javascript text file download not working on iPhone - javascript

I'm trying to download a file which contains information captured through other means on the page. In this example those means have been replace with
var listContacts = 'Here is some text to download in a txt'; to make the code more simple. It currently works on windows laptop and android phone.
This needs to work offline from an HTML file stored locally on the phone with no access to a server as that is the manner in which it will be used.
The iPhone we've tested on is running iOS 15 so the iOS <13 download bug which dominates search results shouldn't apply. Javascript is enabled in Safari. It doesn't work in Chrome either (where it does on Laptop and Android).
How can I get this to work on iPhone?
function download(text) {
var pom = document.createElement('a');
pom.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' +
pom.setAttribute('download', 'Contacts.txt'); = 'none';
var listContacts = 'Here is some text to download in a txt';
<button onclick="download(listContacts)">Download</button>

Having spent an entire 3 days on this issue, I now know that safari won't allow you to run locally stored html files due to sandboxing and security. So my problem cannot be solved without jailbreaking my boss's expensive work iPhone which I do not intend to do.
The javascript works perfectly fine if it's hosted on the internet. It just won't work locally.

Perhaps try this (sorry, also does not work in Chrome iOS but does in my Safari):
test link: Click
(function() {
var textFile = null,
makeTextFile = function(text) {
var data = new Blob([text], {
type: 'text/plain'
// If we are replacing a previously generated file we need to
// manually revoke the object URL to avoid memory leaks.
if (textFile !== null) {
textFile = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);
return textFile;
document.getElementById('textbox').addEventListener('input', function() {
var link = document.getElementById('downloadlink');
link.href = makeTextFile(textbox.value); = 'block';
}, false);
<textarea id="textbox">Type something here</textarea>
<a download="info.txt" id="downloadlink" style="display: none">Download</a>


How to fix javascript to change image file name from "download" to something else for example "test.png"? HTML [duplicate]

