firebase twitter login error : auth/invalid-credential - javascript

I'm going to put a firebase-based Twitter login on a web page.
As shown in Docs, we created an app on the Twitter developer portal, put the app key and app secret in the firebase column, respectively, and added the firebase's callback URL to the Twitter app.
When you try to run by pressing the login button, a rare appears with the following error code.
The supplied auth credential is malformed or has expired.
Do you happen to know what I did wrong? Can I also know the solution?
JavaScript was used, and under the same conditions, Facebook and Google can log in well and retrieve user information.
Someone help me why Twitter is the only thing like this... I am desperate!
Below, I put my Twitter login code and other screenshots together in case I need it.
$(document).on('click', '#twiter', function () {
var provider = new firebase.auth.TwitterAuthProvider();
.then((res) => {
/** #type {firebase.auth.OAuthCredential} */
var token = result.credential.accessToken;
var user = result.user;
// ...
}).catch((error) => {
enter image description here
enter image description here


How can i seperate two types of users in firebase to seperate the login of web and mobile app users

I am currently working on a project where the parking lot owners should use website login and other users should use mobile app login.
But currently any user can login into both of the website and mobile app.
here is my firebase realtime database
my realtime database
So as you can see I defined type in user. when signing up a user gets a type depending on the device he/she registering
and my web sign in function is like this:
signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password).then((userCredential) => {
const user = userCredential.user;
alert('User Logged in!');
window.location = 'user.html';
}).catch((error) => {
const errorCode = error.code;
const errorMessage = error.message;
How can I provide login for the users which have 'type = web' ?
Firebase Authentication only cares about credentials: if the email/password you enter matches the data in the system, you can sign in - no matter what platform you're on. There is no way to change this in Firebase Authentication, so any additional logic will have to come from your application code.
For example, you could store a list of the UIDs of the parking lot owners, and check against that after signing in to allow then to use the web app or not.
signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password).then((userCredential) => {
const user = userCredential.user;
if (user) {
const uid = user.uid; // determine the UID of the user
const ownersRef = firebase.database().ref("parkinglotOwners");
const userSnapshot = await ownersRef.child(uid).get(); // try to load this users data from parkinglotOwners
if (userSnapshot.exists()) { // if this data exists
window.location = 'user.html'; // send them to the web app
} else {
alert("You're not allowed to use this app"; // tell them to go away
}).catch((error) => {
Firebase Auth is about authentication (are you the person you said you are).
Your need is more about Access Control. There is a feature in Firebase that may help with that. It's called "custom claims" and allow you to perform Claim-Based Access control.
see this video:

How to get different user in firebase auth

I am working on an app, and part of the functionality of the app is an admin being able to sign in and reset other users' passwords. How do I get a user other than the one currently signed in?
resetForm.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
let newPass = resetForm['reset-password'].value;
let firebaseUser = auth.user(docId);
I understand that that code won't actually reset any password, I just wrote that to see if I could get a user other than the one already signed in. I ran it, but instead of seeing the User UID in the console I saw this:
Uncaught TypeError: auth.user is not a function
I have created a cloud function. Here is the code of my index.js file:
var functions = require('firebase-functions');
var admin = require("firebase-admin");
var serviceAccount = require("/removed-for-privacy.json");
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
databaseURL: ""
exports.resetPassword = functions.https.onCall((docId,newPass) => {
console.log("step 2");
admin.auth().updateUser(docId, {
password: newPass,
}).then(() => {
const modal = document.querySelector('#modal-reset');
Here is the code that runs when the button is pressed:
resetForm.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
console.log("Step 1");
let newPass = resetForm['reset-password'].value;
const resetPasswordFunction = firebase.functions().httpsCallable('resetPassword');
console.log("Step 1.5");
When I open the console, there are no error messages. I see step 1 and step 1.5. Nothing else.
There is no way to identify an application administrator in Firebase Authentication. You will have to build your own infrastructure for this.
Typically this means:
In a trusted environment (like a server you control, or Cloud Function) you use the Admin SDK to change their password.
You then wrap that code into a custom API, that you expose to your application.
You call the API from your application, passing along the ID token of the signed in user.
In the API you verify the ID token, and make sure the caller is authorized for the operation.
You are completely on your own here though, as you can't use Firebase's built in password reset mechanism. That is only available to the signed-in user on the client, to prevent it being abused to spam users.

How can I check or verify that a user is signed in with AWS Cognito Javascript?

