Selected text date string - add to calendar option - javascript

Bit of a wide question so feel free to ask for elaboration if needed but after some Googling I couldn't find an answer.
More curious than an actual need.
Is there a way of adding a tag, attribute (such as type=date) or JS (such as converting to a date object) to a text date string, like "Tuesday 3rd May, 2pm" that allows the user to select it and add it to their calendar?
Much like I can select an address text string and Google gives me the option to find that location on Google Maps.
Not looking for a concrete answer necessarily just some direction so I can have a play around.

You can play around with this:
<input type="date" />
const input = document.querySelector('input');
input.addEventListener('change', ({ target }) => {
const date = new Date(target.value).toDateString();


Is it possible to limit max-date on keyup?

Summary: I have 5 text inputs, one of which is using the Date attribute. I'm adding validation to the inputs, and one feature I would like to add is to limit the max date. I know I can do this in HTML, however it looks like that only works for the calendar functionality. My thoughts are using keyup, so the user is unable to exceed the year 2050 (for example) within the input in real time.
Effort: I looked into the Max attribute in HTML for a while, but it looks like I will have to do this manually in either Js or jQuery. My immediate thought is to pull the value from the input, slice the last 4 integers, and then create text validation from that.
I would rather use a text input and create the entire validation myself, but I would like to keep the calendar functionality without using any external resources. I'm curious if there is a simpler or more efficient way of doing this?
<input type="date" class="search__input" id="adv-input-2" placeholder="MM / DD / YY" max="2050-12-31"></span>
I've also noticed that using keyup is actually not firing when I use it on a date input, until the entire date is inputted:
// sets limits for date input
$('#adv-input-2').keyup(function(e) {
let input = $(this);
For example, 10/DD/YYYY will result in value: "" until the entire field is completed.
If you want to do this manually then you can use change event instead of keyup like this way.
// sets limits for date input
$('#adv-input-2').change(function(e) {
let input = $(this);
if(input.prop('max') < input.val()) {
<script src=""></script>
<input type="date" class="search__input" id="adv-input-2" placeholder="MM / DD / YY" max="2050-12-31"></span>

How to set datepicker using webdriverIO?

I have a task where I need to automate the page, and one of the tasks is to select check-in and check-out dates. How I can do this? I automated , that I can open calendar, but I don't know how to select dates.
Here is my code
Cucumber step
And user selects dates from "2020-06-16" to "2020-06-26"
When('user selects dates from {string} to {string}',()=>{;
browser.debug(); });
Booking page
class BookingPage{
get whereAreYouGoingTextBox(){return $('#ss')};
get checkInOut(){return $('div.xp__dates-inner')}; }export default new BookingPage();
Note: My answer is a solution for the ability to set a value in the date field, and only interact with the cancel link on the date picker object.
I battled this for a while and came up with a solution that works for me, I hope it works for you also.
First when I inspect the datepicker object, it generates a random XPATH/CSS Selector. As a result if you inspect & copy the selector and try to use it in your next test, it will fail since the xpath/selector is randomly generated. I got around this issue by identifying a unique css ID that lived above the datepicker element, and used that as my starting point. Then I looked at the html path from that point to the datepicker input tag, and I appended that path. This solved the first problem of not being able to set a value in the date picker text field. Here is an example using xpath:
//*[#id="filtersSideBar"] - This is the unique ID found above the datepicker
/div[2]/div/input - This is the path to the date picker from the unique ID
Now that you have a date inside the date picker field, you have to close the datepicker object. I had to use Javascript to accomplish this. First open the datepicker object, then inspect the 'Cancel' link element. Copy the CSS Selector ID. Lets say it ends up being #cancelLink
Now you run this code:
browser.execute(() => document.querySelector('#cancelLink').click());
Which will then close the datepicker object so that you can proceed with your testing.
Here is my actual code:
class DataSearchSortAndDateRangePage {
get startDate() { return $('//
[#id="filtersSideBar"]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/input'); }
setStartDate(date) {
this.startDate.waitForClickable( { timeout: browser.config.timeOutValue } );
browser.execute(() => document.querySelector('body > > > > button > div > div').click());
export default new DataSearchSortAndDateRangePage();
I hope this helps out =)

How to change the language of the date selection in JavaScript?

