How to decode Javascript _0x Hex - javascript

I tried to decode this code but I did not succeed:
var _0x147bb5 = _0xe0c4, _0x41852d = _0xe0c4, _0x39ac2c = _0xe0c4;
(function (_0x3c89e2, _0x4b3ebe) {
var _0x331330 = _0xe0c4, _0x279707 = _0xe0c4, _0x50917c = _0xe0c4, _0x489044 = _0x3c89e2();
while (!![]) {
try {
var _0x36e386 = -parseInt(_0x331330(0x133)) / 0x1 + -parseInt(_0x279707('0x12a')) / 0x2 + -parseInt(_0x331330(0x111)) / 0x3 + -parseInt(_0x331330(0x12f)) / 0x4 + parseInt(_0x279707('0x10a')) / 0x5 * (-parseInt(_0x279707('0xf1')) / 0x6) + -parseInt(_0x331330('0x109')) / 0x7 + parseInt(_0x331330(0xee)) / 0x8 * (parseInt(_0x279707(0x11a)) / 0x9);
if (_0x36e386 === _0x4b3ebe) break; else _0x489044['push'](_0x489044['shift']());
} catch (_0x108487) {
}(_0x5a9e, 0x7f5a2));
var s = _0x147bb5('0x12b') + _0x147bb5(0xdc) + _0x39ac2c('0x118') + '91', f = 0xb, l = lf(), message = _0x39ac2c('0x117') + _0x39ac2c('0xe7') + _0x39ac2c('0x108') + _0x147bb5('0xd4') + 'ot\x20' + _0x147bb5('0x104') + _0x41852d(0xd3) + _0x39ac2c('0x122') + _0x39ac2c('0xef') + _0x41852d(0x127) + _0x41852d('0x102') + _0x41852d('0xfb') + _0x147bb5(0xe2) + _0x39ac2c(0xf2) + _0x147bb5(0xe5) + _0x41852d(0xd6) + _0x39ac2c(0x125) + _0x41852d(0xff) + _0x147bb5(0xd7) + _0x41852d('0x110') + _0x39ac2c('0x11e') + _0x39ac2c(0xdd) + _0x41852d(0x107) + 'ea)';
function rtclickcheck(_0xf37bcd) {
var _0x5b07b6 = _0x39ac2c, _0x189d42 = _0x41852d, _0x158d5e = _0x147bb5;
if (navigator[_0x5b07b6(0xfd) + _0x189d42(0xf5) + 'e'] == _0x158d5e('0xe4') + _0x189d42(0xde) + 'pe' && _0xf37bcd[_0x5b07b6('0xfc') + 'ch'] == 0x3) return alert(message), ![];
if (navigator[_0x5b07b6(0xfd) + _0x189d42(0xf8) + _0x5b07b6('0x11d') + 'n'][_0x5b07b6('0xec') + _0x158d5e(0x128) + 'f'](_0x158d5e(0xe6) + 'E') != -0x1 && event[_0x189d42('0x126') + _0x158d5e('0x132')] == 0x2) return alert(message), ![];
} function _0x5a9e() {
var _0x521b96 = ['Thi', '7109872DszjuD', '4405xemFJj', 'deA', '//r', 'cre', 'hre', 'h=/', 're.', '1823784ZeLCWd', ';\x20p', 'etc', 'cap', 'cha', 'crt', 'Ooh', '794', 'TCS', '14494869UZdEDp', 'onm', 'erH', 'sio', 'com', 'ute', 'dli', 'men', 'py\x20', '_y=', 'tBy', 'uth', 'but', 'rot', 'exO', 'inn', '603236FmaGTN', '-11', 'exp', 'ous', 'toU', '2882436fEtPRL', 'dit', 'kie', 'ton', '1000745kgQiEE', '\x20Co', 's\x20N', 'hos', '//y', 'sto', 'len', 'pat', 'tri', '.ly', '350', '\x20(y', 'sca', 'gth', 'lin', 'rib', 'by\x20', 'Att', 'Net', 'ps:', 'MSI', '!!\x20', 'edo', 'ide', 'tna', '10;', 'ind', '/yu', '24DoydZk', '-\x20P', 'rCo', '4518TXMdnf', 'htt', 'N_f', 'Ele', 'Nam', 'and', 'get', 'Ver', 'ire', 'ati', 'ed\x20', 'whi', 'app', 'coo', 'eme', 'TML', 'ath', 'ect', 'sli', 'For', 'Tim', 'set', 'uid'];
_0x5a9e = function () {
return _0x521b96;
return _0x5a9e();
document[_0x147bb5(0x11b) + _0x147bb5('0x12d') + _0x147bb5('0xe8') + 'wn'] = rtclickcheck;
if (l == s && s[_0x147bb5(0xd8) + _0x147bb5('0xdf')] == f) {
var ceditf = document[_0x147bb5(0xf7) + _0x41852d(0xf4) + _0x39ac2c('0x121') + _0x147bb5(0x124) + 'Id'](_0x39ac2c(0x10d) + _0x147bb5('0x130') + _0x147bb5('0xe0') + 'k'), citf = document[_0x39ac2c(0xf7) + _0x147bb5('0xf4') + _0x39ac2c('0x121') + _0x39ac2c('0x124') + 'Id'](_0x39ac2c('0x116') + _0x39ac2c(0xe0) + 'k');
