Generic fetch replay to handle token refresh - javascript

I am looking for a generic way to replay a fetch if I get a 401 response.
My application is a SPA using OIDC. Our frontend developers utilise fetch, and a ServieWorker injects the access_token into the AJAX request before sending the request to the API(s). There are times when a fetch occurs but access_token is expired. When that happens, I want to use the refresh_token to get a new access_token and then replay the fetch, returning the replayed fetch in the Promise. Ideally, this would be something the frontend developers would not even know is happening.
Meaning that a UI developer will code something like what's below (remember, the access_token is injected via ServiceWorker):
.then(resp =>
console.log("user information is XYZ. Raw response:", resp);
When really what's happening in the background is:
[Initial request] > [Expired token response] > [Request new token] > [Initial request replayed]
I've experimented with overriding the fetch method with what's below, but I can't figure out a generic way to recreate/clone the original fetch:
window.fetch = new Proxy(window.fetch, {
apply(fetch, that, args) {
// Forward function call to the original fetch
const result = fetch.apply(that, args);
// Do whatever you want with the resulting Promise
result.then(resp =>
if(resp.status == 400 || resp.status == 401)
let rt = getRefreshToken();
return fetch("https://idaas.provider/get/new/token", {
"method": "POST",
"body": new URLSearchParams({
grant_type: "refresh_token",
refresh_token: rt,
client_id: client_id_str
}).then(resp =>
let new_token = resp.new_token;
return new_token
}).then(tok =>
// How do I replay the original request?
return result;
The goal is to simplify what the UI developers need to handle. I want them focused on UX and have this sort of error handling done in the background.
Note: If necessary, I would be open to not using fetch and instead utilising a wrapper method. Obviously, because of the code already written surrounding fetch, the new method would need to accept the same arguments and produce the same return.

window.fetch = new Proxy(window.fetch, {
apply(fetch, that, args) {
let fetchApi = [
let fetchToken = [
fetch("https://idaas.provider/get/new/token", {
method: "POST",
body: new URLSearchParams({
grant_type: "refresh_token",
refresh_token: getRefreshToken(),
client_id: client_id_str,
}).then(token => send_new_token_to_service_worker(token)),
return Promise.allSettled(fetchApi).then(results => {
let rejected = results
.map(result => result.status)
if (rejected) {
return Promise.all([...fetchToken, ...fetchApi]).then(results =>;
} else {
Usage fetch("https://your-api").then(resp => resp);


Is it possible to access token in service-worker fetch request headers?

I want to send a GET request including a token "Authorization" header to my nodejs server. For this, I use this function client-side:
// Do a secured GET API request and return response object
async function getJSON(url) {
try {
// Send request
const res = await fetch(url, {
headers: { Authorization: localStorage.getItem('token') }
// If something went wrong
if (!res.ok) {
// If token is invalid
if (res.status === 401) {
// Logout
// Return an object with error message and status code
return { error: res.statusText, status: res.status };
// Else return response object
else return await res.json();
} catch (err) {
// Return an object with error message
return { error: err.message };
It works fine, but I use a service worker to cache requests as they are made and I don't want API requests to be cached, so I though I could just check for the "Authorization"'s presence:
// Fetch event
self.addEventListener('fetch', e => e.respondWith(respond(e)));
async function fetchAndCache(req, cache_name) {
const { url, headers } = req;
console.log({ url, headers });
// Fetch request
const fetch_res = await fetch(req);
const is_get = req.method === 'GET';
const is_api = req.headers.Authorization;
const is_cahing_domain = cache_domains.some(domain => req.url.includes(domain));
if (is_cahing_domain && is_get && !is_api) {
// Open cache and save a cloned result
const cache = await;
cache.put(req, fetch_res.clone());
return fetch_res;
async function respond(e) {
if (!use_cache) return fetch(e.request);
// Try to get response from cache
const cached_res = await caches.match(e.request);
// If response is found, return it
if (cached_res) return cached_res;
// If request is not found, try to fetch it
return await fetchAndCache(e.request, 'main');
Unfortunately, the logs show empty headers:
Even though the server does get the token and the cached (since the condition does not work) request also includes it:
I searched for a few hours, tried every solutions in similar questions (here and here) but none worked. Please help.
I don't know about Authorization header. But the right way to print headers is via method 2. It seems like you are using method 1.
console.log("Try 1 to print headers.");
console.log("Try 2 to print headers.")
for (const pair of event.request.headers.entries()) {
console.log(pair[0]+ ': '+ pair[1]);
Console logs
Headers {} does not mean that the header is empty. It means that it contains an object which is not printed in detail in your console.
You can access the Authorization header as follow:
console.log('AuthorizationHeader is:',headers.get('Authorization'))

