I've following code snippet to get the "Controller" (The owner of the domain) but I need to get the "Registrant" of provided ENS name
const Web3 = require("web3")
const web3 = new Web3("https://cloudflare-eth.com");
var ens = web3.eth.ens;
var names = ['jtimberlake.eth', 'usman.eth'];
(async () => {
for (let domainName of names) {
// console.log('checking: ' + domainName);
const addr = await getDomain(domainName);
async function getDomain(word) {
try {
const addr = await ens.getAddress(`${word}`)
// console.log(addr);
return addr;
} catch (err) {
Can you please guide how I can get the "Registrant" of provided ENS name e.g. jtimberlake.eth
Web3 is a steaming pile. It doesn't do it with its methods. The registrant used to be called the deed owner, and the controller the owner. Now it is registrant and controller. That's why the method name makes no sense at all now in Web3.js - it never got updated, and never was useful for this in the first place.
The good news is there is a simple way. You can derive the token ID of the ENS domain from its name with the getRegistrant function below. https://docs.ens.domains/dapp-developer-guide/ens-as-nft
The name variable in the docs is superfluous and does nothing. You will need to instantiate ethersjs (npm install ethers) to get the ethers methods to work. You have to use this crazy number of functions because the token ID of an ENS domain/NFT is a uint256. JavaScript hates those natively.
The web3 method to find the controller also still works well if you ever need that. I suggest putting it in another function.
const getRegistrant = (domainName) => {
const BigNumber = ethers.BigNumber
const utils = ethers.utils
const labelHash = utils.keccak256(utils.toUtf8Bytes(domainName))
const derivedTokenId = BigNumber.from(labelHash).toString()
//You need to instantiate the ENSRegistrarContract with its ABI and address. e.g. const ENSRegistrarContract = new web3.eth.Contract(ABI, ADDRESS)
.then(function(registrant) {
console.log(domainName + "is owned by: " + registrant)
return registrant
const getController = (domainName) => {
//getOwner fetches the controller of a domain confusingly.
web3.eth.ens.getOwner(domainName).then(function(controller) {
console.log(domainName + "is controlled by: " + controller)
return controller
I want to get all new transactions from a specified wallet and Im using this code. It just dont work when I use the function tx["transaction"]["from"] and I filter the wallet or ca I want on "WALLET".
Im using Alchemy methods with ws and I have read the documentation about how to use it, I should be missing something.
const { Alchemy, Network, AlchemySubscription } = require("alchemy-sdk")
const {ethers, FixedNumber} = require("ethers")
const delay = require('delay')
const ARBI_WS_KEY = process.env.ARBI_WS_KEY
const settings = {
apiKey: ARBI_WS_KEY, // Replace with your Alchemy API Key
network: Network.ARB_MAINNET, // Replace with your network
const alchemy = new Alchemy(settings)
// Subscription for Alchemy's minedTransactions API
const add = async () => {
method: AlchemySubscription.MINED_TRANSACTIONS,
(tx) => {
let add0 = String(tx["transaction"]["from"])
if( add0 == "WALLET"){
Its weird because everything works when I filter tx["transaction"]["to"] and I specify a wallet or a contract to filter but when trying to filter "from" I dont get anything.
I am attempting to send a json file created from fields in a webpage to a node function in AWS Lambda to add it to a DynamoDB table. I have the JSON made but I don't know how to pass it from the js used for the page to the lambda function. As this is for a class project, my group and I have decided to forego amazon's gateway API, and are just raw calling lambda functions using amazon's js sdk. I've checked Amazon's documentation and other various examples, but I haven't been able to find a complete solution.
Node function in lambda
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const db = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({region: 'us-east-1'});
exports.handler = async (event) => {
const params = {
TableName : 'characterTable',
Item: {
name : 'defaultName'
const userID = 'placeholder';
params.Item.userID = userID;
return await db.put(params).promise();
Webpage js:
var lambda = new AWS.Lambda();
function makeJSON(){
var userID = "";
var name = document.forms["characterForm"]["characterName"].value;
var race = document.forms["characterForm"]["race"].value;
var playerClass = document.forms["characterForm"]["class"].value;
var strength = document.forms["characterForm"]["strength"].value;
var dexterity = document.forms["characterForm"]["dexterity"].value;
var constitution = document.forms["characterForm"]["constitution"].value;
var intelligence = document.forms["characterForm"]["intelligence"].value;
var wisdom = document.forms["characterForm"]["wisdom"].value;
var charisma = document.forms["characterForm"]["charisma"].value;
characterSheetObj = {userID: userID, name: name, race: race, class: playerClass, strength: strength, dexterity: dexterity, constitution: constitution, intelligence: intelligence, wisdom: wisdom, charisma: charisma}
characterSheetJSON = JSON.stringify(characterSheetObj);
var myParams = {
FunctionName : 'addCharacterSheet',
InvocationType : 'RequestResponse',
LogType : 'None',
Payload : characterSheetJSON
lambda.invoke(myParams, function(err, data){
//if it errors, prompts an error message
if (err) {
//otherwise puts up a message that it didnt error. the lambda function presently doesnt do anything
//in the future the lambda function should produce a json file for the JavaScript here to do something with
else {
alert("Did not error");
The html page for the raw javascript includes the proper setup for importing the sdk and configuring the region/user pool
I just don't know how to get the payload from the invocation in my node function, as this is my first time working with lambda and amazon's sdk, or doing any web development work at all, to be honest.
i would do it with async await. It's better to read.
lambda.invoke = util.promisify(lambda.invoke);
const result = await lambda.invoke(yourParams);
const payload = JSON.parse(result.Payload);
I am just trying a simple get command with Firestore, using this code from Google it doesn't work because it's not waiting for the promise?