If for example you follow the link:
The browser will prompt you to download a file consisting of the data held as base64 in the hyperlink itself. Is there any way of suggesting a default name in the markup? If not, is there a JavaScript solution?
Use the download attribute:
<a download='FileName' href='your_url'>
The download attribute works on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, desktop Safari 10+, iOS Safari 13+, and not IE11.
Chrome makes this very simple these days:
function saveContent(fileContents, fileName)
var link = document.createElement('a'); = fileName;
link.href = 'data:,' + fileContents;;
HTML only: use the download attribute:
<a download="logo.gif" href="">Download transparent png</a>
Javascript only: you can save any data URI with this code:
function saveAs(uri, filename) {
var link = document.createElement('a');
if (typeof === 'string') {
link.href = uri; = filename;
//Firefox requires the link to be in the body
//simulate click;
//remove the link when done
} else {;
saveAs(file, 'logo.gif');
Chrome, Firefox, and Edge 13+ will use the specified filename.
IE11, Edge 12, and Safari 9 (which don't support the download attribute) will download the file with their default name or they will simply display it in a new tab, if it's of a supported file type: images, videos, audio files, …
According to RFC 2397, no, there isn't.
Nor does there appear to be any attribute of the <a> element that you can use either.
However HTML5 has subsequently introduced the download attribute on the <a> element, although at the time of writing support is not universal (no MSIE support, for example)
I've looked a bit in firefox sources in netwerk/protocol/data/nsDataHandler.cpp
data handler only parses content/type and charset, and looks if there is ";base64"
in the string
the rfc specifices no filename and at least firefox handles no filename for it,
the code generates a random name plus ".part"
I've also checked firefox log
[b2e140]: DOCSHELL 6e5ae00 InternalLoad data:application/octet-stream;base64,SGVsbG8=
[b2e140]: Found extension '' (filename is '', handling attachment: 0)
[b2e140]: HelperAppService::DoContent: mime 'application/octet-stream', extension ''
[b2e140]: Getting mimeinfo from type 'application/octet-stream' ext ''
[b2e140]: Extension lookup on '' found: 0x0
[b2e140]: Ext. lookup for '' found 0x0
[b2e140]: OS gave back 0x43609a0 - found: 0
[b2e140]: Searched extras (by type), rv 0x80004005
[b2e140]: MIME Info Summary: Type 'application/octet-stream', Primary Ext ''
[b2e140]: Type/Ext lookup found 0x43609a0
interesting files if you want to look at mozilla sources:
data uri handler: netwerk/protocol/data/nsDataHandler.cpp
where mozilla decides the filename: uriloader/exthandler/nsExternalHelperAppService.cpp
InternalLoad string in the log: docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp
I think you can stop searching a solution for now, because I suspect there is none :)
as noticed in this thread html5 has download attribute, it works also on firefox 20
The following Javascript snippet works in Chrome by using the new 'download' attribute of links and simulating a click.
function downloadWithName(uri, name) {
var link = document.createElement("a"); = name;
link.href = uri;;
And the following example shows it's use:
downloadWithName("data:,Hello%2C%20World!", "helloWorld.txt")
The entire purpose is that it's a datastream, not a file. The data source should not have any knowledge of the user agent handling it as a file... and it doesn't.
you can add a download attribute to the anchor element.
<a download="abcd.cer"
Using service workers, this is finally possible in the truest sense.
Create a fake URL. For example /saveAs/myPrettyName.jpg
Use URL in <a href, <img src, url ), absolutely anything that can be done with a "real" URL.
Inside the worker, catch the fetch event, and respond with the correct data.
The browser will now suggest myPrettyName.jpg even if the user opens the file in a new tab, and tries to save it there. It will be exactly as if the file had come from the server.
// In the service worker
self.addEventListener( 'fetch', function(e)
if( e.request.url.startsWith( '/blobUri/' ) )
// Logic to select correct dataUri, and return it as a Response
e.respondWith( dataURLAsRequest );
Look at this link:
It even works (as in, doesn't cause a problem) with ;base64 at the end
like this (in Opera at least):
Also there is some info in the rest messages of the discussion.
There is a tiny workaround script on Google Code that worked for me:
It adds a form with the data in it, submits it and then removes the form again. Hacky, but it did the job for me. Requires jQuery.
This thread showed up in Google before the Google Code page and I thought it might be helpful to have the link in here, too.
Here is a jQuery version based off of Holf's version and works with Chrome and Firefox whereas his version seems to only work with Chrome. It's a little strange to add something to the body to do this but if someone has a better option I'm all for it.
var exportFileName = "export-" + filename;
$('<a></a>', {
"download": exportFileName,
"href": "data:," + JSON.stringify(exportData, null,5),
"id": "exportDataID"
This one works with Firefox 43.0 (older not tested):
function download() {
var msg="Hello world!";
var blob = new File([msg], "hello.bin", {"type": "application/octet-stream"});
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dl.js"></script>
<button id="create" type="button" onclick="download();">Download</button>
If button is clicked it offered a file named hello.bin for download. Trick is to use File instead of Blob.
(This answer has been made deprecated by newer technology, but will be kept here for historical interest.)
It's kind of hackish, but I've been in the same situation before. I was dynamically generating a text file in javascript and wanted to provide it for download by encoding it with the data-URI.
This is possible with minormajor user intervention. Generate a link right-click me and select "Save Link As..." and save as "example.txt". As I said, this is inelegant, but it works if you do not need a professional solution.
This could be made less painful by using flash to copy the name into the clipboard first. Of course if you let yourself use Flash or Java (now with less and less browser support I think?), you could probably find a another way to do this.
<a href=.. download=.. > works for left-click and right-click -> save link as..,
but <img src=.. download=.. > doesn't work for right-click -> save image as.. , "Download.jped" is suggested.
If you combine both:<a href=.. download=..><img src=..></a>
it works for left-click, right-click -> save link as.., right-click -> save image as..
You have to write the data-uri twice (href and src), so for large image files it is better to copy the uri with javascript.
tested with Chrome/Edge 88
var isIE = /*#cc_on!#*/false || !!document.documentMode; // At least IE6
var sessionId ='\n';
var token = '\n';
var caseId = CaseIDNumber + '\n';
var url = casewebUrl+'\n';
var uri = sessionId + token + caseId + url;//data in file
var fileName = "file.i4cvf";// any file name with any extension
if (isIE)
var fileData = ['\ufeff' + uri];
var blobObject = new Blob(fileData);
window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blobObject, fileName);
else //chrome
window.requestFileSystem = window.requestFileSystem || window.webkitRequestFileSystem;
window.requestFileSystem(window.TEMPORARY, 1024 * 1024, function (fs) {
fs.root.getFile(fileName, { create: true }, function (fileEntry) {
fileEntry.createWriter(function (fileWriter) {
var fileData = ['\ufeff' + uri];
var blob = new Blob(fileData);
fileWriter.addEventListener("writeend", function () {
var fileUrl = fileEntry.toURL();
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = fileUrl; = fileName;
}, false);
}, function () { });
}, function () { });
}, function () { });
You actually can achieve this, in Chrome and FireFox.
Try the following url, it will download the code that was used.

