I am on the newer side of React and trying to change the state of an object in an array. Currently, I am pulling the object out of the array, changing the property in that object, then adding the new object to the state again. Problem being that it sends the object to the back of the list and reorders my checkbox inputs.
const handleChange = (e) => {
if (e.target.type === "checkbox") {
// Get the role from the current state
const roleToChange = input.roles.find(
(role) => Number(role.id) === Number(e.target.id)
// Change checked state to opposite of current state
const changedRole = { ...roleToChange, checked: !roleToChange.checked };
// Get every role except the one that was changed
const newRoles = input.roles.filter(
(role) => Number(role.id) !== Number(e.target.id)
// Update the role in the state
setInput((prevState) => {
return { ...prevState, roles: [...newRoles, changedRole] };
Can I update the object in the array in-place so this doesn't happen?
Don't .filter - .map instead, and return the changed object in case the ID matches, so the new object gets put at the same place in the new array as it was originally.
const handleChange = (e) => {
if (e.target.type !== "checkbox") {
const newRoles = input.roles.map((role) =>
Number(role.id) !== Number(e.target.id)
? role
: { ...role, checked: !role.checked }
setInput((prevState) => {
return {
roles: newRoles
Unless the state is updated synchronously before this, which sounds a bit unlikely (but not impossible), you can also probably use setInput({ ...input, roles: newRules }) instead of the callback.
I have a multitabbed view that I am controlling the data with through a global state, being passed through useContext (along with the setState updater function).
The structure is similar to
globalState: {
company: {
list: [
[{name: ..., ...}, {field1: ..., ... }],
[{name: ..., ...}, {field1: ..., ... }],
I have a table in this first tab, where each row that displays the details in the first object of each inner list array (globalState.company.list[X][0]), and has a few checkboxes to toggle fields in the second object in each inner list array (globalState.company.list[X][1]).
The issue I am having is that when I check a checkbox for a specific field, all companies have that field set to that value before I call setGlobalState(...) in that onChange call from the checkbox itself.
Here is all the related code for the flow of creating the checkbox and the handler:
disabled={tpr.disabled} // true or false
checked={tpr.checked} // true or false
onChange={checkboxOnChange} // function handler
targetId={company.id} // number
field={"field1"} />
Checkbox definition
const Checkbox = React.memo(({ disabled, checked, onChange, targetId, field }) => {
return (
style={ /* omitted */ }
onChange={(e) => onChange(e, targetId, field)}
onChange Handler callback
const checkboxOnChange = (e, id, field) => {
const checked = e.target.checked;
console.log("GLOBAL STATE PRE", globalState.companies.list);
let foundCompany = globalState.companies.list.find(company => company[0].id === id);
foundCompany[1][field].checked = checked;
console.log("foundCompany", foundCompany);
console.log("GLOBAL STATE POST", globalState.companies.list);
setGlobalState(prevState => ({
companies: {
list: prevState.companies.list.map(company => {
console.log("company PRE ANYTHING", company);
if (company[0].id === foundCompany[0].id) {
console.log("Inside here");
return foundCompany;
console.log("company", company);
return company;
I see from the GLOBAL STATE PRE log that if I were to check a box for field1, then all companies would have field1 checked well before I modify anything else. I can confirm that before the box is checked, the globalState is as I expect it to be with all of the data and fields correctly set on load.
In the picture below, I checked the box for TPR in the second company array, and before anything else happens, the second and third companies already have the TPR set to true.
Any help would be appreciated, and I will share any more details I am able to share. Thank you.
