Add eventListener or timeout to vanilla JS component after rendering? - javascript

I'm currently rendering a component in vanilla JS by calling a method attached to a class where the component is defined, and returned.
class ToastNotification {
constructor(paramsObj) {
this.notificationType = paramsObj.notificationType || "info";
this.notificationAction = paramsObj.notificationAction || "none";
this.title = paramsObj.title || "Something happened";
this.message = paramsObj.message || `Here's some more specific information on what happened`;
getHtml() {
return `
class="toastNotification notification_${this.notificationType} ${this.enableAnimations()}"
<div class="notification_icon">
<ion-icon name="${this.icon}"></ion-icon>
<div class="notification_text">
<p class="text_title">${this.title}</p>
<p class="text_message">${this.message}</p>
<p class="text_time">${this.timeSinceNotification()}</p>
<div class="notification_close">
<ion-icon name="close" onclick="this.closest('.toastNotification').remove()"></ion-icon>
But how can I add an event listene or set a timeout to take an action on the component, after I have called the getHTML() method to render the element?
As I would like to be able to set a timeout for the rendered element to dissapear after X amount of time and add an event listener to enable different actions when clicked on. But I am open to alternatives if they can get the same job done.

The best result I've come up with so far is using the MutationObserver.
const observer = new MutationObserver((change) => {
change[0].addedNodes.forEach( newNode => {
if (newNode.tagName == 'DIV' && newNode.classList.contains('toastNotification')) {
// Add listeners or do an action
And then attaching the observer to the HTML document, or the body
observer.observe(document.querySelector('html'), {attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true,});


How to run <script> when props of a component change?

Is it possible to execute a <Script/> every time the props of a react/nextjs component change?
I am converting markdown files to html using marked and, before rendering the html, I would like to have a [copy] button on each <pre> block (those are the code blocks). I have a <script/> that iterates through the <pre> blocks of the DOM document.querySelectorAll("pre") and injects the button needed. If the html changes though at a later stage, then I have found no way to re-run the script to add the copy buttons again.
I have the impression that this is not a very react/nextjs way of doing this, so any hints would be appreciated.
The Script to add the copy buttons. I have added this as the last tag of my <body>:
<Script id="copy-button">
let blocks = document.querySelectorAll("pre");
blocks.forEach((block) => {
if (navigator.clipboard) {
let button = document.createElement("img");
button.src = "/images/ic_copy.svg"
button.title = "Copy" = "copy"
button.addEventListener("click", copyCode);
async function copyCode(event) {
const button = event.srcElement;
const pre = button.parentElement;
let code = pre.querySelector("code");
let text = code.innerText;
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(text);
button.src = "/images/ic_done.svg"
setTimeout(()=> {
button.src = "/images/ic_copy.svg"
the React component. Not much to say here. The content is coming from the backend. Not sure what would be the 'React' way to do this without the script.
export default function Contents({ content }) {
return (
<div className='pl-2 pr-2 m-auto w-full lg:w-2/3 mb-40 overflow-auto break-words'>
<div className="contents" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: content }} />
You should absolutely not do this and instead incorporate this logic into your react app, but if you must you can leverage custom window events to make logic from your html script tags happen from react.
Here is an example script:
function addEvent() {
function runLogic() {
console.log("Stuff done from react");
window.addEventListener("runscript", runLogic);
And calling it form react like this:
export default function App() {
const handleClick = () => {
window.dispatchEvent(new Event("runscript"));
return (
<div className="App" onClick={handleClick}>

Can a text node be slotted?