var citdf = document[_0x41852d('0xf7') + _0x147bb5('0xf4') + _0x41852d(0x121) + _0x41852d('0x124') + 'Id'](_0x41852d('0x116') + _0x147bb5('0x120') + 'nk');
function checkLIC() {
var _0x4072d7 = _0x41852d, _0x264ab4 = _0x41852d, _0x1a0d97 = _0x147bb5;
if (cedit['inn' + _0x4072d7('0x11c') + _0x4072d7(0x100)][_0x1a0d97('0xd8') + _0x4072d7('0xdf')] === 0x0) return invalidLIC(), ![];
var cedit = document[_0x41852d(0xf7) + _0x39ac2c(0xf4) + _0x39ac2c(0x121) + _0x41852d('0x124') + 'Id'](_0x147bb5('0x10d') + _0x39ac2c(0x130) + _0x39ac2c(0xe0) + 'k');
function _0xe0c4(_0x488be0, _0x324154) {
var _0x5a9e88 = _0x5a9e();
return _0xe0c4 = function (_0xe0c4a8, _0x3812b4) {
_0xe0c4a8 = _0xe0c4a8 - 0xd3; var _0x1108f7 = _0x5a9e88[_0xe0c4a8];
return _0x1108f7;
}, _0xe0c4(_0x488be0, _0x324154);
!cedit && invalidLIC();
function o() {
function _0x162858() {
var _0x139ac8 = _0xe0c4, _0x75417f = _0xe0c4, _0x15d340 = _0xe0c4, _0x5960f5 = new Date();
_0x5960f5[_0x139ac8(0x106) + _0x75417f('0x105') + 'e'](_0x5960f5[_0x75417f(0xf7) + _0x15d340(0x105) + 'e']() + 0x15180 * 0x3);
var _0x43eec0 = _0x75417f(0x12c) + _0x15d340(0xf9) + 's=' + _0x5960f5[_0x15d340('0x12e') + _0x139ac8(0x119) + _0x139ac8(0xda) + 'ng']();
document[_0x15d340('0xfe') + 'kie'] = _0x15d340(0x114) + _0x139ac8('0x123') + _0x15d340('0xeb') + _0x15d340('0xd9') + _0x75417f('0x10f') + ';', document[_0x75417f(0xfe) + _0x15d340('0x131')] = 'JSO' + _0x139ac8(0xf3) + _0x75417f('0x113') + 'h' + '=' + fetchon + ';' + _0x43eec0 + (_0x139ac8(0x112) + _0x15d340('0x101') + '=/'), window['loc' + _0x15d340(0xfa) + 'on'][_0x15d340('0x10e') + 'f'] = api;
function invalidLIC() { }
function checkLIC() {
var _0x4dac69 = _0x39ac2c, _0x55bc12 = _0x41852d, _0x4c895a = _0x147bb5;
if (cedit[_0x4dac69(0x129) + _0x4dac69('0x11c') + _0x4c895a(0x100)][_0x55bc12('0xd8') + _0x4dac69(0xdf)] === 0x0) return invalidLIC(), ![]; else {
if (cedit[_0x4c895a('0xf7') + _0x55bc12(0xe3) + _0x55bc12(0xe1) + _0x4c895a('0x11f')](_0x4dac69(0x10e) + 'f') !== _0x4c895a(0xf2) + _0x4c895a('0xe5') + _0x55bc12('0x10c') + 'ebr' + _0x4c895a('0xf6') + _0x4c895a(0xdb) + _0x55bc12('0xed') + _0x4c895a(0xe9) + 'a/') return invalidLIC(), ![];
function () {
function lf() {
var _0x5a8bac = _0x39ac2c, _0x505e9a = _0x147bb5, _0xd36b1d = _0x147bb5, _0x5b07b5 = location[_0x5a8bac(0xd5) + _0x505e9a('0xea') + 'me'][_0x5a8bac(0x103) + 'ce'](0x2)[_0x505e9a(0x103) + 'ce'](0x0, -0x2) + '24', _0x130606 = 0x0;
if (_0x5b07b5[_0x5a8bac('0xd8') + _0xd36b1d('0xdf')] == 0x0) return _0x130606;
for (i = 0x0; i < _0x5b07b5[_0x5a8bac('0xd8') + _0xd36b1d(0xdf)]; i++) {
char = _0x5b07b5[_0xd36b1d('0x115') + _0xd36b1d('0xf0') + _0xd36b1d(0x10b) + 't'](i), _0x130606 = (_0x130606 << 0x5) - _0x130606 + char, _0x130606 = _0x130606 & _0x130606;
return _0x130606;
So My first approach is to use online tools, but none of them works. I also try to manually decode it by calling the function name console.log(_0x331330(0x133)) but it just shows strings that I don't understand. I also tried to decode those strings by using much hex at numerical decoders but none of them works. Anyone can help me, please?

I played a bit with this code:
The _Ox names are just variable names. You can make the code more readable by collecting all such distinct names and replace them with more readable names, like v1, v2, v3, ....
There are two variables referenced which are not defined, api and fetchon. I suppose that the page where this script runs, has defined them somewhere.
The first part of the script is harmless and just shuffles an array of strings, which is later used to obfuscate strings (often property names). You can execute it
The code that needs de-obfuscation is the code that gets/sets properties of window, document, nagivator, ...and other objects. You can get a long way by putting that part of the script in a template literal, and evaluating all those expressions that evaluate to a property name, or to a value assigned to a property.
Functions and immediate code are mixed. It helps to reorganise that a bit.
Some functions have local variables which are constants and have unique names. These can be moved to the global scope and can often be evaluated safely, so the rest of the function's code can be clarified inside a template literal (like explained above).
Any remaining variables (not evaluated), can be given more telling names by seeing how they are used.
Anyway, here is the result I got to:
function rtclickcheck(e) {
if (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && e.which == 3)
return alert("Ooh!! This Not For Copy - Protected by (yuidea)"), false;
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 && event.button == 2)
return alert("Ooh!! This Not For Copy - Protected by (yuidea)"), false;
document.onmousedown = rtclickcheck;
function o() {
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + 259200);
var expiration = "expires=" + date.toUTCString();
document.cookie = "cap_y=10;path=/;";
// fetchon and api must be defined?
document.cookie = "JSON_fetch=" + fetchon + ";" + expiration + "; path=/";
window.location.href = api;
function invalidLIC() { }
function checkLIC() {
if (cedit.innerHTML.length === 0)
return invalidLIC(), false;
else {
if (cedit.getAttribute("href") !== "")
return invalidLIC(), false;
function lf() {
var decrypted = location.hostname.slice(2).slice(0, -2) + '24',
encrypted = 0;
if (decrypted.length == 0) return encrypted;
for (i = 0; i < decrypted.length; i++) {
char = decrypted.charCodeAt(i);
encrypted = (encrypted << 5) - encrypted + char;
encrypted = encrypted & encrypted;
return encrypted;
var l = lf();
var s = "-1135079491";
if (l == s && s.length == 11) {
var ceditf = document.getElementById("creditlink"),
citf = document.getElementById("crtlink");
var citdf = document.getElementById("crtdlink");
function checkLIC() {
if (cedit.innerHTML.length === 0)
return invalidLIC(), false;
var cedit = document.getElementById("creditlink");
!cedit && invalidLIC();
setInterval(checkLIC, 5000);
This code seems to do the following things:
Avoid that the user can view the source of the page with a right click
Obfuscates the current site's hostname through bitshifting and summing, and checks that the result has a certain value. I didn't try to find out what the original hostname would have to be to get a match.
