How to properly set focus to a div element in React using createRef - javascript

I have a react app that I am working on, and currently, I have a custom-built dropdown that I want to open/close when a user clicks on the trigger(the arrow button), close it when a user selects an option, or close it when a user clicks outside the displayed component.
Here is my code:
For the sake of simplicity, I only added the code that I want help with.
class NavBar extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
showCurrencies: false,
this.handleShowCurrencies = this.handleShowCurrencies.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
this.currencyRef = createRef();
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (this.state.showCurrencies) return this.currencyRef.current.focus();
handleShowCurrencies = () => {
showCurrencies: !this.state.showCurrencies,
render() {
<div className="currency-switch" onClick={this.handleShowCurrencies}>
<img src={`${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/images/arrow.png`} />
{this.state.showCurrencies ? (
{currencies?.map((currency) => (
className={`dropdown-items ${currencySymbol === currency.symbol ? "selected" : "" }`}
onClick={() => changeCurrencySymbol(currency.symbol)}
{`${currency.symbol} ${currency.label}`}
) : null}
Currently, directing focus to a div element is working fine, and clicking outside the element as well. However, clicking back on the trigger or even selecting an option is not closing the div element. It seems like it is rendering twice(take a closer look on the console):
Why is that happening? How can I solve it?
P.S: I don't often ask on StackOverflow, so am not familiar with the process. Please bear with me. If you need any other info, I will be more than happy to provide it.


event.stopPropagation() fails on ReactJS Component inside a native HTMLElement

My particular use case of React is thus:
I wish to add a small React Component to a card that is an existing, fully-functional HTML element, per all the cards on the page. This React Component shall serve to implement a new feature on those cards : reverting changes.
The HTML (well, the MVCE version of it)
is something like this:
<div id="some-id" class="card float-sm-left menu-visual-card " onclick="(function(event) { console.log('I got clicked, and a modal will spawn' ) })(event)">
<div class=card-block>
<h5 class="card-title format-text">Some title</h5>
<!-- some business elements here -->
<!-- card footer -->
<div class=customized-indicator-react></div>
The React Component
in its tl;dr version is the following:
class CustomizedIndicatorComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// business logic
let active =
this.state = {
active : active
toggleActive = () => {
active : !
// setup
componentDidMount() {
// here's where I tried to add a jQuery onclick listener to stop propagation, only to have the React Component listener get stopped
// teardown
componentWillUnmount() {
console.log("CustomizedIndicatorComponent destroyed!")
// the UI logic
render() {
if ( {
return (
className="badge badge-sm badge-info float-sm-left customized"
onClick={(e) => {
title="Click to undo customizations">
<i className="fa fa-undo" aria-hidden="true"></i>
return <div />
What happens when you run this?
When I run this, it renders. However, when I click the widget to "de-activate" the element, the container's event-handler still fires!!
I know there is a slew of internet questions about this issue or something close to it, but none of the ones I could find seem to be about this exact use case.
Also, adding an event listener in componentDidMount doesn't work, as that prevents anything from firing!
Is there any way I can make this work without wasting developer-hours refactoring everything including the parent HTMLElements?
A "hacky" way you may consider is to get the parent's id from inside the React component and disable the click event from there.
If id could not be passed as a property to the React component, you can try using ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).parentNode.getAttribute("id") to get it and then disable the event using:
document.getElementById(id).style.pointerEvents = 'none';

