How to reverse the order of svg elements - javascript

I am working with a svg element which is following
<svg class="layer1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 150 150">
<rect class="bg" id="bg" width="150" height="150" fill="#e6e6e6"></rect>
<circle class="circ0" id="circ0" cx="75" cy="75" r="72" fill="none" stroke="blue" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></circle>
<circle class="circ1" id="circ1" cx="75" cy="75" r="69" fill="none" stroke="green" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></circle>
<circle class="circ2" id="circ2" cx="75" cy="75" r="66" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></circle>
<script href="index.js"></script>
I want to reverse the order of these circles with javascript, which I am currently doing by this way
const svg = document.querySelector("svg");
var x = document.querySelectorAll("[class^='circ']");
var bucket = [];
x.forEach((a, i) => {
(a, i) => a.parentNode.removeChild(a)
(a, i) => {
a.setAttribute("class", 'circ' + [i]);
a.setAttribute("id", "circ" + [i]);
<svg class="layer1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 150 150">
<rect class="bg" id="bg" width="150" height="150" fill="#e6e6e6"></rect>
<circle class="circ0" id="circ0" cx="75" cy="75" r="72" fill="none" stroke="blue" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></circle>
<circle class="circ1" id="circ1" cx="75" cy="75" r="69" fill="none" stroke="green" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></circle>
<circle class="circ2" id="circ2" cx="75" cy="75" r="66" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></circle>
<script href="index.js"></script>
It gives me this
Is there a better way of doing this?

append(child) by itself moves DOM Nodes. So your code can be simplified.
But for complexer SVG you probably want to swap DOM positions, because there could be other Elements in between you don't want to affect.
Hold CTRL key to see what happens with append
Click to see the swapping version,
a matter of processing an Array and swapping the first with the last element.
Note: append was not available in Internet Explorer, that is why you see most posts using appendChild.
Modern browsers have loads more DOM goodies: replaceWith after , before etc.
<svg viewBox="0 0 10 10" style="height:200px">
text { font-size: 2px }
[y="3"]{ fill:yellow }
.first { stroke: black; stroke-width: 0.5 }
<rect class="bg" id="bg" width="10" height="10" fill="grey"></rect>
<circle class="first" id="c0" cx="2" cy="5" r="2" fill="red" />
<text x="0" y="3">R</text>
<circle class="second" id="c1" cx="4" cy="5" r="3" fill="green" />
<text x="1" y="3">G</text>
<circle class="last" id="c2" cx="6" cy="5" r="4" fill="blue" />
<text x="2" y="3">B</text>
<text x="1" y="6">Click Me!</text>
let svg = document.querySelector("svg");
function append() {
.reverse().forEach((c, i) => {
c.setAttribute("class", = 'c' + i);
function swap() {
function swapElements(e1, e2) {
let {id,previousSibling,className:{baseVal:c2}} = e2;
e1.after(e2); // put e2 after e1 =; e2.setAttribute("class", e1.getAttribute("class"));
previousSibling.after(e1); // put e1 after where e2 WAS = id; e1.setAttribute("class", c2);
let circles = [...svg.querySelectorAll("circle")];
while (circles.length) {
let c1 = circles.shift();
if (circles.length) swapElements(c1, circles.pop())
svg.onclick = (e) => (e.ctrlKey && append()) || swap();


Is it possible to programatically control fill color of individual cells of svg pattern?

<svg viewBox="200 190 500 500" id="example">
<pattern id="patt" x="0" y="0" width="20" height="20" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<g stroke="black" strokeWidth="0.5" >
<path id='a' fill='green' d="M0,0.054V20h21V0.054H0z M15.422,18.129l-5.264-2.768l-5.265,2.768l1.006-5.863L1.64,8.114l5.887-0.855 l2.632-5.334l2.633,5.334l5.885,0.855l-4.258,4.152L15.422,18.129z"/>
<g fill="url(#patt)" stroke="orange" >
<circle cx="450" cy="300" r="100"/>
Requirement is to create a pattern of svg in which fill color of each element in the pattern has to be manipulated.
Only when you create all colored shapes inside the <pattern> yourself:
<svg-pattern colors="green,red,blue,yellow"></svg-pattern>
<svg-pattern colors="purple,hotpink,hotpink,purple"></svg-pattern>
customElements.define("svg-pattern", class extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {
let colors = this.getAttribute("colors").split(",");
let star = `v20h21v-20h-21zm15.4 18-5.3-2.8-5.3 2.8 1-5.9-4.3-4.2 5.9-.9 2.6-5.3 2.6 5.3 5.9.9-4.3 4.2 1 6z`;
let id = "unique" + Math.random();
this.innerHTML = `<svg width="180" height="180" style="display:inline-block" viewBox="0 0 200 200">
<pattern id="${id}" x="0" y="0" width="40" height="40" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<g stroke="black" strokeWidth="0.5" >
<path fill='${colors[0]}' d="m0 0 ${star}"/>
<path fill='${colors[1]}' d="m20 0 ${star}"/>
<path fill='${colors[2]}' d="m0 20 ${star}"/>
<path fill='${colors[3]}' d="m20 20 ${star}"/>
<g fill="url(#${id})">
<circle cx="100" cy="100" r="100"/>