How to do A/B testing with Cloudflare workers

I'm looking for an example of what these two lines of code look like in a functioning A/B testing worker. From
const TEST_RESPONSE = new Response("Test group") // e.g. await fetch("/test/sompath", request)
const CONTROL_RESPONSE = new Response("Control group") // e.g. await fetch("/control/sompath", request)
I used the examples, subsituting the paths I’m using, and got a syntax error saying await can only be used in async. So I changed the function to async function handleRequest(request) and got a 500 error.
What should these two lines look like for the code to work?
Working example
document.getElementById("myBtn").addEventListener("click", myFun);
async function myFun() {
const isTest = Math.random() > 0.5 //here you place your condition
const res = isTest ? await fetch1() : await fetch1() //here you should have different fetches for A and B
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = res.message;
async function fetch1() {
//I took the link from some other SO answer as I was running into CORS problems with e.g.
return fetch("", {
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
"x-rapidapi-host": "",
"x-rapidapi-key": "**redacted**"
.then(response => response.json())
<button id="myBtn">button</button>
<div id="demo">demo</div>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/babel">
Okay, I've worked on this a bit and this worker below seems to fulfill your requirements:
async function handleRequest(request) {
const NAME = "experiment-0";
try {
// The Responses below are placeholders. You can set up a custom path for each test (e.g. /control/somepath ).
const TEST_RESPONSE = await fetch(
const CONTROL_RESPONSE = await fetch(
// Determine which group this requester is in.
const cookie = request.headers.get("cookie");
if (cookie && cookie.includes(`${NAME}=control`)) {
} else if (cookie && cookie.includes(`${NAME}=test`)) {
} else {
// If there is no cookie, this is a new client. Choose a group and set the cookie.
const group = Math.random() < 0.5 ? "test" : "control"; // 50/50 split
const response = group === "control" ? CONTROL_RESPONSE : TEST_RESPONSE;
return new Response(response.body, {
status: response.status,
headers: {
"Set-Cookie": `${NAME}=${group}; path=/`,
} catch (e) {
var response = [`internal server error: ${e.message}`];
if (e.stack) {
return new Response(response.join("\n"), {
status: 500,
headers: {
"Content-type": "text/plain",
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
There are some issues with the snippet once you uncomment the fetch() parts:
Yes, the function needs to be async in order to use await keyword, so I added that.
Additionally, I think the 500 error you were seeing was also due to a bug in the snippet: You'll notice I form a new Response instead of modifying the one that was chosen from the ternary expression. This is because responses are immutable in the workers runtime, so adding headers to an already instantiated response will result in an error. Therefore, you can just create an entirely new Response with all the bits from the original one and it seems to work.
Also, in order to gain insight into errors in a worker, always a good idea to add the try/catch and render those errors in the worker response.
To get yours working on this, just replace the urls with whatever you need to A/B test.

How to use one update function for all fields of a specific model in REST API?

I am using Django REST Framework and React for a project. I have a API route called /api/account/user/ which accepts both GET and POST requests (RetrieveUpdateAPIView). Now, in my React front end, I have this function in my actions file that I would like to use to update user data:
export const updateUser = (email, name, company, phoneVerified, idVerified) => {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const token = getState().auth.token
let headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
if (token) {
headers['Authorization'] = `Token ${token}`
let body = JSON.stringify({email, name, company, phoneVerified, idVerified})
return fetch('//localhost:8000/api/account/user/', {headers, body, method: 'POST'})
.then(res => {
if (res.status < 500) {
return res.json().then(data => {
return {status: res.status, data}
else {
console.log('Server error.')
.then(res => {
if (res.status === 200) {
dispatch({type: 'USER_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL', data:})
else if (res.status === 403 || res.status === 401) {
dispatch({type: 'USER_UPDATE_FAILED', data:})
else {
dispatch({type: 'USER_UPDATE_FAILED', data:})
This function works if I pass all parameters (email, name, company, phoneVerified, idVerified), but for example, if I want to only update phoneVerified on a button click event, how do I pass only that parameter? Currently I am doing this:
updateUser: (phoneVerified) => dispatch(auth.updateUser(phoneVerified))
But the server response is This field may not be null. Any help with this will be very much appreciated.
It is not the problem of React, it is how you handle in backend code.
You use HTTP POST method in rest API, by default it uses to create one record
You should implement other HTTP method handling for your endpoint, it is PUT method, but with PUT, you still need to send whole object with updated property to update it (Generally, PUT should use to update the record entirely)
Another HTTP method fit your case much better, it is PATCH method, just like PUT but you can just send the updated property to server with the record id (PATCH should use to update the record partially).
For both case, just SHOULD, not MUST because it is the standard convention of HTTP, it is not restricted. Even you still can use GET method to create record.
It depends on your backend code as well. But the line JSON.stringify({name, ...}) will render {name: null, ...} if name is null. So you're sending null values for all the attributes you're not updating. I would change that code to exclude those attributes altogether.