Is it possible to assign a text node to a slot when using <template> and <slot>s?
Say I have a template that looks like
<slot name="mySlot"></slot>
I would like to be able to add only text to the slot, instead of having to add a <span> open and close tag each time I use the template. Is this possible? If not in pure HTML, in JavaScript?
It is also better to pass in the text content only so that no styling is applied on the way in. Currently I'm using an invalid tag <n> to avoid that issue.
Sure, you can with imperative slot assignment, but not yet in Safari.
You can not slot a text node into a named slot (declarative).
Mixing declarative and imperative slots is not possible.
::slotted(*) can not target text nodes.
customElements.define("slotted-textnodes", class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
mode: 'open',
slotAssignment: 'manual' // imperative assign only
}).innerHTML = `<style>::slotted(*){color:red}</style>
Click me! <slot name="title"></slot> <slot>NONE</slot>!!!`;
connectedCallback() {
let nodes = [], node;
setTimeout(() => { // wait till lightDOM is parsed
const nodeIterator = document.createNodeIterator(
this, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, {
acceptNode: (node) => node.parentNode == this && (/\S/.test(
while ((node = nodeIterator.nextNode())) nodes.push(node);
this.onclick = (e) => {
<hr separator>Bar<hr separator>
<b>text INSIDE nodes ignored by iterator filter!</b>
<span slot="title">Can't mix Declarative and Imperative slots!!!</span>

I Want a Button that hide the div and restore it

I want to create a button that will hide each ticket and one general button that will restore them all.
this is the Code:
return (
<ul className="tickets">
{ => (
<li key={} className="ticket">
<h5 className="headline">{ticket.headline}</h5>
<p className="text">{ticket.text}</p>
<div className="data">
By {ticket.address} | {new Date(ticket.time).toLocaleString()}
here is an example of what you want!
you have to replace myFunction() for your button and myDIV into your element that you want to hide it!
<button onclick="myFunction()">Click Me</button>
function myFunction() {
var x = document.getElementById("myDIV");
if ( === "none") { = "block";
} else { = "none";
for react =
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(true)
here is for button
<button onlick={() =>setVisible(!visible)}>hide/show
here is a demo in JS, modify to what you want exactly
<ul class="ticket">
<p>hey, I'm a P</p>
<div class="data">I'm a Div</div>
.hide {display:none}
const generalBtn = document.getElementById(`btn`);
const divContainer = document.querySelector(`.ticket`);
const eachDiv = divContainer.getElementsByClassName(`data`);
generalBtn.addEventListener(`click`, () => {
[...eachDiv].forEach((div) => {
There is a good solution in your case but as mentioned in the comments, it needs to manipulate the filteredTickets array.
You need to add a property/value to each item of filteredTickets to track or change their state. For example, it can be isVisible property which is a boolean with false or true value.
Now, isVisible value will determine the behavior. let's modify the ticket:
const handleHideTicket = (id) => {
// find selected ticket and ​change its visibility
​const updatedFilterdTickets = => ( === id ? {...ticket, isVisible: false} : ticket))
// now the updatedFilterdTickets need to be set in your state or general state like redux or you need to send it to the server throw a API calling.
return (
​<ul className="tickets">
​{filteredTickets.filter(ticket => ticket.isVisible).map((ticket) => (
​<li key={} className="ticket">
​<h5 className="headline">{ticket.headline}</h5>
​<p className="text">{ticket.text}</p>
​<div className="data">
​By {ticket.address} | {new Date(ticket.time).toLocaleString()}
// add a button to control visibility of each ticket
​<button onClick={() => handleHideTicket (}> click to hid / show </button>
a new button added to each ticket and pass the handleHideTicket handler to it. If the user clicks on this button, the handler finds that ticket and sets the isVisible property to the false.
On the other hand, we can remove the hidden tickets by applying a simple filter method before map method. so only visible tickets will be displayed.
Now, create a general button to show all the tickets. In this case, you need a handler function that sets all ticket's isVisible value to true
const handleShowAllTickets = () => {
const updatedFilteredTickets = => ({...ticket, isVisible: true}))
// now put the updatedFilteredTickets in your general store/post an API call/ update state
Note: as I mentioned in the code's comments, you need to update your filteredTickets array after changing via handlers to reflect the changes in your elements.