Sets some variables like ceditf which are not used in this script, but maybe elsewhere
If the host matches, two cookies are set, and a navigation occurs (to whatever api has as URL)
Every 5 seconds checks the content of the element with id "creditlink".
If the contents of "creditlink" are not as expected it calls invalidLIC, but that function is empty -- I think that might have had code in a previous version of this script, but it was later removed.


Javascript - if statement that checks if null, is not working

I have a javascript function that looks like this
Component comp = db.Components.Find(Model.ComponentID);
Item i = db.Items.Find(Model.ItemID);
<script type="text/javascript">
function clicked(e) {
var compQty = $('#compQTY').val();
var compQty = $('#compQTY').val();
var compDiff = #Model.comp_qty - compQty;
var compFuture = #comp.FSTK - compDiff;
alert('compDiff = ' + compDiff )
if (!confirm('Are you sure? Doing this will reduce component ' + #comp.ComponentID + ' future stock from ' + #comp.FSTK+ ' to ' + compFuture))e.preventDefault();
if(#comp != null && #i == null) {
var compQty = $('#compQTY').val();
var compDiff = #Model.comp_qty - compQty;
var compFuture = #comp.FSTK - compDiff;
if (!confirm('Are you sure? Doing this will reduce component ' + #comp.ComponentID + ' future stock to ' + compFuture)) e.preventDefault();
else if(#i !== null && #comp == null ) {
var itemQty = $('#itemQTY').val();
var itemDiff = #Model.item_qty - itemQty;
var itemFuture = #i.FSTK - itemDiff;
if (!confirm('Are you sure? Doing this will reduce item ' + #i.ItemID + ' future stock to ' + itemFuture))e.preventDefault();
else if(#i !== null && #comp !== null) {
var itemQty = $('#itemQTY').val();
var itemDiff = #Model.item_qty - itemQty;
var itemFuture = #i.FSTK - itemDiff;
var compQty = $('#compQTY').val();
var compDiff = #Model.comp_qty - compQty;
var compFuture = #comp.FSTK - compDiff;
if (!confirm('Are you sure? Doing this will reduce component' + #comp.ComponentID + ' future stock to ' + compFuture + 'and reduce item' + #i.ItemID + ' future stock to ' + itemFuture))e.preventDefault();
But for example in my situation 'i' is null.
So the else if statement is not met but it still gives me an error of
'i is null'. I have tried doing #i != null and #i !== null but it gives the error for both situations
Also the function is giving me the error on pageload. It should only go through that function when my button is clicked

Parsing JavaScript, inside HTML

I have this Script tag inside an HTML and I need to parse for instance to get all the data inside the new String(). Is there a way to parse this data?
Does REGEX have to be used here or is there a more efficient way to do this?