How to integrate getAccessToken with fetch function to load data from DRF backend to React Frontend?

React newbie here, but proficient in Django.I have a simple fetch function which worked perfectly but then my project had no login authentication involved. Now that I have configured the login system, my backend refuses to serve requests with any access tokens. My login authentication is very new to me and was more or less copied from somewhere. I am trying to understand it but am not able to. I just need to know how to convert my simple fetch function to include the getAccessToken along the request in it's headers so my backend serves that request.
Here is my previously working simple fetch function :
class all_orders extends Component {
state = {
todos: []
async componentDidMount() {
try {
const res = await fetch(''); // fetching the data from api, before the page loaded
const todos = await res.json();
} catch (e) {
My new login JWT authentication system works perfectly, but my previous code is not working and I keep getting error
"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."
This is is the accesstoken I am not able to 'combine' with my preivous fetch function:
const getAccessToken = () => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const data = reactLocalStorage.getObject(API_TOKENS);
if (!data)
return resolve('No User found');
let access_token = '';
const expires = new Date(data.expires * 1000);
const currentTime = new Date();
if (expires > currentTime) {
access_token = data.tokens.access;
} else {
try {
const new_token = await loadOpenUrl(REFRESH_ACCESS_TOKEN, {
method: 'post',
data: {
refresh: data.tokens.refresh,
access_token = new_token.access;
const expires = new_token.expires;
reactLocalStorage.setObject(API_TOKENS, {
tokens: {,
access: access_token
expires: expires
} catch (e) {
try {
if ( === "token_not_valid")
} catch (e) {
// pass
return reject('Error refreshing token', e);
return resolve(access_token);
If you're looking for a way how to pass headers in fetch request, it's pretty straight forward:
await fetch('', {
headers: {
// your headers there as pair key-value, matching what your API is expecting, for example:
'details': getAccessToken()
Just don't forget to import your getAccessToken const, if that's put it another file, and I believe that would be it. Some reading on Fetch method