Downloading a Dynamic CSV in Internet Explorer

The following code works in both FireFox and Chrome, but not IE. Essentially, I have a JSON object which gets converted into an array and then to a csv format, when I click the button in FF or Chrome the file gets downloaded or the Save As window opens, but in IE a new tab opens up. In a perfect world IE would not exists, but in the real world we have to make it work, lol.
var json_obj= JSON.parse(result);
var csv = JSON2CSV(json_obj);"data:text/csv;charset=utf-8," + escape(csv));
BTW, I am using IE 11 in windows 8 to test this, if that makes a difference.
Thanks all!
This is my solution in case someone else is looking for a solution. now it works with FF, Chrome , and IE
var csv = JSON2CSV(json_obj);
var blob = new Blob([csv],{type: "text/csv;charset=utf-8;"});
if (navigator.msSaveBlob) { // IE 10+
navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, "csvname.csv")
} else {
var link = document.createElement("a");
if ( !== undefined) { // feature detection
// Browsers that support HTML5 download attribute
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
link.setAttribute("href", url);
link.setAttribute("download", "csvname.csv"); = "visibility:hidden";
Now I just need to figure out if there is a way to have the save as screen pop up instead of automatically saving the file. If anybody knows the answer to that please share. For now my users will have to use this functionality.
Thanks all for all the great answers, you guys are awesome.
Internet Explorer does not permit data URIs as navigable content, for security purposes. To understand why, I would encourage you to read Henning Klevjer's short white-paper on the topic, Phishing by data URI. In summary, this has been demonstrated to open up avenues by which the end-user could be tricked into giving up sensitive information.
Also, from the data Protocol documentation on MSDN:
For security reasons, data URIs are restricted to downloaded resources. Data URIs cannot be used for navigation, for scripting, or to populate frame or iframe elements.
To be honest, passing a data URI to feels a bit hacky. Instead, you should use an API to handle the process (provided one exists). If you'd like to download a file to the user's machine in Internet Explorer, consider using navigator.msSaveBlob or navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob.
As an example, consider the following:
if ( window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob && window.Blob ) {
var blob = new Blob( [ "A,B\nC,D" ], { type: "text/csv" } );
navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob( blob, "strings.csv" );

how to download a file on Chrome without auto renaming file to "download"?