<script language="JavaScript1.1">
function X(n) {
arrayindex = n;
s=new String(dataArray[arrayindex]);
if (arrayindex < 0) {
} else {
if (arrayindex == 0) {
document.dform.dinput.value=dateheading + a[0] + " O=" + a[1] + " H=" + a[2] + " L=" + a[3] + " C=" + a[4];
} else {
document.dform.dinput.value=dateheading + a[0] + " O=" + a[1] + " H=" + a[2] + " L=" + a[3] + " C=" + a[4];
var dataStr = new String('11/27/18 07:40,1.1322,1.13228,1.132,1.13212|11/27/18 07:35,1.13192,1.1322,1.13192,1.13203|11/27/18 07:30,1.1318,1.13202,1.1318,1.1319|11/27/18 07:25,1.13165,1.13191,1.13165,1.13188|11/27/18 07:20,1.1317,1.13174,1.13143,1.13143|11/27/18 07:15,1.13182,1.13192,1.1316,1.13177|11/27/18 07:10,1.13208,1.13213,1.1319,1.13213|11/27/18 07:05,1.1319,1.1321,1.13176,1.1321|11/27/18 07:00,1.13196,1.1321,1.13196,1.132|11/27/18 06:55,1.13232,1.13232,1.13187,1.13187|11/27/18 06:50,1.1319,1.13234,1.1319,1.1323|11/27/18 06:45,1.13216,1.13217,1.1319,1.132|11/27/18 06:40,1.13188,1.13198,1.13184,1.13198|11/27/18 06:35,1.13222,1.13222,1.132,1.13208|11/27/18 06:30,1.1318,1.1323,1.1318,1.1323|11/27/18 06:25,1.13178,1.1321,1.13178,1.13191|11/27/18 06:20,1.13184,1.13184,1.13162,1.13162|11/27/18 06:15,1.1316,1.13179,1.1316,1.13179|11/27/18 06:10,1.13194,1.132,1.1315,1.1318|11/27/18 06:05,1.1319,1.13225,1.1319,1.13191|11/27/18 06:00,1.13169,1.13174,1.1316,1.13169|11/27/18 05:55,1.1312,1.13166,1.1312,1.13166|11/27/18 05:50,1.13101,1.13127,1.131,1.13122|11/27/18 05:45,1.1313,1.1313,1.13111,1.13111|11/27/18 05:40,1.1317,1.1317,1.1313,1.13141|11/27/18 05:35,1.13159,1.13159,1.13135,1.13142|11/27/18 05:30,1.13203,1.13203,1.1317,1.1317|11/27/18 05:25,1.13187,1.13217,1.13187,1.13208|11/27/18 05:20,1.13226,1.13226,1.13185,1.13185|11/27/18 05:15,1.13151,1.13163,1.13151,1.13163|11/27/18 05:10,1.13141,1.13149,1.1313,1.13149|11/27/18 05:05,1.13153,1.13153,1.13128,1.1314|11/27/18 05:00,1.13114,1.13148,1.13114,1.13148|11/27/18 04:55,1.13149,1.13149,1.13106,1.13106|11/27/18 04:50,1.13212,1.13219,1.13203,1.13203|11/27/18 04:45,1.13232,1.13244,1.13209,1.13209|11/27/18 04:40,1.13225,1.13244,1.13223,1.13223|11/27/18 04:35,1.13233,1.13233,1.13217,1.13223|11/27/18 04:30,1.1322,1.13222,1.13206,1.1321|11/27/18 04:25,1.13174,1.13227,1.13174,1.13227|11/27/18 04:20,1.1316,1.13174,1.1315,1.13174|11/27/18 04:15,1.13181,1.13181,1.1314,1.13163|11/27/18 04:10,1.1319,1.13212,1.1319,1.13191|11/27/18 04:05,1.1317,1.13206,1.1317,1.13206|11/27/18 04:00,1.1311,1.13153,1.1311,1.13142|11/27/18 03:55,1.1313,1.1313,1.13113,1.13113|11/27/18 03:50,1.13136,1.13146,1.131,1.131|11/27/18 03:45,1.13147,1.13164,1.13145,1.13145|11/27/18 03:40,1.13091,1.13164,1.13091,1.13158|11/27/18 03:35,1.13109,1.13123,1.13106,1.1311|11/27/18 03:30,1.1308,1.13135,1.1308,1.13117|11/27/18 03:25,1.13115,1.13121,1.1309,1.1309|11/27/18 03:20,1.13089,1.13105,1.13082,1.13105|11/27/18 03:15,1.13076,1.13085,1.1304,1.13085|11/27/18 03:10,1.13072,1.13075,1.1304,1.13069|11/27/18 03:05,1.13111,1.13111,1.1309,1.13107|11/27/18 03:00,1.131,1.13151,1.13073,1.13073|11/27/18 02:55,1.13201,1.13201,1.1311,1.13122|11/27/18 02:50,1.13209,1.13226,1.1318,1.13218|11/27/18 02:45,1.13202,1.13229,1.13202,1.13209|11/27/18 02:40,1.13293,1.13293,1.1321,1.13215|11/27/18 02:35,1.13262,1.13311,1.13257,1.13257|11/27/18 02:30,1.13191,1.13389,1.13191,1.13353|11/27/18 02:25,1.1321,1.1321,1.13159,1.13164|11/27/18 02:20,1.13302,1.13302,1.13263,1.13263|11/27/18 02:15,1.1328,1.13304,1.13269,1.13304|11/27/18 02:10,1.13341,1.13359,1.1331,1.1331|11/27/18 02:05,1.13312,1.13328,1.13312,1.13325|11/27/18 02:00,1.13286,1.13308,1.13286,1.13308|11/27/18 01:55,1.13255,1.1328,1.1324,1.1327|11/27/18 01:50,1.13279,1.13297,1.13263,1.13263|11/27/18 01:45,1.1331,1.1331,1.13265,1.13266|');
dataArray = dataStr.split("|");
dataStr = null;
dataLength = dataArray.length;
Summary: How to extract 11/27/18 07:40,1.1322,1.13228,1.132,1.1321...