I am creating a React web app where the user sign in/up and other authentication related processes are being handled by AWS Cognito and the accompanying Javascript SDK.
My app has some 'public' routes/pages that everybody, signed in or not, can view, such as /documentation/ and /sign-in/. There also exist various private routes which you can only see when you are logged in, such as /my-documents/.
At the moment, I have a working sign in page, where a user is signed in with code very similar to use case #4 (Cognito Docs).
My question now is: as soon as a user goes to /my-documents/, how do I check whether the user is signed in and actually has the rights to see this page?
I am not using AWS Amplify for the authentication in my app. I only use the NPM package 'amazon-cognito-identity-js'.
This is the code I currently use to check if the session is valid, in other words if the user is successfully signed in. This however, seems like a cumbersome way to check such a simple status.
const isAuthenticated = () => {
const cognitoUser = userPool.getCurrentUser();
let isSessionValid = false;
if (cognitoUser) {
cognitoUser.getSession((err: Error, result: CognitoUserSession) => {
if (!err) {
isSessionValid = result.isValid();
return isSessionValid;
isSessionValid is returned before the callback in getSession is executed.

firebase auth/operation-not-allowed

This is an angular web app.
Added the screenshot of the permission page
I'm trying to authenticate mobile using firebase.
In my firebase console > Authentication > signIn Method, I've enabled the phone and saved it.
But when I try to login It throws me an error saying that
sendLoginCode() {
const appVerifier = this.windowRef.recaptchaVerifier;
const num = this.firstFormGroup.value.mobileNo
firebase.auth().signInWithPhoneNumber(num, appVerifier)
.then(result => {
this.windowRef.confirmationResult = result;
.catch(error => console.log(error));
verifyLoginCode() {
.then(result => {
this.user = result.user;
console.log('Login Successfull')
.catch(error => console.log(error, "Incorrect code entered?"));
It looks like you haven't enabled the Google sign in method in your firebase console. To solve the issue do the following:
Enter to the firebase console (
Select your project.
On the right side of the screen you'll see a panel, click where it says "Authentication".
Once you've entered to the Authentication menu, go to Sign-in method.
After that look for the google access provider in the list that appears below the header and click on it.
Then click on the enable button.
It is probable that you'll have to configure a secure project ID (you'll see a dropdown below the enable button). What you have to do is, enter the android and/or ios client ID from your project, and hit save. This will tell firebase that it is secure to handle sign in operations with that client.
To be able to use the phone sign in method, you need to have a paid plan active.
Original author of answer:

Firebase google auth does not sign out completely

Using the very clear simple examples provided by Google (Firebase Google Auth)I have been unable to log out from google.
Everytime sign I call this method using a button, it allows me to log in and navigates me to the local host.
function logGoogle() {
firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
// This gives you a Google Access Token. You can use it to access the Google API.
var token = result.credential.accessToken;
// The signed-in user info.
var user = result.user;
location.href = 'http://localhost:8080';
// ...
}).catch(function(error) {
// Handle Errors here.
var errorCode = error.code;
var errorMessage = error.message;
// The email of the user's account used.
var email =;
// The firebase.auth.AuthCredential type that was used.
var credential = error.credential;
// ...
however when i go back to the main menu which consists a log out button. It logs the session out, doesn't delete the session. When i log back in, i do not need to enter google creds. Bear in mind i am logged in to google chrome using an gmail account.
function logOutGoogle() {
firebase.auth().signOut().then(function () {
console.log("you logged off");
location.href = 'http://localhost/GoogleVue3/';
}).catch(function (error) {
I tried in incognito mode. entered google creds, went to the app, and decided to log out. Click on to sign in google, it automatically takes me to the app.
any advices?
You may not really want to sign out of Google in your browser (as it'll log you out of Gmail, and any other tabs/windows you're using Google apps). When you hit Firebase auth again, it jumps straight into the app (bypassing Google login because it was never really logged out of Google). Instead of logging in immediately, perhaps you want to see the Google account-picker. If so, here's the answer I gave to a related SO question.
Note that the issue you describe will only happen if you've only logged into a single Google/Gmail account, i.e., like you would in incog mode. If you've logged into >1, you'll always get the account-picker so Firebase can tell your app which user you've selected.
basically, firebase logout function logouts the application itself, but does not log out google on the browser.
To log out completely, you need the first sign out of the application then if successful, sign out of Google in the browser.
This then allows users not to log again when they've logged out.
function signoff() {
firebase.auth().signOut().then(function () {
window.alert("you have signed off successfully")
window.location = "";
// document.location.href = "";
}).catch(function (error) {
