useSWRInfinite with pagination and mutate features - javascript

I'm using useSWR to fetch data from client side in nextjs.
What I am doing and trying to achieve
I am using useSWRInfinite for the pagination feature and trying to update comments like state with bound mutate function with optimisticData option since I wanted to refresh the data immediately.(client-side perspective)
-> and then get a new updated comment from axios and replace it with a previous comment that should be updated.
The data from useSWRInfinite should be updated right away since I am using optimisticData option until the API call is done and I could've set revalidate option to true but an async function in the mutate returns updated data with the response from axios. I didn't need it.
Actual behaviour
Even though I am passing optimisticData to the mutate, It doesn't update the data immediately. It keeps waiting until The API call is done and then gets updated.
What I've tried
I have tried using just normal useSWR function without the pagination feature and it worked well as I expected.
const { data, error, isValidating, mutate, size, setSize } = useSWRInfinite<CommentType[]>(
(index) => `/api/comment?postId=${postId}&currentPage=${index + 1}`,
{ revalidateFirstPage: false }
const likeCommentHandler = async (commentId: string, dislike: boolean) => {
const optimisticData = data?.map((comments) => {
return => {
if ( === commentId) {
if (dislike) {
comment.likedByIds = comment.likedByIds.filter(
(likeById) => likeById !== session!
} else {
return { ...comment };
} else {
return { ...comment };
async (data) => {
const { data: result } = await"/api/likeComment", {
commentId: commentId,
userId: session?,
const newData = data?.map((comments) => {
return => {
if ( === {
return result.comment;
} else {
return comment;
return newData;
{ optimisticData, revalidate: false, populateCache: true }


Map.prototype.size shows 0 in first render Javascript

I have a Promise that can run multiple fetch requests, after I make request, I am getting response with Map(). Then sending this data with useContext (setResponse(newResponses);). But I am having a problem because response.size equals to 0 -zero. But there is data inside. After I change something inside useEffect, the page rerenders and shows me response.size 1. I couldn't understand where I make mistake.
Promise.allSettled(promises).then((results) => {
const newResponses = new Map(response); //?
results.forEach(async (result) => {
// get url as it is used as key in the Maps
const url = new URL(result.value.url).pathname;
if (result.status === 'fulfilled' && result.value.ok) {
// get response data
const data = await result.value.json();
setRequests((prev) => {
return prev;
newResponses.set(url, data); //?
} else {
setHeaderStates((prev) => ({
reload: true,
isSaving: false,
setFetchRequestData((prev) => ({
isErrorMessageHidden: false,
errorMessage: 'Server request failed.',
code above from custom hook
code below from the page
useEffect(() => {
}, [response, router, setResponse]);

How to use custom react query hook twice in the same component?

I have a custom hook like so for getting data using useQuery. The hook works fine, no problem there.
const getData = async (url) => {
return await axios(url)
} catch(error){
export const useGetData = (url, onSuccess) => {
return useQuery('getData', () => getData(url), {onSuccess})
However, if I call this hook twice in my component it will only fetch data from the first call even with a different URL. (Ignore the comments typo, that's intentional)
The call in my component:
const { data: commentss, isLoading: commentsIsLoading } = useGetData(`/comments/${}`)
const { data: forumPost, isLoading: forumPostIsLoading } = useGetData(`/forum_posts/${}`)
When I console.log forumPost in this case, it is the array of comments and not the forum post even though I am passing in a different endpoint.
How can I use this hook twice to get different data? Is it possible? I know I can just call parallel queries but I would like to use my hook if possible.
Since useQuery caches based on the queryKey, use the URL in that name
const getData = async(url) => {
try {
return await axios(url)
} catch (error) {
export const useGetData = (url, onSuccess) => {
return useQuery('getData' + url, () => getData(url), {
const {
data: commentss,
isLoading: commentsIsLoading
} = useGetData(`/comments/${}`)
const {
data: forumPost,
isLoading: forumPostIsLoading
} = useGetData(`/forum_posts/${}`)