I use javascript to generate a file and download it.
It seems, that depending on the version of chrome, the download file names can be auto renamed to 'download'. Is there a way to avoid it?
this is my code:
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.setAttribute("href", 'data:application/octet-stream,' + 'file content here');
link.setAttribute("download", 'file1.txt');;
This is not a duplicated question, because I'm using the latest Chrome and the previously suggested hyperlink is exactly what I'm using. I think, Chrome v34 works fine, but once my Chrome auto updated to v35, it went back to 'download' file name.
It seems to be linked to this bug/feature. Status: Wontfix.
Use HTML5 download attribute. This attribute will tell browser that virtual link we created is aimed for download only. It will download file from link's href to file with name specified as download attribute's value. This great feature works in Chrome.
window.downloadFile = function(sUrl) {
//If in Chrome or Safari - download via virtual link click
if (window.downloadFile.isChrome || window.downloadFile.isSafari) {
//Creating new link node.
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = sUrl;
if ( !== undefined){
//Set HTML5 download attribute. This will prevent file from opening if supported.
var fileName = sUrl.substring(sUrl.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, sUrl.length); = fileName;
//Dispatching click event.
if (document.createEvent) {
var e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
e.initEvent('click' ,true ,true);
return true;
// Force file download (whether supported by server).
var query = '?download'; + query);
window.downloadFile.isChrome = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1;
window.downloadFile.isSafari = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('safari') > -1;
Demo Link:

file extension after base64 in javascript [duplicate]

