So, i want to come out with the Javascript which forced user to input / select anything before going to next step, (like forced user to press button, input their name, etc). I am working on Django Framework with mix together with Javascript and HTML together.
Ignore the first part as I am trying to assign each function to the button so the button can do different tasks individually. But it wont work in the intro.js script.
Code snipper are below:
var btn1=document.getElementById("button1");
var btn2=document.getElementById("button2");
var div=document.getElementById("InputName");
if ( !=="none") {"none";
} else {"block";
// this is the crucial part
var steps=[
{element:"#button1",intro:"A button", position:"right"},
{element:"#button2",intro:"This goes away sometimes"}
if ("none") {
} */
var steps=[
{element:"#InputName",intro:"Please fill your name", position:"right"},
{element:"#InputUsername",intro:"Please fill your username"},
{element:"#button1",intro:"Succesfully Filled, press register."}
I'd like to have a very simple webpage that by pressing a button would bring the soft-input keyboard on a mobile-device to show and have the user be able to press the keys from it.
I am well aware that having a text-input like field would do the job for me but I don't want to use that. I just want to toggle it from the button press. I don't want to have an input field, I'd get the keystrokes from a global window listener
Clicking the button the first time should show it and clicking it the second it time should hide it.
I am also aware that I can do that programatically if I build a native Android App using Kotlin/Java and same goes for an iOS app using the Obj-C/Swift counterparts but in this case I am dealing with a website so only web technologies would apply: HTML5, CSS and vanilla JavaScript
I also know that I can get a similar behavior by hacking an input field inside the DOM.
/*the element is positioned absolutely so it doesnt affect the placement of other elements in the DOM*/
.kbd-hidden {
top: 0;
left: 0;
opacity: 0;
<button onclick="toggle(this)">Click me!</button>
let fakeInput = null
let showingKeyboard=false
function makeKeyboard() {
const input = document.createElement('input', {
'type': 'text'
input.addEventListener('input', () => alert('Inputting!'))
return input
function destroyKeyboard(el) {
function toggle(event) {
const btn =
showingKeyboard = !showingKeyboard
if(showingKeyboard) {
fakeInput = makeKeyboard()
} else {
fakeInput = null
When I click on my arrow, I would like to see if the inputs that were currently displayed on my page were checked. If not I want to display modal. Unfortunately it only works on the first two questions(first click). I would ask for a hint on how to check the next inputs. Here is the all JS code:
arrowBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
const checkedAnswers = answers.filter(answer => answer.checked);
if(checkedAnswers.length < 2) {
modalInfo.innerText = "Wszystkie pola muszą być zaznaczone!"
In our project, there are different urls assigned to different categories of product. If the product category is Cat1, click on edit button should take the user to the Cat1 page, and Cat2 should take the user to Cat2 page. However these categories are in a dynamic table so we can not use a fix reference for the edit buttons, and I am trying to make it dynamic. Below is my code snippet:
it('should take the user to appropriate page', function () {
// get rows
var row_1 = globalVariables.tableData_Dashboard.all(by.tagName("tr")).get(1);
// get cell values
var cells = row_1.all(by.tagName("td"));
var Cetegory = cells.get(3).getText().then(function (GL) {
// console.log(GL)
return GL;
browser.wait(EC.invisibilityOf(globalVariables.Edit_Button_1), 25000, 'Edit button is not disappearing yet');
if (Cetegory.endsWith('Cat1')){
else {
The tests fails with the log " Failed: Cetegories.endsWith is not a function ..
How can this be fixed?
Cetegory is a promise, not a string. Thus it does has function endsWith. You need to consume the promise eventual value in then() as following.
if (_Cetegory.endsWith('Cat1')){
else {
So the problem I'm getting is probably something so, so simple (probably), but it's infuriating my as to why it won't work.
What I'd like to do is click on an Edit button on a website, change a value, and Save it.
However, there are over 120 of these changes to be made, and thus over 120 edit clicks, etc.
