with the scale of 0.5 so it matches the canvas from the component before)
// this should give me all the pixels inside the canvas
const canvasPixelsCount =
pixelArt.pixelArtWidth * 0.5 * (pixelArt.pixelArtHeight * 0.5);
// now i try to find out how big each pixel has to be
const newRectSize = canvasPixelsCount / canvasCount;
// this is for example 230 rects which can't be I see only 2 rects on the canvas with that much of a rectSize
// TODO: Parse it instantly where we fetch it
JSON.parse(pixelArt.pixels).forEach((pixel) => {
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
pixel.x * newRectSize,
pixel.y * newRectSize,
ctx.fillStyle = pixel.pickedColor;
pixel.x * newRectSize,
pixel.y * newRectSize,
Here is how that example looks like on screen (these are 4 separate canvas and can be seen on the grey border - I expect to see the whole pixel art inside the little canvas):
The Question:
I need to figure out the correct formula to calculate the new rectSize so all rects in the array can fit inside the new canvas width and height.
Is this even possible or do I need the old rectSize for the calculation to work?
So TL;DR: how big has every rect x to be, to fit all x rects in y canvas.
Thank you very much!
Sorry guys after struggling for hours it finally clicked.
The calculation I made:
// now i try to find out how big each pixel has to be
const newRectSize = canvasPixelsCount / rectCount;
Gives me the area of the pixel. But I just need one side of it (since canvas.fillRect only cares for the x value and thakes care of the area). So I need the square root of it.
// now i try to find out how big each pixel has to be
const newRectSize = Math.sqrt(canvasPixelsCount / rectCount);
This now works perfectly.
I'm making a sketch with the p5.js library and ml5's poseNet. I have the variable noseX — which indicates the x-coordinate position of the nose on the canvas — and a preloaded array of 60 images. I would like to vertically divide the canvas into 60 sections. For each cnvSection noseX is on, I want the image img[i] corresponding to that cnvSection[i] to to be drawn on the canvas.
So basically if noseX is on cnvSection[5], draw img[5] on the canvas etc.
Here's my function, at the moment I have only been able to draw the vertical lines indicating the canvas sections.
let cnvWidth = 1440;
let cnvHeight = 900;
function nosePosition() {
let sectionWidth = cnvWidth / 60;
let cnvSection = [];
for (let i = 0; i < cnvWidth; i = i + sectionWidth) {
line(i, 0, i, cnvHeight);
Many thanks!
Try the following:
noseX = 50;
function setup() {
createCanvas(700, 400);
function draw() {
ellipse(noseX, height / 2, 6);
function nosePosition() {
let sectionWidth = width / 60;
for (let i = 0; i < width; i += sectionWidth) {
line(i, 0, i, height);
const noseSection = floor(noseX / sectionWidth);
rect(noseSection * sectionWidth, 0, sectionWidth, height);
To simplify I use a hardcoded x value for the nose. In your case that would come from ml5 posenet. You don't need the sections in an array. You can simlpy calculate in which section the nose currently is and then draw the image accordingly. I am drawing a rect - again, to simplify the example.
Maybe copy and paste this into the p5 web editor and play around with the noseX value and see if that works for you.
Ok, so I am working on a sort of detection system where I will be pointing the camera at a screen, and it will have to find the red object. I can successfully do this, with pictures, but the problem is that it takes several seconds to load. I want to be able to do this to live videos, so I need it to find the object immediately. Here is my code:
video.addEventListener('pause', function () {
let reds = [];
for(x=0; x<= canvas.width; x++){
for(y=0; y<= canvas.height; y++){
let data = ctx.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data;
let rgb = [ data[0], data[1], data[2] ];
if (rgb[0] >= rgb[1] && rgb[0] >=rgb[2] && !(rgb[0]>100 && rgb[1]>100 && rgb[2]>100) && rgb[1]<100 && rgb[2]<100 && rgb[0]>150){
reds[reds.length] = [x, y]
let addedx = 0
let addedy = 0
for(i=0; i<reds.length; i++){
addedx = addedx + reds[i][0]
addedy = addedy + reds[i][1]
let center = [addedx/reds.length, addedy/reds.length]
ctx.rect(center[0]-5, center[1]-5, 10, 10)
}, 0);
Ya, I know its messy. Is there something about the for loops that are slow? I know I'm looping through thousands of pixels but that's the only way I can think of to do it.
As it has been said, Javascript is not the most performant for this task. However, here are some things I noticed, which could slow you down.
You grab the image data one pixel at a time. Since this method can return the whole frame, you can do this once.