Just don't mutate the state object directly:
const checkboxOnChange = (e, id, field) => {
const checked = e.target.checked;
setGlobalState(prevState => ({
companies: {
list: prevState.companies.list.map(company => {
if (company[0].id === id) {
return {
return {
The globalState object is being updated before you call setGlobalState because you are mutating the current state (e.g. foundCompany[1][field].checked = checked;)
One way of getting around this issue is to make a copy of the state object so that it does not refer to the current state. e.g.
var cloneDeep = require('lodash.clonedeep');
let clonedGlobalState = cloneDeep(globalState);
let foundCompany = clonedGlobalState.companies.list.find(company => company[0].id === id);
foundCompany[1][field].checked = checked;
I recommend using a deep clone function like Lodash's cloneDeep as using the spread operator to create a copy in your instance will create a shallow copy of the objects within your list array.
Once you have cloned the state you can safely update it to your new desired state (i.e. without worry of mutating the existing globalState object) and then refer to it when calling setGlobalState.
i have this react state in mi component
this.state =
Preferences: []
and i want to push only if the element not exists because i dont want the same repeated element, and i want to pop the element if is already exists this is the function what i use
SelectPreference = Id =>
this.setState(state =>
const Preferences = state.Preferences.concat(Id);
return {
this.setState(state =>
const Preferences = state.Preferences.filter(Item => Item !== Id);
return {
the problem is when i push a object it says the array is empty and when i pop the element it says i have a element. i dont kwon how to do it
You can do as the following if you want your preferences to be uniq.
Based on your code, I understand that id is a string. Tell me if it's not the case.
For more info about Set and uniq value in array
if(!this.state.Preferences.includes(Id)) {
this.setState(state => ({
// Using a set will make sure your id is uniq
Preferences: [...new Set([...state.Preferences, id])]
else {
this.setState(state => ({
// You're code was good, I only change syntax
Preferences: state.Preferences.filter(Item => Item !== Id)
setState actions are asynchronous and are batched for performance gains. It will be pretty hard to immediately check the updated this.state.Preferences in the same function block.
Still if you need to check the updated value of the Preferences, you can provide a callback which will be executed immediately after change in state.
this.setState({ Preferences }, () => console.log(this.state))
Also, there is simpler version of your logic.
if(this.state.Preferences.includes(Id)) {
Preferences: this.state.Preferences.filter(id => id !== Id);
} else {
Preferences: this.state.Preferences.concat(Id);
My state looks like this in the constructor:
this.state = {
selectedFile: null, //current file selected for upload.
appStatus: 'waiting for zip...', //status view
zipUploaded: false,
zipUnpacked: false,
capturingScreens: false,
finishedCapture: false,
htmlFiles: null,
generatedList: [],
optionValues: {
delayValue: 1
sessionId: null,
estimatedTime: null,
zippedBackupFile: null,
timer: {
I have the following functions in my app.js:
this.secondsCounter = setInterval(this.countSeconds, 1000); // set inside the constructor
getStateCopy = () => Object.assign({}, this.state);
countSeconds = () => {
let stateCopy = this.getStateCopy();
let currentSeconds = stateCopy.secondsElapsed + 1;
captureTime = (startOrStop) => {
let stateCopy = this.getStateCopy();
let secondsCopy = stateCopy.secondsElapsed;
let startPoint;
if(startOrStop === true) {
} else if(startOrStop === false){
startPoint = stateCopy.timer.screenshotStart;
stateCopy.timer.averageTimePerUnit = stateCopy.timer.timingArray.reduce((a,b) => a + b, 0) / stateCopy.timer.timingArray.length;
I'm getting an error that "push" does not exist on stateCopy.timer.timingArray. I did some investigation and found that this.setState({timer:{screenshotStart:secondsCopy}}); is actually overwriting the entire "timer" object in state and removing all of the previous properties instead of merging them.
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.. I'm using stateCopy to avoid mutating state, and to get proper values (avoiding asynchronous confusion). Every article I read online about react suggests that writing an object to state will merge with whatever is already there, so why does it keep overwriting "timer" instead of merging??
I did some investigation and found that this.setState({timer:{screenshotStart:secondsCopy}}); is actually overwriting the entire "timer" object in state and removing all of the previous properties instead of merging them.
