I have a large text with 10 "hell" words in the document, and I want flexSearch to retrieve all the matches in the full text for me. I currently use the index. search method, but it can only retrieve the first hell, not include the rest. I don't know what's going on.
my core code:
import Flexsearch from "flexsearch";
const searchENOptions = {
encode: "icase",
tokenize: "reverse",
resolution: 9,
doc: {
id: "key",
field: ["content"],
this.indexEN = new Flexsearch(searchENOptions);
const { pages } = this.$site;
const query = this.query.trim().toLowerCase(); // query keywords
let result = null;
if (!query) {
const regex = /[\x00-\x7F]/g;
// currently, the result only has one item.
result = this.indexEN.search(query).map((page) => {
return {
text: this.getSuggestionText(page),
function getSuggestionText(page) {
const content = page.content; // fullText
const queryIndex = content
const queryFirstWord = this.query.split(" ")[0];
let startIndex =
queryIndex === -1
? content.toLowerCase().indexOf(queryFirstWord.toLowerCase())
: queryIndex;
let prefix = "";
if (startIndex > 15) {
startIndex -= 15;
prefix = "... ";
const text = page.content.substr(startIndex, SEARCH_RESULT_LENGTH);
return highlightText(text, this.query) + prefix;
Loop over a list of ids and foreach id get data from api but, i can make only 40 requests per 10 seconds, i'm getting data from tbdb but i'm getting kicked by the api here is my code
Popular.findAll({ limit: 25 }).then((filmes) => {
for (let index = 0; index < filmes.length; index++) {
const element = filmes[index];
const id_filme = element.id_filme;
i get each movie id so i can make requests to the api with this function..
function fetchdata(id_filme) {
setTimeout(function () {
axios.spread(function (detalhes, linksyt) {
var filme = detalhes.data;
var youtube = linksyt.data;
// console.log(filme, youtube);
var filmesLista = new Array();
const title = filme.title;
const filmeid = filme.id;
if (Object.keys(filme.genres).length === 0) {
var genre = filme.genres;
} else {
var genre = filme.genres[0].name;
const overview = filme.overview;
const poster_path =
"https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500" + filme.poster_path;
const release_date = filme.release_date;
const vote_average = parseFloat(filme.vote_average);
const backdrop_path =
"https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original" + filme.backdrop_path;
const imdb_id = filme.imdb_id;
const runtime = filme.runtime;
if (Object.keys(youtube.results).length === 0) {
var trailer = "";
} else {
var trailer =
"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + youtube.results[0].key;
filmesLista.forEach((i) => {
const filmeid = i[0];
const title = i[1];
const genre = i[2];
const overview = i[3];
const poster_path = i[4];
const release_date = i[5];
const vote_average = i[6];
const backdrop_path = i[7];
const imdb_id = i[8];
const runtime = i[9];
const trailer = i[10];
id_filme: `${filmeid}`,
title: `${title}`,
genre: `${genre}`,
release_date: `${release_date}`,
vote_average: `${vote_average}`,
imdb_id: `${imdb_id}`,
runtime: `${runtime}`,
overview: `${overview}`,
poster_path: `${poster_path}`,
backdrop_path: `${backdrop_path}`,
trailer: `${trailer}`,
if (o < 25) {
}, 10000);
console.log("INSERIDO NO BANCO");
the code works but, works so fast and i get kicked every time i run with more than 40 ids.. i'm strugling on just make 40 request every 10 secconds. anyone can help me please?