Optimize your isRed condition:
rgb[0] >= rgb[1] && // \
rgb[0] >= rgb[2] && // >-- This is useless
!(rgb[0] > 100 && rgb[1] > 100 && rgb[2] > 100) && // /
rgb[1] < 100 && // \
rgb[2] < 100 && // >-- These 3 conditions imply the others
rgb[0] > 150 // /
You calculate the center inside your for loop after each pixel, but it would only make sense after processing the whole frame.
Since the video feed is coming from a camera, maybe you don't need to look at every single pixel. Maybe every 5 pixels is enough? That's what the example below does. Tweak this.
Demo including these optimizations
Node: This demo includes an adaptation of the code from this answer, to copy the video onto the canvas.
const video = document.getElementById("video"),
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"),
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
let width,
// To make this demo work
video.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
// Set canvas to video size when known
video.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function() {
width = canvas.width = video.videoWidth;
height = canvas.height = video.videoHeight;
video.addEventListener("play", function() {
const $this = this; // Cache
(function loop() {
if (!$this.paused && !$this.ended) {
ctx.drawImage($this, 0, 0);
const reds = [],
data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data,
len = data.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 5 * 4) { // 4 because data is made of RGBA values
const rgb = data.slice(i, i + 3);
if (rgb[0] > 150 && rgb[1] < 100 && rgb[2] < 100) {
reds.push([i / 4 % width, Math.floor(i / 4 / width)]); // Get [x,y] from i
if (reds.length) { // Can't divide by 0
const sums = reds.reduce(function (res, point) {
return [res[0] + point[0], res[1] + point[1]];
}, [0,0]);
const center = [
Math.round(sums[0] / reds.length),
Math.round(sums[1] / reds.length)
ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";
ctx.lineWidth = 10;
ctx.rect(center[0] - 5, center[1] - 5, 10, 10);
setTimeout(loop, 1000 / 30); // Drawing at 30fps
}, 0);
video, canvas { width: 250px; height: 180px; background: #eee; }
<video id="video" src="https://shrt-statics.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/redball.mp4" controls></video>
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
I would run the detection algorithm in a webassembly module. Since it is just pixel data, thats right up its alley.
You could then pass individual frames to a different instance of the wasm module.
As far as answering your question directly, I would grab the whole frame, not 1 pixel at a time, or you might get pixels sampled from different frames. You can then submit that frame to a worker, you could even divide up the frame and send them to different workers (or as previously mentioned a wasm module)
Also since you have an array you can use Arrray.map and Array.reduce to get you to just the red values, and how big they are by testing for adjacent pixels, instead of all the comparison. Not sure if it will be faster but worth a try.
For the speed, you should consider all your process:
more your language is near the machine language, better your result will be. Saying so, C++ is better for the algorithm.
CPU speed is your friend. Launching your code on an Atom processor or on an i7 processor, is like night and day. Moreover, some type of processor is dedicated for vision like VPU
For your code:
You try to rewrite code that already exists. You can find good examples of detection in the great OpenCV library: https://www.learnopencv.com/invisibility-cloak-using-color-detection-and-segmentation-with-opencv
Hope it help you :)
I tried both of these in canvas and nothing showed, also I doubt it is even efficient :/. I am trying to make rain that comes down the screen.. Wondering what is the most efficient way of doing this. I am a beginner at animation and would really appreciate help.
I suspect that creating a rain object would be best, each with the quality of coming down the screen then coming to the top and then an array with them...maybe with random x values withing the canvas width and y values of 0 but I don't know how to implement that. Please help!
xofRain = 20;
startY = 0;
ctx.moveTo(xofRain, startY);
ctx.lineTo(xofRain, startY + 20);
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
function rain(xofRain){
startY = canvas.height();
ctx.moveTo(xofRain, startY);
ctx.lineTo(xofRain, startY + 3);
ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
Here comes your answer, this snow rain is created using pure HTML5 Canvas, the technique used to achieve this animation is called "Double Buffer Animation". First it is good to know what is Double Buffer animation technique.
Double Buffer Technique: This is an advanced technique to make animation clear and with less flickers in it. In this technique 2 Canvas is used, one is displayed on webpage to show the result and second one is used to create animation screens in backed process.
How this will help full, suppose we have to create a animation with very high number of move, as in our Snow Fall example, there are number of Flakes are moving with there own speed, so keep them moving, we have to change position of each flake and update it on the canvas, this is quite heavy process to deal with.
So Now instead of updating each Flake directly on our page canvas, we will create a buffer Canvas, where all these changes take place and we just capture a Picture from Buffer canvas after 30ms and display it on our real canvas.
This way our animation will be clear and without flickers. So here is a live example of it.