Correct. setState only handles merging at the top level. Anything below that you have to handle yourself. For instance:
this.setState(({timer}) => {timer: {...timer, screenshotStart: secondsCopy}});
Note the use of the callback version of setState. It's important to do that any time you're providing state information that's dependent on existing state.
There are other places you have to do the same sort of thing, including when you push to the array. Here are some further notes:
There's no reason to copy state here:
countSeconds = () => {
let stateCopy = this.getStateCopy();
let currentSeconds = stateCopy.secondsElapsed + 1;
this.setState({secondsElapsed: currentSeconds});
...and (as I mentioned above) you must use the callback form to reliably modify state based on existing state. Instead:
countSeconds = () => {
this.setState(({secondsElapsed}) => {secondsElapsed: secondsElapsed + 1});
Similarly in captureTime:
captureTime = (startOrStop) => {
if (startOrStop) { // *** There's no reason for `=== true`
this.setState(({timer, secondsElapsed}) => {timer: {...timer, screenshotStart: secondsElapsed}});
} else { // *** Unless `startOrStop` may be missing or something, no need for `if` or `=== false`.
this.setState(({timer, secondsElapsed}) => {
const timingArray = [...timer.timingArray, secondsElapsed - timer.screenshotStart];
const update = {
timer: {
screenshotEnd: secondsElapsed,
averageTimePerUnit: timingArray.reduce((a,b) => a + b, 0)
Side note: Your copyState function does a shallow state copy. So if you modify any properties on the objects it contains, you'll be directly modifying state, which you mustn't do in React.
setState hooks overwrite the state with a new object always... that is their correct behavior.
you need to use a function within setState. not just pass in an object.
//logic to make a new object that you will return ... copy properties from prevState as needed.
//something like const newState = {...prevState} //iffy myself on exact syntax
return newState
Your getStateCopy is only shallow cloning the existing state - anything nested is not cloned. To illustrate:
const getStateCopy = () => Object.assign({}, state);
const state = {
foo: 'bar',
arr: [1, 2]
const shallowCopy = getStateCopy();
shallowCopy.foo = 'newFoo';
Either deep clone the state first instead, or use spread to add in the new properties you want:
countSeconds = () => {
secondsElapsed: this.state.secondsElapsed + 1
captureTime = (startOrStop) => {
if (startOrStop === true) {
this.setState({ ...this.state, timer: { ...this.timer, screenshotStart: this.state.secondsElapsed } });
} else if (startOrStop === false) {
const newTimingValue = this.state.secondsElapsed - this.state.timer.screenshotStart;
const newTimingArray = [...this.state.timer.timingArray, newTimingValue];
timer: {
screenshotEnd: this.state.secondsElapsed,
timingArray: newTimingArray,
averageTimePerUnit: newTimingArray.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / newTimingArray.length,
If captureTime is always called with either true or false, you can make things look a bit cleaner with:
captureTime = (startOrStop) => {
if (startOrStop) {
this.setState({ ...this.state, timer: { ...this.timer, screenshotStart: this.state.secondsElapsed } });
const newTimingValue = this.state.secondsElapsed - this.state.timer.screenshotStart;
const newTimingArray = [...this.state.timer.timingArray, newTimingValue];
// etc
I am trying to update an object and its key value inside an array using react redux but as I am new to react and redux, so I am not finding a good way to do this and also the value, is not updating to.
Here is my action
export const addIngredientToMenuItemCartA = (menu_item_id,timestamp,ingrediant,ingrediant_type,selectedMenuItemIngrediantType)
=> async dispatch => {
payload: {
ingrediant_category_type_blue: selectedMenuItemIngrediantType
Here is my reducer
export default function(state=[],action){
let menu_item_id = action.payload.menu_item_id;
let ingrediant = action.payload.ingrediant;
let timestamp = action.payload.timestamp;
let items1 = state.slice();
const itemIndexi1 = items1.findIndex(item => item.menu_item_id === menu_item_id);
items1[itemIndexi1].ingrediantTotal = ingrediant.price;
return items1;
return state;
I have an array of the cart which has objects inside it and I want to find that specific objects and then update them but if I update them in the reducer then the values are not being changed in the store.