In total I have two files first one is tester and second is the solution for tester file
Here is my Tester File
const data = require('./data');
const result0 = data.results[0];
const { getTaxonPhotos } = require('./observations');
const isINaturalistPath = (pathname) =>
const hasIdQueryParam = (search) => /^\?\d+$/.test(search);
const isUrl = (url) => {
const { pathname, search } = new URL(url);
if (!isINaturalistPath(pathname)) {
throw new Error(`URL path doesn't look like an iNaturalist photo: ${pathname}`);
if (!hasIdQueryParam(search)) {
throw new Error(`URL origin doesn't have expected id on query string: ${search}`);
return true;
describe('Problem 06 - getTaxonPhotos() function', function () {
let sample, samples, sampleData;
beforeEach(() => {
sample = Object.assign({}, result0);
samples = [sample];
sampleData = { results: samples };
test('should return an Array of Objects with the right URLs', function () {
let result = getTaxonPhotos(sampleData);
const photos = result[0];
test('should return an empty Array if missing taxon', function () {
delete sample.taxon;
let result = getTaxonPhotos(sampleData);
test('real-data should produce the expected result', function () {
let result = getTaxonPhotos(data);
result.forEach((photos) => {
test('URLs should end with the observation ID on the query string', () => {
let taxonPhotos0 = getTaxonPhotos(data)[0];
let observationId = result0.id;
Here is my solution for the tester file or you can say function to solve the tester code
function getTaxonPhotos(data) {
let patt = /(http(s)?:\/\/)/
let arr = Array();
let pho_obj = {
original: "",
square: "",
small: "",
medium: "",
large: ""
data.results.forEach(function(element) {
if (element.hasOwnProperty('taxon') && element.taxon.default_photo) {
// Separate values and find url and id in them
let _values = Object.values(element.taxon.default_photo);
let _url = _values.find(sector => sector.match(patt));
let _id = _values.find( element => typeof element === 'number').toString();
let observationId = "1384377507";
// split the url before file extension
_url = _url.substring(0, (_url.indexOf(_id) + _id.length + 1));
// using a for loop with swith to make correct url
for (let i in pho_obj) {
switch (`${i}`) {
case "original":
pho_obj.original = _url + "original.jpg"+`?${observationId}`;
case "square":
pho_obj.square = _url + "square.jpg"+`?${observationId}`;
case "small":
pho_obj.small = _url + "small.jpg"+`?${observationId}`;
case "medium":
pho_obj.medium = _url + "medium.jpg"+`?${observationId}`;
case "large":
pho_obj.large = _url + "large.jpg"+`?${observationId}`;
return arr;
I successfully completed 3 conditions but 1 last goes wrong can you help me solve this (I test using jest in javascript)
√ should return an Array of Objects with the right URLs (3 ms)
√ should return an empty Array if missing taxon
√ real-data should produce the expected result (5 ms)
× URLs should end with the observation ID on the query string (3 ms)
let taxonPhotos0 = getTaxonPhotos(data)[0];
I don't think you have anything define for data
did you try
let taxonPhotos0 = getTaxonPhotos(sampleData)[0];
I try to export all contacts from hubspot to spreadsheet,
but I do not know how I can do it
You would be wise to use the people api since the Contact API will begin to be shut down after June 15. I've provided a function that I use.
You welcome to it.
Use what you wish. Modify as needed.
function displayCurrentContacts() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sh = ss.getSheetByName('Contacts');
const vs = [['Name', 'Emails']];
const resp = People.People.Connections.list('people/me', { personFields: "emailAddresses,names,organizations" });
const data = JSON.parse(resp);
let m = 0;
let n = 0;
data.connections.forEach((ob1, i) => {
if (ob1.emailAddresses && ob1.emailAddresses.length > 0) {
let emails = [... new Set(ob1.emailAddresses.map(ob2 => ob2.value))];//used set to insure I get unique list
//let emails = ob1.emailAddresses.map(ob2 => ob2.value);
let name;
m += emails.length;
if (ob1.names && ob1.organizations) {
name = ob1.names[0].displayName + '\n' + ob1.organizations[0].name;
} else if (ob1.names) {
name = ob1.names[0].displayName;
} else if (ob1.organizations) {
name = ob1.organizations[0].name;
vs.push([name, emails.sort().join('\n')])
vs.push([n, m])
sh.getRange(1, 1, vs.length, vs[0].length).setValues(vs)
sh.getRange(2, 1, sh.getLastRow() - 2, sh.getLastColumn()).sort({ column: 1, sortAscending: true });
What is the best way to target an array or a string, so that when a user types a letter it finds a match and logs the letter and its index in the array (or the string)?For example (set-up):
how to train your dragon
___ __ _____ ____ ______
Type a letter to guess, you have 10 TRIES:
User Typed: o
Result: _o_ _o _____ _o__ ____o_
var fs = require('fs');
var inquirer = require('inquirer');
var displayProgress = require('./checkGuess');
// var checkGuess = require('./checkGuess');
var PlayFunc = function() {
var blanksArr = [];
var currentWord = [];
this.getData = function() {
var stackOv = "";
fs.readFile("words.txt", "utf8", function(error, data){
if (error) throw error;
dataType = data.toLowerCase();
//data in array
var wordArr = dataType.split(',');
//select random from word from data
var compWord = wordArr[Math.floor(Math.random() * wordArr.length)];//random
//split chosen word
currentWord = compWord.split('');
//Looping through the word
for (var i = 0; i <= currentWord.length - 1; i++) {
// pushing blanks
var gArr = blanksArr.push("_");
stackOv = currentWord.join("").replace(/[^- :'.]/g, "_");
wordString = currentWord.join("");
console.log("GUESS THIS MOVIE: ");
fs.writeFile("blanks.txt", stackOv, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
fs.readFile('blanks.txt', "utf8",(err, word) => {
if (err) throw err;
// console.log("GUESS THIS MOVIE: " + compWord);
blanksTxt = word.split(''); //console.log(string.join('').replace(/[^-: '.]/g, "_"));
displayProgress = new displayProgress();
module.exports = PlayFunc;
ON THE NEXT FILE CALLED checkGuess.js I Plan to do the checking (which goes back to my original question (OP).