Fill Percentage area in a custom Oval SVG image

I would like to fill a custom SVG to a specific percentage.
Here is my initial SVG
<svg width="202" height="195" viewBox="0 0 202 195" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path opacity="0.1" d="M96.8166 4.06964C16.0794 8.40606 -20.4645 94.8546 20.2957 157.019C54.6867 204.16 143.361 202.123 184.273 150.807C226.464 97.5789 163.505 0.38025 96.8166 4.06964Z" stroke="#313848" stroke-width="6.87634" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
Suppose there is a progress of x% so I would like to fill this SVG like
<svg width="207" height="203" viewBox="0 0 207 203" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path opacity="0.1" d="M99.8166 12.0696C19.0794 16.4061 -17.4645 102.855 23.2957 165.019C57.6867 212.16 146.361 210.123 187.273 158.807C229.464 105.579 166.505 8.38025 99.8166 12.0696Z" stroke="#313848" stroke-width="6.87634" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path d="M99.8142 12.0736C166.502 8.38527 229.463 105.585 187.273 158.812" stroke="#EA7052" stroke-width="6.87634" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path d="M96.1683 2.4287C88.1789 2.85671 84.5529 11.2658 88.579 17.3074C91.9765 21.8887 100.751 21.6836 104.805 16.6905C108.986 11.5113 102.768 2.06471 96.1683 2.4287Z" fill="#EDEDEE" stroke="#EA7052" stroke-width="4.76054" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path d="M171.545 162.236C169.583 169.548 177.007 175.33 184.329 173.522C189.985 171.84 192.408 163.889 188.57 158.747C184.582 153.434 173.156 156.193 171.545 162.236Z" fill="#EDEDEE" stroke="#EA7052" stroke-width="4.76054" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
I am not able to figure out how to achieve this.
I want it to be dynamic so that I can make it for any percentage.
Also, I need to animate it from the starting point to the endpoint in a circular motion.
Any help would be highly appreciatable.
As I've commented:
You can calculate the length of the path using the getTotalLength() method. This represents 100%.
Next you can get the length representing the x% (xperc in the code).
Now you can use stroke-dasharray to represent the partial path.
You can calculate the position of the last point using the getPointAtLength() method.
Please read the comments in my code.
//the desired percentege
let xperc = .35;
//the total length of the path
let tl = base.getTotalLength();
//the partial length at the given percentage xperc
let partial = tl * xperc;
//set the stroke-dasharray of the second use element
perc.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", `${partial} ${tl -partial}`)
//calculate the position of the point marking the end position
let theEnd = base.getPointAtLength(partial);
// set the cx and the cy attributes for the end point
end.setAttribute("cx", theEnd.x);
end.setAttribute("cy", theEnd.y);
circle {
stroke: red;
stroke-width: 6.87634;
<svg width="207" height="203" viewBox="0 0 207 203" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path id="base" d="M99.8166,12.0696L99.8166,12.0696C166.505,8.38025 229.464,105.579 187.273,158.807C146.361,210.123 57.6867,212.16 23.2957,165.019C-17.4645,102.855 19.0794,16.4061 99.8166,12.0696Z" stroke-width="6.87634" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<use xlink:href="#base" stroke="silver" />
<use xlink:href="#base" stroke="red" id="perc" />
<circle cx="99.8166" cy="12.0696" r="10" />
<circle id="end" r="10" />
OBSERVATION: since your path goes counter clockwise I had to reverse the path to get the desired result
And this is an example where I'm using an input type range to change the percent value:
let xperc = itr.value;
itr.addEventListener("input", onInput)
function onInput() {
xperc = itr.value;
let tl = base.getTotalLength();
let partial = tl * xperc;
perc.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", `${partial} ${tl - partial}`);
let theEnd = base.getPointAtLength(partial);
end.setAttribute("cx", theEnd.x);
end.setAttribute("cy", theEnd.y);
circle {
stroke: red;
stroke-width: 6.87634;
<input id="itr" type="range" min="0" max="1" step=".001" value=".35" /><br>
<svg width="207" viewBox="-5 -5 220 220" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path id="base" d="M99.8166,12.0696L99.8166,12.0696C166.505,8.38025 229.464,105.579 187.273,158.807C146.361,210.123 57.6867,212.16 23.2957,165.019C-17.4645,102.855 19.0794,16.4061 99.8166,12.0696Z" stroke-width="6.87634" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<use xlink:href="#base" stroke="silver" />
<use xlink:href="#base" stroke="red" id="perc" />
<circle cx="99.8166" cy="12.0696" r="10" />
<circle id="end" r="10" />
And another demo where I'm using javascript to animate it from 0 to 1:
//the animation begins at 0
let xperc = 0;
//get the total length of the path
let tl = base.getTotalLength();
//the request animation id
let rid = null;
function Animation() {
rid = window.requestAnimationFrame(Animation);
// while xperc < 1 increase it's value by 0.001. Else stop the animation
if (xperc < 1) {
xperc += 0.001;
//the same as in the first example
let partial = tl * xperc;
perc.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", `${partial} ${tl - partial}`);
let theEnd = base.getPointAtLength(partial);
end.setAttribute("cx", theEnd.x);
end.setAttribute("cy", theEnd.y);
circle {
stroke: red;
stroke-width: 6.87634;
<svg width="207" viewBox="-5 -5 220 220" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path id="base" d="M99.8166,12.0696L99.8166,12.0696C166.505,8.38025 229.464,105.579 187.273,158.807C146.361,210.123 57.6867,212.16 23.2957,165.019C-17.4645,102.855 19.0794,16.4061 99.8166,12.0696Z" stroke-width="6.87634" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<use xlink:href="#base" stroke="silver" />
<use xlink:href="#base" stroke="red" id="perc" />
<circle cx="99.8166" cy="12.0696" r="10" />
<circle id="end" r="10" />