If for example you follow the link:
The browser will prompt you to download a file consisting of the data held as base64 in the hyperlink itself. Is there any way of suggesting a default name in the markup? If not, is there a JavaScript solution?
Use the download attribute:
<a download='FileName' href='your_url'>
The download attribute works on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, desktop Safari 10+, iOS Safari 13+, and not IE11.
Chrome makes this very simple these days:
function saveContent(fileContents, fileName)
var link = document.createElement('a'); = fileName;
link.href = 'data:,' + fileContents;;
HTML only: use the download attribute:
<a download="logo.gif" href="">Download transparent png</a>
Javascript only: you can save any data URI with this code:
function saveAs(uri, filename) {
var link = document.createElement('a');
if (typeof === 'string') {
link.href = uri; = filename;
//Firefox requires the link to be in the body
//simulate click;
//remove the link when done
} else {;
saveAs(file, 'logo.gif');
Chrome, Firefox, and Edge 13+ will use the specified filename.
IE11, Edge 12, and Safari 9 (which don't support the download attribute) will download the file with their default name or they will simply display it in a new tab, if it's of a supported file type: images, videos, audio files, …
According to RFC 2397, no, there isn't.
Nor does there appear to be any attribute of the <a> element that you can use either.
However HTML5 has subsequently introduced the download attribute on the <a> element, although at the time of writing support is not universal (no MSIE support, for example)
I've looked a bit in firefox sources in netwerk/protocol/data/nsDataHandler.cpp
data handler only parses content/type and charset, and looks if there is ";base64"
in the string
the rfc specifices no filename and at least firefox handles no filename for it,
the code generates a random name plus ".part"
I've also checked firefox log
[b2e140]: DOCSHELL 6e5ae00 InternalLoad data:application/octet-stream;base64,SGVsbG8=
[b2e140]: Found extension '' (filename is '', handling attachment: 0)
[b2e140]: HelperAppService::DoContent: mime 'application/octet-stream', extension ''
[b2e140]: Getting mimeinfo from type 'application/octet-stream' ext ''
[b2e140]: Extension lookup on '' found: 0x0
[b2e140]: Ext. lookup for '' found 0x0
[b2e140]: OS gave back 0x43609a0 - found: 0
[b2e140]: Searched extras (by type), rv 0x80004005
[b2e140]: MIME Info Summary: Type 'application/octet-stream', Primary Ext ''
[b2e140]: Type/Ext lookup found 0x43609a0
interesting files if you want to look at mozilla sources:
data uri handler: netwerk/protocol/data/nsDataHandler.cpp
where mozilla decides the filename: uriloader/exthandler/nsExternalHelperAppService.cpp
InternalLoad string in the log: docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp
I think you can stop searching a solution for now, because I suspect there is none :)
as noticed in this thread html5 has download attribute, it works also on firefox 20
The following Javascript snippet works in Chrome by using the new 'download' attribute of links and simulating a click.
function downloadWithName(uri, name) {
var link = document.createElement("a"); = name;
link.href = uri;;
And the following example shows it's use:
downloadWithName("data:,Hello%2C%20World!", "helloWorld.txt")
The entire purpose is that it's a datastream, not a file. The data source should not have any knowledge of the user agent handling it as a file... and it doesn't.
you can add a download attribute to the anchor element.
<a download="abcd.cer"
Using service workers, this is finally possible in the truest sense.
Create a fake URL. For example /saveAs/myPrettyName.jpg
Use URL in <a href, <img src, url ), absolutely anything that can be done with a "real" URL.
Inside the worker, catch the fetch event, and respond with the correct data.
The browser will now suggest myPrettyName.jpg even if the user opens the file in a new tab, and tries to save it there. It will be exactly as if the file had come from the server.
// In the service worker
self.addEventListener( 'fetch', function(e)
if( e.request.url.startsWith( '/blobUri/' ) )
// Logic to select correct dataUri, and return it as a Response
e.respondWith( dataURLAsRequest );
Look at this link:
It even works (as in, doesn't cause a problem) with ;base64 at the end
like this (in Opera at least):
Also there is some info in the rest messages of the discussion.
There is a tiny workaround script on Google Code that worked for me:
It adds a form with the data in it, submits it and then removes the form again. Hacky, but it did the job for me. Requires jQuery.
This thread showed up in Google before the Google Code page and I thought it might be helpful to have the link in here, too.
Here is a jQuery version based off of Holf's version and works with Chrome and Firefox whereas his version seems to only work with Chrome. It's a little strange to add something to the body to do this but if someone has a better option I'm all for it.
var exportFileName = "export-" + filename;
$('<a></a>', {
"download": exportFileName,
"href": "data:," + JSON.stringify(exportData, null,5),
"id": "exportDataID"
This one works with Firefox 43.0 (older not tested):
function download() {
var msg="Hello world!";
var blob = new File([msg], "hello.bin", {"type": "application/octet-stream"});
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dl.js"></script>
<button id="create" type="button" onclick="download();">Download</button>
If button is clicked it offered a file named hello.bin for download. Trick is to use File instead of Blob.
(This answer has been made deprecated by newer technology, but will be kept here for historical interest.)
It's kind of hackish, but I've been in the same situation before. I was dynamically generating a text file in javascript and wanted to provide it for download by encoding it with the data-URI.
This is possible with minormajor user intervention. Generate a link right-click me and select "Save Link As..." and save as "example.txt". As I said, this is inelegant, but it works if you do not need a professional solution.
This could be made less painful by using flash to copy the name into the clipboard first. Of course if you let yourself use Flash or Java (now with less and less browser support I think?), you could probably find a another way to do this.
<a href=.. download=.. > works for left-click and right-click -> save link as..,
but <img src=.. download=.. > doesn't work for right-click -> save image as.. , "Download.jped" is suggested.
If you combine both:<a href=.. download=..><img src=..></a>
it works for left-click, right-click -> save link as.., right-click -> save image as..
You have to write the data-uri twice (href and src), so for large image files it is better to copy the uri with javascript.
tested with Chrome/Edge 88
var isIE = /*#cc_on!#*/false || !!document.documentMode; // At least IE6
var sessionId ='\n';
var token = '\n';
var caseId = CaseIDNumber + '\n';
var url = casewebUrl+'\n';
var uri = sessionId + token + caseId + url;//data in file
var fileName = "file.i4cvf";// any file name with any extension
if (isIE)
var fileData = ['\ufeff' + uri];
var blobObject = new Blob(fileData);
window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blobObject, fileName);
else //chrome
window.requestFileSystem = window.requestFileSystem || window.webkitRequestFileSystem;
window.requestFileSystem(window.TEMPORARY, 1024 * 1024, function (fs) {
fs.root.getFile(fileName, { create: true }, function (fileEntry) {
fileEntry.createWriter(function (fileWriter) {
var fileData = ['\ufeff' + uri];
var blob = new Blob(fileData);
fileWriter.addEventListener("writeend", function () {
var fileUrl = fileEntry.toURL();
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = fileUrl; = fileName;
}, false);
}, function () { });
}, function () { });
}, function () { });
You actually can achieve this, in Chrome and FireFox.
Try the following url, it will download the code that was used.