Wrap javascript fetch to add custom functionality

I would like to know if it is possible to do this, because I'm not sure if I'm wrong or if it isn't possible. Basically, what I want to do is to create a wrap function for native fetch javascript function. This wrap function would implement token validation process, requesting a new accessToken if the one given is expired and requesting again the desired resource. This is what I've reached until now:
// 'url' and 'options' parameters are used strictely as you would use them in fetch. 'authOptions' are used to configure the call to refresh the access token
window.customFetch = (url, options, authOptions) => {
const OPTIONS = {
url: '',
unauthorizedRedirect: '',
storage: window.sessionStorage,
tokenName: 'accessToken'
// Merge options passed by user with the default auth options
let opts = Object.assign({}, OPTIONS, authOptions);
// Try to update 'authorizarion's header in order to send always the proper one to the server
options.headers = options.headers || {};
options.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${}`;
// Actual server request that user wants to do.
const request = window.fetch(url, options)
.then((d) => {
if (d.status === 401) {
// Unauthorized
console.log('not authorized');
return refreshAccesToken();
else {
return d.json();
// Auxiliar server call to get refresh the access token if it is expired. Here also check if the
// cookie has expired and if it has expired, then we should redirect to other page to login again in
// the application.
const refreshAccesToken = () => {
window.fetch(opts.url, {
method: 'get',
credentials: 'include'
}).then((d) => {
// For this example, we can omit this, we can suppose we always receive the access token
if (d.status === 401) {
// Unauthorized and the cookie used to validate and refresh the access token has expired. So we want to login in to the app again
window.location.href = opts.unauthorizedRedirect;
return d.json();
}).then((json) => {
const jwt = json.token;
if (jwt) {
// Store in the browser's storage (sessionStorage by default) the refreshed token, in order to use it on every request, jwt);
console.log('new acces token: ' + jwt);
// Re-send the original request when we have received the refreshed access token.
return window.customFetch(url, options, authOptions);
else {
console.log('no token has been sent');
return null;
return request;
const getResourcePrivate = () => {
const url = MAIN_URL + '/resource';
customFetch(url, {
method: 'get'
unauthorizedRedirect: AUTH_URI,
tokenName: TOKEN_NAME
}).then((json) => {
const resource = json ? json.resource : null;
if (resource) {
else {
console.log('No resource has been provided.');
I'll try to explain a little better the above code: I want to make transparent for users the token validation, in order to let them just worry about to request the resource they want. This approach is working fine when the accessToken is still valid, because the return request instruction is giving to the consumer the promise of the fetch request.
Of course, when the accessToken has expired and we request a new one to auth server, this is not working. The token is refreshed and the private resource is requested, but the consumer.js doesn't see it.
For this last scenario, is it possible to modify the flow of the program, in order to refresh the accessToken and perform the server call to get the private resource again? The consumer shouldn't realize about this process; in both cases (accessToken is valid and accessToken has expired and has been refreshed) the consumer.js should get the private requested resource in its then function.
Well, finally I've reached a solution. I've tried to resolve it using a Promise and it has work. Here is the approach for customFetch.js file:
window.customFetch = (url, options, authOptions) => {
const OPTIONS = {
url: '',
unauthorizedRedirect: '',
storage: window.sessionStorage,
tokenName: 'accessToken'
// Merge options passed by user with the default auth options
let opts = Object.assign({}, OPTIONS, authOptions);
const requestResource = (resolve) => {
// Try to update 'authorizarion's header in order to send always the proper one to the server
options.headers = options.headers || {};
options.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${}`;
window.fetch(url, options)
.then((d) => {
if (d.status === 401) {
// Unauthorized
console.log('not authorized');
return refreshAccesToken(resolve);
else {
// Auxiliar server call to get refresh the access token if it is expired. Here also check if the
// cookie has expired and if it has expired, then we should redirect to other page to login again in
// the application.
const refreshAccesToken = (resolve) => {
window.fetch(opts.url, {
method: 'get',
credentials: 'include'
}).then((d) => {
if (d.status === 401) {
// Unauthorized
window.location.href = opts.unauthorizedRedirect;
return d.json();
}).then((json) => {
const jwt = json.token;
if (jwt) {
// Store in the browser's storage (sessionStorage by default) the refreshed token, in order to use it on every request, jwt);
console.log('new acces token: ' + jwt);
// Re-send the original request when we have received the refreshed access token.
else {
console.log('no token has been sent');
return null;
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return promise;
Basically, I've created a Promise and I've called inside it to the function which calls to server to get the resource. I've modified a little the request(now called requestResource) and refreshAccessToken in order to make them parametrizable functions. And I've passed to them the resolve function in order to "resolve" any function once I've received the new token.
Probably the solution can be improved and optimized, but as first approach, it is working as I expected, so I think it's a valid solution.
EDIT: As #Dennis has suggested me, I made a mistake in my initial approach. I just had to return the promise inside the refreshAccessToken function, and it would worked fine. This is how the customFetch.js file should look (which is more similar to the code I first posted. In fact, I've just added a return instruction inside the function, although removing the start and end brackets would work too):
// 'url' and 'options' parameters are used strictely as you would use them in fetch. 'authOptions' are used to configure the call to refresh the access token
window.customFetch = (url, options, authOptions) => {
const OPTIONS = {
url: '',
unauthorizedRedirect: '',
storage: window.sessionStorage,
tokenName: 'accessToken'
// Merge options passed by user with the default auth options
let opts = Object.assign({}, OPTIONS, authOptions);
// Try to update 'authorizarion's header in order to send always the proper one to the server
options.headers = options.headers || {};
options.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${}`;
// Actual server request that user wants to do.
const request = window.fetch(url, options)
.then((d) => {
if (d.status === 401) {
// Unauthorized
console.log('not authorized');
return refreshAccesToken();
else {
return d.json();
// Auxiliar server call to get refresh the access token if it is expired. Here also check if the
// cookie has expired and if it has expired, then we should redirect to other page to login again in
// the application.
const refreshAccesToken = () => {
return window.fetch(opts.url, {
method: 'get',
credentials: 'include'
}).then((d) => {
// For this example, we can omit this, we can suppose we always receive the access token
if (d.status === 401) {
// Unauthorized and the cookie used to validate and refresh the access token has expired. So we want to login in to the app again
window.location.href = opts.unauthorizedRedirect;
return d.json();
}).then((json) => {
const jwt = json.token;
if (jwt) {
// Store in the browser's storage (sessionStorage by default) the refreshed token, in order to use it on every request, jwt);
console.log('new acces token: ' + jwt);
// Re-send the original request when we have received the refreshed access token.
return window.customFetch(url, options, authOptions);
else {
console.log('no token has been sent');
return null;
return request;