I am using WKWebview of iOS, and there is a date selection in the html file. Right now, the part that selects the month is in English. But I want to change this to a different language. How can I change it?
<input type="date" class="input" id="date1" >
#Piyush's answer does not fit my question.
How can I solve it?
You can use toLocaleString() method of Date.
Like this:
var format = new Date().toLocaleString('fr-FR', { month: 'long' });
document.getElementById("display").innerHTML = format;
<div id="display"></div>
Here first argument "fr-FR" is the language code for various languages. You can find all available language codes here.

How to use HTML to validate a date range?

Alternatively, is it possible to validate against another field's value with HTML?
A common example would be selecting a date range where "from" date should be less than or equal to "to" date. The following would described the desired relationship between the values, if only you could use element references in syntax:
<input type="date" name="from" max="to"> //todo: populate with ~to.value
<input type="date" name="to" min="from"> //todo: populate with ~from.value
It's possible to utilize html5 validation mechanism with some javascript to dynamically update min/max attributes:
//in this case a single input restriction is sufficient to validate the form:
$('#from, #to').on('change', function(){
$('#to').attr('min', $('#from').val());
Fiddled. Both min and max could be applied to the respective fields for enhanced UX if browser implementation of a datepicker respects range limitations (by disabling dates outside of the desired range)
Here, Web Components are very useful, however they are not full supported in all browsers yet .
The idea is to create a simple html Element, with two children (from and to) as the following:
<div id="fromToDate">
then create a template, which defines how the date picker should look:
<template id="fromToDateTemplate">
<label for="fromDate">from</label>
<input type="date" class="fromDate" select=":first" required="" />
<label for="toDate">to</label>
<input type="date" class="toDate" select=":last" required="" />
the select parameter defines, where the value is taken from so the first input field takes the first div from the "#fromToDate".
Last we have to populate the "shadow root" and define the logic:
var shadow = document.querySelector('#fromToDate').webkitCreateShadowRoot(),
template = document.querySelector('#fromToDateTemplate');
shadow.querySelector(".fromDate").addEventListener("change", function (e) {
var to = this.value;
shadow.querySelector(".toDate").setAttribute("min", this.value);
In the end two input fields are renderd and when selecting a date in the first datepicker, the second datepicker can't pick any lower data.
Fiddler example:
Build as widget
Easy to reause
won't break pages
can be styled independently
Not supported in all browsers yet
Future reading:
If you want to avoid issues with someone hacking / crashing yor site - validate input data with:
(optional) javascript before sending a form (protects against malforming data using javascript, inputting incorrect one, reduces traffic)
(mandatory) on server side (protects against more clever guys that might malform input data using fiddler for example)
This is the only (at least second point) approach that protects you and your site.
It's great to see things moving towards a pure HTML solution ... but why not take a look at using moment.js to fill in the gaps for the time being?
There are plenty of good examples there and a lot of useful utility methods.
I'm worry, that there's no chance how to validate a input value based on other input value. Only good old javascript.
But maybe you can use <input type="range" …> and set some minimal step (1 day / 1 hour / …). Then you can use min and max value by same-named attributes.

Does anyone know where I can find this HTML code?

I'd like 3 SELECT boxes that allow people to select the month, day, and year. I'm sure there are HTML pre-sets like this, right?
January 5 2006
And the user can select the date, which is just option boxes.
Why not use a jQuery Date picker?
Note: I am searching for the old school date picker which you asked. Will be back soon.
Edit: This page has a similar html code which you are looking for.
You should use the html 5 <input type="date" /> then degrade gracefully for browsers that do not support it yet.
To degrade gracefully use the following code, taken from diveintohtml5 here.
<input type="date">
var i = document.createElement("input");
i.setAttribute("type", "date");
if (i.type == "text") {
// No native date picker support :(
// Use Dojo/jQueryUI/YUI/Closure to create one,
// then dynamically replace that <input> element.