Earlier I had put only a snippet of code, this is the entirety of index.js -- I'm using Firestore with Dialogflow to build a Google Assistant app and trying to call a function from the welcome intent that gets a field from Firestore, then writes that field to a string (named question1), and then this string should be spoken by the assistant as part of the ssml response. I've been on this for at least 30 hours already, can't seem to comprehend promises in regards to intents, firestore, etc. I've tried about 10 different solutions, this one works, only it says "undefined" in other variations I have tried it would say undefined several times but after 2-3 passes the get command would be complete and then the variable would be read out. I'm just trying to figure out how to get the get command and variable set before moving onto the SSML response. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions'); //don't forget this one
// Import Admin SDK
var admin = require("firebase-admin");
var db = admin.firestore();
const collectionRef = db.collection('text');
const Firestore = require('#google-cloud/firestore');
var doc;
var question1;
const url = require('url');
const {
} = require('actions-on-google');
const {ssml} = require('./util');
const config = functions.config();
const WELCOME_INTENT = 'Default Welcome Intent';
const app = dialogflow({debug: true});
async function dbaccess(rando) {
console.log("dbaseaccess started")
var currentquestion2 = 'question-' + rando.toString();
var cityRef
try { return cityRef = db.collection('text').doc(currentquestion2).get();
console.log("get command completed")
//do stuff
question1 = cityRef.data().n111
} catch(e) {
console.log("one line above return something");
return rando;
app.fallback((conv) => {
// intent contains the name of the intent
// you defined in the Intents area of Dialogflow
const intent = conv.intent;
switch (intent) {
var rando = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
const ssml =
'<speak>' +
question1 +
exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest(app);
You have 2 options: you can use async/await or you can use Promise.then() depending on how you want the code to execute.
async function databasetest {
var cityRef;
cityRef = await db.collection('cities').doc('SF');
// do stuff
} catch(e) {
// error!
db.collection('cities').doc('SF').then((cityRef) => {
.then(doc => { /* do stuff */ })
.catch(err => { /* error! */ });
maybe a little of work around could help you, I'm not sure yet how you are trying to implement it.
function databasetest () {
var cityRef = db.collection('cities').doc('SF');
return cityRef.get()
// so you can implement it like
databasetest().then(doc => {
if (!doc.exists) {
console.log('No such document!');
} else {
console.log('Document data:', doc.data());
.catch(err => {
console.log('Error getting document', err);
More context would help to understand your use case better :)
I would like to use the google iot core api from a firebase function.
It all works, but it is very slow. I think is due to the authentication process that needs to be carried out one very call. Is there a way to speed this up?
Right now I have this:
function getClient(cb) {
const API_VERSION = 'v1';
const DISCOVERY_API = 'https://cloudiot.googleapis.com/$discovery/rest';
const jwtAccess = new google.auth.JWT();
// Note that if you require additional scopes, they should be specified as a
// string, separated by spaces.
jwtAccess.scopes = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform';
// Set the default authentication to the above JWT access.
google.options({ auth: jwtAccess });
const discoveryUrl = `${DISCOVERY_API}?version=${API_VERSION}`;
google.discoverAPI(discoveryUrl, {}).then( end_point => {
And this allows me to do:
export function sendCommandToDevice(deviceId, subfolder, mqtt_data) {
const cloudRegion = 'europe-west1';
const projectId = 'my-project-id;
const registryId = 'my-registry-id';
getClient(client => {
const parentName = `projects/${projectId}/locations/${cloudRegion}`;
const registryName = `${parentName}/registries/${registryId}`;
const binaryData = Buffer.from(mqtt_data).toString('base64');
const request = {
name: `${registryName}/devices/${deviceId}`,
binaryData: binaryData,
subfolder: subfolder
(err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.log('Could not update config:', deviceId);
The way that I've found to speed it up is to avoid doing the authentication. I've solved it doing this:
const google = new GoogleApis();
const API_VERSION = 'v1';
const DISCOVERY_API = 'https://cloudiot.googleapis.com/$discovery/rest';
const jwtAccess = new google.auth.JWT();
// Note that if you require additional scopes, they should be specified as a
// string, separated by spaces.
jwtAccess.scopes = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform';
// Set the default authentication to the above JWT access.
google.options({ auth: jwtAccess });
const discoveryUrl = `${DISCOVERY_API}?version=${API_VERSION}`;
var googleClient;
google.discoverAPI(discoveryUrl, {}).then( client => {
googleClient = client;
// Returns an authorized API client by discovering the Cloud IoT Core API with
// the provided API key.
function getClient(cb) {
But when happens then when the client expires? Is there any good solution from using google apis from firebase functions?