JavaScript classes, how does one apply "Separation of Concerns" and "Don't repeat Yourself" (DRY) in practice

I'm just in the process of learning how JavaScript classes work and I'm just looking for some advice on how to achieve something quite simple I hope regarding animating some elements.
I have created a class named myAnimation, the constructor takes in 1 argument which is an element. All its doing is fading a heading out and in, all very simple. It works fine when there is just one heading element on the page, I'm just not to sure how I go about getting it to work with more than one heading.
Please excuse my naivety with this; it's all very new to me, this is just a basic example I have managed to make myself to try and help myself understand how it works.
class myAnimation {
constructor(element) {
this.element = document.querySelector(element);
fadeOut(time) {
if (this.element.classList.contains('fadeout-active')) { = 1;
button.textContent = 'Hide Heading';
} else { = 0; = `all ${time}s ease`;
button.textContent = 'Show Heading';
const heading = new myAnimation('.heading');
const button = document.querySelector('.button');
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
<div class="intro">
<h1 class="heading">Intro Heading</h1>
<p>This is the intro section</p>
<button class="button">Hide Heading</button>
<div class="main">
<h1 class="heading">Main Heading</h1>
<p>This is the main section</p>
<button class="button">Hide Heading</button>
After my comment I wanted to make the script run in a way I thought it might have been intended by the OP.
Even though it demonstrates what needs to be done in order to run properly, the entire base design proofs to be not fitting to what the OP really might need to achieve.
The class is called Animation but from the beginning it was intermingling element-animation and changing state of a single somehow globally scoped button.
Even though running now, the design does not proof to be a real fit because one now passes the element that is going to be animated and the button it shall interact with altogether into the constructor.
The functionality is grouped correctly, just the place and the naming doesn't really fit.
The OP might think about a next iteration step of the provided code ...
class Animation {
constructor(elementNode, buttonNode) {
this.element = elementNode;
this.button = buttonNode;
// only in case both elements were passed ...
if (elementNode && buttonNode) {
// couple them by event listening/handling.
buttonNode.addEventListener('click', () => {
// - accessing the `Animation` instance's `this` context
// gets assured by making use of an arrow function.
fadeOut(time) {
if (this.element.classList.contains('fadeout-active')) { = 1;
this.button.textContent = 'Hide Heading';
} else { = 0; = `all ${time}s ease`;
this.button.textContent = 'Show Heading';
function initializeAnimations() {
// get list of all elements that have a `heading` class name.
const headingList = document.querySelectorAll('.heading');
// for each heading element do ...
headingList.forEach(function (headingNode) {
// ... access its parent element and query again for a single button.
const buttonNode = headingNode.parentElement.querySelector('.button');
// if the related button element exists ...
if (buttonNode) {
// ... create a new `Animation` instance.
new Animation(headingNode, buttonNode);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }
<div class="intro">
<h1 class="heading">Intro Heading</h1>
<p>This is the intro section</p>
<button class="button">Hide Heading</button>
<div class="main">
<h1 class="heading">Main Heading</h1>
<p>This is the main section</p>
<button class="button">Hide Heading</button>
... new day, next possible iteration step ...
The 2nd iteration separates concerns.
It does so by renaming the class and implementing only class specific behavior. Thus a FadeToggle class provides just toggle specific functionality.
The code then gets split into two functions that handle initialization. For better reuse the initializing code and the html structure need to be refactored into something more generic. The data attribute of each container that features a trigger-element for fading a target element will be used as a configuration storage that provides all necessary information for the initializing process. (One even can provide individual transition duration values.)
Last there is a handler function that is implemented in a way that it can be reused by bind in order to generate a closure which provides all the necessary data for each trigger-target couple.
class FadeToggle {
// a clean fade-toggle implementation.
constructor(elementNode, duration) {
duration = parseFloat(duration, 10);
duration = Number.isFinite(duration) ? duration : 1; = 1; = `all ${ duration }s ease`;
this.element = elementNode;
isFadeoutActive() {
return this.element.classList.contains('fadeout-active');
toggleFade(duration) {
duration = parseFloat(duration, 10);
if (Number.isFinite(duration)) { = `${ duration }s`;
if (this.isFadeoutActive()) { = 1;
} else { = 0;
function handleFadeToggleWithBoundContext(/* evt */) {
const { trigger, target } = this;
if (target.isFadeoutActive()) {
trigger.textContent = 'Hide Heading';
} else {
trigger.textContent = 'Show Heading';
function initializeFadeToggle(elmNode) {
// parse an element node's fade-toggle configuration.
const config = JSON.parse(elmNode.dataset.fadeToggleConfig || null);
const selectors = (config && config.selectors);
if (selectors) {