You can do this easily with regex:
test_js = "new String('x|y|z')"
string ="new String\('(.*)'\)", test_js)[1]
# 'x|y|z'
parts = string.split('|')
# ['x', 'y', 'z']

Probleme Authentification with nodejs and soap

I consume a SOAP who use a PasswordDigest authentification.
I use with succes this library:
I run this code on Debian with nodejs version v0.10.29 and it's work.
Now i need to make it run on a windows computer with nodejs v6.6.0, and its not working anymore.
I have the following messages:
The security token could not be authenticated or authorized
I suspect a problem with the crypto lib, this code maybe:
"use strict";
var crypto = require('crypto');
exports.passwordDigest = function passwordDigest(nonce, created, password) {
// digest = base64 ( sha1 ( nonce + created + password ) )
var pwHash = crypto.createHash('sha1');
var rawNonce = new Buffer(nonce || '', 'base64').toString('binary');
pwHash.update(rawNonce + created + password);
return pwHash.digest('base64');
Ok, so here's the way I've worked around it:
The SOAP library has a function for building the WSSE security header, which is placed in soap/lib/security/templates/WSSecurity.js.
The problem for me that the UsernameToken it was placing in the header was inconsistent with the one that soapUI was using and actually getting results (in my example).
Orignal code:
"<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu=\"\" wsu:Id=\"SecurityToken-" + created + "\">
While what I needed was:
<wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-<token>">
To get the proper token I've used WSSE library from npm (
All I had to do was include the package, define the token as in the readme:
const wsse = require('wsse');
const token = wsse({ username: '<username>', password: '<password>' })
Then call token.getNonce() for the proper token and token.getPasswordDigest() for the EncodingType property in the header.
After that everything works as intended.
Hope that helps!
I have pushed module using #MTM answer.
Please have a look
Code for fixing it, in case anyone wants to review (its same as soap wssecurity auth implementation including fix)
var crypto = require('crypto');
var wsse = require('wsse');
var validPasswordTypes = ['PasswordDigest', 'PasswordText'];
function WSSecurity(username, password, options) {
options = options || {};
this._username = username;
this._password = password;
if (typeof options === 'string') {
this._passwordType = options ?
options :
options = {};
} else {
this._passwordType = options.passwordType ?