The problem may be the discovery pieces. There's a direct IoT Core admin REST API, so you don't have to use discovery...I think. I haven't worked with the Firebase Functions, but they're roughly equivalent to the Google Cloud Functions which may end up working here also. The code we (in a live demo we did) ran to do what you're doing is here if you wanted to tinker around and see if you can get this running in a Firebase Function.
(note, I'm using Node.js to create a telnet server and handle user input)
I'm having issues using variables/arrays in javascript inside functions in other scripts.
Let me set a simpler example:
var connections = []
is an array in my main.js
Broadcast.js is a function I put in a separate module and attempt to use the broadcast() function in my main.js.
The error I get is stating that connections is undefined. How do get Broadcast.js able to see the connections array in the main.js
For example in my main.js I set an array to handle clients connecting to a server
//point to Telnet library
const Telnet = require('ranvier-telnet');
const logger = require('./logger.js')
var outspeak = []
var connections = []
var clients = []
let server = new Telnet.TelnetServer(rawSocket => {
let telnetSocket = new Telnet.TelnetSocket();
//attaching socket
//setting telnet options
telnetSocket.telnetCommand(Telnet.Sequences.WILL, Telnet.Options.OPT_EOR);
//giving clients a name
telnetSocket.name = rawSocket.remoteAddress + ":" + rawSocket.remotePort
//pushing client names to array
//pushing client connections to an array
console.log(`${telnetSocket.name} has connected`)
logger(`${telnetSocket.name} has connected`)
broadcast(telnetSocket.name + " connected.")
telnetSocket.on('data', function (data) {
//broadcast (telnetSocket.name + ">" + data, telnetSocket);
function broadcast (message, sender) {
connections.forEach(function (connection) {
//don't want to send it to sender
if (connection === sender) return;
connection.write(`${message} \n`);
Now inside my main script, I could called that array/push to that array, read from that array, as long as I type out the function inside the main.js file.
And it can easily use the broadcast function.
Now I want to make it more advance and make reduce my lines on my main.js
but once I separate the broadcast function into it's own module.
use strict'
//broadcast function
function broadcast (message, sender) {
connections.forEach(function (connection) {
//don't want to send it to sender
if (connection === sender) return;
connection.write(`${message} \n`);
module.exports = broadcast
I get a connection undefined error any time I try to invoke that broadcast function. It's like my global variable/array can't be seen by broadcast.js function.
this is how I'm invoking it
// handle input
telnetSocket.on('data', function (data) {
broadcast (telnetSocket.name + ">" + data, telnetSocket);
And yes, const broadcast = require('./broadcast.js'); as been added to the file at the top.
Here's the broken code complete:
'use strict'
//point to Telnet library
const Telnet = require('ranvier-telnet');
const logger = require('./logger.js');
const broadcast = require('./broadcast.js');
var connections = []
var clients = []
//had to call message as global variable
//Asan's timestamp functionm
let server = new Telnet.TelnetServer(rawSocket => {
let telnetSocket = new Telnet.TelnetSocket();
//attaching socket
//setting telnet options
telnetSocket.telnetCommand(Telnet.Sequences.WILL, Telnet.Options.OPT_EOR);
//giving clients a name
telnetSocket.name = rawSocket.remoteAddress + ":" + rawSocket.remotePort
//pushing client names to array
//pushing client connections to an array
console.log(`${telnetSocket.name} has connected`)
logger(`${telnetSocket.name} has connected`)
broadcast(telnetSocket.name + " connected.")
// handle input
telnetSocket.on('data', function (data) {
broadcast (telnetSocket.name + ">" + data, telnetSocket);
//removing client/connection from array
rawSocket.on('end', function () {
clients.splice(clients.indexOf(telnetSocket), 1);
connections.splice(connections.indexOf(rawSocket), 1);
broadcast(telnetSocket.name + " has left.\n");
logger(telnetSocket.name + " has left.");
console.log(telnetSocket.name + " has left.");
logger('>Server started.');
What I'm missing here? Also I apologize in advance this is my first question ever asked and I've gone through as much I could today to even figure out how to ask my question, maybe I'm not using correct lingo/terms? any help is appreciative.
connections.forEach(function (connection) {
ReferenceError: connections is not defined
In nodejs, when you declare a variable not inside any function definitions, it is scoped to the file only. (This is different from browser javascript.) If you want something to be accessible from outside, you need to export it:
module.exports.connections = connections;
Then import it into the other file:
const connections = require(myFile);
This will work as long as you don't try to set the value of the variable in either file, but if you do that they'll end up pointing to separate objects. But mutating it, calling methods on it, etc should work fine.