Setting filename using encodeURIComponent() to let user download data file [duplicate]

If for example you follow the link:
The browser will prompt you to download a file consisting of the data held as base64 in the hyperlink itself. Is there any way of suggesting a default name in the markup? If not, is there a JavaScript solution?
Use the download attribute:
<a download='FileName' href='your_url'>
The download attribute works on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, desktop Safari 10+, iOS Safari 13+, and not IE11.
Chrome makes this very simple these days:
function saveContent(fileContents, fileName)
var link = document.createElement('a'); = fileName;
link.href = 'data:,' + fileContents;;
HTML only: use the download attribute:
<a download="logo.gif" href="">Download transparent png</a>
Javascript only: you can save any data URI with this code:
function saveAs(uri, filename) {
var link = document.createElement('a');
if (typeof === 'string') {
link.href = uri; = filename;
//Firefox requires the link to be in the body
//simulate click;
//remove the link when done
} else {;
saveAs(file, 'logo.gif');
Chrome, Firefox, and Edge 13+ will use the specified filename.
IE11, Edge 12, and Safari 9 (which don't support the download attribute) will download the file with their default name or they will simply display it in a new tab, if it's of a supported file type: images, videos, audio files, …
According to RFC 2397, no, there isn't.
Nor does there appear to be any attribute of the <a> element that you can use either.
However HTML5 has subsequently introduced the download attribute on the <a> element, although at the time of writing support is not universal (no MSIE support, for example)
I've looked a bit in firefox sources in netwerk/protocol/data/nsDataHandler.cpp
data handler only parses content/type and charset, and looks if there is ";base64"
in the string
the rfc specifices no filename and at least firefox handles no filename for it,
the code generates a random name plus ".part"
I've also checked firefox log
[b2e140]: DOCSHELL 6e5ae00 InternalLoad data:application/octet-stream;base64,SGVsbG8=
[b2e140]: Found extension '' (filename is '', handling attachment: 0)
[b2e140]: HelperAppService::DoContent: mime 'application/octet-stream', extension ''
[b2e140]: Getting mimeinfo from type 'application/octet-stream' ext ''
[b2e140]: Extension lookup on '' found: 0x0
[b2e140]: Ext. lookup for '' found 0x0
[b2e140]: OS gave back 0x43609a0 - found: 0
[b2e140]: Searched extras (by type), rv 0x80004005
[b2e140]: MIME Info Summary: Type 'application/octet-stream', Primary Ext ''
[b2e140]: Type/Ext lookup found 0x43609a0
interesting files if you want to look at mozilla sources:
data uri handler: netwerk/protocol/data/nsDataHandler.cpp
where mozilla decides the filename: uriloader/exthandler/nsExternalHelperAppService.cpp
InternalLoad string in the log: docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp
I think you can stop searching a solution for now, because I suspect there is none :)
as noticed in this thread html5 has download attribute, it works also on firefox 20
The following Javascript snippet works in Chrome by using the new 'download' attribute of links and simulating a click.
function downloadWithName(uri, name) {
var link = document.createElement("a"); = name;
link.href = uri;;
And the following example shows it's use:
downloadWithName("data:,Hello%2C%20World!", "helloWorld.txt")
The entire purpose is that it's a datastream, not a file. The data source should not have any knowledge of the user agent handling it as a file... and it doesn't.
you can add a download attribute to the anchor element.
<a download="abcd.cer"
Using service workers, this is finally possible in the truest sense.
Create a fake URL. For example /saveAs/myPrettyName.jpg
Use URL in <a href, <img src, url ), absolutely anything that can be done with a "real" URL.
Inside the worker, catch the fetch event, and respond with the correct data.