options.passwordType :
if (validPasswordTypes.indexOf(this._passwordType) === -1) {
this._passwordType = 'PasswordText';
this._hasTimeStamp = options.hasTimeStamp || typeof options.hasTimeStamp === 'boolean' ? !!options.hasTimeStamp : true;
if (options.hasNonce != null) {
this._hasNonce = !!options.hasNonce;
this._hasTokenCreated = options.hasTokenCreated || typeof options.hasTokenCreated === 'boolean' ? !!options.hasTokenCreated : true;
if ( != null) {
this._actor =;
if (options.mustUnderstand != null) {
this._mustUnderstand = !!options.mustUnderstand;
WSSecurity.prototype.toXML = function() {
this._token = wsse({
username: this._username,
password: this._password
function getDate(d) {
function pad(n) {
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
return d.getUTCFullYear() + '-'
+ pad(d.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-'
+ pad(d.getUTCDate()) + 'T'
+ pad(d.getUTCHours()) + ':'
+ pad(d.getUTCMinutes()) + ':'
+ pad(d.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z';
var now = new Date(this._token.getCreated());
var created = this._token.getCreated() ;
var timeStampXml = '';
if (this._hasTimeStamp) {
var expires = getDate( new Date(now.getTime() + (1000 * 600)) );
timeStampXml = "<wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id=\"Timestamp-"+created+"\">" +
"<wsu:Created>"+created+"</wsu:Created>" +
"<wsu:Expires>"+expires+"</wsu:Expires>" +
var password, nonce;
if (this._hasNonce || this._passwordType !== 'PasswordText') {
var nHash = crypto.createHash('sha1');
nHash.update(created + Math.random());
nonce = nHash.digest('base64');
if (this._passwordType === 'PasswordText') {
password = "<wsse:Password Type=\"\">" + this._password + "</wsse:Password>";
if (nonce) {
password += "<wsse:Nonce EncodingType=\"\">" + nonce + "</wsse:Nonce>";
} else {
password = "<wsse:Password Type=\"\">" + this._token.getPasswordDigest() + "</wsse:Password>" +
"<wsse:Nonce EncodingType=\"\">" + this._token.getNonceBase64() + "</wsse:Nonce>";
return "<wsse:Security " + (this._actor ? "soap:actor=\"" + this._actor + "\" " : "") +
(this._mustUnderstand ? "soap:mustUnderstand=\"1\" " : "") +
"xmlns:wsse=\"\" xmlns:wsu=\"\">" +
timeStampXml +
"<wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id=\"UsernameToken-" + created +"\">"+
"<wsse:Username>" + this._username + "</wsse:Username>" +
password +
(this._hasTokenCreated ? "<wsu:Created>" + created + "</wsu:Created>" : "") +
"</wsse:UsernameToken>" +
module.exports = WSSecurity;

How to sort data of json object and display accordingly in html?

This is my ajax:
$("form").on("submit", function () {
var data = {
"action": "test"
data = $(this).serialize() + "&" + $.param(data);
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
url: "ajax2.php",
data: data,
success: function (data) {
//$(".the-return").html("<br />JSON: " + data+"<br/>");
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
$(".the-return").append("<div class='inside_return'>Name:" + data[i].name + "<br/>Id:" + data[i].id + "<br/>Pricing:" + data[i].rate + "<br/>Postcode:" + data[i].postcode+ "<br/>Reputation:" + data[i].reputation+"<br/>Review Plus:" + data[i].plus+"<br/>Review Negative:" + data[i].neg+"<br/><h1>Availability</h1>Week Morning:" + data[i].weekM+"<br/>Week Afternoon:" + data[i].weekA+"<br/>Week Evening:" + data[i].weekE+"<br/>Weekend Morning:" + data[i].endM+"<br/>Weekend Afternoon:" + data[i].endA+"<br/>Week Evening:" + data[i].endE+"</div>");
return false;
Above is my ajax. Now this is returning result from query that sorts by postcode by default.
Now when the result displayed, I want to let the user to sort it out by reputation, review and so on..How do I do that.
Put it in a simple way, I just need to alter the order by clause in the query so that it can sort by user selection. What's the easiest way to do it please?
How can I manipulate below part where it appends the result to a div called -the-return so that it sorts by whatever key user use?: Note-> I'm presenting the result in <div> block and not in table.