Hence why I thought I'd use a Data Table.
And here is my subsequent test code;
const { client } = require('nightwatch-cucumber')
const { defineSupportCode } = require('cucumber')
const globals = require('../../config/globals.js')
var emailEntry = (`input[name='administrator[email]']`)
var passwordEntry = (`input[name='administrator[password]']`)
var existingGtmKey = ("GTM-123456")
var newGtmKey = ("GTM-654321")
var gtmKey = (`//div/input[#value='${existingGtmKey}']`)
var saveButton = (`input[type=submit][value='Save']`)
defineSupportCode(({ Given, Then, When }) => {
Given(/^I've logged into Winit cms$/, () => {
return client
.waitForElementVisible('body', 5000)
// Enter winit email address
.moveToElement(`form#new_administrator ${emailEntry}`, 1,1)
.click(`form#new_administrator ${emailEntry}`)
.setValue(`${emailEntry}`, "*****.*****#*****")
// Enter winit password
.moveToElement(`form#new_administrator ${passwordEntry}`, 1,1)
.click(`form#new_administrator ${passwordEntry}`)
.setValue(`${passwordEntry}`, "******")
// Click on the 'Sign in' button
.click("form#new_administrator input[type=submit][value='Sign in']")
Then (/^I'm able to change the gtm tag for that site (.*?)$/,
(siteedit) => {
return client
// Click on the 'sites' link
// Click on Edit button
// Set new gtm key value
.setValue(`${gtmKey}`, `${newGtmKey}`)
// Click save
I thought (wrongly!) this would be pretty straightforward, the script would log into my account, click the edit button, enter new value, press the save key, then do the same for the next website edit button.
It works for the first edit button in the Data table, but then the test fails, giving the following error;
So it looks as though it's running the whole script, and not just the Then part of the script.
But I don't understand why??
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.
I am building a pretty combobox with checkboxes and conditional entries. Everything works out alright, except for two features that I cannot figure out how to implement.
1) I would like to move the label inside the combobox, make it shift the values to the right, and appear in a slightly gray color.
2) I would like the value to ignore certain entries (group headers) selected. Those entries are there for functionality only - to select/unselect groups of other entries.
The entire project is in the zip file. You don't need a server, it's a client base app. Just download the archive, unpack, and launch app.html in your browser.
And here's a snapshot of what I would like to achieve.
Regarding your second issue, the best way I see is to override combobox onListSelectionChange to filter the values you don't want:
onListSelectionChange: function(list, selectedRecords) {
//Add the following line
selectedRecords = Ext.Array.filter(selectedRecords, function(rec){
//Original code unchanged from here
var me = this,
isMulti = me.multiSelect,
hasRecords = selectedRecords.length > 0;
// Only react to selection if it is not called from setValue, and if our list is
// expanded (ignores changes to the selection model triggered elsewhere)
if (!me.ignoreSelection && me.isExpanded) {
if (!isMulti) {
Ext.defer(me.collapse, 1, me);
* Only set the value here if we're in multi selection mode or we have
* a selection. Otherwise setValue will be called with an empty value
* which will cause the change event to fire twice.
if (isMulti || hasRecords) {
me.setValue(selectedRecords, false);
if (hasRecords) {
me.fireEvent('select', me, selectedRecords);
And change your onBoundlistItemClick to only select and deselect items in the boundlist not to setValue of the combo:
onBoundlistItemClick: function(dataview, record, item, index, e, eOpts) {
var chk = item.className.toString().indexOf('x-boundlist-selected') == -1;
if ( ! {
var d =;
for (var i in d) {
var s = d[i].data;
if (s.parent == {
if (chk) { // select
} else { // deselect
Regarding your first issue, it is easy to add the label using the displayTpl config option. But this will only add the text you need, without any style (grey color, etc). The combo is using a text input, which does not accept html tags. If you don't need the user to type text, than you may want to change the combo basic behavior and use another element instead of the text input.