The browser will now suggest myPrettyName.jpg even if the user opens the file in a new tab, and tries to save it there. It will be exactly as if the file had come from the server.
// In the service worker
self.addEventListener( 'fetch', function(e)
if( e.request.url.startsWith( '/blobUri/' ) )
// Logic to select correct dataUri, and return it as a Response
e.respondWith( dataURLAsRequest );
Look at this link:
It even works (as in, doesn't cause a problem) with ;base64 at the end
like this (in Opera at least):
Also there is some info in the rest messages of the discussion.
There is a tiny workaround script on Google Code that worked for me:
It adds a form with the data in it, submits it and then removes the form again. Hacky, but it did the job for me. Requires jQuery.
This thread showed up in Google before the Google Code page and I thought it might be helpful to have the link in here, too.
Here is a jQuery version based off of Holf's version and works with Chrome and Firefox whereas his version seems to only work with Chrome. It's a little strange to add something to the body to do this but if someone has a better option I'm all for it.
var exportFileName = "export-" + filename;
$('<a></a>', {
"download": exportFileName,
"href": "data:," + JSON.stringify(exportData, null,5),
"id": "exportDataID"
This one works with Firefox 43.0 (older not tested):
function download() {
var msg="Hello world!";
var blob = new File([msg], "hello.bin", {"type": "application/octet-stream"});
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dl.js"></script>
<button id="create" type="button" onclick="download();">Download</button>
If button is clicked it offered a file named hello.bin for download. Trick is to use File instead of Blob.
(This answer has been made deprecated by newer technology, but will be kept here for historical interest.)
It's kind of hackish, but I've been in the same situation before. I was dynamically generating a text file in javascript and wanted to provide it for download by encoding it with the data-URI.
This is possible with minormajor user intervention. Generate a link right-click me and select "Save Link As..." and save as "example.txt". As I said, this is inelegant, but it works if you do not need a professional solution.
This could be made less painful by using flash to copy the name into the clipboard first. Of course if you let yourself use Flash or Java (now with less and less browser support I think?), you could probably find a another way to do this.
<a href=.. download=.. > works for left-click and right-click -> save link as..,
but <img src=.. download=.. > doesn't work for right-click -> save image as.. , "Download.jped" is suggested.
If you combine both:<a href=.. download=..><img src=..></a>
it works for left-click, right-click -> save link as.., right-click -> save image as..
You have to write the data-uri twice (href and src), so for large image files it is better to copy the uri with javascript.
tested with Chrome/Edge 88
var isIE = /*#cc_on!#*/false || !!document.documentMode; // At least IE6
var sessionId ='\n';
var token = '\n';
var caseId = CaseIDNumber + '\n';
var url = casewebUrl+'\n';
var uri = sessionId + token + caseId + url;//data in file
var fileName = "file.i4cvf";// any file name with any extension
if (isIE)
var fileData = ['\ufeff' + uri];
var blobObject = new Blob(fileData);
window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blobObject, fileName);
else //chrome
window.requestFileSystem = window.requestFileSystem || window.webkitRequestFileSystem;
window.requestFileSystem(window.TEMPORARY, 1024 * 1024, function (fs) {
fs.root.getFile(fileName, { create: true }, function (fileEntry) {
fileEntry.createWriter(function (fileWriter) {
var fileData = ['\ufeff' + uri];
var blob = new Blob(fileData);
fileWriter.addEventListener("writeend", function () {
var fileUrl = fileEntry.toURL();
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = fileUrl; = fileName;
}, false);
}, function () { });
}, function () { });
}, function () { });
You actually can achieve this, in Chrome and FireFox.
Try the following url, it will download the code that was used.
