Netlify throws 404 error with /graphql only when deployed - javascript

I have an app which I had pushed to heroku a few days ago, where it works fine, but when deploying the app to Netlify, the app deploys but the graphQL connection throws a 404 error. Here are some images.
Here is the code I use in App.js
Is there anyone that knows how I can fix this? Much appreciated

Netlify doesn't run a app server like Heroku, it only runs a static file server. From your code, it appears that you're trying to serve a app that you could connect to and provide yourself with GraphQL access. This is not possible on Netlify, at least not directly.
The only server-like solution that Netlify currently provides in Netlify Functions. However, those are limited to 10 sec by default and provide, one-time data connection - not something that you could keep on using for GraphQL.
So if your requirement is to keep the GraphQL server running (for example like what Gatsby does during gatsby develop), Netlify is not the solution for you. If you wish to send the data one-time and add some server-side processing, you can take a look at Netlify Functions.


Aws server is not running

I have Nodejs code running on aws fargate container.
What I did just add one logic, tested code and pushed code to github. And AWS started pipeline process. When deployment failed I checked cloud watch to know why its failed.
So I found that my Nodejs code requrire one package to run #aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint.
When I tested my nodejs code in my local system I didn't received any such error.
Here is error I received in aws
After reading this error I installed package #aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint and my server is running well.
I am willing to know why #aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint is required suddenly. Although previously my all apis are working fine in same aws server, But today I saw requirement of #aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint.
Anyone can help me what is need of #aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint?

Express-session cause heroku app to throw internal server error

App was totally working locally however after deployment via heroku it started to throw internal server error. Just one time app worked via heroku and then again it started to give internal server error. Then i tried to find the source of error and i found the express-session is crashing my app when it is deployed via heroku.
Edit: App doesn't crash in the middle of the process, it doesn't totally work. No path is working. Every path throws internal server error because of express-session.
Server Codes
Sorry i forgot that i still have this question. I solved the issue. Problem was the session secret. I didn't realize that my .env file is in gitignore file and session was not taking secret from .env so i added a heroku config, named SECRET and that's the solution.

Build succeeded for heroku app but running into "Application Error"

When I checked the Heroku build logs, it showed this:
The requested API endpoint was not found. Are you using the right HTTP verb (i.e. GET vs. POST), and did you specify your intended version with the Accept header?
My app runs on React framework for front end, and I use the Firebase realtime database for my backend. The app runs fine on my local server but when I try to deploy on to Heroku I run into this error.
My guess is that you didn't set the environment variables, thus the base url for your request might be invalid. You can set them in Settings tab of your heroku application, under the Config Vars section.

How to handle backend API request for create-react-app bootstrapped app which is build and ran using "serve-s build" on AWS ec2?

I have create-react-app bootstrapped application which I build and then serve it to the static server using serve-s build. The React app is running on http://locahost:3000.
This app talks to my backend REST API(using java) which is running on http://locahost:8080.
Inside my React application, I have set axios.default.baseURL=http://localhost:8085/api.
Everything is fine on the localhost on my system. The React app talks to http://localhost:8085/api/xyz for CRUD operations and everything works great.
Now I have to deploy the project on AWS EC2 instance. The MySQL and REST API got deployed and rest API there is running on same instance on the port 8085 as http://locahost:8085. I have Apache server configured which sends the hostname( to the http://locahost:3000 on the server. Everything is fine till now. The home page is visible on the browser.
Now, when the React app tries to communicate to the REST API from the browser, it is sending the request to the http://locahost:8085. Obviously, now the browser looks for some service running on port 8085 on my system and it couldn't find. Ideally, the request should go to the server with my hostname( How to make this REST API call looks like an actual call like
NOTE: Please note that this is not a server-side-rendered application.

ReactJS could not proxy request from localhost:3000 to localhost:3003

I am writing a SPA using create-react-app and am using an expressjs server as my backend. For development I run my frontend test server on port 3000 and my backend expressjs test server on 3003.
I make many API calls client side using Axios so for development convenience I have defined proxy: "http://localhost:3003" in my package.json
This works fine on my laptop, but when running on my workstation I constantly get the error when accessing my app:
Proxy error: Could not proxy request /sockjs-node/487/wrst1bub/websocket from localhost:3000 to http://localhost:3003/. See for more information (ECONNRESET).
I have no idea where this is coming from and I do not use sockjs in any capacity as far as I know. This is a console error and it does not crash my app but it is very annoying and I would like to get rid of it. Any help is greatly appreciated.
In my case, I was using Firefox and for some reasons, it gives me the same error. I tried to use Chrome and it worked!