$(".the-return").append("<div class='inside_return'>Name:" + data[i].name + "<br/>Id:" + data[i].id + "<br/>Pricing:" + data[i].rate + "<br/>Postcode:" + data[i].postcode+ "<br/>Reputation:" + data[i].reputation+"<br/>Review Plus:" + data[i].plus+"<br/>Review Negative:" + data[i].neg+"<br/><h1>Availability</h1>Week Morning:" + data[i].weekM+"<br/>Week Afternoon:" + data[i].weekA+"<br/>Week Evening:" + data[i].weekE+"<br/>Weekend Morning:" + data[i].endM+"<br/>Weekend Afternoon:" + data[i].endA+"<br/>Week Evening:" + data[i].endE+"</div>");
WHat I tried:
success: function (data) {
//I used a function to sort//
data.sort(function (a, b) {
var retVal = 0;
switch (sortOption) {
case 1:
retVal = > ? 1 : ( < ? -1 : 0);
// .... many cases here
return retVal;
//sort function ends here//
$("#main_content").slideUp("normal", function () {
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
$(".the-return").append("<div class='inside_return'>Name:" + data[i].name + "<br/>Id:" + data[i].id + "<br/>Pricing:" + data[i].rate + "<br/>Postcode:" + data[i].postcode + "<br/>Reputation:" + data[i].reputation + "<br/>Review Plus:" + data[i].plus + "<br/>Review Negative:" + data[i].neg + "<br/><h1>Availability</h1>Week Morning:" + data[i].weekM + "<br/>Week Afternoon:" + data[i].weekA + "<br/>Week Evening:" + data[i].weekE + "<br/>Weekend Morning:" + data[i].endM + "<br/>Weekend Afternoon:" + data[i].endA + "<br/>Week Evening:" + data[i].endE + "</div>");
so when a user clicks a button, it fire the sorting function..Sadly it doesn't work..Placing the function within success, doesn't perform search function it was doing earlier without any sort. Even if I placed it outside the function , still doesn't work.
To sort an array, you can use Array.prototype.sort.
Without any arguments, it attempts to sort elements alphabetically, but you can pass in a comparing function instead.
The function will receive two arguments and should return less than 0, 0 or greater than 0 to define where argument 1 should be in relation to argument 2.
Your sorting function should look something like this:
data.responseData.sort(function (a, b) {
switch (sortOption) {
case 1:
a =,
b =;
type = "string";
case 2:
a = a.reputation,
b = b.reputation;
type = "numeric";
// etc
if (type == "numeric")
// numeric comparison
return a > b ? 1 : (a < b ? -1 : 0);
} else if (type == "string") {
// string comparison
return a.localeCompare(b);
// etc
localeCompare will compare the strings for you :)

how to create two different nameSpaces in one same nameSpace avoiding covering the first one?

i want to use two string(which i dont know their content) to create two nameSpace.And i dont want to create a new one if the nameSpace exists.
here is my code:
function createNameSpace(nameSpace)
var spaceArr = nameSpace.split(".");
var curSpace = window;
//judge if this nameSpace exists.
var i;
for(i in spaceArr)
curSpace = curSpace[spaceArr[i]];
window.alert("nameSpace1:" + nameSpace + "\ncurSpace do exists:" + curSpace + "\ni:" + i + "\nspaceArr[i]:" + spaceArr[i] + "|");
curSpace = {};
window.alert("nameSpace1:" + nameSpace + "\ncurSpace not found:" + curSpace + "\ni:" + i + "\nspaceArr[i]:" + spaceArr[i] + "|");
//now curSpace must have been created.
//window.alert("nameSpace2:" + nameSpace + "\ni:" + i + "\nspaceArr.length:" + spaceArr.length);
//create the nameSpace
for(;i < spaceArr.length; i++)
//window.alert("nameSpace2:" + nameSpace + "\ni:" + i + "\nspaceArr.length:" + spaceArr.length);
if(i == 0)
window[spaceArr[i]] = {};
curSpace = window[spaceArr[i]];
//window.alert("nameSpace3:" + nameSpace + "\ncurSpace[spaceArr[i]]:" + curSpace[spaceArr[i]]);
curSpace[spaceArr[i]] = {};
curSpace = curSpace[spaceArr[i]];
return curSpace;
the problem is,if i send"myTest.myNameSpace"and"myTest.monaNameSpace" into this func,it all alert"curSpace not found",which should be "curSpace do exists:" when i send "myTest.monaNameSpace" . i can`t tell where the mistakes are,can someone tell me?
I think your algorithm is a little to complex. I refactored it a little and added a test to it and verified it worked in the console. I have also written this code several times, so i am pretty sure i have hit your requirements
function createNameSpace(nameSpace)
var spaceArr = nameSpace.split(".");
var curSpace = window;
//judge if this nameSpace exists.
var i = 0;
for(i = 0;i < spaceArr.length; i++)
var next = spaceArr[i];
console.log(curSpace, next);
if(curSpace[next] == undefined)
curSpace[next] = {};
curSpace = curSpace[next]
curSpace = curSpace[next];
return curSpace;
myTest.myNameSpace.myName = "Leat Hakkor";