How to trigger click of both elements, when clicking overlapping area

I have two elements overlapping each other, Both has click events. Clicking on each element works fine.
If I click on an overlapping area as shown below, can I trigger the click of both?
Below is my code
$("#circle1").click(function(d) {
$("#circle2").click(function(d) {
.path {
fill: red;
<script src=""></script>
<svg width="525" height="226">
<circle id="circle1" cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" fill="red" />
<circle id="circle2" cx="80" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" fill="transparent" />
I would use clip-path to get the intersection of the 2 circles. Then I would attach the event to intersection.
svg{border:1px solid}
<svg id="svg" viewBox="0 0 525 226">
<circle id="circle1" cx="50" cy="50" r="40" />
<circle id="circle2" cx="80" cy="50" r="40" />
<clipPath id="clip"><use xlink:href="#circle2" />
<use xlink:href="#circle1" class="circle" fill="red" />
<use xlink:href="#circle2" class="circle" fill="transparent" />
<use xlink:href="#circle1" id="intersection" clip-path="url(#clip)" fill="gold" />
You should not rely on any approach that calculates the position of the intersection or that creates another element just to compute the intersection. Such approaches will eventually fail or simply become too complicated and cumbersome.
Instead of that, use the event itself and a method like document.elementFromPoint to get all elements under the click. For instance, you can use document.elementFromPoint “recursively”, as described here. Then, using selection.dispatch, you dispatch the click event to all elements under the click.
Here is a very basic demo (click on the blue circle, the red circle or the intersection):
let clicked;".blue").on("click", function() {
if (!clicked) return;
console.log("blue circle were clicked")
});".red").on("click", function() {
if (!clicked) return;
console.log("red circle were clicked")
});"svg").on("click", function() {
clicked = true;
clicked = false;
function getAllElements(x, y) {
const elements = [];
let thisElement = document.elementFromPoint(x, y);
while (thisElement && thisElement.nearestViewportElement) {
elements.push(thisElement);"display", "none");
thisElement = document.elementFromPoint(x, y);
elements.forEach(function(elm) {"display", null)
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: 30% !important;
<script src=""></script>
<circle cx="100" cy="75" r="60" fill="powderblue" stroke="gray" stroke-width="2" opacity="0.75" class="blue"></circle>
<circle cx="170" cy="75" r="60" fill="tomato" stroke="gray" stroke-width="2" opacity="0.75" class="red"></circle>
Here is how you can calculate the overlap area calculate clientX for each click event and make sure it is overlap area as you have already provide X and Y for your circles. Here is example. In example, I have provided a rough idea you can calculate according to your actual dimesions.
$(".circle").click(function(e) {
if((event.clientX>50 && event.clientX<80) && (event.clientY>25 && event.clientY<85)){
alert('overlaper area');
.path {
fill: red;
<script src=""></script>
<svg width="525" height="226">
<circle class="circle" id="circle1" cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" fill="red" />
<circle class="circle" id="circle2" cx="80" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" fill="transparent" />