Set dynamic state name in React.js

I am starting my adventure with React so it is a hard time for me, however I prepared such pen for you to test. Here is a portion of code:
class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
settings: true,
next: false,
toggler(abc) {
console.log(">>", abc)
next: !
/* {abc}: this.state.{abc} */
render() {
return (
<div className="kalreg">
<MyButton name='settings' isActive={this.state.settings} type="settings" toggle={this.toggler.bind(this)}/>
<MyButton name='settings2' isActive={this.state.settings} type="settings" toggle={this.toggler.bind(this)}/>
<MyButton name='next' isActive={} type="next" toggle={this.toggler.bind(this)}/>
class MyButton extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
if ( this.props.isActive ) { console.log("this one is active"); } else { console.log("ouch! it is not active, ignoring!"); return;}
render () {
if ( this.props.isActive ) {
return ( <div className="button notVisible" onClick={this.onChangeName.bind(this)}>{}</div>)
} else {
return ( <div className="button visible" onClick={this.onChangeName.bind(this)}>{}</div>)
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("app"));
What I am trying to achieve is that when i press one of "settings" buttons (yellow) the "next" button becomes unclickable (green). There is a toggle function that every time I click settings button it turns on and off "next" button.
It works quite good, however it is just a draft of bigger project and i want to automate it a little bit.
As you can see I create my <MyButton> with both "isActive" and "type" props. But isActive holds what's inside this.state.settings while type is "settings". Instead of using two variables it would be great to pass only type of button to its component and component, depending on its type would check its parent's this.state.{type}. I used {type} because i would like to check it dynamically. Is that possible?
If so - how to do it?
My first attempt is to pass type from <MyButton> to <App> via toggler function. I named the variable "abc". I commented the way I wanted to do it because it doesn't work:
{abc}: !this.state.{abc}
Any idea to solve this problem would be more than appreciated.
It is somewhat unclear what you are trying to achieve here. If you want to wire the state dynamically based on type, as you wrote in code: {abc}: !this.state.{abc} each button would toggle itself, not the next button. In this case your syntax is a little incorrect, it will work if you write it like:
[abc]: !this.state[abc]
However as I said, in your example, this makes the settings button change the state for this.state.settings disabling itself instead of the next button.
Another note would be, that if it is not necessary for the MyButton component to know its own type for other reasons, it is unnecessary to pass it as a prop and than make the component pass it back as an argument (this.props.toggle(this.props.type);). You can simply define the toggle function in the parent as:
toggle={() => this.toggler("settings")}
without passing type as a prop.
So basically we want to have the settings and settings2 buttons, and when we click on them, they toggle the state of the next button by making it un-clickable (green).
So if that is our goal, then
we don't need an isActive prop for the settings button. (Because it's always going to be active no matter what)
We also don't need to have a toggle prop on the Next button. (Because clicking the next button isn't supposed to toggle anything)
Instead of having two variables in the state why not just have one and then use that to determine the isActive prop of the next button?
The component would look like this:
constructor() {
this.state = {
nextIsActive: false,
toggler() {
nextIsActive: !this.state.nextIsActive
render() {
const {nextIsActive} = this.state
return (
<div className="kalreg">
<MyButton name='settings' isActive={true} type="settings" toggle={this.toggler.bind(this)}/>
<MyButton name='settings2' isActive={true} type="settings" toggle={this.toggler.bind(this)}/>
<MyButton name='next' isActive={nextIsActive}/>
That way you don't have to have 2 state properties that you have to dynamically update because it adds more complexity to your application.
You can see the finished product here: Codepen

Using ReactModal button with Href, not working. Unsure why

I am fairly new to react and have redone my personal site in react. The issue I am running into is my button that links (with href) to my JSfiddle for each portfolio demo is not working. I am not sure if I did not bind correctly or what exactly the issue is other than when the modal is open, the Demo button does not work. Close modal button works fine. Please see code below.
import React from 'react';
import ReactModal from 'react-modal';
class Project extends React.Component {
constructor () {
this.state = {
showModal: false
this.handleOpenModal = this.handleOpenModal.bind(this);
this.handleCloseModal = this.handleCloseModal.bind(this);
handleOpenModal() {
this.setState({ showModal: true});
handleCloseModal() {
this.setState({ showModal: false});
componentWillMount() {
render() {
const { details } = this.props;
return (
<li className="Project">
<div onClick={this.handleOpenModal}>
<img className="Project-image" src={'projects/' + details.image} alt={}/>
<div className="Project-overlay">
<div >
contentLabel="This is my Modal"
<div className="modal-header">
<div className="modal-body">
<img className="Project-image" src={'projects/' + details.image} alt={} />
<p className="desc-body">{details.desc}</p>
<p className="desc-body">{}</p>
<div className="modal-footer">
{ details.havLink && <button className="button" href={}>Click for Demo!</button> }
<button className="button" onClick={this.handleCloseModal}>Close Modal</button>
<div className="Project-tag">
const props = {};
export default Project;
The issue is in the first line of the "modal-footer" class. This button will show if the havLink property is true. This data is being exported from another JS file. Everything else (image, description, modal title) all import correctly, even the link I set imports correctly but when the button is pushed nothing fires as I expected. I do not see any errors in my React dev tools either.
{} as an href is not routing me to the specified link. The link will show up in the paragraph tag though (just to see if correct link populated).
Let me know if anything else is needed, I am hoping the solution is as simple as an incorrect binding. Thank you in advance!
<button> does not have the href attribute. You should be using an anchor element <a>. To the anchor you can pass whatever class or style you want to make it look like a button, but it's still an anchor element, not button.

React, Using Refs to scrollIntoView() doesn't work in componentDidUpdate()