setState in nested async function - React Hooks

How can I build a function which gets some data asynchronously then uses that data to get more asynchronous data?
I am using Dexie.js (indexedDB wrapper) to store data about a direct message. One thing I store in the object is the user id which I'm going to be sending messages to. To build a better UI I'm also getting some information about that user such as the profile picture, username, and display name which is stored on a remote rdbms. To build a complete link component in need data from both databases (local indexedDB and remote rdbms).
My solution returns an empty array. It is being computed when logging it in Google Chrome and I do see my data. However because this is not being computed at render time the array is always empty and therefor I can't iterate over it to build a component.
const [conversations, setConversations] = useState<IConversation[]>()
const [receivers, setReceivers] = useState<Profile[]>()
useEffect(() => {
messagesDatabase.conversations.toArray().then(result => {
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
if (conversations) {
const getReceivers = async () => {
let receivers: Profile[] = []
await conversations.forEach(async (element) => {
const receiver = await getProfileById(element.conversationWith, token)
// the above await is a javascript fetch call to my backend that returns json about the user values I mentioned
return receivers
getReceivers().then(receivers => {
}, [conversations])
The below log logs an array with a length of 0; receivers.length -> 0
but when clicking the log in Chrome I see:
0: {
avatarURL: ""
displayName: "Cool guy"
userId: "1234"
username: "cool_guy"
1: ...
My plan is to then iterate over this array using map
receivers && conversations
?, index) => {
return <ChatLink
: null
How can I write this to not return a empty array?
Here's a SO question related to what I'm experiencing here
I believe your issue is related to you second useEffect hook when you attempt to do the following:
const getReceivers = async () => {
let receivers: Profile[] = []
await conversations.forEach(async (element) => {
const receiver = await getProfileById(element.conversationWith, token)
return receivers
getReceivers().then(receivers => {
Unfortunately, this won't work because async/await doesn't work with forEach. You either need to use for...of or Promise.all() to properly iterate through all conversations, call your API, and then set the state once it's all done.
Here's is a solution using Promise.all():
function App() {
const [conversations, setConversations] = useState<IConversation[]>([]);
const [receivers, setReceivers] = useState<Profile[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
messagesDatabase.conversations.toArray().then(result => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (conversations.length === 0) {
async function getReceivers() {
const receivers: Profile[] = await Promise.all( =>
getProfileById(element.conversationWith, token)
}, [conversations]);
// NOTE: You don't have to do the `receivers && conversations`
// check, and since both are arrays, you should check whether
// `receivers.length !== 0` and `conversations.length !== 0`
// if you want to render something conditionally, but since your
// initial `receivers` state is an empty array, you could just
// render that instead and you won't be seeing anything until
// that array is populated with some data after all fetching is
// done, however, for a better UX, you should probably indicate
// that things are loading and show something rather than returning
// an empty array or null
return, idx) => <ChatLink />)
// or, alternatively
return receivers.length !== 0 ? (, idx) => <ChatLink />)
) : (
Alternatively, using for...of, you could do the following:
function App() {
const [conversations, setConversations] = useState<IConversation[]>([]);
const [receivers, setReceivers] = useState<Profile[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
messagesDatabase.conversations.toArray().then(result => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (conversations.length === 0) {
async function getReceivers() {
let receivers: Profile[] = [];
const profiles = =>
getProfileById(conversation.conversationWith, token)
for (const profile of profiles) {
const receiver = await profile;
return receivers;
getReceivers().then(receivers => {
}, [conversations]);
return, idx) => <ChatLink />);
i think it is happening because for getReceivers() function is asynchronous. it waits for the response, in that meantime your state renders with empty array.
you can display spinner untill the response received.
const[isLoading,setLoading]= useState(true)
} )
return {isLoading ? <spinner/> : <yourdata/>}
Please set receivers initial value as array
const [receivers, setReceivers] = useState<Profile[]>([])
Also foreach will not wait as you expect use for loop instead of foreach
I am not sure it is solution for your question
but it could help you to solve your error