var fs = require('fs');
var inquirer = require('inquirer');
var PlayFunc = require('./PlayFunc');
var displayProgress = function (){
// PlayFunc = new PlayFunc();
// PlayFunc.getData();
var a = blanksTxt.join(''); console.log(a); //string a
var manipulateThisArray = blanksTxt;//reading from blanks.txt
// console.log(manipulateThisArray);
this.checkGuess = function(){
type: "input",
name: "letter",
message: "Type a letter to guess, you have 10 TRIES:"
]).then(function(userInput) {
var correctArray = [];
// console.log(userInput.letter);
letterTyped = userInput.letter;
//test if we can parse through the array
for (var i = 0; i <= manipulateThisArray.length - 1; i++) {
x = manipulateThisArray[i]; console.log(x);
// if userinput letter-value matches chosen words letter value
// replace this chosen worsa letter with userinput value
// if(letterTyped == x.charAt(i)) {
console.log("THERES A MATCH " + x.charAt(i));
// }else {
// console.log("NO MATCH");
// }
// checkGuess();
module.exports = displayProgress;
//declaration of the variables we need
//the original string:
const string = "how to train your dragon";
//a string of characters we want to show
const show = "o";
//A resulting string we can work with
var result = "";
//Now we go over every character of our string and
for(const character of string){
//check if the character is inside the characters we want to show
//if so we show it by adding it to the result
result += character;
//If not we add an _ instead
result += "_";
//At the end we can show the result
For this i would use the 'foo'.replace('bar', 'bar') and make sure that the String contains the input 'foo'.includes('input') also you could use a RegExp.
To get the index you could do a loop through the length of the String and use the 'foo'.indexOf('input', number) that will return -1 if no coincidence
I have a form where a user can enter in some code, and then I want to use Javascript to display it back to them in the webpage. I've already used regex in javascript to replace all the < > tags with html keywords < and >, but I want to highlight in blue all instances of a tag being opened and then ending with a space or a close tag. I can find the expressions I want but I then want to surround each of them with < span> tags.
The actual code is long but Here's some example code that covers what I want to do:
//example of what a user might put in
var text = "<div id='main'>Here is some <b>bold</b> text.</div>";
//Replace all tag symbols with html keywords
text = text.replace(/\r?</g,'<');
//now the expression to get what i want to highlight blue
var regExp = /\<[a-zA-Z]+(\s|>)/g;
And now I want to find the expressions, and replace them all with themselves wrapped inside span tags, like:
text = text.replace(regExp,"<span class='bluefont'>EACH EXPRESSION FOUND</span>");
I don't know how to do this or if it's even possible just using replace, but it would be really handy if it is.
I know there are external libraries for syntax highlighting but I don't want to use any external libraries for this. I'm using [a-zA-Z] instead of checking for legal tag names in html because I want this to work for xml/xhtml too.
There is a simple solution - replace all < and > with entites, next use regexp (\<[a-zA-Z]*\>). But to be exact I would use something else for first replacement, like below.
markedString = htmlentities('My cat is <span>fluffy</span>')
markedString = markedString.replace(new RegExp('(\<[a-zA-Z]*\>)', 'g'), '<span class="marked">$1</span>');
function htmlentities (string, quote_style, charset, double_encode) {
var hash_map = this.get_html_translation_table('HTML_ENTITIES', quote_style),
symbol = '';
string = string == null ? '' : string + '';
if (!hash_map) {
return false;
if (quote_style && quote_style === 'ENT_QUOTES') {
hash_map["'"] = ''';
if (!!double_encode || double_encode == null) {
for (symbol in hash_map) {
if (hash_map.hasOwnProperty(symbol)) {
string = string.split(symbol).join(hash_map[symbol]);
} else {