It seems that you are mutating the objects. There is a simple pattern to loop over the list and handle only the relevant item while creating new objects without mutations.
In your case, your code could look something like this:
const { menu_item_id, ingrediant } = action.payload;
const nextState = state.map(item => {
if (item.menu_item_id !== menu_item_id) {
// not our item, return it as is
return item;
// this is our relevant item, return a new copy of it with modified fields
return {
ingrediantTotal: ingrediant.price,
ingrediants: [
return nextState;
Keep in mind, Objects and Arrays are mutable so we can use the spread syntax (...) or .slice etc.
I have a question concerning React and how state must be updated.
Let's say we have a class Players containing in its state an array of objects called players. We want to update one player in this array. I would have done it this way:
class Players extends Component {
state = {
players: []
updatePlayer = id => {
const players = this.state.players.map(player => {
player.updated = player.id === id ? true:false;
return player
this.setState({players: players});
But my coworker just did it this way, and it's also working:
updatePlayer = id => {
const playerObj = this.state.players.find(item => {
return item.id === id
if (playerObj) {
playerObj.updated = true
this.setState({ playerObj })
React's function setState update the players array without telling explicitly to do it. So, I have two questions:
Is it using a reference from the find function, and using it to update the players arrays ?
Is one of those ways recommended ?
Thank you all for your explanations !
The difference is that second snippet misuses setState to trigger an update because it uses playerObj dummy property. This could be achieved with forceUpdate.
Neither of these ways are correct. Immutable state is promoted in React as a convention. Mutating existing state may result in incorrect behaviour in components that expect a state to be immutable. They mutate existing player object, and new player.update value will be used everywhere where this object is used, even if this is undesirable.
An idiomatic way to do this is to use immutable objects in state:
updatePlayer = id => {
this.setState(({ players }) => ({
players: players.map(player => ({
updated: player.id === id
Notice that setState is asynchronous, updater function has to be used to avoid possible race conditions.
Yes, all it's using a reference. All javascript objects are references so whenever you do a find you get a reference to the object, so mutating it will update it.
const players = this.state.players.map(player => {
return { ...player, updated: player.id === id };
this.setState({players: players});
As for the recommended way, you should stick with yours where you explicitly update the state variable that you care about.
Both of them are not correct, because you are mutating state.
The best way is a create a deep copy of this array ( just clone ) and after that make some changes with this cloned array
You can also use lodash _.cloneDeep();
For example
class Example extends React.Component {
state = {
players: [
{id: 0, name: 'John'};
updatePlayer = id => {
const { players } = this.state;
const clonePlayers = players.map(a => ({...a}));
const player = clonePlayers.find(playerId => playerId === id);
player.name = 'Jack';
this.setState(() => ({
players: clonePlayers
render() {
return (
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.6.3/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.6.3/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
well, basically they are not the same, your coworkers code is working just because he is using an old reference of the object. so, lets take a look:
updatePlayer = id => {
const players = this.state.players.map(player => {
player.updated = player.id === id ? true:false;
return player
this.setState({players: players});
on your function, you are creating a new array using your old array, which is the correct way of doing this.
updatePlayer = id => {
const playerObj = this.state.players.find(item => {
return item.id === id
if (playerObj) {
playerObj.updated = true
this.setState({ playerObj })
here your friend is editing the reference of the object that he got using find and then saving a playerObj which is nothing more than the reference of a player from the array that you wanted to edit. after this you should notice that the new state will be something like
this.state = {
players: [p1, p2 ,p3, p4], // each p is a player.
//notice that playerObj is now a reference to some of the P on the players array
playerObj: {
updated: true
hope it helps :)