useMutation always returns data undefined

this my code
const EXCHANGE_RATES = gql`
mutation {
signUp(lastName: "Amasia")
const HandlerRequest = () => {
const [loading, { data }] = useMutation(EXCHANGE_RATES);
console.log('apollo', data);
return <p>apollo</p>;
extend type Mutation {
lastName: String!
): String!
Mutation: {
signUp: async (
{ lastName}
) => {
try {
return lastName;
} catch (error) {
return 'error';
useMutation always returns data undefined but at graphql playground are working.what am i doing netak ?.
useMutation should return a function to call to execute the mutation. Generally you would hook this up to a button or something. It seems a little odd to use a mutation that executes automatically when the component loads.
const HandlerRequest = () => {
const [getExchangeRates, { data }] = useMutation(EXCHANGE_RATES);
// Load data if not already loaded.
if (!data) { getExchangeRates(); }
console.log('apollo', data);
return <p>apollo</p>;
Using the above you'll likely see two console.logs.
The initial component render, should be undefined
When getExchangeRates returns and data updates the component will be rerendered and the log will be called again.
Use the onCompleted callback and remember to pass the data object:
const [loading, { data }] = useMutation(EXCHANGE_RATES, {
onCompleted: (data) => {
Your usage of useMutation is not quite correct. Here is the correct usage.
You also need to execute the mutation. data will be undefined until then.
const SomeComponent = () => {
const [doExchangeRates, { data, loading, error }] = useMutation(
onCompleted: (data) => { console.log({data}); }
return <p onClick={doExchangeRates} >apollo</p>;
You can see full docs on useMutation here.

Perform two functions simultaneously

I have a function that refreshes the data of my component when the function is called. At this moment it only works for one component at a time. But I want to refresh two components at once. This is my refresh function:
fetchDataByName = name => {
const { retrievedData } = this.state;
const { fetcher } = this.props;
const fetch = _.find(fetcher, { name });
if (typeof fetch === "undefined") {
throw new Error(`Fetch with ${name} cannot be found in fetcher`);
this.fetchData(fetch, (error, data) => {
retrievedData[name] = data;
this._isMounted && this.setState({ retrievedData });
My function is called like this:
As it it passed as props to my component:
return (
I tried passing multiple component names as an array like this:
const args = ['meetingTypes', 'exampleMeetingTypes'];
And then check in my fetchDataByName function if name is an array and loop through the array to fetch the data. But then the function is still executed after each other instead of at the same time. So my question is:
What would be the best way to implement this that it seems like the
function is executed at once instead of first refreshing meetingTypes
and then exampleMeetingTypes?
Should I use async/await or are there better options?
The fetchData function:
fetchData = (fetch, callback) => {
const { componentProps } = this.props;
let { route, params = [] } = fetch;
let fetchData = true;
// if fetcher url contains params and the param can be found
// in the component props, they should be replaced.
_.each(params, param => {
if (componentProps[param]) {
route = route.replace(`:${param}`, componentProps[param]);
} else {
fetchData = false; // don't fetch data for this entry as the params are not given
if (fetchData) {
.then(({ data }) => {
if (this.isMounted) {
callback(null, data);
.catch(error => {
if (error.response.status == 403) {
this._isMounted && this.setState({ errorCode: 403 });
text: "Unauthorized",
type: "error"
if (error.response.status == 401) {
this._isMounted && this.setState({ errorCode: 401 });
window.location.href = "/login";
if (error.response.status != 403) {
console.error("Your backend is failing.", error);
callback(error, null);
} else {
callback(null, null);
I assume fetchData works asynchronously (ajax or similar). To refresh two aspects of the data in parallel, simply make two calls instead of one:
The two ajax calls or whatever will run in parallel, each updating the component when it finishes. But: See the "Side Note" below, there's a problem with fetchDataByName.
If you want to avoid updating the component twice, you'll have to update fetchDataByName to either accept multiple names or to return a promise of the result (or similar) rather than updating the component directly, so the caller can do multiple calls and wait for both results before doing the update.
Side note: This aspect of fetchDataByName looks suspect:
fetchDataByName = name => {
const { retrievedData } = this.state; // <=============================
const { fetcher } = this.props;
const fetch = _.find(fetcher, { name });
if (typeof fetch === "undefined") {
throw new Error(`Fetch with ${name} cannot be found in fetcher`);
this.fetchData(fetch, (error, data) => {
retrievedData[name] = data; // <=============================
this._isMounted && this.setState({ retrievedData });
Two problems with that:
It updates an object stored in your state directly, which is something you must never do with React.
It replaces the entire retrievedData object with one that may well be stale.
fetchDataByName = name => {
// *** No `retrievedData` here
const { fetcher } = this.props;
const fetch = _.find(fetcher, { name });
if (typeof fetch === "undefined") {
throw new Error(`Fetch with ${name} cannot be found in fetcher`);
this.fetchData(fetch, (error, data) => {
if (this._isMounted) { // ***
this.setState(({retrievedData}) => ( // ***
{ retrievedData: {...retrievedData, [name]: data} } // ***
); // ***
} // ***
That removes the in-place mutation of the object with spread, and uses an up-to-date version of retrievedData by using the callback version of setState.