string = string.replace(/([\s\S]*?)(&(?:#\d+|#x[\da-f]+|[a-zA-Z][\da-z]*);|$)/g, function (ignore, text, entity) {
for (symbol in hash_map) {
if (hash_map.hasOwnProperty(symbol)) {
text = text.split(symbol).join(hash_map[symbol]);
return text + entity;
return string;
function get_html_translation_table (table, quote_style) {
var entities = {},
hash_map = {},
var constMappingTable = {},
constMappingQuoteStyle = {};
var useTable = {},
useQuoteStyle = {};
// Translate arguments
constMappingTable[0] = 'HTML_SPECIALCHARS';
constMappingTable[1] = 'HTML_ENTITIES';
constMappingQuoteStyle[0] = 'ENT_NOQUOTES';
constMappingQuoteStyle[2] = 'ENT_COMPAT';
constMappingQuoteStyle[3] = 'ENT_QUOTES';
useTable = !isNaN(table) ? constMappingTable[table] : table ? table.toUpperCase() : 'HTML_SPECIALCHARS';
useQuoteStyle = !isNaN(quote_style) ? constMappingQuoteStyle[quote_style] : quote_style ? quote_style.toUpperCase() : 'ENT_COMPAT';
if (useTable !== 'HTML_SPECIALCHARS' && useTable !== 'HTML_ENTITIES') {
throw new Error("Table: " + useTable + ' not supported');
// return false;
entities['38'] = '&';
if (useTable === 'HTML_ENTITIES') {
entities['160'] = ' ';
entities['161'] = '¡';
entities['162'] = '¢';
entities['163'] = '£';
entities['164'] = '¤';
entities['165'] = '¥';
entities['166'] = '¦';
entities['167'] = '§';
entities['168'] = '¨';
entities['169'] = '©';
entities['170'] = 'ª';
entities['171'] = '«';
entities['172'] = '¬';
entities['173'] = '';
entities['174'] = '®';
entities['175'] = '¯';
entities['176'] = '°';
entities['177'] = '±';
entities['178'] = '²';
entities['179'] = '³';
entities['180'] = '´';
entities['181'] = 'µ';
entities['182'] = '¶';
entities['183'] = '·';
entities['184'] = '¸';
entities['185'] = '¹';
entities['186'] = 'º';
entities['187'] = '»';
entities['188'] = '¼';
entities['189'] = '½';
entities['190'] = '¾';
entities['191'] = '¿';
entities['192'] = 'À';
entities['193'] = 'Á';
entities['194'] = 'Â';
entities['195'] = 'Ã';
entities['196'] = 'Ä';
entities['197'] = 'Å';
entities['198'] = 'Æ';
entities['199'] = 'Ç';
entities['200'] = 'È';
entities['201'] = 'É';
entities['202'] = 'Ê';
entities['203'] = 'Ë';
entities['204'] = 'Ì';
entities['205'] = 'Í';
entities['206'] = 'Î';
entities['207'] = 'Ï';
entities['208'] = 'Ð';
entities['209'] = 'Ñ';
entities['210'] = 'Ò';
entities['211'] = 'Ó';
entities['212'] = 'Ô';
entities['213'] = 'Õ';
entities['214'] = 'Ö';
entities['215'] = '×';
entities['216'] = 'Ø';
entities['217'] = 'Ù';
entities['218'] = 'Ú';
entities['219'] = 'Û';
entities['220'] = 'Ü';
entities['221'] = 'Ý';
entities['222'] = 'Þ';
entities['223'] = 'ß';
entities['224'] = 'à';
entities['225'] = 'á';
entities['226'] = 'â';
entities['227'] = 'ã';
entities['228'] = 'ä';
entities['229'] = 'å';
entities['230'] = 'æ';
entities['231'] = 'ç';
entities['232'] = 'è';
entities['233'] = 'é';
entities['234'] = 'ê';
entities['235'] = 'ë';
entities['236'] = 'ì';
entities['237'] = 'í';
entities['238'] = 'î';
entities['239'] = 'ï';
entities['240'] = 'ð';
entities['241'] = 'ñ';
entities['242'] = 'ò';
entities['243'] = 'ó';
entities['244'] = 'ô';
entities['245'] = 'õ';
entities['246'] = 'ö';
entities['247'] = '÷';
entities['248'] = 'ø';
entities['249'] = 'ù';
entities['250'] = 'ú';
entities['251'] = 'û';
entities['252'] = 'ü';
entities['253'] = 'ý';
entities['254'] = 'þ';
entities['255'] = 'ÿ';
if (useQuoteStyle !== 'ENT_NOQUOTES') {
entities['34'] = '"';
if (useQuoteStyle === 'ENT_QUOTES') {
entities['39'] = ''';
entities['60'] = '<';
entities['62'] = '>';
// ascii decimals to real symbols
for (decimal in entities) {
if (entities.hasOwnProperty(decimal)) {
hash_map[String.fromCharCode(decimal)] = entities[decimal];
return hash_map;
function htmlentites from http://phpjs.org/functions/htmlentities/
function get_html_translation_table from http://phpjs.org/functions/get_html_translation_table/
I'm no regex expert, but I believe you could do it using backreferences in your regular expression.
var regExp = /(\<[a-zA-Z]+(\s|>))/g; //Note the additional parentheses
text = text.replace(regExp,"<span class='bluefont'>$1</span>");