Here is the code of it:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>HTML5 Rain</title>
<!--[if IE]>
<script src="http://html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script>
article, aside, figure, footer, header, hgroup,
menu, nav, section { display: block; }
<script type="text/javascript">
var canvas = null;
var context = null;
var bufferCanvas = null;
var bufferCanvasCtx = null;
var flakeArray = [];
var flakeTimer = null;
var maxFlakes = 200; // Here you may set max flackes to be created
function init() {
//Canvas on Page
canvas = document.getElementById('canvasRain');
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
//Buffer Canvas
bufferCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
bufferCanvasCtx = bufferCanvas.getContext("2d");
bufferCanvasCtx.canvas.width = context.canvas.width;
bufferCanvasCtx.canvas.height = context.canvas.height;
flakeTimer = setInterval(addFlake, 200);
setInterval(animate, 30);
function animate() {
function addFlake() {
flakeArray[flakeArray.length] = new Flake();
if (flakeArray.length == maxFlakes)
function blank() {
bufferCanvasCtx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)";
bufferCanvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, bufferCanvasCtx.canvas.width, bufferCanvasCtx.canvas.height);
function Update() {
for (var i = 0; i < flakeArray.length; i++) {
if (flakeArray[i].y < context.canvas.height) {
flakeArray[i].y += flakeArray[i].speed;
if (flakeArray[i].y > context.canvas.height)
flakeArray[i].y = -5;
flakeArray[i].x += flakeArray[i].drift;
if (flakeArray[i].x > context.canvas.width)
flakeArray[i].x = 0;
function Flake() {
this.x = Math.round(Math.random() * context.canvas.width);
this.y = -10;
this.drift = Math.random();
this.speed = Math.round(Math.random() * 5) + 1;
this.width = (Math.random() * 3) + 2;
this.height = this.width;
function Draw() {
for (var i = 0; i < flakeArray.length; i++) {
bufferCanvasCtx.fillStyle = "white";
bufferCanvasCtx.fillRect(flakeArray[i].x, flakeArray[i].y, flakeArray[i].width, flakeArray[i].height);
context.drawImage(bufferCanvas, 0, 0, bufferCanvas.width, bufferCanvas.height);
<body onload="init()">
<canvas id="canvasRain" width="800px" height="800px">Canvas Not Supported</canvas>
Also if you find this help full, accept as Answer and make it up. o_O
I'm not sure what "most efficient" is. If it was me I'd do it in WebGL but whether or not that's efficient is not clear to me.
In either case I'd try to use a stateless formula. Creating and updating state for every raindrop is arguably slow.
const ctx = document.querySelector("canvas").getContext("2d");
const numRain = 200;
function render(time) {
time *= 0.001; // convert to seconds
const width = ctx.canvas.width;
const height = ctx.canvas.height;
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
const speed = time * 500;
ctx.fillStyle = "#68F";
for (let i = 0; i < numRain; ++i) {
const x = pseudoRandomInt(width);
const y = (pseudoRandomInt(height) + speed) % height;
ctx.fillRect(x, y, 3, 8);
let randomSeed_ = 0;
const RANDOM_RANGE_ = Math.pow(2, 32);
function pseudoRandom() {
return (randomSeed_ =
(134775813 * randomSeed_ + 1) %
function resetPseudoRandom() {
randomSeed_ = 0;
function pseudoRandomInt(n) {
return pseudoRandom() * n | 0;
function resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(canvas) {
const width = canvas.clientWidth;
const height = canvas.clientHeight;
if (canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) {
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
body { margin: 0; }
canvas { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; display: block; }
Note that I could have used ctx.moveTo(x, y); ctx.lineTo(x, y + 8); for each line and then at the end of the loop called ctx.stroke(). I didn't do that because I'm assuming it would be less efficient than using ctx.fillRect. In order for the canvas to draw lines it actually has to allocate a dynamic path (you call ctx.beginPath). It then has to record all the lines you add. Then it has to expand those lines into vertices of various kinds to rasterize the lines. You can basically see the various algorithms it uses here. Conversely none of that has to happen with ctx.fillRect. No allocations have to happen (not saying they don't happen, just saying they don't have to). The canvas can just use a single pre-allocated quad and draw it on the GPU by passing the correct matrix to draw whatever rectangle you ask of it. Of course they're might be more overhead calling ctx.fillRect 200 times rather than ctx.moveTo, ctx.lineTo 200s + ctx.stroke once but really that's up to the browser.
The rain above may or may not be a good enough rain effect. That wasn't my point in posting really. The point is efficiency. Pretty much all games that have some kind of rain effect do some kind of stateless formula for their rain. A different formula would generate different or less repetitive rain. The point is it being stateless.