JavaScript - SVG animation position changed event

I'm trying to make a simple game of pong using SVGs and vanilla JavaScript. The issue that I'm running into is, how can I bind an event to determine when the position of the ball has moved? So for example, is there anything like:
document.getElementById("ball").getAttribute("cx").onChange = ...;
The code that I've currently built is:
window.onload = function() {
window.onkeydown = function(e){
Player 1:
up -> 38
down -> 40
var increment = 0;
if (e.keyCode === 38 || e.keyCode === 40) {
increment = 5;
if (e.keyCode === 38) {
increment = -increment;
document.getElementById("paddle1").setAttribute("y", parseFloat(document.getElementById("paddle1").getAttribute("y")) + increment);
window.onmousemove = function(e) {
// Player2: Based on the y position of the mouse
document.getElementById("paddle2").setAttribute("y", e.clientY);
<svg width="576px" height="300px">
<!-- background -->
<rect x="0" y="0" width="576" height="300" stroke="black" stroke-width="1" />
<!-- ball -->
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="5" fill="white" id="ball">
<animateMotion path="M 0 150 H 576 Z" dur="5s" repeatCount="indefinite" />
<!-- mid-point -->
<line stroke-dasharray="5, 10" x1="287.5" y1="1" x2="287.5" y2="300" stroke="white" stroke-width="1" />
<!-- scores -->
<text x="261" y="27" font-family="monospace" font-size="22px" fill="white" id="score1">0</text>
<text x="298" y="27" font-family="monospace" font-size="22px" fill="white" id="score2">0</text>
<!-- paddles -->
<rect x="10" y="10" width="5" height="25" stroke="white" stroke-width="1" fill="white" id="paddle1" />
<rect x="561" y="10" width="5" height="25" stroke="white" stroke-width="1" fill="white" id="paddle2" />
Please keep in mind that while I have a fairly extensive JavaScript background, this is my first jump into SVGs.
There does not seem to be an event emitted upon a change of an animated value, not even with a coarse granularity (ie. at given percentages of the animation completed).
However, the current animated values can be queried, so calling a pseudo-handler in regular intervals allows to keep track of the animation's progress within reasonable limits.
The following proof-of-concept standalone svg complements and modifies the code from the question:
define an interval handler to write the current x position of the ball to the console
set up the interval handler in the onLoad handler
Redefine the animation using the animate element
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
viewBox="0 0 1000 500"
width="1150px" height="600px"
<script type="text/javascript">
function cb_ball ( pdom_ball ) {
console.log ( `attr 'cx': '${}'.`);
} // cb_ball
window.onload = function() {
let dom_ball = document.getElementById("ball")
setInterval ( () => { cb_ball ( dom_ball ); }, 100 );
window.onkeydown = function(e){
Player 1:
up -> 38
down -> 40
var increment = 0;
if (e.keyCode === 38 || e.keyCode === 40) {
increment = 5;
if (e.keyCode === 38) {
increment = -increment;
document.getElementById("paddle1").setAttribute("y", parseFloat(document.getElementById("paddle1").getAttribute("y")) + increment);
window.onmousemove = function(e) {
// Player2: Based on the y position of the mouse
document.getElementById("paddle2").setAttribute("y", e.clientY);
<!-- background -->
<rect x="0" y="0" width="576" height="300" stroke="black" stroke-width="1" />
<!-- ball -->
<circle cx="0" cy="150" r="5" fill="white" id="ball">
<!-- was: animateMotion path="M 0 150 H 576 Z" dur="5s" repeatCount="indefinite" /-->
<animate id="ball-animation"
values = "0;285;570;285;0"
<!-- mid-point -->
<line stroke-dasharray="5, 10" x1="287.5" y1="1" x2="287.5" y2="300" stroke="white" stroke-width="1" />
<!-- scores -->
<text x="261" y="27" font-family="monospace" font-size="22px" fill="white" id="score1">0</text>
<text x="298" y="27" font-family="monospace" font-size="22px" fill="white" id="score2">0</text>
<!-- paddles -->
<rect x="10" y="10" width="5" height="25" stroke="white" stroke-width="1" fill="white" id="paddle1" />
<rect x="561" y="10" width="5" height="25" stroke="white" stroke-width="1" fill="white" id="paddle2" />
The solution is based on this SO question and the following standards documents:
anime.js appears to be a animation library that would suit needs outlined in the question (cf. this section), in partiucular for authors with a solid js background (I have no affiliation neither with the library nor the author).

