I have a problem in all my websites made in Elementor and optimized with WP rocket.
the problem is with my navigation bar that becomes sticky when scrolling.
I have activated the option to minify and defer.
The problem starts when I activate the javascript delay, there my navigation bar does not sticky anymore when scrolling or if the page loads in some section lower than the top, the bar appears sticky but when it goes up it breaks.
the only way to get it working again is by adding the exceptions to all the jquery, js. and wp includes and content.
But in this way the site does not load the js in a delayed way and it no longer works for me.
did this happen to anyone else??
I'm making a website and want a navigation bar that stays at the top of the screen. I can do this fine but when I scroll to top it goes above header. How do I get it to stop scrolling with the user before the top of the page? I have watched countless tutorials but none seem to work. I think I need JavaScript to unstick the bar at a certain height, but unsure how. Also how do I restick it when the user scrolls back down?
Yes, you will need JavaScript to handle this. It is not too complicated, but you will basically need to add an event handler for the scroll event on the window, and inside the handler you can check the scrollTop of the window to see how much has been scrolled. When it has been scrolled "enough" (usually the height of your header) you can then switch the position of the header to fixed.
You can see a demo about it on the excellent CSS Tricks, and there are many tutorials and plugins that can help with this.
Yes, as danwellman said, you need js.
I have a small code I used in my webpage.
// Highlight the top nav as scrolling occurs
target: '.navbar-fixed-top',
offset: 51
You need a file like "scrolling-nav.js" or anything you prefer. And in your html, don't forget to call it.
// In the end or in the beggining you call your js file
<script src="...(filepath)/scrolling-nav.js"></script>
There are many more cool possible snippets you can find. This is really to keep the navbar fixed after the offset of '51'. You can also add the smoothed movement to the webpage section after selecting a menu button.. If you have a onepage website, for example. This would also be js.
Good luck. :)
I was wondering if you could help.
I am currently putting together a site that requires a parallax scroll and sticky navigation.
The navigation must start below image 1 (Blue) and then stick to the top in a fixed format after you've scrolled past image 1(blue).
I have tried many options and at present, I have got the navigation to stick to the top and then reappear once image1 (Blue) has been passed - but it starts at the top.
I have tried some jQuery plugins and they have not worked, could it be the way I have got my script formatted? As some is embedded directly into the page and not an external file?
Here is my link: http://bella-web.co.uk/sticky-nav/
and would love some feedback as to how I am going to get this to work.
Thanks in advance,
You should be able to add navigation menu that starts in the middle of the page and sticks when it reaches the top using the jQuery plugin jQuery Waypoints, the plugin doesn't just work out of the box, so please read the docs.
Im trying to recreate the script that rdio (http://rdio.com) has created for their player footer. when you click on footer, a panel slides up nicely and to reveal more content. another example is by teehan lax; the top dropdown http://www.teehanlax.com/ but theirs doesn't support firefox properly.
I came across this snippet, http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex17/dddropdownpanel.htm
But its not clean as rdio's or teehan.
any thoughts on library they might using?
We're just using basic CSS transitions, and adding and removing classes. The z-index of the bottom bar is set such that it appears in front of everything else, and the class changes control how the content is changed.
You can accomplish the same height changes with jQuery quite easily, as described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4965097/1309238
I'm trying to get foundations navbar working, but somehow it won't work.
It snaps about 250px too early. Just scroll down, the scroll bar should get sticky on top once it hits the top.
Javascript and CSS is loaded correctly.
I'm using Foundation 4.2.2 btw :)
The website I'm talking about:
I need to create something like this site, I found many jQuery infinite scrolling scripts that allow you to load contents using AJAX while you're scrolling. What I need is very similar, except I want it to be horizontal and I want to set the size of the scroll bar according to the amount of contents I have. If you check out this website you'll see that you can jump from page one to page lets say 3 without loading the second page. Any idea how they do that ? their scroll bar is draggable too ! This is exactly what I need but don't know how. Any help is appreciated.
jQuery lazyload works with horizontal scrolling too.
Look at this example that I created here.
The site you are linking to is not a "horizontal scrolling" page. That's actually pagination not scrolling. If you want to do pagination then you don't need any plug in at all. Just call your AJAX when page or tab link clicked.