try {
// query both the triggering and the target element
const trigger = elmNode.querySelector(selectors.trigger || null);
let target = elmNode.querySelector( || null);
if (trigger && target) {
// create a `FadeToggle` target type.
target = new FadeToggle(target, config.duration);
// couple trigger and target by event listening/handling ...
// ... and binding both as context properties to the handler.
} catch (exception) {
console.warn(exception.message, exception);
function initializeEveryFadeToggle() {
// get list of all elements that contain a fade-toggle configuration
const configContainerList = document.querySelectorAll('[data-fade-toggle-config]');
// do initialization for each container separately.
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }
<div class="intro" data-fade-toggle-config='{"selectors":{"trigger":".button","target":".heading"},"duration":3}'>
<h1 class="heading">Intro Heading</h1>
<p>This is the intro section</p>
<button class="button">Hide Heading</button>
<div class="main" data-fade-toggle-config='{"selectors":{"trigger":".button","target":".heading"}}'>
<h1 class="heading">Main Heading</h1>
<p>This is the main section</p>
<button class="button">Hide Heading</button>
... afternoon, improve the handling of state changes ...
There is still hard wired data, written directly into the code. In order to get rid of string-values that will be (re)rendered every time a toggle-change takes place one might give the data-based configuration-approach another chance.
This time each triggering element might feature a configuration that provides state depended values. Thus the initialization process needs to take care of retrieving this data and also of rendering it according to the initial state of a fade-toggle target.
This goal directly brings up the necessity of a render function for a trigger element because one needs to change a trigger's state not only initially but also with every fade-toggle.
And this again will change the handler function in a way that in addition it features bound state values too in order to delegate such data to the render process ...
class FadeToggle {
// a clean fade-toggle implementation.
constructor(elementNode, duration) {
duration = parseFloat(duration, 10);
duration = Number.isFinite(duration) ? duration : 1; = 1; = `all ${ duration }s ease`;
this.element = elementNode;
isFadeoutActive() {
return this.element.classList.contains('fadeout-active');
toggleFade(duration) {
duration = parseFloat(duration, 10);
if (Number.isFinite(duration)) { = `${ duration }s`;
if (this.isFadeoutActive()) { = 1;
} else { = 0;
function renderTargetStateDependedTriggerText(target, trigger, fadeinText, fadeoutText) {
if ((fadeinText !== null) && (fadeoutText !== null)) {
if (target.isFadeoutActive()) {
trigger.textContent = fadeinText;
} else {
trigger.textContent = fadeoutText;
function handleFadeToggleWithBoundContext(/* evt */) {
// retrieve context data.
const { target, trigger, fadeinText, fadeoutText } = this;
function initializeFadeToggle(elmNode) {
// parse an element node's fade-toggle configuration.
let config = JSON.parse(elmNode.dataset.fadeToggleConfig || null);
const selectors = (config && config.selectors);
if (selectors) {
try {
// query both the triggering and the target element
const trigger = elmNode.querySelector(selectors.trigger || null);
let target = elmNode.querySelector( || null);
if (trigger && target) {
// create a `FadeToggle` target type.
target = new FadeToggle(target, config.duration);
// parse a trigger node's fade-toggle configuration and state.
const triggerStates = ((
JSON.parse(trigger.dataset.fadeToggleTriggerConfig || null)
|| {}
).states || {});
// get a trigger node's state change values.
const fadeinStateValues = (triggerStates.fadein || {});
const fadeoutStateValues = (triggerStates.fadeout || {});
// get a trigger node's state change text contents.
const fadeinText = fadeinStateValues.textContent || null;
const fadeoutText = fadeoutStateValues.textContent || null;
// rerender trigger node's initial text value.
// couple trigger and target by event listening/handling ...
// ... and by binding both and some text values
// that are sensitive to state changes
// as context properties to the handler.
} catch (exception) {
console.warn(exception.message, exception);
function initializeEveryFadeToggle() {
// get list of all elements that contain a fade-toggle configuration
const configContainerList = document.querySelectorAll('[data-fade-toggle-config]');
// do initialization for each container separately.
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }
<div class="intro" data-fade-toggle-config='{"selectors":{"trigger":".button","target":".heading"},"duration":3}'>
<h1 class="heading">Intro Heading</h1>
<p>This is the intro section</p>
<button class="button" data-fade-toggle-trigger-config='{"states":{"fadeout":{"textContent":"Hide Heading"},"fadein":{"textContent":"Show Heading"}}}'>Toggle Heading</button>
<div class="main" data-fade-toggle-config='{"selectors":{"trigger":".button","target":".heading"}}'>
<h1 class="heading">Main Heading</h1>
<p>This is the main section</p>
<button class="button">Toggle Heading</button>
This is happening because document.querySelector(".button") only returns the first element with class .button (reference).
You might want to try document.querySelectorAll(".button") (reference) to add your event listeners.
(Though this will only toggle your first heading - for the very same reason. ;))