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'childNodes' of null

Not sure why I get this error. Read about the root of the problem seems to exist when JavaScript executes before the element is loaded however in my case I use onload function on body tag. also the JavaScript is just before the body tag closes.Not sure what is causing this problem. **The error correspondes to second line of initLegend() function
this is the line the throws error
legendGroup = svgDoc.getElementById("legendGroup").childNodes;
<body onload="init()">
<h1>Co2 Emissions</h1>
<div id="viz" style='margin-top: -5px;'></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var changeArray = [-80,-60,-40,-20,0,20,40,60,80];
var colorArray = ["#053061", "#2166ac", "#4393c3", "#92c5de", "#F1F7FA", "#fddbc7", "#f4a582", "#d6604d", "#b2182b", "#67001f"];
var legend;
var legendGroup;
svgDoc = document;
var svg_0 = d3.xml("svg_drawing.svg", "image/svg+xml", function(xml) {
var importedNode = document.importNode(xml.documentElement, true);"#viz").node().appendChild(importedNode)});
function initLegend()
legend = svgDoc.getElementById("legend");
legendGroup = svgDoc.getElementById("legendGroup").childNodes;
// set text for headline
var node = legend.childNodes.item(1);
node.firstChild.nodeValue = currentMonth + currentYear;
node = node.nextSibling.nextSibling;
node.firstChild.nodeValue = legendHeadline;
node = node.nextSibling.nextSibling;
node.firstChild.nodeValue = legendLabelDecrease;
node = node.nextSibling.nextSibling;
node.firstChild.nodeValue = legendLabelIncrease1;
node = node.nextSibling.nextSibling;
node.firstChild.nodeValue = legendLabelIncrease2;
// set legend items
if(debug) { alert("legendGroup.length: " + legendGroup.length); }
var rectInvariant = 0;
var textInvariant = 0;
for(var i=0; i<legendGroup.length; i++)
if(legendGroup.item(i).nodeName == "rect")
} else
if(legendGroup.item(i).nodeName == "text")
legendGroup.item(i).firstChild.nodeValue = changeArray[textInvariant++] + "%";
function init(){
SVG og legend
<g id="legend" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 685 28)">
<text id="legendHeadline" class="legendHeadline" x="87" y="-7">...</text>
<text id="legendSubheadline" class="legendSubheadline" x="95" y="-7">...</text>
<text id="decrease" class="legendLabel" x="-25" y="17">...</text>
<text id="increase1" class="legendLabel" x="379" y="10">...</text>
<text id="increase2" class="legendLabel" x="379" y="22">...</text>
<g id="legendGroup" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 0 8)">
<rect x="0" y="0" width="35" height="10" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1px" fill="#FFFFFF" />
<text x="35" y="27" class="legendStyle">...</text>
<rect x="35" y="0" width="35" height="10" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="#FFFFFF" />
<text x="70" y="27" class="legendStyle">...</text>
<rect x="70" y="0" width="35" height="10" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1px" fill="#FFFFFF" />
<text x="105" y="27" class="legendStyle">...</text>
<rect x="105" y="0" width="35" height="10" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1px" fill="#FFFFFF" />
<text x="140" y="27" class="legendStyle">...</text>
<rect x="140" y="0" width="35" height="10" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1px" fill="#FFFFFF" />
<text x="175" y="27" class="legendStyle">...</text>
<rect x="175" y="0" width="35" height="10" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1px" fill="#FFFFFF" />
<text x="210" y="27" class="legendStyle">...</text>
<rect x="210" y="0" width="35" height="10" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1px" fill="#FFFFFF" />
<text x="245" y="27" class="legendStyle">...</text>
<rect x="245" y="0" width="35" height="10" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1px" fill="#FFFFFF" />
<text x="280" y="27" class="legendStyle">...</text>
<rect x="280" y="0" width="35" height="10" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1px" fill="#FFFFFF" />
<text x="315" y="27" class="legendStyle">...</text>
<rect x="315" y="0" width="35" height="10" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1px" fill="#FFFFFF" />
You need simply to move the initLegend() call into the callback handler, right after the point at which you append it. Loading the SVG is asynchronous, and the window "load" event will not wait for that to finish.
edit like this:
var svg_0 = d3.xml("svg_drawing.svg", "image/svg+xml", function(xml) {
var importedNode = document.importNode(xml.documentElement, true);"#viz").node().appendChild(importedNode);