I'm using Redux in my app, inside a Component I want to scroll to an specific div tag when a change in the store happens.
I have the Redux part working so it triggers the componentDidUpdate() method (I routed to this compoennt view already).
The problem as far as I can tell, is that the method scrollIntoView() doesn't work properly cos componentDidUpdate() has a default behavior that scrolls to the top overwriting the scrollIntoView().
To work-around it I wrapped the function calling scrollIntoView() in a setTimeout to ensure that happens afeterwards.
What I would like to do is to call a preventDefault() or any other more elegant solution but I can't find where to get the event triggering the 'scrollTop'
I looked through the Doc here:
and the params passed in this function are componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) ,since there is no event I don't know how to call preventDefault()
I've followd this Docs:
And tried different approaches people suggested here: How can I scroll a div to be visible in ReactJS?
Nothing worked though
Here is my code if anyone has any tip for me, thanks
class PhotoContainer extends React.Component {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
var scrolling = this.theDiv;
render() {
const totalList = [];
for(let i = 0; i < 300; i += 1) {
<div key={i}>{`hello ${i}`}</div>
return (
<div >
<div ref={(el) => this.theDiv = el}>this is the div I'm trying to scroll to</div>
Ok it's been a while but I got it working in another project without the setTimeOut function so I wanted to answer this question.
Since Redux pass the new updates through props, I used the componentWillRecieveProps() method instead of componentDidUpdate() , this allowes you a better control over the updated properties and works as expected with the scrollIntoView() function.
class PhotoContainer extends React.Component {
componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) {
if (
this.props.navigation.sectionSelected !==
newProps.navigation.sectionSelected &&
newProps.navigation.sectionSelected !== ""
) {
var scrolling = this[section]; //section would be 'theDiv' in this example
scrolling.scrollIntoView({ block: "start", behavior: "smooth" });//corrected typo
render() {
const totalList = [];
for(let i = 0; i < 300; i += 1) {
<div key={i}>{`hello ${i}`}</div>
return (
<div >
<div ref={(el) => this.theDiv = el}>
this is the div I am trying to scroll to
I also struggled with scrolling to the bottom of a list in react that's responding to a change in a redux store and I happened upon this and a few other stackoverflow articles related to scrolling. In case you also land on this question as well there are a few ways this could be a problem. My scenario was that I wanted a 'loading' spinner screen while the list was rendering. Here are a few wrong ways to do this:
When loading = true, render spinner, otherwise render list.
{loading ?
<Spinner />
<List />
as stated above this doesn't work because the list you might want to scroll to the bottom of isn't rendered yet.
When loading set the display to block for the spinner and none for the list. When done loading, reverse the display.
<div style={{display: loading ? 'block' : 'none'>
<Spinner />
<div style={{display: loading ? 'none' : 'block'>
<List />
This doesn't work either since the list you want to scroll to the bottom of isn't actually being displayed likely when you call the scroll.
The better approach for the above scenario is to use a loading that acts as an overlay to the component. This way both the spinner and list are rendered and displayed, the scroll happens, and when the loading is complete, the spinner can be de-rendered or set to be invisible.

React updating DOM in an unpredictable manner with setState and class names

I'm attempting to do an animation with React and CSS classes. I have created a live demo, if you visit it and click the Start button you will see the text fade in and up one by one. This is the desired animation that I am after.
However, there seems to be issues of consistency when you hit Start multiple times and I cannot pinpoint why.
The Issue: Below is a recording of the issue, you can see the number 1 is not behaving as expected.
live demo
The process: Clicking Start will cancel any previous requestAnimationFrame' and will reset the state to it's initial form. It then calls the showSegments() function with a clean state that has no classNames attached to it.
This function then maps through the state adding a isActive to each segment in the state. We then render out the dom with a map and apply the new state.
This should create a smooth segmented animation as each class gets dropped one by one. However when i test this in Chrome (Version 56.0.2924.87 (64-bit)) and also on iOS, it is very inconsistent, sometimes it works perfectly, other times the first DOM element won't animate, it will just stay in up and visible it's completed transitioned state with "isActive".
I tried to replicate this issue in safari but it worked perfectly fine, I'm quite new to react so i am not sure if this is the best way to go about things, hopefully someone can offer some insight as to why this is behaving quite erratic!
/* MotionText.js */
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import shortid from 'shortid';
class MotionText extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.showSegments = this.showSegments.bind(this);
this.handleClickStart = this.handleClickStart.bind(this);
this.handleClickStop = this.handleClickStop.bind(this);
this.initialState = () => { return {
curIndex: 0,
textSegments: [
].map(segment => ({
id: shortid.generate(),
className: null
this.state = this.initialState();
handleClickStop() {
this.setState(this.initialState(), () => {
this.rafId = requestAnimationFrame(this.showSegments);
showSegments() {
this.rafId = requestAnimationFrame(this.showSegments);
const newState = Object.assign({}, this.state);
newState.textSegments[this.state.curIndex].className = 'isActive';
curIndex: this.state.curIndex + 1
() => {
if (this.state.curIndex >= this.state.textSegments.length) {
const innerTree =, key) => (
<span key={} className={obj.className}>{obj.segment}</span>
return (
<button onClick={this.handleClickStart}>Start</button>
<button onClick={this.handleClickStop}>Stop</button>
<hr />
<div className="MotionText">{innerTree}..</div>
export default MotionText;
Thank you for your time, If there any questions please ask
WebpackBin Demo
Changing the method to something like this works
let d = new Date();
const innerTree =, key) => (
<span key={d.getMilliseconds() +} className={obj.className}>{obj.segment}</span>
return (
<button onClick={this.handleClickStart}>Start</button>
<button onClick={this.handleClickStop}>Stop</button>
<hr />
<div className="MotionText">{innerTree}..</div>
How this helps is that, the key becomes different than previously assigned key to first span being rendered. Any way by which you can make the key different than previous will help you have this animation. Otherwise React will not render it again and hence you will never see this in animation.