Angular 2/4 set focus on input element

How can I set focus on an input by (click) event? I have this function in place but I'm clearly missing something (angular newbie here)
sTbState: string = 'invisible';
private element: ElementRef;
toggleSt() {
this.sTbState = (this.sTbState === 'invisible' ? 'visible' : 'invisible');
if (this.sTbState === 'visible') {
You can use the #ViewChild decorator for this. Documentation is at
Here's a working plnkr:
This gist of the code comes down to, giving a name to your input element and wiring up a click event in your template.
<input #myInput />
<button (click)="focusInput()">Click</button>
In your component, implement #ViewChild or #ViewChildren to search for the element(s), then implement the click handler to perform the function you need.
export class App implements AfterViewInit {
#ViewChild("myInput") inputEl: ElementRef;
focusInput() {
Now, click on the button and then the blinking caret will appear inside the input field. Use of ElementRef is not recommended as a security risk,
like XSS attacks ( and because it results in less-portable components.
Also beware that, the inputEl variable will be first available, when ngAfterViewInit event fires.
Get input element as native elements in ts file.
<input #focusTrg />
<button (click)="onSetFocus()">Set Focus</button>
#ViewChild("focusTrg") trgFocusEl: ElementRef;
onSetFocus() {
we need to put this.trgFocusEl.nativeElement.focus(); in setTimeout() then it'll work fine otherwise it will throw undefined error.
try this :
in you HTML file:
<button type="button" (click)="toggleSt($event, toFocus)">Focus</button>
<!-- Input to focus -->
<input #toFocus>
in your ts File :
sTbState: string = 'invisible';
toggleSt(e, el) {
this.sTbState = (this.sTbState === 'invisible' ? 'visible' : 'invisible');
if (this.sTbState === 'visible') {
try this.
//on .html file
<button (click)=keyDownFunction($event)>click me</button>
// on .ts file
// navigate to form elements automatically.
keyDownFunction(event) {
// specify the range of elements to navigate
let maxElement = 4;
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
// specify first the parent of container of elements
let container = document.getElementsByClassName("myForm")[0];
// get the last index from the current element.
let lastIndex = event.srcElement.tabIndex ;
for (let i=0; i<maxElement; i++) {
// element name must not equal to itself during loop.
if (container[i].id !== &&
lastIndex < i) {
lastIndex = i;
const tmp = document.getElementById(container[i].id);
(tmp as HTMLInputElement).select();
return true;
